Sending phone call without TAPI installed? - connection

I am developing an auto-dialer application to send out mass phone calls to a list of clients from a database. I am using Dialogic's Diva SDK 5.5 WIN API to develop this application. I believe my code is running correctly and I can have the application begin the process of sending a call out, however the issue is that it stops working and just returns "Dialing" as the progress status. The call fails to do anything other than this and I have now been troubleshooting it for quite a while and found return code from one of the error tests that reports there is no TAPI installed on my computer.
Is TAPI required to be able to send phone calls successfully from any computer or is it likely the issue is just an error in my code? I am using the Dialogic Diva UM-Analog-4 media board and I believe I have all of the cables hooked up correctly to it. I cannot find anything that helps answer this question in the Dialogic manuals, any help or insight into this issue is greatly appreciated.

Which of the many APIs are you using? What version of Windows? You mentioned the 5.5 SDK, but is it the Diva API, Diva Component API, Diva API for .NET, etc.? What is your development environment? Do you call "DivaInitialize" as your first command or something else like LineInitializeEX? As of Dec 2015, Dialogic stopped supporting TAPI on their Diva boards (though it still works), so calls to one of their direct APIs should not require TAPI. However using these older 5.5 drivers, especially if you are using the COM controls, it may sit on top of TAPI. You may want to check the follwing:
run services.msc from a command prompt and make sure the "Telephony" service is running. It should be set to "automatic" if you are going to use TAPI
Check that the TSP is installed for your Dialogic card. You should have seen something related to TAPI during the install. The file "divasp.tsp" should be in your system32 folder
Make sure you ran and saved the settings in the Dialogic Configuration Manager for lines, boards, and especially "services" so it connects the correct API for you to use.


Is it possible to update NodeMCU Lua files OTA?

I would love to be able to update my NodeMCU ESP8266-01 OTA, since they're located in awkward spots. I'm by no means an expert regarding the ESP or NodeMCU, but I haven't been able to find anything recent about OTA updates. I found some discussions about it going back to 2015, but it never seems to have been implemented.
I use my ESP with NodeMCU to control a PWM dimmer. I upload a precompiled version of NodeMCU with the NodeMCU Firmware FLasher, and then use ESPlorer to upload a custom lua file called 'init.lua'. I'm not even sure if this is the proper way to do stuff, but it works.
So the main question: Has OTA updating been implemented, or is it possible in some way?
Just to clarify, I don't think I want to update the firmware. As I understand it, firmware is what you build yourself, or on a website like I want to update the lua files that run on the ESP, that you normally upload through a program like ESPlorer.
I found some discussions about it going back to 2015, but it never seems to have been implemented.
Indeed, firmware OTA is not available yet. However, as you probably know, the need for firmware OTA is much lower with the NodeMCU firmware than e.g. with the Arduino platform. I'd argue that you're much less likely in need to replace/upgrade/extend the firmware with its built-in modules than the application code that runs on top of it.
Fortunately, it's quite simple to replace one or several Lua scripts (compiled or uncompiled) on the device and reboot it. All the web and cloud IDEs listed at offer this. There's even a pending PR that'll bring FTP support to NodeMCU.
For a complete Lua provisioning system take a look at what #TerryE provided at
I've attempted to use the two Web IDEs listed in the link provided in Marcel Stör's answer, but I honestly failed to understand how to use either IDE. they also seemed like they weren't exactly what I was looking for, and required a server to connect to, or an extra program, which I wanted to avoid.
Edit: Apparently, I did end up using one of the two Web IDEs in the list. Since it's been a while since I did all this, it's a bit fuzzy in my head.
I eventually stumbled upon this GitHub page, which seemed to provide exactly what I was looking for: The ability to access the Lua files on the ESP through a webbrowser. I have personally changed the ide.lua file around completely, since I needed to call functions from it in the init.lua script. However, I think you can just upload the ide.lua script to the ESP, and add a line containing dofile("ide.lua") to your init.lua file.
If anyone is interested in my changes to, or my implementation of the ide.lua script, you can take a look at my repo Timmiej93 / QuinLED / Program code.
In fact there's a class for that to implement OTA i the NodeMCU its called the ESPhttpUpdate you can refer to ESPhttpUpdate for further details.

