When deploying a job, is it possible that the command returns after the deployment is complete? - google-cloud-dataflow

I'm using maven to deploy my jobs on Google Cloud Dataflow, with the folowing command :
mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=org.beam.StreamerRunner --Dexec.args="\
--runner=DataflowRunner \
It deploys successfully, and it is pulling the log from the dataflow job and printing them on the output. I'm wondering if it is possible to tell the deployment to not pull and just returns.
Indeed, my CI tool (TeamCity) I'm using to deploy my job, is also waiting never ending.
I obviously can run the maven command in a nohup, but maybe an option does exist to exit the command after the deploy is complete.

As Alex pointed out I was calling waitUntilFinish in my code, so it dit exactly what I asked it to do.
It was fixed as soon as I removed the calle to


How to stop a build by buildnumber in a Jenkins pipeline

We uses notes (comments) from Gitlab to issue a couple of user-commands, for example retry a build that seems to have failed from a failed integration etc. We would now like to ask jenkins to stop a build. We have got the buildnumber from the comment (through a callback to to gitlab searching the comments) so we know what build to stop but now we stumbled on the problem. We don't seem to find an api-call to stop the build by buildnumber alone.
We could of course make a request to https://server/project/buildnumber/stop (same url as used by the ui) but then we have to enable the crumbIssuer and according to Ops open for a CSRF-attack.
Is there a way to do this operation from inside a pipeline?
Navigate to Manage Jenkins > Script Console.
Run the following script setting the job name and number of the hung build accordingly:
def build = Jenkins.instance.getItemByFullName("jobName").getBuildByNumber(jobNumber)
Otherwise you can create a separate pipeline job and configure the above script
Abort the job build from a cid node (if the previous option did not help):
Log in to any cid node.
cd /srv/volumes/jenkins/jobs/<job-name>/builds/
rm -rf <hung-build-number>

how to deploy Drupal with Jenkins only if the tests are successful

I have some doubts about the correct configuration of Jenkins to ensure the continuous integration of a Drupal project but I arrive at some contradictions.
Let me explain: the deployment, after all, consists in executing:
cd / path / to / web / root
pull from git
drush config:import
drush cache:rebuild
The tests are launched with the command
../vendor/bin/phpunit --verbose --log-junit ../tests_output/phpunit.xml -c ../phpunit.xml
The contradiction is that I do not understand when to run the tests.
Before the pull does not make sense because the last changes are missing, after the pull if any test goes wrong I should be able to restore the situation before the pull (but I'm not sure it's a safe action).
I'm trying to run the tests directly in the workspace of jenkins and to do this I also created a separate database, but at the moment I get the error:
Behat\Mink\Exception\ElementNotFoundException: Button with id|name|label|value "Log in" not found
What could be the best strategy to follow?
So, your order seems ok - pull first then run tests.
However, you can have 2 Jenkins jobs. First runs, your tasks. 2nd runs ONLY if your first job completes without failure.
There are ways to get exit status from scripts - see following plugins/notes about that.
How to mark Jenkins builds as SUCCESS only on specific error exit values (other than 0)?
How to mark a build unstable in Jenkins when running shell scripts

Why Jenkins is failing after executing an external windows command line?

I have to create a job in my local Jenkins installation where it executes a SonarQube analysis and then calls a command-line program which searches for duplicated lines of code. However, when I execute the latter command (cpd), it runs okay since it outputs correctly in a external file, but Jenkins still points out it as an error like this:
E:\BASE_DIR>cpd --minimum-tokens 100 --files "E:\BASE_DIR\Project_Folder" --language java 1>>"E:\BASE_DIR\Project_Folder\CPD_CLIG.txt"
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Finished: FAILURE
I've tried to create another script which calls that command but I've got the same result.
Any suggestions on how to handle this? Any work-around would be very helpful.
Simple and short answer to your question is
Please add following line into your "Execute shell" Build step.
Now let me explain you the reason why we require this line for "Execute Shell" build job.
By default Jenkins take "/bin/sh -xe" and this means -x will print each and every command.And the other option -e, which causes shell to stop running a script immediately when any command exits with non-zero(when any command fails) exit code.
So by adding the "#!/bin/sh" will allow you to execute with no option.
please refer : How/When does Execute Shell mark a build as failure in Jenkins?
I didn't find a proper solution for my issue but I realized that I can use a Jenkins plugin for static code analysis (DRY Plugin and PMD Plugin) to adress my problem.
Thanks you all.

On CircleCI, how can I trigger one build after another, but only if the first is green

I've managed to create a CircleCI build that triggers a subsequent build using their API using curl. I've added this to my circle.yml:
- mvn test -s settings.xml
- mvn deploy -Prun-its -s settings.xml
- curl -v -X POST https://circleci.com/api/v1/project/alexec/docker-maven-plugin/tree/master?circle-token=$CIRCLE_TOKEN
How do I trigger only if all of the previous steps are green?
I think you should do this in the deployment section: Since this is - by definition - only run if everything is fine, this should do the trick.
See their documentation on deployment for details. There it says:
These commands are triggered only after a successful (green) build.
You should have a requires variable in your job that you want to run only if the previous job has run. So you give the requires variable a value of the job name that you want to succeed first before the jobs resume running.
See this example: https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/configuration-reference/

Jenkins logs for a perl build file

Today I started working with jenkins and I successfully added my projects to jenkins and it says all works fine . one of the build takes more than 5 hours but didn't finish either so aborted it(while manual build takes less than 1 hour).. and while i tried to check with the log the log was not detailed. so i tried to get the logs of the perl script by running it as a shell command
usr/local/bin/perl perlscript.pl>logfile.txt
there was no log written and there was no evidence of the build triggered either cases.i'm not aware of what the problem is as both the perlscript(works fine while manually triggered) and jenkins are working properly except this project. I would like to have your help.thanks in advance
A few things you should understand about Jenkins:
Jenkins shows STDOUT as the log of the Job,
so if you redirect it to a file - nothing will be shown in the log.
Depending on how you have set it up, Jenkins may run as its own user,
which may change the behavior of your scripts.
You can confirm this by echo-ing the username at the beginning of your Execute Shell block,
for example:
echo $USER
Each Jenkins-Job is run from its own workspace -
you can confirm that location by simply printing the current working directory
at the beginning of your Execute Shell block, for example:
echo my current directory is
