How to implement rolling updates and a relational database? - docker

I have an existing system that uses a relational DBMS. I am unable to use a NoSQL database for various internal reasons.
The system is to get some microservices that will be deployed using Kubernetes and Docker with the intention to do rolling upgrades to reduce downtime. The back end data layer will use the existing relational DBMS. The micro services will follow good practice and "own" their data store on the DBMS. The one big issue with this seems to be how to deal with managing the structure of the database across this. I have done my research:
All of the discussions seem to stop around the point of adding/removing columns and data migration. There is no discussion of how to manage stored procedures, views, triggers etc.
The application is written in .NET Full and .NET Core with Entity Framework as the ORM.
Has anyone got any insights on how to do continious delivery using a relational DBMS where it is a full production system? Is it back to the drawing board here? In as much that using a relational DBMS is "too hard" for rolling updates?
PS. Even though this is a continious delivery problem I have also tagged with Kubernetes and Docker as that will be the underlying tech in use for the orchestration/container side of things.

All of the following under the assumption that I understand correctly what you mean by "rolling updates" and what its consequences are.
It has very little (as in : nothing at all) to do with "relational DBMS". Flatfiles holding XML will make you face the exact same problem. Your "rolling update" will inevitably cause (hopefully brief) periods of time during which your server-side components (e.g. the db) must interact with "version 0" as well as with "version -1" of (the client-side components of) your system.
Here "compatibility theory" (*) steps in. A "working system" is a system in which the set of offered services is a superset (perhaps a proper superset) of the set of required services. So backward compatibility is guaranteed if "services offered" is never ever reduced and "services required" is never extended. However, the latter is typically what always happens when the current "version 0" is moved to "-1" and a new "current version 0" is added to the mix. So the conclusion is that "rolling updates" are theoretically doable as long as the "services" offered on server side are only ever extended, and always in such a way as to be, and always remain, a superset of the services required on (any version currently in use on) the client side.
"Services" here is to be interpreted as something very abstract. It might refer to a guarantee to the effect that, say, if column X in this row of this table has value Y then I will find another row in that other table using a key computed such-and-so, and that other row might be guaranteed to have column values satisfying this-or-that condition.
If that "guarantee" is introduced as an expectation (i.e. requirement) on (new version of) client side, you must do something on server side to comply. If that "guarantee" is currently offered but a contradicting guarantee is introduced as an expectation on (new version of) client side, then your rolling update scenario has by definition become inachievable.
There are also parts 2 and 3.

I work in an environment that achieves continuous delivery. We use MySQL.
We apply schema changes with minimal interruption by using pt-online-schema-change. One could also use gh-ost.
Adding a column can be done at any time if the application code can work with the extra column in place. For example, it's a good rule to avoid implicit columns like SELECT * or INSERT with no columns-list clause. Dropping a column can be done after the app code no longer references that column. Renaming a column is trickier to do without coordinating an app release, and in this case you may have to do two schema changes, one to add the new column and a later one to drop the old column after the app is known not to reference the old column.
We do upgrades and maintenance on database servers by using redundancy. Every database master has a replica, and the two instances are configured in master-master (circular) replication. So one is active and the other is passive. Applications are allowed to connect only to the active instance. The passive instance can be restarted, upgraded, etc.
We can switch the active instance in under 1 second by changing an internal CNAME, and updating the read_only option in each MySQL instance.
Database connections are terminated during this switch. Apps are required to detect a dropped connection and reconnect to the CNAME. This way the app is always connected to the active MySQL instance, freeing the passive instance for maintenance.
MySQL replication is asynchronous, so an instance can be brought down and back up, and it can resume replicating changes and generally catches up quickly. As long as its master keeps the binary logs needed. If the replica is down for longer than the binary log expiration, then it loses its place and must be reinitialized from a backup of the active instance.
Re comments:
how is the data access code versioned? ie v1 of app talking to v2 of DB?
That's up to each app developer team. I believe most are doing continual releases, not versions.
How are SP's, UDF's, Triggers etc dealt with?
No app is using any of those.
Stored routines in MySQL are really more of a liability than a feature. No support for packages or libraries of routines, no compiler, no debugger, bad scalability, and the SP language is unfamiliar and poorly documented. I don't recommend using stored routines in MySQL, even though it's common in Oracle/Microsoft database development practices.
Triggers are not allowed in our environment, because pt-online-schema-change needs to create its own triggers.
MySQL UDFs are compiled C/C++ code that has to be installed on the database server as a shared library. I have never heard of any company who used UDFs in production with MySQL. There is too a high risk that a bug in your C code could crash the whole MySQL server process. In our environment, app developers are not allowed access to the database servers for SOX compliance reasons, so they wouldn't be able to install UDFs anyway.


