Grails Multi-Project: Running a Plugin's custom script - grails

Followed the tutorial on multi-projects
Everything mostly works. Plugin controllers & domain classes load properly in the application. However, a problem occurs when trying to run a Plugin's custom script from the application's grails CLI.
For example:
If you set up the multi-project directory structure like this:
Project Root
Application Directory
Plugin Directory
And ran this command from the Plugin Directory
grails create-script hello
You'd be able to access the script when running grails from the Plugin Directory, but not the Application's Directory.
Is there a way to get this to work properly? Do I need to use an alternative set up?
Also see Creating a Custom Script in Grails

A conventional grails 3 plugin is different than a plugin within a multi-project. It doesn't seem to be designed to compile a plugin such as grails scaffolding with custom commands.
For this reason, you should package the plugin manually using:
grails package-plugin
grails install
Now in the build.gradle, add this line to dependencies:
compile "<plugin-group>:<plugin-name>:<plugin-version>
Subsituting the appropriate information within the brackets <>.
You can find the plugin-group in the plugin's build.gradle
group "org.grails.plugins"
plugin-name you specified in the grails create-plugin command
grails create-plugin plugin-name
plugin-version is also found in the plugin's build.gradle
version "0.1"


How to copy Grails 2 plugin resources to the Grails app?

I'm writing a custom Grails 2 plugin to modularize my Grails applications. In the plugin I'm planning to define basic GSPs that can be overridden by the application that will utilize the plugin. I'm thinking of writing a Grails command script that copies those GSPs into the grails-app directory of the app the plugin is installed in. If in the plugin, I put those GSPs in grails-app/views, how do I refer to the actual Grails app directory in the Grails command script, which is also grails-app/views?
The solution to this is almost the same as this answer. The built-in properties basedir and <plugin_name>PluginBaseDir differentiate the target app and the plugin directories.

Grails 2.5.1: use grails command-line tasks from binary plugin in lib folder

In Grails 2.5.1, is it possible to use grails command-line tasks from a binary plugin in the lib folder?
I had to modify an existing third-party plugin to get it to work properly.
I put the jar generated by the following command in my project's lib directory:
grails package-plugin --binary
When my project runs, it correctly uses my modified version of the plugin.
At build time, however, I need to run a Grails task on the command line that was provided by the plugin, but, using the binary plugin, the task does not appear to be available.
e.g., if the task was abc, when using the real plugin being referenced in the plugins section of BuildConfig.groovy, then I could run:
grails abc
Using the binary plugin in the lib folder, however, results in the task not being available from the command line.
Also, the original plugin hooked into grails war to include extra steps in the build process without changing the command line. These hooks no longer run with the binary plugin. Is there any way to reinstate the hooks for the binary plugin?

Creating and installing a grails plugin - how does my plugin access resources from a plugin its dependent upon during/after install?

This question is an extension from another question I posted here:
In Grails 2, how do you includeTargets from Gant scripts from a plugin your app is dependent upon?
I am writing a grails plugin that is a my-company specific version of the shiro plugin, ex. my-company-shiro. I set shiro as a dependency for my plugin in the BuildConfig.groovy like so:
plugins {compile(":shiro:1.1.4")}
I package the plugin and try to install it to a new grails app called foo:
foo> grails install-plugin ../my-company-shiro/
No problems.
Now, I want to run a script in foo that is part of my-company-shiro which in turn references a script from the shiro plugin:
foo>grails create-auth-controller
I get the following failure:
Error Error executing script CreateAuthController: No such property: shiroPluginDir for class: .....
This occurrs b/c one of my scripts being executed tries to access one of shiro's scripts like so:
includeTargets << new File (shiroPluginDir, "/scripts/_ShiroInternal.groovy")
This reference works when I compile my plugin, but not here when I am installing it in another grails app.
Am I setting the dependency incorrectly in the BuildConfig.groovy such that shiro's files are not being included in my plugin therefor I cannot reference it?
The shiro plugin shows up in my .grails cache my-compnay-shiro/plugins/shiro-1.1.4
When I install my-company-shiro plugin to foo, in the .grails cache foo/plugins/my-company-shiro-0.1/dependencies.groovy and plugin.xml files reference shiro. I do not see any of shiro's scripts or files here, but I have no idea if they are supposed to be copied here.
Is the reference to shiroPlugin incorrect at install time?
Thanks in advance!
grails install-plugin is deprecated, you need to use BuildConfig.groovy instead. I tested here, declaring the custom plugin inside the app and it works, you can use grails.plugin.location to specify the folder of your plugin.
Considering a plugin named shiro-test, the BuildConfig should be:
grails.project.dependency.resolution = {
legacyResolve true // whether to do a secondary resolve on plugin installation, not advised and here for backwards compatibility
grails.plugin.location."shiro-test" = "path/to/plugin"
Then you refresh your dependencies and can run any script from shiro-test.

