Could not build module Foundation - ios

I am using a sub-project which has a C++ library that it uses and this project has a SDK that I am trying to use.
I have several projects that I am trying to build, each of which use this SDK. I have some targets that compile fine but then I have some that tell me Could not build module: Foundation.
As I said this happens in some but not all of my targets, I was able to get some to work by clearing the linker flags but this does not fix it on all targets. So it seems weird to me that some targets work fine while others do not.
I have tried:
Removing linker flags
Reinstalling Xcode
Messing with header search paths
Any suggestions? I've been stuck on this for a while.

As don't have more information in question here.
Try making
Allow Non-modular Includes in Framework Modules
to Yes in your Build Settings.


Objective-C Xamarin Binding not working on device

Hello Guys I'm trying to make a Binding for our Objective-C SDK, I follow the steps in the Xamarin walkthrough it works on simulator but not on device, what could be the problem knowing that I'm using Xcode 6.4, I also use a Fat library (one that contains the builds for i386 and armv7 architectures).
I've tried cleaning and rebuilding the project, and also added the -v-v-v as additional builds parameters but nothing!!! All i'm getting is this error message :
Failed to load Aot Module
On Xamarin forums they say that it gonna work if you just clean the solution. So if it doesn't help, try removing all the "bin" and "obj" folders in all the projects and build again. If even that doesn't work you should probably consider it as a bug and write to their support.

How to build iOS framework with XCode 6

I know of familiar tutorials on this, but introduction of framework XCode 6 template has changed the game.
I already watched WWDC 2014 video about building modern frameworks but it talks more about building extensions, framework & app all inside single project. It does not specify if the framework I make with it is truly reusable across any project.
I am building framework the XCode 6 way (File->New Project->Framework and Library->Cocoa Touch Framework), but when I import it inside my test app project (separate from framework project) - I keep getting various errors.
Example: Include of non-modular header inside framework, and so on.
I know this is not what it says, and there are quite some missing steps in whatever I am doing. The older tricks may have worked for everyone, but I simply don't find which way to follow after XCode 6.
For example, there is some folder structure that a framework needs, but XCode 6 doesn't comply to it while building it. Is it right? If not, how can I change the way the XCode builds framework folder hierarchy?
Do I go back to old school or am I screwing some tiny thing in XCode 6 that I am unable to create a reusable framework?
I am not sure if you are trying to build a framework with Objective-C or Swift as your question doesn't state it. I've encountered errors you are mentioning with Swift so I'll give you my method to build Swift frameworks.
I found the process for Objective-C to be very straightforward and well documented, so I'll skip this.
As for Swift, there are a few things to consider. First, Swift static libraries are not supported, so you must exclusively use a framework (aka dynamic library) when linking an app to a library.
Here are the steps:
Create the Framework using New > Project under IOS > Framework & Library, select Cocoa Touch Framework
To avoid the "ld: warning: directory not found for option..." goto Library Search Paths in Build Settings for your target and delete the paths.
You can't mix Objective-C with Swift so don't even consider adding the Swift-Header bridge file in your code.
There are some cases in swift where you need to import code from unexposed Frameworks. I've successfully used the module-map inside the framework to deal with these case.
I also select CLANG_ALLOW_NON_MODULAR_INCLUDES_IN_FRAMEWORK_MODULES = YES in the Build Settings to solve 'include of non-modular header inside framework module'. That seems to work
I make sure that the header file that gets generated is marked as Public (not Project). Click on the file and you'll see the selection in the inspector under 'Target Membership'
You may run into some bizarre error messages when building. Xcode has a tendency to report linker errors when your code can't compile correctly resulting in missing files the linker needs to output its binaries. Sometimes XCode won't show the errors in the files you are compiling and you need to go manually on the build output and go back to the files. Some other time, you'll get a problem where you need to delete the cache. Those issues I call XCode blues and deal with it constantly. I found this type of problems happens more often when building libraries. The rest should work as expected.