System replacement technology

I have some questions that I am hoping someone out there will be able to answer for me.
Our situation is that we are considering a ground up replacement for an existing system. Firstly I will describe the existing system that we have.
We are currently operating on a pure object stack. The enviroment is OO and the database is OO. We currently have 3-4 million lines of code which was developed by 2-3 people, and we currently have a development team of 6, which continues to develop. The initial development started in 1997, and we have many clients installed. The environment is 64-bit, language and database, mulit-lingual, and is UNICODE. The operatiung system we use is Windows (latest versions). We have a number of modules which are delivered via a thin client (not browser), and the bandwidth usage is very low (Operates on 64KB WAN network performance level which is still prevalent in some countries in which we operate, i.e. the infrastructure is poor). Our biggest implementation is for one of the biggest companies in the world, and the target is to deliver the functionality for 30+ countries from one system instance (one physical db) for that client, and deliver the functionality using thin client to all countries from one set of application servers (the application servers are located with the db server and perform all of the processing), the thin client deals with the interactions with the users and the display of the data and collection of the data only. The system is used by 1000s of users, on the thin client. We also have mobile and portal components also, which are developed in C#, they are a small segment of the overall system and connect using APis. There are maybe 1000 mobile application users, with a final number expected to be 5000 mobile users. Within the system there will be 500000-1000000 vendors, with each vendor expected to have at least two transactions every single day.
The DB itself is partitioned, and replicated to a number of locations in real time. The final size of the DB when implementation is complete is expected to be in the 2TB range, and the current system will deal with that, no problem. The way the replication works is that there are mutiple replicated enviroments on hot-standy, i,e. all application servers and API servers are replicated. Our largest client routinely (once per month) performs scheduled windows updates, and when this occurs the primary environments are automatically rolled over to the secondaries, so the system remains available all of the time. In subsequent months, the system is rolled back to the primaries, this transition is very fast, i.e. real time.
At our largest client, the system was installed in 2014, and since that time it has not experienced any outage, except for planned outages because of server maintenace of whateveer in that time period, i.e. it has not crashed or faulted in the first three years of operation. For the purposes of providing updates and enhanced functionality to the target organisation or specifically one of their subsiduries in the countries in which they operate we are able to make changes to the system, via the loading of functional updates on-line. This is a very important component of my question, as for many years we have been able to update at one central location and have the new functionality immeadiately available to all users in all countries whilst they are continuosly using the application. This is without change to any .EXE or .DLL or whatever files that the end user is operating. This is a huge advantage for us currently, as many of the organisations we provide services to do NOT allow any change to EXE or DLL files on end user devices, and there is generally some approval process which takes some days and requires manual intervention by the users to make this process happen.
For further information, we have a support team of 6 providing support services to all of our clients in all of these countries, we operate three shifts of 2 people to provide these services. So this should give you some background to the stability of the system and the level of support we provide. Our service level is described as outstanding. We do have of course SLA agreements in place and we have not violated any SLA term ever.
So, now for my question. What technology would people choose to replace such a system, and how many people would it take to replace ? It has been recommended to me that C# and SQL server be used to replace this, and that it would take a couple of good people a year or two to re-develop from the ground up (we have all of the functional specifications from the last 20 years to work from). However, without having in depth knowledge of this technology stack I am quite concerned about the time period (I think it is very optimistic), I am concerned about the scaleability of the SQL server, and most importantly I am deeply concerned that we will loose this advantage that we have enjoyed that allows us to change the functionality of the current system via updates online without effecting logged on users. I am told that this sort of thing is just not possible in C# and if we have to provide an update to fix a bug, or provide new functionality then all users will have to replace the effected EXE and DLL files, i.e. all of them, 1000s of users would have to do this each and every time we update. This would be done automatically via a process called OneClick, but I am assuming if there is a company policy within our client environment that EXE changes are not allowed, then OneClick will not be viable. I am told if we took a browser approach to the new development then any updates would be server side (which is better), but, would still require an outage to apply updates.
Finally, more information on the online updates that are now possible. Currently all of the systems are replicated for disaster recovery and 100% uptime during update purposes. When we currently update our systems (at one central location) those logical updates are automatically applied at all replicated systems also without user intervention. Another concern that I have is that as well as the problem we face with updating multiple locations with the same update, which it seems is a requirement in C# or so I am being told, we will also have all of the replicated systems to update manually as well. As you can see our support team is small, so I am worried about a future blowout in maintenance resources required to maintain all of this, and then the cost in terms of times fixing mistakes that may creep in with all these additional tasks that may be required to perform the same exercise that we currently do only once.
Finally, a final peice of information on how we currently do updates. If the update is structural in nature, i.e. changes the physical structure of the database, then an outage is required, a full system down outage. When we apply the update the structural change is made, and this is automatically replicated across all secondary (standby enviroments). The users are not effected in terms of the software for the thin client or browsers. They simply log back on after the outage is complete. We currently have a window at a set time, once per month to perform these updates, however, it is rarely required. Once per week, we have a window for functional changes to be applied, and these are appled on line whilst the users are all on line performing their daily and periodic tasks.
So, if anyone out there can give me some insight into what technologies are available for such a system replacement or whether C# and SQL server can provide the necessary services and performance we actually need, i.e. I would be particularly interested to know whether in fact C# applications can be updated in real time, then that would be fantastic. We are obviously in the very early stages of this process in terms of how this should be done, so any information you can provide would be greatly appreciated and will save many hours of research.
Thank you in advance.
From the basic requirements you describe, my first thought is that you should probably adopt a full Web-based solution for your system, that way all updates can be done centrally without too much negative effect on your client access.
But if I understand correctly your question, one aspect you're requiring is to have executable code ready at the client-side (so a pure Web-solution won't work).
In that case, something that can quickly & easily update at the client side is needed.
We've been using the node.js and MongoDB stack for a few years now, there are some quite interesting effects of using pure scripts for your business logic: besides being easy to develop, the scripts themselves, when designed with certain guidelines, can perform "hot reload" on the fly to update your business logic. So this is what I'd recommend trying / looking at.
Efficiency of node.js and the flexibility provided by NoSQL DB such as MongoDB is well described in many places if you do a simple Google search.