What would be the best way to create a firefox plugin for taking desktop screenshots?

I need to create a firefox plugin that allows a user to take screenshots of any part of their desktop and have them uploaded to a server. There seems to be lots of plugins for screen capturing a webpage, but nothing for capturing anything outside of firefox. So after a little research I have not found much information on how this might be possible. I don't want to resort to a using a java applet but I will if that is my only option.
Does anyone have advice on how I might create such a feature?
I don't think a Firefox addon is the most appropriate approach here. Maybe split the task into a Firefox addon to offer the "upload to a server" component and a native app to do the desktop screenshot (or just integrate with existing screenshot tools).
If you're worried about complicating the installation process for end users, you could look into bundling the addon component and native app into a single installer (e.g. MSI on Windows, RPM on Linux, etc.). You'll have to come up with different apps for each platform you want to support (and maybe even each version - e.g. Windows XP vs Windows 10).
Whatever you decide, you'll probably need to create a more specific question to get further help here (there's no simple Firefox.Addons.API.TakeScreenShot() answer I'm afraid).
Also make sure you're using the right terminology - a plugin is the deprecated NPAPI approach whereas addons are still supported.
I'm actually working on taking native desktop screenshots just in the last coupel of days. I'm using js-ctypes. My work goal is the same exact thing to, upload to server. If you would like to collaborate I am very open to it! We can chat about it on #jsctypes irc channel :) irc://moznet/jsctypes (Mibbit IRC WebApp) If you don't know js-ctypes thats ok i can handle that while you can handle uploading techniques, and an editor on canvas :) The editor is a huge part of it, you can see my ideas/plans here:
I'm really really interested in a collab on this!
I'm still working on windows right now, the color is messed up:
I was just about to start OSX work following this example here: and here: Take ScreenShot without Window
You can install the addon from that branch and click the icon that gets added to the toolbar, it will take a screenshot with 3sec delay and then append it to the body of the selected tab. (Windows only right now)
Doneskis baby check it out:
Got some quirks. Released it as v1.0 though. I'm working on Android support, pretty close. I need to flesh out the editor tools. Please let me know if you're willing to collaborate.

Node.JS Development on iOS?

I'm wondering if there is any chance to run Node.JS on iOS to develop as on desktop? I definitely realize I must have jailbroken iPad to install node or mongodb. The only I've found is good code editor Diet Coda with FTP/SSH support, but no more. How can I get node in "real" terminal on iPad, launching my .js files on certain port etc?
P.s. I'm not big fan of cloud9 'cause it's requires Internet connection and at this time supports only node 0.6
Found a so-so solution: connect to my server via ssh and develop my app in console. But it requires internet connection, that's not good.
A quick search reveals NodeJS on iOS.
The long story short is that I got NodeJS compiled on my jailbroken iPhone 4! It was a long quest to get it working properly but I've done the hard work and compiled a .deb file compatible with Cydia for your installing pleasure...
It's a year and a half old, so the article might be a little out of date, but it's definitely a good starting point. See also how to set up gcc if you need to do that on your iOS device.
Aside: If you're a rooted Android developer, you may be interested in anode.
I am working on an implementation of Node.js on non-jailbroken iOS devices.
It is not ready for a public consumption yet, but I am making a good progress and have a plan to open-source it soon.
You can use node.js on iOS without jailbreaking, and without violating any Apple
terms of service. LiquidCore is an open source project that enables node.js on both Android and iOS for deploying micro applications. iOS support is now available from version 0.5.0.
CodeSandbox for iOS works amazingly well, though it's not a console interface.
CodeSandbox for iOS offers a full-fledged development environment with all the tools you need to develop projects of any size. Create a sandbox to quickly prototype your ideas or work on a large codebase with CodeSandbox Projects: whatever your needs are we have you covered.
I've wondered how much work I could get in something like the IconFactory's WorldWideWeb. That company has been around a while, and WWW makes it easy to do work in a browser-hosted environment.
So CodeSandbox almost answers your question, and, if it disappears at some point, WorldWideWeb might be a fallback in a pinch.

