Will new APNS certificate invalidate previous auth key - iOS? - ios

I am using APNS auth key for push notification in my iOS app which directs notification via Firebase cloud messaging. App is live on appstore and notifications are working fine. However, I have to integrate a chat SDK which requires APNS certificate for push notification for that app. I haven't created any APNS cert yet. My doubt is if I create a new APNS certificate, will it invalidate my previous APNS auth key? I dont want live users to stop receiving notifications.


Is an Apple Push Notification service SSL Certificate necessary when using an APNs key for sending notifications?

I have been tasked with maintaining an iOS app with push notifications enabled. There is a production "Apple Push Notification service SSL Certificate" associated with the app's Identifier on developer.apple.com that expires soon. Also, under Keys there is a key with the Apple Push Notifications service (APNs) enabled. It appears that the backend server sending out the push notifications is only using this key and not the certificate.
Is it safe to let the Apple Push Notification service SSL Certificate expire? And what problems might occur if the certificate turns out to be in use somewhere?
in my experience, you app stop receive push notification.
And wait you client to complaint about this. You must renew APns Certificate and voip certificate every year.

CleverTap notification settings in iOS

I am using firebase in my iOS project for notifications. Instead of the APNS certificates, I am using auth keys (that can be downloaded only once). Now the problem is, the auth key file that has been uploaded on Firebase is lost as it was uploaded by some other developer an year ago. Now I need that auth key file to upload on CleverTap for notifications to work but as the file is lost, I am not able to do so.
Now I can't upload a new key on firebase as the existing users might not receive notifications. What option do I have to make it work so that the existing users continue receiving the notifications and I can make CleverTap notifications work?
Clevertap push notifications config works with both Auth keys & push certificate.
If you don't have auth key, you can upload the valid push certificate to make it work.
Once the above process is done, if you initiate any push notification all your users will receive that. It does not matter whether they are new or existing users.

How to configure ios fcm notification in AWS SNS

We are using AWS SNS for push notification functionality in mobile apps, for Android in AWS SNS gcm option is there to register, for that i need to give fcm server key, for ios there is apple development,production for these I need to give p12 certificate so actually i wanted to use fcm in ios so where should i register

iOS Push Notifications not working through GCM using Phonegap-plugin-push

When using phonegap-plugin-push, we are creating a mobile application that uses GCM to send out push notifications to the mobile devices. We are able to push to Android devices correctly using GCM. The plugin gives us both the GCM and APNS registration tokens. When we use the GCM token to push to the APNS we are unable to push to the iOS device, however when we test the APNS token directly, we are able to push the notification. When using the GCM token and a test service we receive a "success" message, but no notification makes it to the device. We know that the device token is correct as we can send a notification directly using an online APNS push service. We have created all the certificates, we have development and production certificates.
As we receive a registration token from the GCM service using the device token and APNS token, I believe the problem lies within the communication between GCM and the device itself. As we are not receiving the notification to the device using GCM, but we are able to use the APNS token generated on registration to directly push to the device. The GCM with the registration token, will not push to device.
This link here describes the problem https://github.com/phonegap/phonegap-plugin-push/issues/532
There might be some problem with your provisional profile.
This tutorial might help you.

iOS Enterprise developer Account: get device token

I have used the iOS development account for creating APNS SSL certificate for sending the push notification to an iOS device for development purpose. I can get the device token using objective c sample code in iOS device.Then I can use that device token to send push notification for that specific iOS device.
Now I am going to implement MDM and for MDM iOS Enterprise account is required. There are some questions, which I want to confirm if someone has already done.
So I want to know can I use iOS Enterprise account for creating "apns ssl certificate" for development purpose?
Can I get device token for an iOS device using the same objective C sample code, so that I can send the push notification via APNS to that specific iOS device for testing purpose?
First of all MDM push notification implementation is different than push notification for third party iOS application.
1)You have to use iOS Enterprise account for MDM push notification and there are few steps to get APNS certificate.
1.Refer MDM_Protocol and follow this link: http://www.softhinker.com/in-the-news/iosmdmvendorcsrsigning Then verify few things.
remove the passphrase from customerPrivateKey.pem using this command
openssl rsa -in customerPrivateKey.pem -out PlainKey.pem
Then merge your APNS certificate (for example CustomerCompanyName.pem) downloaded from the portal https://identity.apple.com/pushcert/ using this command
cat CustomerCompanyName.pem PlainKey.pem > PlainCert.pem
Now this PlainCert.pem file can be used in your server as APNS/MDM certificate.
2)In MDM push notification there are three keys
• PushMagic - a unique token the MDM server sends with each push request
• Token - a unique token that identifies the device to the APNS service
• UnlockToken - an escrow key used to clear the passcode on the device.
MDM push notification payload is also different than push notification payload.It should look like this:
Take a look at http://urbanairship.com/ its a great service for handling push notifications and you can easily send test push notifications to any registered device.
Also this tutorial: http://mobile.tutsplus.com/tutorials/iphone/iphone-sdk_apns/ was an awesome resource for me in setting up push notifications with my app.
For your first question - yes you can. In the iOS dev site, go to provisioning portal > app ID's and enable you app for push notifications(dev or production).
1) see this answer
2) not for the MDM push token - this is sent to the MDM server during the 'check-in' procedure.
