Can't resize UITextField in Xcode Storyboard - ios

I have a UITextField in an Xcode storyboard, with horizontal alignment to centre and a top and bottom alignment:
however the field is too small, so I changed the width. I keep the horizontal align to centre so it's not using numerical values like this:
However, when I run, or press Editor > Update Frames, I notice that the field shrinks again! The width returns to 25. How can I keep the width wide, say 250, without it reverting??

You have to add a width constraint to it, otherwise it just has it's intrinsic size. Pressctrl and drag a horizontal line from the field to itself. You can then adjust the constant value of this constraint.

You can also add a placeholder text to it like "Enter text here..." in attributes inspector > Placeholder.
It changes the TextField intrinsic content size and allows you to see the result without need to add constraints.

Update constraint instead of Update Frames.


UILabel height depending on font size

I am using a UILabel in a UITableViewCell to display a title. Normally the text is not too long and therefore the font size can be large. Notice how the text fills the height of theUILabel like normal.
However, when there is a larger title, I want the UILabel height to reduce to accommodate the smaller font size and not leave a blank gap in its place. Currently, my configuration produces this effect.
I am using constraints in my storyboard and have deliberately not set a fixed height constraint. Here are the relevant constraints added:
I may have made a rookie error in my configuration as I can't remember this effect happening before, but it is giving me real headaches (and a bad looking UI).
When UILabel is set to auto-adjust font size to fit, it does NOT auto-adjust the height of itself.
You have a couple options:
set Baseline to Align Centers, and just accept that you will have top and bottom padding
use code to calculate the "scaled font size" and update the font size of the label
Remove either the Top Space or Bottom Space constraints (depending on where you want the label to be anchored).
This will cause the label to automatically use fit itself to the text size.
Try this and see, it should work according to your need:
Set Top and Bottom constraints attribute Greater Than or Equal To and add horizontal center (Alight Center Y to superview) and show in this image.

How to disable stackview autosize

So I have three text fields inside a horizontal stackview that are like this:
I've made this by placing a placeholder text and selected Fill Porportionally from the Stack View menu.
However, I would really love to stick with this ratio but everytime I type something long, the text fields increase automatically. Is there anyway to disable auto sizing so that I can keep these initial ratio at all times?
Note: second and third text fields are not the same size
Edit: Bump.. ='(
Just add width constraints to the views, setting them to the widths you want. Or set constraints between the views to control their proportions directly.
Your view widths seem to be 272, 135, and 168. So create an equal-width constraint between the left and middle views, then edit the constraint to set its multiplier to 272:135. Then create an equal-width constraint between the left and the right views and set its multiplier to 272:168.

Moving item after constraint has been applied

I have a table cell, and it has a label (which has the username), and a button (which takes to a location). There are constraints set to be the same on the y axis (center vertically to each other) and 5 px trailing/leading to each other. Works great. What doesnt work great, is if the label text is extremely long. It will push the text off the screen. How do I make the button go down to below the label? Similar to float in css?
^^This is the cell, and as you can see it goes off the screen. I need "San Francisco, CA" to be pushed below the label "#VeryReallyReallyLongUsername". I know you can do dynamic cell resizing using AutomaticDimension...
For that you should manage many thing programmatically. You can take outlet of constraint by ctrl + dragging from constraint to class file.
Then you can manipulate it's constant.
So if you want to let your button goes down when text is large then you can take outlet of top constraint of button and then increase it's constant by some pixels that you want and do same for label take outlet of it's width constraint and increase it's constant by some pixels that you want to increase width.
Second thing if you don't want to manage stuff like mentioned above then you can use multi line label. just set the numberOfLines property of your label to 0.
So if text size will be large then label distributes in two line or three line.
Or you can set Autoshrink property from attribute inspector from IB(story board) to minimum font size and set minimum font size with it. so if text is larger then it reduce font size that it fits exactly to label but not reduce more than that minimum size that we have set.
Hope this will help :)
Not easily. It may be possible to set up constraints which would do this, but I wouldn't know where to start.
I would pick another option such as having the label truncate the long value (it will put ... at the end), or to have the label scale the text smaller, or to have the label grow vertically and wrap the text.

Subview greater than its superview in ios / objective c

I have a view of limited width, lets say it 100.
I have multiple labels of same width inside that view and its text is centre aligned. So that text seems to be center aligned always.
Problem is when I got long text label it shows ellipses at the end of the text but I want to show whole text in one time while keeping superview width unchanged. Is it possible to attain this? If not then show how can I wrap that text if it is larger than its width. I'm new to IOS programming.
There is an issue with UILabel and autolayout. If you using it - check this answer: iOS: multiline uilabel only shows one line with autolayout
Also, check actual size of label and insure clipsToBound of superview is set to NO.

Stop UITextField from expanding horizontally

I have a UITextField positioned in a view next to a button. It has a trailing constraint of 8 to the button (which has a trailing constraint of 8 to the superview) and when I type long text in it, it simply scrolls along, which is I want. However, in order to retain the text typed in the field if the view is switched to another one (it's in a tab controller), I save the text in a holder variable and when it switches back to that view, I set the text in the field to the saved text.
The problem is that this causes the field to expand horizontally if the text is long enough, sometimes pushing the button off-screen, even with the trailing 8 constraint. I have tried to save the original frame of the field in a holder variable, and then after setting the text, set the frame to the saved original frame like so:
fieldFrame = messageField.frame
messageField.text = holderMessage
messageField.frame = fieldFrame
However, the field still expands, and it printed out 502.0 twice. My current thought is that the frame hasn't registered the change in width after the setting of the text in time for the println, but I'm not sure if this is correct.
Also, I've read some similar questions that suggested using a width constraint. If I use a less than or equal to width constraint on the field, will it still expand if on a device that's thinner? That is to say, since I'm currently using an any width and any height storyboard, it's wider than, say, an iPhone 6. So if I set a less than or equal to width constraint on the current width of the field, it seems possible that the field can still expand on a smaller device and not break that constraint.
Is there a better way to do such a width constraint? If not, how else can I keep the field from expanding and pushing the button offscreen?
Here's the problem. The text field has a tendency to size itself horizontally to its contents. The button has a tendency to size itself horizontally to its contents. Thus you have an ambiguity: those tendencies have the same priority, so the runtime doesn't know which one to collapse as the text field's text gets too long.
The solution is to adjust those priorities. You must lower the horizontal compression and hugging priorities for the text field - one point lower should be sufficient. Now the button will have a stronger tendency to match its own size to its contents, and the text field will clip its contents.
You can also lower the Content Compression Resistance programmatically (this also works if you are using a UIViewRepresentable in SwiftUi):
uiTextField.setContentCompressionResistancePriority(.defaultLow, for: .horizontal)
For more info on this topic please refer to:
Selecting the Text view, then within Size inspector:
1) Set "Layout Margins" to "Fixed".
2) Under "Content Compression Resistance Priority", set the "Horizontal" to be "Low (250)".