Multiple Projects, Multiple languages, Same authentication

So I have multiple projects that I want to use a common core set of tables in a Postgres database to map an authentication scheme between them with. Things like a 'user' 'account' 'group' or other related user information is stored in these tables. The projects I have currently are a nodejs (multiple devices) and a Ruby web app (planning on multiple devices later on) and we could have a Django or another node project in the future as well. Is there an efficient, cost effective way to do this that would be scalable and reliable? I was thinking about using an s3 instance with a Postgres database hosted on it and pointing all my authentication from my multiple apps to that database but I wanted to see if others had thought about this problem as well.
First, please don't attempt to host postgres in S3.. I believe you may have meant EC2 with an EBS volume (which is really on s3). From an ease of use standpoint (particularly when considering ongoing maintenance), hosting any postgres instance on Amazon's RDS product is truly a pleasure. Without going into all the details of that product, I'll simply state that you can set up high availability (failover), backups, upgrades, and monitoring with just a few clicks.
That being said, RDS is not the cheapest solution, but the cost is not exorbitant either, depending on your load and number of simultaneous connections.
If all this database is going to do is authenticate people and then disconnect-- that very well will be overkill and will be a waste of resources. However, if you're housing a fairly complex set of permissions and other user data, it'll likely be a fairly straightforward solution.
Depending on your budget and requirements, you may benefit from running pgPool on your app server somewhere to pool the connections-- but I wouldn't start out using pgPool unless you need it.