How do I create a Grails skeleton project for plugin development?

I am working with a (sort of) framework built on top of Grails. This framework is a set of Grails plugins that add functionality to the Grails app (e.g. user authentication). This framework is a bit of a pain to setup, as it requires around 64 lines of site specific configuration in the apps's Config.groovy file.
I want to develop my addons to this app as plugins. That is, the Grails app would really just be a set of installed plugins and some configuration files.
I have created a local Maven style repository to hold all of my plugins. Thus, I can add plugin dependencies to the BuildConfig.groovy file and they will be installed automatically (side question: is it possible to specify the install order?).
So my question is, how do I create skeleton project for developing my plugins that would:
Include the base configuration for my application (the aforementioned 64 lines)
Allow me to do a grails package-plugin to package only the plugin's code
You can use the post-installation hooks mechanism:
Not really an ideal setup for me, but the following works:
Create the "base" application: cd ~/GrailsDev/ && grails create-app my-app
Configure my-app as desired/required
Create your dependent plugin: cd ~/GrailsDev/ && grails create-plugin my-app-plugin
Add the new plugin to the app by editing "~/GrailsDev/my-app/grails-app/conf/BuildConfig.groovy" and appending the line: grails.plugin.location.'my-app-plugin' = "../my-app-plugin"
You can now run the my-app Grails application and the plugin will be included. When your plugin is fully developed, you can do grails package-plugin from within the "~/GrailsDev/my-app-plugin" directory to package your plugin.
use gradle. you can specify the order and package your plugin alone.
e.g. include the required plugins as git modules (for easy versioning) and gradle modules (for building your plugin) in your plugin project.
this setup will serve your requirements well I suppose.
IntelliJ does have a template for gradle-backed grails applications and plugins.

How to run a local plugin in Grails 2.0?

In Grails, there is a variant how to include local plugin from sources. According to docs, one may type in BuildConfig.groovy:
// Useful to test plugins you are developing.
grails.plugin.location.shiro =
// Useful for modular applications where all plugins and
// applications are in the same directory.
grails.plugin.location.'grails-ui' = "../grails-grails-ui"
The problem is that it doesn't work in Grails 2.0.RC1. I've tried to do grails clean, to install plugin with grails install-plugin and to place it to BuildConfig.groovy. Still unable to resolve.
This works for me
grails.plugin.location.shiro = "/home/dilbert/dev/plugins/grails-shiro"
Where shiro is the name of the plugin (not the name of the directory it's in). Make sure the path to the plugin is either an absolute path or the relative path to the plugin from the application.
I've found that this sometimes doesn't work if the plugin is listed in or BuildConfig.groovy, so if it is, remove it, then execute grails clean and restart the app.
You can also install the plugin into your local maven cache.
The documentation speaks about this:
3.7.10 Deploying to a Maven Repository
The maven-install command will install the Grails project or plugin artifact into your local Maven cache:
grails maven-install
This has the advantage of allowing you to include the plugin in your parent application using the more common ":plugin-name:version" syntax
Which allows your application to determine the best place to retrieve the plugin when in production. From an internal maven-repo or equivalent.
With Grails 3.x there is another way to do this. Suppose you've a grails app and plugin (source code) inside the same project directory:
To run your local plugin, you must create a settings.gradle file in the my-projectdirectory specifying the location of your application and plugin:
include 'my-app', 'grails-shiro'
Then add the dependency in your application's build.gradle:
compile project(':grails-shiro')
You've done.
Look at the plugins documentation for more information.
Surround the plugin name with quotes in case it contains dashes:
grails.plugin.location.'plugin-name-with-dashes' = "<path>"
You can add the .zip file for the plugin in your /lib and it will be installed.
compile ":myPlugin:1.0"
Note: You have to zip the content of the plugin folder.