XCTest build errors for test target Xcode 5:

I have set up an XCode 5 iOS 7 project for unit tests.
Of course, setting up the unit tests are taking me so long that I'm trying to keep the faith that it's worth it. Struggling for hours over this error:
ld: building for iOS Simulator, but linking against dylib built for MacOSX file
for architecture i386
Any ideas on how to solve?
Check your Framework Search Paths in your test target settings. These can be corrupted when adding the XCTest Framework.
Adding XCTest to one of my projects prepended a "/" to the paths causing them to not find the correct version.
None of the above answers worked for me. I did find an answer here in a comment left by Tim Macfarlane.
For linker errors looking for a class in your app...
set the “Symbols Hidden by Default” build setting to “NO” in your app
target. This makes all your app classes available to your test target
So, that means:
Project Navigator > Select your project
Targets > Select your App (not Tests)
Build Settings > Search for "Symbols Hidden By Default"
"Symbols Hidden By Default" > Change it from "YES" to "NO"
I had the same issue; the problem (for me, at least) was that the FRAMEWORKS_SEARCH_PATHS build setting listed the SDK frameworks folder after the main developer frameworks folder.
The frameworks included with Xcode have three separate builds: one for OS X, one for iOS (device), and a third for the iOS Simulator. The OS X build is in the main developer folder, with the other two being under their respective platform folders. The rub here is that if you don't specify to search the SDK folders first (which are within the platform folders), Xcode (or more correctly, the linker) will find the OS X build first and produce the error you see.
The solution is simple, put:
FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS = $(SDKROOT)/Developer/Library/Frameworks $(inherited)
in your build settings. If you're putting build settings in the project file (I don't recommend it, but that's another question for another day), it's just named "Framework search paths."
NOTE: Sometimes Xcode's a little slow to catch on; you'll probably need to delete your build folder (better than just a clean) for this to take effect.
Have the same problem after converting tests from SenTestCase to XCTestCase. Reverting framework dirs fixed issue:
"$(SDKROOT)/Developer/Library/Frameworks" (non-recursive)
"$(DEVELOPER_LIBRARY_DIR)/Frameworks" (non-recursive)
So, for me, what I was missing after trying everything else in this post, was:
Other Linker Flags:
-framework XCTest
I'm currently using Xcode 6.0 (with the iOS 8 SDK) so I'm surprised that the "Edit > Refactor > Convert to XCTest..." option doesn't add this automatically.
I was facing problem while adding sentestingkit framework in xcode 5 . These settings worked for resolving linker problem.
I had this problem upon adding another file for tests.
If you do this with (CMD + N) be sure to only target
the Test Bundle (ie. 'AppNameTests').
I guess only these .xctest bundles have access to the
XCTest Framework.
I had the same issue after renaming my Target name and moving things around. It turned out that my tests were part of my Main Target. Make sure that you all your test files belong only to your test target.
Just select a .m file, make sure you have the right pane open.
I had the same problem when tried to build XCTTest-based unit tests with pre-7.0 SDK. When I chose 7.0 as my Base SDK then that kind of link error disappeared.
Had a the same issue but ended up with a slightly different solution.
select XCTest.framework and make sure that only your test folder is checked under Target Membership.
Make sure that the Search Framework Path (FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS) for the YourProjectTests target includes the path $(SDKROOT)/Developer/Library/Frameworks, and that this one is listed before $(inherited).
In my case, both paths were present, but $(inherited) was the first one.
Credit goes to on Apple Mach-O linker (id) warning : building for MacOSX, but linking against dylib built for iOS

