Subview greater than its superview in ios / objective c - ios

I have a view of limited width, lets say it 100.
I have multiple labels of same width inside that view and its text is centre aligned. So that text seems to be center aligned always.
Problem is when I got long text label it shows ellipses at the end of the text but I want to show whole text in one time while keeping superview width unchanged. Is it possible to attain this? If not then show how can I wrap that text if it is larger than its width. I'm new to IOS programming.

There is an issue with UILabel and autolayout. If you using it - check this answer: iOS: multiline uilabel only shows one line with autolayout
Also, check actual size of label and insure clipsToBound of superview is set to NO.


Swift TextField has no width

I have just started learning swift and have been trying to create a layout using the scoreboard.
I have placed two textfields and set the constraints properly using the document outline. However when I run the emulator the Text Fields display wrong.
I have attached a screenshot, The left is what happens in my emulator the right is what I see in the view editor in xCode
You used the wrong you give x and y position to edges of the screen you can not maintain the width of the textview...
ok here is some images ...just follow it...
In first image i just give x and y position with height and width to first textfield and in the second one i give equal width and heigh to first one.
You used the wrong constraints. You set it so its constant inset from the two sides. If the screen gets small, the constant inset stays the same and it squeezes the textField.
You want to keep a constant width of the textField so no matter what size the screen is, it will keep the constant width.

Truncate UILabel before it runs into another UILabel dynamically

Basically, I have this situation:
Two UILabels in a UITableViewCell. They're both constrained to the top of the cell. One is constrained to the left of the cell, and one is constrained to the right of the cell.
There exists a change that the UILabel on the left can run into the UILabel on the right. Is there anyway to truncate the text x points before it gets to the UILabel on the right?
Right now, I handle this by giving the UILabel on the left an explicit width that ensures it will truncate before reaching the UILabel, but the explicit width is not dynamic based on screen size. If there is a larger screen size, it might not need to be truncated. I'm new to iOS development and am not sure how to do this.
The best way to achieve this is in auto-layout. Make sure the label on the right is a fixed size, you can even change it programatically if you need to accommodate to screen size. But the thing is this one needs a width constraint. The label on the left does not have a width constraint, instead do a horizontal spacing in front of it to the cell border and from it's trailing end to the start of the label view on the right. It will widen and shrink to fit the size that's left for it.

UILabel that has unnecessary padding in a cell

I'm trying to make a Facebook clone for practicing iOS and I can't see why a label I have on my news feed gets unnecessary padding.
It only occurs on some labels, others on my news feed turn out fine. However for a select few there's a block of white pace above and below. At first I thought it was an alignment issue so I changed the labels background to green to show that the constraints hold out.
Anyone know as to why it's placing the padding, only for a select few?
By default UILabel will center its content vertically. Therefore, if label.bounds.size.height is greater than size of the text, the label's instinct is to center the content vertically, which will results in the vertical padding that you see in the attached image. Ensure that the label's height is being set according to the height of the text it contains and the problem should go away.
As dbart pointed out your label's frame is likely higher than the text needed. You can fix this by calling -sizeToFit. You can also check the amount of space the label is actually using for text by using +textRectWithBounds:maximumNumberOfLines:
If your cell is using autolayout to determine the height of the label you should set the preferredmaxlayoutwidth to an appropriate value (for example table width) before laying out the cell.

