Is it possible to update NodeMCU Lua files OTA? - lua

I would love to be able to update my NodeMCU ESP8266-01 OTA, since they're located in awkward spots. I'm by no means an expert regarding the ESP or NodeMCU, but I haven't been able to find anything recent about OTA updates. I found some discussions about it going back to 2015, but it never seems to have been implemented.
I use my ESP with NodeMCU to control a PWM dimmer. I upload a precompiled version of NodeMCU with the NodeMCU Firmware FLasher, and then use ESPlorer to upload a custom lua file called 'init.lua'. I'm not even sure if this is the proper way to do stuff, but it works.
So the main question: Has OTA updating been implemented, or is it possible in some way?
Just to clarify, I don't think I want to update the firmware. As I understand it, firmware is what you build yourself, or on a website like I want to update the lua files that run on the ESP, that you normally upload through a program like ESPlorer.

I found some discussions about it going back to 2015, but it never seems to have been implemented.
Indeed, firmware OTA is not available yet. However, as you probably know, the need for firmware OTA is much lower with the NodeMCU firmware than e.g. with the Arduino platform. I'd argue that you're much less likely in need to replace/upgrade/extend the firmware with its built-in modules than the application code that runs on top of it.
Fortunately, it's quite simple to replace one or several Lua scripts (compiled or uncompiled) on the device and reboot it. All the web and cloud IDEs listed at offer this. There's even a pending PR that'll bring FTP support to NodeMCU.
For a complete Lua provisioning system take a look at what #TerryE provided at

I've attempted to use the two Web IDEs listed in the link provided in Marcel Stör's answer, but I honestly failed to understand how to use either IDE. they also seemed like they weren't exactly what I was looking for, and required a server to connect to, or an extra program, which I wanted to avoid.
Edit: Apparently, I did end up using one of the two Web IDEs in the list. Since it's been a while since I did all this, it's a bit fuzzy in my head.
I eventually stumbled upon this GitHub page, which seemed to provide exactly what I was looking for: The ability to access the Lua files on the ESP through a webbrowser. I have personally changed the ide.lua file around completely, since I needed to call functions from it in the init.lua script. However, I think you can just upload the ide.lua script to the ESP, and add a line containing dofile("ide.lua") to your init.lua file.
If anyone is interested in my changes to, or my implementation of the ide.lua script, you can take a look at my repo Timmiej93 / QuinLED / Program code.

In fact there's a class for that to implement OTA i the NodeMCU its called the ESPhttpUpdate you can refer to ESPhttpUpdate for further details.


How can I distribute my program if it has dependencies?

So I recently wrote a chat bot which relies on lua and luasocket to respond to a twitch stream's chat. It's very basic and has various files it reads/writes to. It runs from the local computer. I finally got it working perfectly and now I'm interested in potentially distributing it to streamers who would get the most practical usage out of it.
But I can't just give them the files and lua script; they wouldn't be able to run it. They would need an interpreter and they would need to set up luasocket. With very little experience this is a very daunting task. Even I struggled to properly get luasocket working to make this bot.
So my question: Is there a way to package the lua interpreter and luasocket library such that I can give my bot to other people in an easy to use and practical manner? Preferably a .exe file, but really anything that doesn't require them to go out and set up the entire language and script dependencies on their own.

ESP8266 - Is it possible to just run Lua from C (not the full NodeMCU environment)?

I'm working with ESP8266 and I don't want to use Lua for the whole project, I just want to run a few snippets of Lua code, received from wifi/sd card. I'd need to start a Lua environment and run the scripts, which would then eventually call some native functions for low level tasks. In other words, I just want to use Lua as simple scripting language (as it's intended to be) to implement some dynamic behavior. Is it possible? Is there any build of lualib for arduino?
Thanks in advance!
You can simply embed Lua in a extlibs/ folder for example and link to it when compiling your program.
There is existing Lua binaries but building it yourself is easy and better (as it's multiplatform).
OK, I know both answers told me I can just embed the code into my project, however, I found out I need to make some small changes. I made an example working project available here and the following list of changes had to be made:
The flags LUA_32BITS and LUA_USE_LONGJMP (C exception handling) were enabled
The following libraries were excluded: io, os, package, coroutine
The following functions were removed from C API: luaL_fileresult, luaL_execresult, luaL_loadfile, luaL_loadfilex, luaL_dofile, luaB_loadfile, luaB_dofile
Lua output messages are redirected to the Serial interface, check tinylua.h, tinylua.cpp and lauxlib.h to change this behavior
Hope this helps!
The ESP8266 has up to 4MB of program storage. Theoretically you can get up to 16MB as the datasheet specifies.
As I remember, compiling an amalgamated version of Lua (all sources in one file), occupies less than 100kb.
So, you can compile the Lua library and use it as needed on esp8266, even using Arduino IDE.
But you will get NAKED Lua if you do so... No nifty libraries to control Wifi, serial, SD, ports... You would have to provide that in C, or use NodeMCU code as you need.
You can try LuaJIT and access C code directly from Lua, cutting out the need for writing libraries. I have no idea of how you would compile it to Esp8266, or if anyone have tried this before, but you can do it "for science" and tell us how it turned out.

