How to create MVC project in visual studio 2017? -

Already I have visual studio 2015, recently I installed visual studio 2017. I have the.NETCore 2+ SDK installed. But when I want to create the new project, I am not able to create MVC project. Please guide me.

First of all: make sure you installed the web development workload.
Steps to follow
Search and launch Visual Studio Installer
Click on Modify
Choose ASP.NET and web development
Make sure that the option .NET Framework 4 – 4.6 development tools is checked on the right side, under ASP.NET and web development
Click on Modify to install the workload
After relaunching VS2017, choose ASP.NET Core Web Application:
Hopefully this solves your problem :-)


Razor does not working in a project but it works other in mvc

I use visual studio 2012.Razor works this project.
But Razor doesn't work this project.
How is it possible.I can't find solution.What do you suggest ? Thanks
Microsoft released a new version of ASP.NET Web Tools for VS 2012. After installing syntax highlighting is back again.
Installing VS 2012 Update 4 was not enough.
A set of offline installers is available. The offline installers are easier to use than the Web Platform Tools invoker (WebNode11Pack.exe # ~114KB):
If you want an offline installer then please goto
AspNetWebTools2013_1Setup.exe # ~39MB
WebToolsExtensionsVS.msi (for Visual Studio 2012 standard edition[s])
# ~21MB
WebToolsExtensionsVWD.msi (for Visual Studio 2012 free "Web"
edition[s]) # ~21MB

ASP.NET MVC 1 to Azure migration

I have a web application built with ASP.NET MVC 1 in Visual Studio 2008.
How do I migrate this web application to Azure? All the tutorials are either for Visual Studio 2010 or don't work anymore. I've installed the Web Platform Installer and the Azure SDK, and in VS2010 the Azure project template is available, but not in VS2008. I've checked alot of guides, but all the download links on MSDN for anything Visual Studio 2008 related seem to be broken.
My idea was just to add an Azure deployment project to the solution, add the references to the right Azure libraries, and deploy, but I can't even get that far since I have no idea where to begin.
Much of the MVC stuff in my application is highly customized, making a migration to ASP.NET MVC 2/3/4 difficult. And since it's MVC 1, which has no tooling support for Visual Studio 2010, I would preferably avoid a migration to Visual Studio 2010.
You can go about this in two ways. You can either use cspack to package up the code and deploy to Azure or you can install an older SDK that supports Visual Studio 2008:
Older SDKs:
I know 1.1 installed on VS2008 and I know 1.4 does not, not sure about the ones in between.

MVC project on VS2010 error : The project type is not supported by this installation

I'm trying to open MVC project using VS2010.
I'm opening this project from TFS server but I'm failed to open it
and getting error :
The project type is not supported by this installation.
please help.
You basically don't have something installed. That's why you get this error. I am very sure that you need to install the VS MVC project type - either MVC 2 or MVC 3. Use The Web Plaform Installer to install. The web platform installer can be found here: Once you have installed it (it is only 2MB) you need to search for "MVC", install the MVC 2 and MVC 3 project templates.
I got this error when I forgot to select the Web Developer feature in the Visual Studio setup. Unfortunately, the error you mentioned is the only error you get when Visual Studio 2010 is installed without this feature. You can install the Web Developer feature using the Windows control panel.
By popular demand (7+ and counting), I'm placing part of CodingWithSpike's comment here. Specifically, the procedure to explicitly add Visual Web Designer to VS install.
open Control Panel
select Programs and Features (or Add/Remove Programs)
choose Visual Studio
click "Uninstall/Change"
this opens the VS installer in maintenance mode.
Click "Next" once
Click "Add or Remove Features"
Checkbox "Visual Web Designer"
click Update button.
Enjoy having a working product!
Edit the project.csproj file and look at the <ProjectTypeGuids>{E53F8FEA-EAE0-44A6-8774-FFD645390401};{349c5851-65df-11da-9384-00065b846f21};{fae04ec0-301f-11d3-bf4b-00c04f79efbc}</ProjectTypeGuids>
The GUIDS above includes MVC 3 Tools Update. That's a good guess of what you are missing. You can get MVC 3/TU from
BTW, that install includes VS2010 SP1 which is required for the TU edition.
If you've installed Visual Studio 2010 after Visual Studio Web Dev Express and MVC4, Visual Studio 2010 doesn't seem to pick up the MVC 4 templates. Running the MVC 4 installer again via the Web Platform Installer doesn't fix it. Repairing the MVC 4 installation fixed it in my case:
Under Control Panel, choose Programs/Uninstall a program.
Find Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 4 and double-click it.
The Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 4 Setup prompt will appear. Choose Repair.
Visual Studio 2010 Express to Pro, ASP.NET MVC 4 installed but not an option?
in my case, i had opened my VS2010 solution, in vs2012, i was getting the project type is not supported, tried re installing mvc3 as was suggested, cancelled re installation, then i had the issue i couldn't open the project in VS2010 anymore. then tried to re install mcv3 again. solution was, uninstall mcv3, uninstall mcv4, then reinstall mcv3, then i could reopen my project in VS2010 . hope this helps someone!

MVC in Visual Studio Express

I got Visual Studio 2010 Express C# Edition. I'm using WinXP as OS.
How do I get ASP.Net MVC in it? I saw another question that stated that MVC was included automatically, but I cannot find it anywhere. I've also tried by installing MVC3 RC2. Didn't show up either.
Isn't it possible to use MVC with Express edition?
(I've also got VS 2008 Professional on the same computer)
I needed the Visual Studio Web Developer Edition to get MVC2.
But how do I get MVC3?
Edit 2
I have XP Home edition which is not supported by web platform installer since IIS is not included. I guess that's why MVC3 wont install in Visual Studio 2010 Express (although it installed fine on my computer which is a bit strange)
Isn't it possible to use MVC with Express edition?
Sure is. I installed VS2010 web express edition and when I choose New Project then it shows the MVC2 web application and empty web application project template. Last week I also installed MVC3 RC via the web platform installer and that shows up too.
You need to explicitly download MVC 3 RC2 from here and install it:

Creating new ASP.Net MVC project - Unit Test Dialog does not show up

When I create a New Project of type ASP.Net MVC Web Application, I expect the dialog for unit test applications to show up, but it does not. I cannot find the Unit Test App among the product types I can create either. How do I set up my VS so that the dialog shows up?
I have installed Visual Studio 2008, .Net Framework 3.5 SP1 and ASP.Net MVC Framework (Beta).
As #MrJavaGuy says, you need to install at least the Professional, not Express, version of VS2008. Alternatively, you can install nUnit and/or TestDriven.Net and get unit testing capabilities. Info on nUnit can be found at and TestDriven.Net at I recommend TestDriven.Net even if you have the testing capabilities of Visual Studio baked in.
Turns out one of the problems were that I hadn't installed Testing Capabilities with my VS installation - running the installer and adding the feature made everything roll smoothly =)
Had the same problem with Visual Web Developer Express, I found this blog.
I downloaded
and that worked for me.. Not sure if this will sort your issue though. Best of luck with it.