zxing in xcode 4.5 and ios 6

As many of you noticed; zxing does not work in latest xcode (4.5/ios 6)
Here is use case:
checkout latest version from trunk (as some fixes were already added)
create single view application in xcode 4.5 with ios 6.0
use README to add dependencies, paths etc (just follow step by step)
add zxingcontroller call to class (renamed to mm)
Compilation fails both for simulator and device
It shows 31 error like this one:
Undefined symbols for architecture i386:
"std::string::c_str() const", referenced from
all 31 errors are similar, difference is in symbols name
May be somebody knows how to solve it with this use case?
p.s. if you have app from previous Xcode, it works. Problem is only if you create new app in Xcode 4.5
The issue you have encountered seems to be C++ standard library related.
Actually, whenever you see linker failures in relationship with standard library objects (e.g. std::string), you should check the project settings on all linked libraries and the app-project itself. They usually need to match!
The original ScanTest (which builds ZXingWidget as a subproject) uses the following settings and those need to match your App build-settings if you use the library as is.
For making sure, I created a brand-new project using Xcode 4.5. That project uses ZXingWidget as a prebuilt library but not as a subproject - I dont like subprojects for stuff that is not my own - though this specialty wont influence the results.
The important setting is C++ Standard Library - make sure that is set towards Compiler Default
Little clarification
Actually, you do not need to use C++ Standard Library, you may as well use LLVM C++ standard library with C++11 support. But you will have to use that exact same library in all projects, sub-projects and libraries that link with your project. So if you insist on using the more recent version of that library (C++11 support), then you will have to build the ZXing library with those settings as well.
Last but not least, make sure your Architectures and Valid Architecture settings are matching over all projects and sub projects (fixing the common armv7s linker issue).
First, make sure your Architectures setting is set towards armv7 armv7s within all projects. Then also edit the project settings of all projects towards Valid Architecture armv7s armv7.
You might also want to switch the "Other Warning Flag" -Werror off. Seems to be necessary in Xcode versions > 4.5 (LLVM compiler > 4.1).
It works for me, have you enabled -lstdc++ in your list of Other Linker Flags in the Build Settings tab of the project target? It sounds like it is not recognizing the c++ symbols needed for zXing to build. If this is the case, the above advice should help.

iOS framework project breakpoints not working

I've created an iOS framework project using the famous (and excellent) iOS Universal Framework Xcode template.
But now I've encountered an annoying problem that I can't seem to fix which is that I have an iOS application project that references the framework project and when I run that and have breakpoints set in the framework they don't get it. It seems GDB doesn't have the debug symbols for the framework.
I've made sure that debug symbols are not stripped from the framework and the type is set to "DWARF with dSYM file".
Anyone have any ideas what might be wrong and how to fix it?
My setup:
Xcode 4.2.1
iOS SDK 5.0
I ran into this issue while linking a dynamic framework to a test application in Xcode 7. I was able to avoid the error by ensuring the following in the build settings of my dynamic framework:
"Generate Debug Symbol" - 'Yes'
"Strip Debug Symbols During Copy" - 'No'
Several things comes to my mind regarding your problem. Give them a try and see which ones work for you:
Make sure to have the "Other Linker Flags" on the "Linking" section of the framework's "Build" Info.
Make sure that you have the framework's built in the correct configuration (ie, if you compiled the framework's in Release and are using it with your project set to Debug you might get issues)
Make sure you added the correct framework .a file to your project (actually two issues here: you can have added the Release version - so no debug symbols in there - AND you have to make sure that your projec is not pointing to some old build version)
Check that both the framework's and your project have the "Level of Debug Symbols" on the "Code Generation" section of the "Build" Info set to "All Symbols [full, -gstabs+ -fno-eliminate-unused-debug-symbols]"
If all alse fails try to empty the XCode caches and remove the framework reference from your project. Then clean and rebuild the framework (all configs: device-debug, device-release, simulator-debug, simulator-release, ...) and add it again to you project. Clean and rebuild your project and cross your fingers... :-)
I have also experienced this issue. One way that I have been able to work around this by merging both projects into a single workspace.
Instructions on how to do this can be found at
NOTE: I have also experienced a bug adding projects to workspaces where there appears to be no files in the recently added project to the workspace. I have found this is easily remedied by restarting Xcode after all of the projects have been added to the workspace.