Allow UILabel to grow dynamically using auto layout

I have a label which is going to contain a big description. I want the label to continue growing on new lines. In the image, its the label which starts with event_venue.....
The even_venue.. label has 3 constraints for now:
Vertical space with eventt_title
a horizantal space with the leading of the superview
a width constraints which defines that the label width is always less than the superview.width.
What I want to acheive is to make the event_venue.width less than superview.width, but if it has more text, it should display in new lines. Is this possible using autolayout?
This are possible steps which can create expandable UILabel
Set layouts for UILabel fixing its position
Set number of lines = 0
Set content vertical compression resistance to 1000 (this will allow text to push the label)
Since you want UILabel to expand you cannot give it fixed height constraint or its parent fixed height constraint. Sometimes depending upon condition giving height constraint is necessary to avoid error then you need to set its priority lower than vertical compression resistance
Yes, this totally is possible. I see answers here that are close to solution but not complete. Here is a solution which works with auto layout in Storyboard, no coding of sizeToFit or anything. Your modified steps would be:
Vertical space with eventt_title
A horizontal space with the leading of the superview
A horizontal space with the trailing of the superview
Set UILabel's Line Breaks as Word Wrap.
Set UILabel's lines property as 0.
I have solved a similar problem. I had to make a label that had a variable amount of text. Here's what I did:
In the storyboard, place your label with the origin where you want it.
In the Attributes Inspector, "Label" section, set the Line Breaks = Word Wrap
Fill the label with random placeholder text to the maximum shape you want. For example, if you wanted to fill the whole width and have room for a maximum of three lines of text, you could do:
In the code, set the text of the label using setText:
[self.myLabel setText:#"MyLabelText"];
This did it for me. Your situation may be a little different in that I wasn't changing the width of the superview and it sounds like you might be. But if the width constraint is set on the label then I would expect this to work in your case, too.
I had a similar question about label resizing, and the answer that I found that was useful to me is here: UILabel Auto Size Label to Fit Text. This is a good starting source for code on how to resize your label programmatically.
I would recommend that you also add a horizontal trailing auto layout constraint from the label to the edge of the superview. Do that and you can then get rid of your current width constraint.
AutoLayout facilitate you for orientation purpose. I don think it will give you automatic expansion. You have to define label with width and height completely, otherwise you will see dots at the end of label. So you may use UITextView expanding it all over the screen. And set textView.backgroundcolot = clearColor.

Where is this vertical spacing coming from in UILabelView?

I'm creating an iOS view that displays various static text elements. The xib looks like this:
It uses four labels for the title, timestamp, body, and footer. Every view is anchored to the sibling view above it vertically and anchored to the left/right of the parent view. All labels have a fixed height except the body which has a >= height and the number of lines set to 0 with "word wrap" as the line wrapping style. The parent view is a UIScrollView.
On the iPhone it looks like fine:
However on the iPad it looks like this:
Huh? Where is all that extra vertical space in the body label coming from? The xib and its view controller are identical between iPhone and iPad (there is no custom iPad code at the moment). I've found that the vertical space is directly related to how many line-wraps the label renders. If no lines wrap, no extra vertical space. If only a few lines wrap, there's a little extra vertical space. If nearly every line wraps, well, that's what it looks like.
First of all any ideas on why UILabel is behaving this way?
Second of all, if I can't make it stop doing this how can I work around it?
I've already tried a few things. If I call [bodyLabel sizeToFit] within -viewDidLayoutSubViews then it fixes the label but doesn't fix the layout of any of the sibling views (e.g. the Footer label is stuck way at the bottom of the screen instead of pulled up to just under the body). Any attempts to get the entire view to re-layout its children after calling sizeToFit is ignored. I've also tried sizing the UILabel by calculating height based on font, which results in the same behavior as -sizeToFit (albeit with more code).
Replacing the Body UILabel with a UITextView instead doesn't give me the weird vertical spacing issues but I need to calculate the height of the UITextView manually (using font calculations) and something about resizing the UITextView within the parent UIScrollView makes it so the UIScrollView simply refuses to scroll (as if it doesn't know its contents are too big for its bounds).
So at the moment I'm stuck. Even just an explanation of why UILabel behaves this way on the iPad layout would be helpful.
In case anyone else runs into this same issue using autolayout... I may have been able to solve the same issue by creating a constraint as Coche suggests, but I realized I had a preferredMaxLayoutWidth that was too small set on the uilabel. Once I set an accurate preferredMaxLayoutWidth (the actual width of the label) the spacing on top and bottom disappeared.
The main problem is that the method for auto resizing the text inside your Label is failing because in iPad your Label doesn't have a set width from the beginning, it is calculated on run time and that's the source of that mess. On iPhone, as your Label has a set width (on IB) there is no troubles.
There are two ways for solving the problem:
Having two storyboards : one for iPhone and one for iPad
Doing this will make that your Label knows its width since the beginning and it will just works as on iPhone.
Having just one Storyboard for both iPhone and iPad
You can go around the problem by calculating the size that best fits its text and with that result add a height constraint by code to the Label. For calculating the desiredSize you can calculate the width with this formula: Current View's width - (Leading space + Trailing Space). Here is my code
CGSize desiredSize = [_bodyLabel sizeThatFits:CGSizeMake(self.view.frame.size.width-40, 10)];
NSString *visualContraint = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"V:[_bodyLabel(%.0f)]",desiredSize.height];
[_bodyLabel addConstraints:[NSLayoutConstraint constraintsWithVisualFormat:visualContraint