Foxpro 2.6 printing problem

In my school days, i developed a hotel management system in legacy programming language foxpro 2.6. Few months ago, i revived the application and its running pretty well on windows xp. But, i am stuck at printing. Right now i am printing the page to a text file. Afterward i manually open the file and call the print function on that.
I googled and found no effective tutorial or link or anything as to how can i get to print directly from foxpro 2.6. The printer is USB supported and i have tried the trick of adding another printer for virtual port LPT1 and then spooling. Nothing worked.
Later i downloaded an application which acts as a spooler and sends any file that is added to the specified directory to Printer. Still, no success.
Can anyone help me with a short example, a link or a tutorial which guides me to the printing settings in foxpro 2.6
Thanks !!
Install the printer and share it. You may need to set permissions to allow Authenticated Users to use the printer.
Add NET USE LPT1: \CRAIG\USBPRINTER to the logon script for the user's profile.
For help on logon scripts, look up "To assign a logon script to a profile" in XP Help.
Not true - it works perfectly well in Vista and Windows 7, as long as they are the 32-bit versions of those operating systems.
You might find the following useful. Disclaimer: I wrote it a long time ago.
Painless Legacy FoxPro Applications On Modern Networks

Delphi Keyboard Hook

I'm having an interesting problem implementing a global keyboard hook.
I wrote a dll which is used to set the hook and then an application (Delphi) which loads the dll and processes the results of the hook. This was done this afternoon on my PC at work and after some testing I figured it was working 100%.
I've just tested the same app and dll here at home and I'm not getting any errors, but the application does not appear to be getting any data either.
Both machines are WinXP, although my work machine is SP2 and this one is SP3.
Has there been some change in the Win32 API which would cause this to malfunction, or could the problem be related to some A/V / Spyware / MS Update that has been released recently?
I'm hoping somebody here will know of an obvious reason that this may happen before I spend hours debugging.
Actually some A/Vs don't like homemade hooks. I've got the same problem with my mouse hooker on some machines, and it doesn't depend on service pack version.
Yeah, I could. I haven't installed Delphi on this machine, but I think I might have to. I'm going for the low hanging fruit here. If there's an obvious answer, there's no need to go through all the trouble of debugging and hoping to find what might be the problem.
My first suspicion is that there's been a change in the API somewhere.
As I mentioned, this app works absolutely perfectly on my work machine.
Do you have a debugger on your home computer? Do you receive any messages via the hook at all?
Can it be that some other application is hooking, and don't pass the message on down the hook-chain?
BTW: I love virtual machines for this kind of testing. Keep a clean XP install. Install SP2, and test your application. Roll back to clean install again, and install SP3. Try your application again. This way you will know if its SP3, since there is nothing else to mess things up. I like to keep a set of snapshots around with different configurations.
Which kind of hook are you using? I once used the WH_CBT-type and encountered problems when certain other applications where running. One case I could trace back to Trillian, which seems to do also some kind of hooking (and maybe screws up).
Apart from that I am currently working on an application that uses the WH_KEYBOARD-hook and this works on SP2 and SP3 equally well. The MSDN also doesn't mention any service-pack related changes.
What you can do to trace the bug on your home machine:
make sure to check all result values of all system api calls (and use GetLastError in case of error)
provide some kind of debug output in case of error (e.g. as message box or to a text file)
optional: log some status messages so you know whats going on internally
One alternative is to use a low level keyboardhook. (Just a different param to SetWindowsHookEx). The hook is processed in the message loop of the registering thread, and thus does not need to inject a dll everywhere. And for some odd reason VirusScanners/Firewalls interfere much less with it. They often silently block dllinjection or normal keyboardhooks. Also removes the need to share the hHook across processes if you want it to work in older windows versions.
And if you abuse a keyboardhook to implement global hotkeys(Have seen that a lot) use RegisterHotkey/ instead.
