Maintain Session after app Update in React Native - ios

I have currently working on react native ios app and for testing purpose i have submitted app on test flight mode in ios.
I have created session management with help of AsyncStorage this feature helpful still app will not updated,but after app updated AsyncStorage will dis-troy.
My question is that how to maintain app session storage after app will updated.
If any one have idea please answer this.
Thanks in Advance.

You can save login data directly in database (for example you can use something like Realm).
However pay attention on how you use AsyncStorage especially on Android (you probably don't want to have a "clear data" backup on Google, see this).


Running iOS app in the background without user interaction

Hey all I’m new to the world of Xcode and building apps.
I am wondering if it were possible to have an app run in the background and have it listen to the photos library and if it finds a new photo has been added it would automatically upload that to some type of rest api call without the user having to interact/do it manually?
This will only be used in my household so I’m not looking to get it into the App Store or go through any approval process that apple does if it were going to be in the App Store.
So before I spend too much time looking around - is this possible with iOS 14+? Only thing I have come across that remotely sounds like something that would work would be this PHPhotoLibraryChangeObserver but I’m not sure if the user has to interact with it in order for it to be used or not? I’m open to any suggestions you more experienced Xcode programmers have about the above.

How to access iCloud as core data for iCloud is deprecated

I am working on an app using core data as I thought I could use sync functionality provided by core data for iCloud for syncing data between iPad and iPhone, now it is deprecated.
I came across CloudKit but it is mainly to create and manage data that can be consumed by community of end users but not just one like chat apps. My app is only for single user so that user can sync their data between their apple eco system devices.
I am new to iOS development so it would be helpful to know which technology will meet my requirements.
In short, can you please suggest what should I use
If have to store data on phone for offline use
Then sync it across devices if user have say iPhone, iPad, and iWatch
P.S. Can you please suggest something that doesn't need the user to be signed into iCloud while saving the data.
The CoreData/iCloud integration is deprecated in iOS 10 / macOS Sierra, and there is no replacement (at least so far).
Way forward so far :
Use third party framework such as Ensembles :
Use CloudKit, which can be used for that. See this for a help :
Note that CoreData/iCloud integration will still be working for some time in the future. Apps that are using it will not suddenly stop working.
Apple just released a new container for Core Data that can sync across devices with iCloud.
Get started here:
Note, this requires iOS 13.
You should take a look at the videos from the latest WWDC.
Here is something about CloudKit Best Practices and whats new in cloud kit
CloudKit really have some nice out of the box solutions and you dont have to bother about security. Also the newest functionality enables you to use notifications for synchronising apps using the same apple id and even beyond, as the user can now opt to share certain data.
Depending how much data you are syncing, NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore.default() is also an option. But only for very less data

What will happen to my iOS app (currently live on the App Store) when I upgrade Firebase?

Been programming iOS apps for a few months and my first app is live on the App Store supported by a database hosted on Firebase. I'm storing data related to gluten-free places around the world on Firebase (name, address, latitue, longitude, imgURL etc.) and these places are then displayed on a Map.
Firebase released all their new features, I wanted to upgrade to start using their new Analytics modules. Now by reading the upgrade guide I understand that there are a few things that we need to tweak in our code first.
So here is my concern (maybe dumb question but I want to be extra careful before doing stupid).
Since my app is production on the App Store, if I upgrade my Firebase project, will my users still be able to use my app properly (i.e. getting the places displayed on the map) or will it break/bug/crash until I push an update to the App Store with an updated code based on Firebase's guide.
Thanks in advance for your help guys.
I do think that it will not affect your current app unless you change the database model in web interface, or change the authentication rules in web interface.
Firebase frameworks actually pointing to the same server, and same database model right.
The new Firebase includes lot of features and new stuffs into the system, but still they do support the old frameworks. My app is currently running on the new Firebase web interface but using very old Firebase framework, it's not in production though.
But I can tell you that you can upgrade to the new Firebase even if your app is in App Store.

Facebook App Install not recorded in Facebook Insights [iOS App]

I am trying to track down the installs in my iOS app in the Facebook Insights panel and i am not really able to do it. The only reading that i get is the number of App Launches. App install data is not getting recorded.
When i went through the insights panel i came across a banner as follows
"This data can be incomplete as we do not seem to be receiving app launch events corresponding to all your app installs"
Can you please help me with a solutions to track the no of App installs in Facebook Insights panel.
If you are using the FB iOS SDK then this logging is done by the use of FBSDKAppEvents class as described here.
One reason I can think of why you cannot see the data is that you do not have enough data. Wait for more data to log and see if it works.
If you are working with Mobile ads then make sure you follow the instructions here. There is an App Ads Helper as well that you might find handy.

iPhone Call History and App store

I would like to know if Apple will allow reading the call log history database on iPhone in application that will be submitted to the App Store.
Any help is appreciated.
No, there is no supported method for accessing the call log on iOS devices, and no way you can achieve this or submit an app doing this to the App Store legitimately.
If it's an existing official documented API, you may use it. It's as simple as that.
