TFS + Jenkins job - jenkins

I have a project on local TFS server. This project has a PowerShell script which creates the build.
I need to create a correct JOB in Jenkins, which will start when any change happens in the project (TFS). This job will automatically start PS script on project directory.
Please, help me with this task.

Based on your description, you just need to integrate Jenkins with TFS and set CI/CD to trigger the build/release in Jenkins.
To run PowerShell in Jenkins you can refer this article: Running Powershell scripts using Jenkins
For the Jenkins integration and CI/CD, you can reference below articles:
TFS and Jenkins Integration
Visual Studio Team Services Integration with Jenkins
Tutorial: Integrate your Jenkins CI jobs with VSTS CD to Azure


Publish Jenkins build output to Azure Dev Ops for release pipeline

I am looking for how to publish a Jenkins build output to Azure Dev Ops for the purpose of deployment.
All of our code is on TFS 2015 and the build definitions are in Jenkins.
We will be migrating to Azure Dev ops completely, but for now I just want to manage the deployment through Dev Ops. I will script the agent on each of the hosts and move the files to their correct locations.
Looking at the Azure Cli - there Publish Pipeline Artifacts
I can't use a service connection to Jenkins because the server is behind a firewall. I need to be able to publish from Jenkins to Azure Dev Ops.
Any creative ways to do this?
for example, you could create a nuget package (or any other package) from jenkins build and push it to the artifacts feed you create in azure devops. Next is to create a release pipeline with a trigger for Azure Artifacts (with enabled continuous integration trigger) for the latest package version.
here is an example on how to publish nuget packages from jenkins.
be aware of the size limitations of Azure Artifacts. As per today, only 2 GB are free of charge.

Pipeline by using Jenkins with private SVN repository

I am trying to implement CI/CD pipeline for my microservice oriented project by using Kubernetes and Jenkins. I am using my code repository on my on-premise server. I created one SVN repository on my server.
I am interested to know, can I use my private SVN code repository with Jenkins?
The reason for my doubt is because every example is showing the creation of pipeline with Jenkins and GitHub project.
You can use the shell command in your pipeline. So you are free to use SVN with Jenkins:
Some info there:
Run bash command on jenkins pipeline

Migration from Jenkins to Teamcity

Suggest me how to migrate all build logs, jobs, config files jenkins to teamcity .
From teamcity to teamcity it is possible, from same CI servers it is possible.. But what are the steps to migrate jenkins to teamcity?
There is no direct upgrade path.
You must manually recreate project, build configurations and steps based on the technology you use.
It's not possible to convert build history, artifacts or other data from Jenkins.

Perforce integration with Jenkins

I am new to Perforce and Jenkins. I need to integrate perforce with Jenkins to automate the build process and build need to run based on changelist,
kindly suggest how to proceed
NOTE: Jenkins running in windows and perforce server running in Linux
Sampath A

TFS and Jenkins automation

I am doing continious Integration between TFS and Jenkins.I am using TFS as a repository server.I am able to create workspace from TFS in jenkins and building of application successfully.I need automation build after TFS checkin.
IIRC Jenkins polls tfs to see if there's been a checkin, when there has it does a build (as opposed to TFS kicking off the build).