Qt generic error message

This is the error messsage I get.
I know it's kind of an eye roller, that it's difficult nigh impossible to tell what I may need without the source, but it seems like a deployment problem as people that installed the Qt SDK can run it. Plus, I figured I'd have better luck asking here than with a chinese developer that speaks google-english.
So here's what I've done:
I installed the MSVC2012.
I used a program called cffexplorer to see what the exe was looking for. I have the 7 or so .dlls that are at the top of the tree.
I found a recent (jun 2013) qwindows.dll from elsewhere on my system and put it in ./plugins (I've tried this file in ./, ./plugins, and ./plugins/platforms
I created a qt.conf with the following data (I determined the format from an existing Qt based app that works)
Plugins = plugins
Yet, I continue to get this message. Any suggestions on what I might look for to clear this up?
Ask the developer what compiler was used to build the application. Then you will need the right dll (that was built with the same compiler as the application). Also notice that (by default) the documentation says that qwindows.dll should be in the platforms folder in the same path as your executable, read more here. Depending on whether the developer used a Qt built with angle, you may also need: libEGL.dll and libGLESv2.dll. Dependency walker might help you find dependencies that are not there.

Building VB6 projects without registering

We have an old VB6 project that uses ActiveX controls, some of which we build and others we get from third-party vendors.
Currently, we use a .csproj project which does the following,
Execute regsvr32 to register the OCXs
Execute vb6 to build the VB6 project
Execute regsvr32 to unregister the OCXs
This registering/unregistering is ugly and is a bit of a pain for local developer builds with UAC enabled. Is it at all possible to build a VB6 project without having to register any controls?
I apologize if this has already been asked before. The only similar questions I was able to find were about how to build VB6 projects, and answers to these mention the same solution of register, build, unregister.
It sounds like these people are merely working on clients of these OCXs rather than modifying and recompiling the OCXs themselves.
If so, you should be administering the installation of these libraries just as you administer the VB6 development system itself. This means each workstation needs to have the control suites you are using installed once (well, and maintained when new releases are placed into use). Installers for developer libraries deploy things like .DEP files as well as design-time license key registry entries, so using regsvr32 shouldn't be considered a viable strategy anyway.
If you set the developer workstations up properly and maintain them there isn't any reason to be registering and unregistering such things.
It means the original developers probably did not set the "binary compatibility" correctly. Which means the VB6 dll's get a "new com guid" every time they are built.
Which means your original VB6 developers were probably a bunch of hacks.
You can read the section here on Binary Compatibility.
Get in a time machine and go back and punch the person in the face who said "We don't need
to work out the binary compatibility issues now, we'll just unregister and re-register the components... Easy Peezey!"................
If I'm wrong, please let me know. But every time I've seen "unregister the com" and "re-register the com" goes back to that brainiac decision.
Here is a longer discussion on it:
If the ocx's are not changing........then you should only have to register them once on the build machine once.
The direct answer is no, it is not possible to compile a VB6 project with OCX dependencies without those dependencies being registered.
Furthermore, the act of compilation itself involves VB6 attempting to register what it has just built (unless you are compiling to an EXE). This generally requires the VB6 IDE and/or its compiler to run with "admin" permissions. Therefore the permissions are a hard to avoid issue regardless.
I believe these issues can be obfuscated by the fact that VB6 itself (the IDE and/or the runtime) will sometimes try to automatically register certain things for you, but will keep silent when it does so.
You should probably create a different process to setup a development PC from the build process you use from deployment. This may "feel" wrong especially if you have experience with other programming environments, but I would stress that VB6 can be very painful & problematic to work with and so pragmatism is generally in order.
On the development PCs: Setup all the unchanging dependencies once (and document them) and then leave them alone (as noted in another answer.) When weird dependency problems occur, verify the PC is setup correctly before doing anything else.
If you have all the sources to your dependencies, then I would consider if you can actually run them all in a VB6 project group (VBG) and not compile them at all. (A VBG is akin to a .NET solution though far less powerful.) I do this often and it cuts out a lot of wasted time. Developers don't necessarily need code compiled to EXE / DLL / OCX - they often just need to be able to run it in the IDE.
On the build PC: If you can always start with a clean environment, like in a virtual machine, then I think its actually a good idea to register everything from scratch in an automated fashion as this helps to verify nothing is missing or mismatched. Re-using the same build environment without doing this can mask problems when some dependency has changed in source control but still exists on the build machine. On a VM generally permissions aren't a limiting factor.
If you are building an EXE, VB6 does not require any elevated permissions, as far as I can recall.
Running code in the VB6 IDE does not either.
[Caveat 1]:
It may technically be possible to create a side-by-side application manifest file for VB6.exe itself and include in that manifest whatever dependencies you need, thereby avoiding having to register them.
But this would fall well outside of the normal ways to use VB6 tools - its a hack - and possibly is not worth the potentially large effort. I don't think I've ever seen a working example and so I don't recommend this as a practical solution, but mention it for completeness.
Maybe in some locked-down corporate IT scenario this could pay off... maybe. In that scenario doing dev work in a VM might be a better option though.

how to "spy " on win32pipe/console?

i have an application which call another console application and pass to it some parameters (console app is a video/audio coverter app) ... is there a way to programmatically "spy" or catch the passed paramters other than hooking/monitoring shellexecute/CreateThread etc ?
Create an executable yourself that just calls the original and passes all parameters on to it. Then move the original somewhere else and replace it with your exe. Your program can then log all calls to it, including all parameters.
Yes, there is - as you write Process Explorer is able to do it, and you could employ the same technique. But AFAIK there's no Delphi translation of the winternl.h file from the Platform SDK, so it is even more tedious and difficult. Also this is extremely version-specific, and there are chances it will break with the next Windows version. It's also not quite clear whether this works for 64 bit processes (from a 32 bit process).
If you really want to do it you will find the necessary information in this blog posting by Matt Pietrek, and in the CodeProject article "Read Environment Strings of Remote process".
If you do not plan to use it for closed source commercial programs then a look into the (GPL licensed) annotated version of the winternl.h file from the ReactOS project would probably also help.
It's a Win32 FAQ since 1992 : just read the PEB.
See on Win32 experts group.