Postgresql replication in rails with data-fabric gem

I am currently setting up a master-slave app using Ruby on Rails. I am planning to use data-fabric or octopus gem for handling the read/write connections.
This is my first time setting up master-slave DBs. I am confused over the various open source tools available to implement the postgresql replication e.g. pgpool II, pgcluster, Bucardo and Hot Standby/Streaming Replication (built in feature in postgresql 9.1)
My requirements are
fault tolerance(high availability and no data loss on failover)
load balancing
Thanks in advance
Note: I have gone through the stackoverflow post regarding postgresql replication but they are pretty old and not helping to conclude on which tool I should go with.
In your case, streaming replication is the place to start. It is not very flexible but it does what you need regarding database reads as long as you don't need to replicate between major versions.
Database Replication 101
Database replication is a way to ensure that data saved to a specific server becomes stored in a number of other servers. This is often done to better utilize more limited network connections, ensure fault tolerance (so there is essentially a hot back-up), ensure that read-only queries can be distributed over a larger number of databases, etc. This all must be done without sacrificing the the basic guarantees of ACID.
There are a number of different overlapping ways to categorize replication solutions. These include:
Page or file-level vs row-level vs statement-level
Synchronous vs Asynchronous
Master-slave vs Multi-Master
In general understanding replication and the tradeoffs between solutions requires relatively strong understanding of database mechanics and ACID guarantees. I will assume you are relatively familiar with storage mechanics, and deterministic vs non-deterministic operations and the like.
What is Being Replicated? File changes (Physical) vs Row Changes (Logical) vs Statements
The simplest approach is to replicate block changes to files, for example as stored in the write-ahead log in PostgreSQL. This replicates changes at the page level and it requires identical file formats. This means you cannot replicate across major versions, CPU architectures, or operating systems. Anything that could affect the alignment of tuples, for example, will cause the replication to either fail or, worse, corrupt the slave's database. This is the approach streaming replication uses. It is simple to set up, and it always replicates everything in the database cluster.
Additionally this approach means you can easily guarantee that the master and slave databases are identical down to the file level. Because of the fact that the PostgreSQL WAL is cluster-global it is unlikely that this approach will ever replicate anything short of the entire database cluster.
As a description of how this works, suppose I:
UPDATE my_table SET rand_value = random() WHERE id > 10000;
In this case, this changes a bunch of data pages and the file operations are replicated to the replicas. The files remain identical between the master and slave.
Another approach, one taken by Slony, Bucardo, and others is to replicate rows in a logical manner. In this approach, changed rows are flagged and logged, and the changes sent to the replicas. The replicas re-run row operations from the master database. Because these are add-on tools which do not replicate file operations but rather logical database operations, they can replicate across CPU architectures, operating systems, etc. Also they are usually designed so that you can replicate some but not all tables in a database, allowing for a lot of flexibility. On the other hand this leads to a lot of potential for errors. "Oops, that table was not replicated" is a real problem.
In this case when I run the update statement above, a trigger is fired capturing the actual rows inserted and deleted and these are logged, replicated, and the row operations re-run. Because this happens after rand() is run, the databases are logically, but not necessarily physically identical.
A final approach is statement replication. In this case we replicate statements and re-run the statements on the replicas. Some configurations of PgPool will do this. In this case, you cannot ensure that a database is logically equivalent to its replica if any non-deterministic functions are run. In the statement above, the statement itself will run on each replica, ensuring different pseudorandom numbers in the relevant column.
Synchronous vs Asynchronous
This distinction is important to understand regarding failover guarantees. In an asynchronous replication system, the updates are queued and transferred when possible to the replicas and re-run there. In a synchronous replication system the database which accepts the write will not return a successful commit until at least a certain number of replica databases report a successful commit.
Asynchronous replication is generally more robust and produces better availability than synchronous replication. This is because synchronous replication introduces additional points of failure. If you have one master and one slave, then if either system goes down, your database becomes unavailable at least for write operations.
The tradeoff though is that synchronous replication offers a guarantee that data which is committed is in fact available on replicas in the event that the master, say, suffers catastrophic hardware failure immediately following commit. This is a very low probability event, but in some cases it is important that you know the data is still available. In short this provides additional durability guarantees not present in async replication.
Multi-Master vs Master-Slave
Most replication systems are master-slave. In this case, all writes begin at one node and are replicated to other nodes. Writes may only begin at one node. They may not begin at other nodes. This makes replication straight-forward because we know that the slaves represent a past state of the master.
Multi-master replication allows writes to occur to more than one node. In an asynchronous replication system, this leads to the problem of conflict resolution. These problems are actually worse than most assume when you add DDL statements. Suppose two different users run the above update statement on two different masters. We will now have a set of records that have to be replicated across but they will conflict.
Multi-master replication typically requires that people think through this conflict resolution process quite carefully. It is never a process that just works out of the box. Often times you write your own conflict resolution routines. For this reason I typically recommend avoiding multi-master replication unless you really need it.

