ASP.NET MVC 1 to Azure migration -

I have a web application built with ASP.NET MVC 1 in Visual Studio 2008.
How do I migrate this web application to Azure? All the tutorials are either for Visual Studio 2010 or don't work anymore. I've installed the Web Platform Installer and the Azure SDK, and in VS2010 the Azure project template is available, but not in VS2008. I've checked alot of guides, but all the download links on MSDN for anything Visual Studio 2008 related seem to be broken.
My idea was just to add an Azure deployment project to the solution, add the references to the right Azure libraries, and deploy, but I can't even get that far since I have no idea where to begin.
Much of the MVC stuff in my application is highly customized, making a migration to ASP.NET MVC 2/3/4 difficult. And since it's MVC 1, which has no tooling support for Visual Studio 2010, I would preferably avoid a migration to Visual Studio 2010.

You can go about this in two ways. You can either use cspack to package up the code and deploy to Azure or you can install an older SDK that supports Visual Studio 2008:
Older SDKs:
I know 1.1 installed on VS2008 and I know 1.4 does not, not sure about the ones in between.


How to create MVC project in visual studio 2017?

Already I have visual studio 2015, recently I installed visual studio 2017. I have the.NETCore 2+ SDK installed. But when I want to create the new project, I am not able to create MVC project. Please guide me.
First of all: make sure you installed the web development workload.
Steps to follow
Search and launch Visual Studio Installer
Click on Modify
Choose ASP.NET and web development
Make sure that the option .NET Framework 4 – 4.6 development tools is checked on the right side, under ASP.NET and web development
Click on Modify to install the workload
After relaunching VS2017, choose ASP.NET Core Web Application:
Hopefully this solves your problem :-)

.net mvc 5.2.3 does not work correctly in visual studio 2013

After upgrading my .net mvc project to 5.2.3, it does not have nice features like validating view/action names and linking to them.
here are my project type guids
which should mean web application + C# and probably is correct
I have Microsoft Visual Studio Ultimate 2013 Version 12.0.31101.00 Update 4
.net version is 4.5.51641
and tools which are probably related
ASP.NET and Web Tools 12.4.51016.0
ASP.NET Web Frameworks and Tools 2012.2 4.1.21001.0
ASP.NET Web Frameworks and Tools 2013 5.2.21010.0
do i need some additional extension or is there some secret project guid for mvc 5.2.3?
Try uninstalling the package. Then clean the solution and reinstall it again.
it turned out to be a resharper issue
have been using this tool for so long it seemed natural to have this kind of intellisense and started to blame visual studio.

MVC in Visual Studio Express

I got Visual Studio 2010 Express C# Edition. I'm using WinXP as OS.
How do I get ASP.Net MVC in it? I saw another question that stated that MVC was included automatically, but I cannot find it anywhere. I've also tried by installing MVC3 RC2. Didn't show up either.
Isn't it possible to use MVC with Express edition?
(I've also got VS 2008 Professional on the same computer)
I needed the Visual Studio Web Developer Edition to get MVC2.
But how do I get MVC3?
Edit 2
I have XP Home edition which is not supported by web platform installer since IIS is not included. I guess that's why MVC3 wont install in Visual Studio 2010 Express (although it installed fine on my computer which is a bit strange)
Isn't it possible to use MVC with Express edition?
Sure is. I installed VS2010 web express edition and when I choose New Project then it shows the MVC2 web application and empty web application project template. Last week I also installed MVC3 RC via the web platform installer and that shows up too.
You need to explicitly download MVC 3 RC2 from here and install it:

How do I get MVC installed into Visual Studio 2008?

Does anyone have any basic instructions for setting up a first MVC project in Visual Studio 2008? I just installed Visual Studio 2008 and I am finding various instructions on how to set up the programming environment, but it's very complicated and there is no way to tell if the route I am taking is the best one.
If I want to start developing a MVC project, what do I need to do in order to get it going?
I am very confused by the "Web Client Guidance" instructions. For example, they don't say where to put the Microsoft.Web.Mvc.dll file.
Use Visual studio 2008 sp1 to get mvc installed...
Here is the download link
To get started With MVC
System Requirements
Supported Operating Systems: Windows Server 2003; Windows Server 2008; Windows Vista; Windows XP
.NET 3.5 SP1. Visual Studio 2008, Visual Studio 2008 SP1 or Visual Web Developer 2008 SP1 are required to use certain parts of this feature.
The official Microsoft MVC links for Visual Studio 2008 now seem to be dead.
To get this working on my old Vista laptop (with Visual Studio 2008) in 2013, I did this:
- Upgraded to Visual Studio SP1
- Followed this link to download and install "AspNetMVCRC-setup.msi" (1.74 MB):
Once that was in place, my old Visual Studio let me create "Web | ASP.NET MVC Web Application" projects. Took about an hour and a half from end-to-end.
All I did was install the MVC installer and I opened their example app and it worked.\
MVC Installer
First of all, you need to download MVC from here.
After that, proceed with the installation.
You might want to refer to the tutorial for starters.

Ever had to deploy MVC yourself? Did you need visual studio installed at the deployment site?

I see in the system requirements for MVC 1.0, that you need to have some flavor of visual studio 2008 installed at the deployment site.
Is this really necessary?
You need Visual Studio installed to develop ASP.Net MVC sites. To deploy them, you just need to make sure the MVC assemblies are available. Phil Haack has a good overview of what you need to know.
Of course Visual Studio is only for the development environment. To deploy the MVC website, you only need to include a couple DLLs.
