How to configure ios fcm notification in AWS SNS - ios

We are using AWS SNS for push notification functionality in mobile apps, for Android in AWS SNS gcm option is there to register, for that i need to give fcm server key, for ios there is apple development,production for these I need to give p12 certificate so actually i wanted to use fcm in ios so where should i register


Will new APNS certificate invalidate previous auth key - iOS?

I am using APNS auth key for push notification in my iOS app which directs notification via Firebase cloud messaging. App is live on appstore and notifications are working fine. However, I have to integrate a chat SDK which requires APNS certificate for push notification for that app. I haven't created any APNS cert yet. My doubt is if I create a new APNS certificate, will it invalidate my previous APNS auth key? I dont want live users to stop receiving notifications.

iOS push notification using FCM

Currently we are using AWS for sending IOS push notifications and FCM for Android notifications. As FCM also supports IOS notifications, we want to consider that for 2 reasons
It is free service (AWS is not that costly)
to have single interface from app server for push and web notifications
but from FCM documentation, it looks IOS app has to be tightly integrated with FCM API for delivering push notifications (this is not required for AWS). so i want to know if there is a way I can send push notifications without any change to iOS app code.
The iOS app must be configured to receive messages from the FCM Servers.
You'll have to implement the necessary functions (callbacks specifically) in your client app that will handle/receive the messages as mentioned in the Setting Up a Firebase Cloud Messaging Client App on iOS.
It's also through implementing the needed functions you'll be able to generate a token needed by the FCM servers to send a message towards the device(s).

Push Notification using Amazon SNS in iOS App

I am new to AWS SNS.I am trying to implement Amazon SNS push notification. I went through the documentation and perform all the APNS Prerequisite like:
iOS app registered with APNS
APNS SSL certificate
App private key
Device token
But problem is for sending notification document suggest that -
To send a notification to the iOS app on your device using the Amazon SNS console, see Using Amazon SNS Mobile Push.
To use the Amazon SNS API, see Send a push notification message to an iOS app using Amazon SNS and APNS.
I want to use Amazon SNS console to sent push notification, so how can use it and is it free?
Please guide me how can I do that.

iOS Push Notifications not working through GCM using Phonegap-plugin-push

When using phonegap-plugin-push, we are creating a mobile application that uses GCM to send out push notifications to the mobile devices. We are able to push to Android devices correctly using GCM. The plugin gives us both the GCM and APNS registration tokens. When we use the GCM token to push to the APNS we are unable to push to the iOS device, however when we test the APNS token directly, we are able to push the notification. When using the GCM token and a test service we receive a "success" message, but no notification makes it to the device. We know that the device token is correct as we can send a notification directly using an online APNS push service. We have created all the certificates, we have development and production certificates.
As we receive a registration token from the GCM service using the device token and APNS token, I believe the problem lies within the communication between GCM and the device itself. As we are not receiving the notification to the device using GCM, but we are able to use the APNS token generated on registration to directly push to the device. The GCM with the registration token, will not push to device.
This link here describes the problem
There might be some problem with your provisional profile.
This tutorial might help you.

Does GCM works with iOS PushKit framework?

Is it possible to register for and receive Voip pushes (PushKit pushes) on iOS using Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) service ?
No, GCM for iOS uses the standard APNS push messages on iOS, not the newer VoIP push messages of Apple PushKit. In this way it is similar to the majority of third party push notification services such as Azure Notification Hub.
To my knowledge, only PubNub supports sending push messages using a unified framework for both GCM and Apple PushKit (VoIP push).