How to prepare for data loss in a production website?

I am building an app that is fast moving into production and I am concerned about the possibility that due to hacking, some silly personal error (like running rake db:schema:load or rake db:rollback) or other circumstance we may suffer data loss in one database table or even across the system.
While I don't find it likely that the above will happen, I would be remiss in not being prepared in case it ever does.
I am using Heroku's PG Backups (which is to be replaced with something else this month), and I also run automated daily backups to S3:, successfully generating .dump files.
What is the correct way to deal with data loss on a production app?
How would I restore the .dump file in case I need to? Can I do a selective restore if a small part of the system is hit?
In case a selective restore is not possible: assume one table loses data 4 hours after the last backup. Result => would fixing the lost table require rolling back 4 hours of users' activity? Any good solution to this?
What is the best way to support users through the inconvenience if something like this happens?
A full DR (disaster recovery) solution requires the following:
Multisite. If a fire, flood, Osama Bin Laden or whathaveyou strikes the Amazon (or is it Salesforce?) data center that Heroku uses, you want to be sure that your data is safe elsewhere.
On-going replication of the data to a separate site (or sites). That means that every transaction that's written to your database on one site, is replicated within seconds to the mirror database on the other site. Most RDBMS's have mechanisms to let you do a master-slave replication like that.
The same goes for anything you put on a filesystem outside of the database, such as images, XML configuration files etc. S3 is a good solution here - they replicate everything to multiple data centers for you.
I won't hurt to create periodic (daily or so) dumps of the database and store them separately (e.g. on S3). This helps you recover from data corruption that propagates to the slave DBs.
Automate the process of data recovery. You want this to just work when you need it.
Test everything. Ideally, you want to automate the test process and run it periodically to ensure that your backups can restore. Netflix Chaos Monkey is an extreme example of this.
I'm not sure how you'd implement all this on Heroku. A complete solution is still priced out of reach for most companies - we're running this across our own data centers (one in the US, one in EU) and it costs many millions. Work according to the 80-20 rule - on-going backup to a separate site, plus a well tested recovery plan (continuously test your ability to recover from backups) covers 80% of what you need.
As for supporting users, the best solution is simply to communicate timely and truthfully when trouble happens and make sure you don't lose any data. If your users are paying for your service (i.e. you're not ad-supported), then you should probably have an SLA in place.
About backups, you cannot be sure at 100 percent every time that no data will be lost. The best is to test it on another server. You must have at leat two types of backup :
A database backup, like pg-dump. A dump is uniquely SQL commands so you can use it to recreate the whole database, just a table, or just a few rows. You loose the data added in the meantime.
A code backup, for example a git repository.
in addition to Hartator's answer:
use replication if your DB offers it, e.g. at least master/slave replication with one slave
do database backups on a slave DB server and store them externally (e.g. scp or rsync them out of your server)
use a good version control system for your source code, e.g. Git
use a solid deploy mechanism, such as Capistrano and write your custom tasks, so nobody needs to do DB migrations by hand
have somebody you trust check your firewall setup and the security of your system in general
The DB-Dumps contain SQL-commands to recreate all tables and all data... if you were to restore only one table, you could extract that portion from a copy of the dump file and (very carefully) edit it and then restore with the modified dump file (for one table).
Always restore first to an independent machine and check if the data looks right. e.g. you could use one Slave server, take if offline, then restore there locally and check the data. Good if you have two slaves in your system, then the remaining system has still one master and one slave while you restore to the second slave.
To simulate a fairly simple "total disaster recovery" on Heroku, create another Heroku project and replicate your production application completely (except use a different custom domain name).
You can add multiple remote git targets to a single git repository so you can use your current production code base. You can push your database backups to the replicated project, and then you should be good to go.
The only step missing from this exercise verses a real disaster recovery is assigning your production domain to the replicated Heroku project.
If you can afford to run two copies of your application in parallel, you could automate this exercise and have it replicate itself on a regular basis (e.g. hourly, daily) based on your data loss tolerance.

Data Warehouse: One Database or many?

At my new company, they keep all data associated with the data warehouse, including import, staging, audit, dimension and fact tables, together in the same physical database.
I've been a database developer for a number of years now and this consolidation of function and form seems counter to everything I know.
It seems to make security, backup/restore and performance management issues more manually intensive.
Is this something that is done in the industry? Are there substantial reasons for doing or not doing it?
The platform is Netezza. The size is in terabytes, hundreds of millions of rows.
What I'm looking to get from answers to this question is a solid understanding of how right or wrong this path is. From your experience, what are the issues I should be focused on arguing if this is a path that will cause trouble for us down the road. If it is no big deal, then I'd like to know that as well.
In general I would recommend using separate databases. This is the configuration I have always seen used in production and it really makes a lot of sense since - as you mentioned - both databases have fundamentally different purposes / usage patterns / etc.
If you're using one physical server, the fewer instances on that server the simpler the management and the more efficient the process.
If you put TWO instances on the same Physical Server you get:
Half the memory to use
Twice the count of database process
You could take the entire staging db down without affecting the DW
So which is more precious to you, outage windows or CPU and Memory?
On the same the physical server multiple instances make performance management issues MUCH more manual to solve. If you look at the health of one of the instances, it might look fine but users are reporting poor performance, so you have to look at the next instance to see if the problem may be coming from there... and so on per instance.
Security is also harder with more than one instance. At best it's just as hard as a single instance but it's never easier. You'll have two admin accounts (SYS or something), Duplicate process accounts, etc.
Tell us why you think it's better to have more than one instance.
Can we be clear on terms. When you say "in the same Database" do you mean to say the same instance, or the same physical server. If you did move the staging to a new instance would it reside on the same physical hardware?
I think people get a little too hung up on instances. If you're going to put two instances on the same piece of hardware, you're only doubling the number of everything to very little advantage. All the server processes will be running twice... all the memory pools will be cut in half.
so let's say you really did mean two separate physical boxes...
Let's say you buy 2 12-way boxes (just say). When you're staging db server is done for the day, those 12 CPU's are wasting away. When your users pack up and go home, your prod DW CPUs are wasting away. CPU cycles are perishable, you can't get them back. BUT, if you had one 24 way box... then the staging DB COULD use 20 CPUs at night for some excellent Parallel Execution for building summary tables and your users will have double the capacity for processes during the day.
so let's say you meant the same hardware.
"It seems to make security, backup/restore and performance management issues more manually intensive."
Guaranteed that performance issues are harder to solve the more instances that share the same hardware. Guaranteed.
What security do you do at the instance level?
What DW are you backing up at the instance level? You're not backing up tablespaces, but rather whole instances? Seems like that pattern will fail at a certain size.
Not familiar with the tool specifically. So if it's a single instance on a single box, then the division would seem more logical than physical and therefore the reasons they exist is for management, not performance. You don't increase your CPUs or memory by adding a database, right? So it doesn't seem like there's no performance upside to it. Each DB may be adding separate processes (performance hit), or it might be completely logical like schemas in Oracle. If each database is managed by new processes than data going between them will mean IPC.
Maybe the addition of the Netezza tag will get some traction.
We use databases for every segment (INVENTORY, CRM, BILLING...). There are no performance downsides and maintenance and overview is much better.
Better late than never, but for Netezza:
There are no performance hits while querying cross database. Netezza allows only SELECT operations cross database, no INSERT, UPDATE or DELETEstatements allowed.
This means you cannot do:
but you can do \c OTHERDB then
You are also not able to create a materialized view on a cross-database object, for example:
Administration might be where you will decide (though you probably already did long ago) on what kind of database(s) you'll create. Depending on your infrastructure, you might have a TEST/QA system and a PROD system on the same box, or on separate boxes.
You will gain speed in the load and the output if the tables are in the same schema (database). Obvious...but hey, I said it.
There is more overhead the more tables you put into one schema. Backups time, size of backups, ease of use.
Where I am, we have many multiple TB databases within one data-warehouse. Our rule of thumb is that a single loading process or a single report query should NOT have to span database. This keeps "like" tables together but gives some allowances for our backups and contingency processes. It also makes it a bit easier to "find" data.
For those processes that need to break this rule, we will either move data from one database to the other or allow the process to join across schemas.
I'm not as familiar with Netezza, so I'm not 100% sure what your options might be.
Few points for you to consider
a) If the data in one or more staging, audit, dimension and fact table has to be joined, you are better off keeping them in one database
b) Typically you will retain dimension tables and fact tables in the same database and distribute on most frequently joined columns to leverage "co-located join" functionality of Netezza
c) You should be able to use SQL grant permission to manage access to all objects (DB, tables, views etc)
