How to collect all the values for a SettingKey across all projects for use in an sbt plugin? - sbt-plugin

I am trying to collect the set of values for libraryDependencies across all projects/scopes/etc in an sbt 1.x build.
What is the right way to accomplish this?

I came to the answer courtesy of #gpoirier in the Gitter sbt/sbt room:
val extracted = Project.extract(state.value)
import extracted._
val allLibraryDependencies = structure.allProjectRefs.flatMap({ p =>
get(libraryDependencies in p)


Combine multiple `python.withPackages` defintitions

I have multiple python.withPackages expressions that I want to be able to automatically merge into a single python expression.
That is, given the following two definitions:
py1 = python37.withPackages selectPkgs1
py2 = python37.withPackages selectPkgs2
I want to provide some combinator, merge, such that
p3 = merge [py1, py2]
is the same derivation as
p3 = python37.withPackages (pkgs: (selectPkgs1 pkgs) ++ (selectPkgs2 pkgs))
I'd also be interested in solutions where I can build one output on top of the other. That is, performing the merge given py1 and selectPkgs2. Trying
py3 = py1.withPackages selectPkgs2
seemed to make sense, but that is just the same as py2--the packages selected by selectPkgs1 are lost.
Many nix language environments seem to share this withPackages construct, so I'm happy to hear answers in other languages. Thanks.

`knitr_out, `file_out` and `vis_drake_graph` usage in R:drake

I'm trying to understand how to use knitr_out, file_out and vis_drake_graph properly in drake.
I have two questions.
Q1: Usage of knitr_out and file_out to create markdown reports
While a code like this works correctly for one of my smaller projects:
make_hyp_data_aggregated_report <- function() {
input = knitr_in("rmd/hyptest-is-data-being-aggregated.Rmd"),
output_file = file_out("~/projectname/reports/01-hyp-test.html"),
quiet = TRUE
plan <- drake_plan(
hyp_data_aggregated_report = make_hyp_data_aggregated_report()
Exactly similar code in my large project (with ~10+ reports) doesn't work exactly right. i.e., while the reports get built, the knitr_in objects don't get displayed as the blue squares in the graph using drake::vis_drake_graph() in my large project.
Both projects use the drake::loadd(....) within the markdown to get the objects from cache.
Is there some code in vis_drake_graph that removes these squares once the graph gets busy?
Q2: file_out objects in vis_drake_graph
Is there a way to display the file_out objects themselves as circles/squares in vis_drake_graph?
Q3: packages showing up in vis_drake_graph
Is there a way to avoid vis_drake_graph from printing the packages explicitly? (Basically anything with the ::)
Every literal file path needs its own knitr_in() or file_out(). If you have one function with one knitr_in(), even if you use the function multiple times, that still only counts as one file path. I recommend writing these keywords at the plan level, e.g.
plan <- drake_plan(
r1 = render(knitr_in("report1.Rmd"), output_file = file_out("report1.html")),
r2 = render(knitr_in("report2.Rmd"), output_file = file_out("report2.html")),
r3 = render(knitr_in("report3.Rmd"), output_file = file_out("report3.html"))
They should appear unless you set show_output_files = FALSE in vis_drake_graph().
No, but if it's any consolation, I do regret the decision to track namespaced functions and objects at all in drake. drake's approach is fundamentally suboptimal for tracking packages, and I plan to get rid of it if there ever comes time for a round of breaking changes. Otherwise, there is no way to get rid of it except vis_drake_graph(targets_only = TRUE), which also gets rid of all the imports in the graph.

Double Linked List in Julia

I'm new to Julia language and I wanted to improve my understanding by implementing a double linked list.
Unfortunately it seems that there is no good existing library for this purpose.
The only good one is the single linked list (here).
There is one implementation of a double linked list (here). But this is 2 years old and I'm not sure if it is outdated or not. And it does not allow a real empty list. It is just a single element with a default value.
At the moment I would be able to implement the common stuff like push!, pop!, that's not the problem.
But I'm struggling with implementing a double linked list that could be empty.
My current approach uses Nullable for a optional value of the reference and value.
type ListNode{T}
ListNode(v) = (x=new(); x.prev=Nullable{x};{x}; x.value=Nullable(v); x)
ListNode(p, n, v) = new(p, n, v)
type List{T}
List() = (start=new(Nullable(ListNode{T}())); node=start; start)
List(v) = (start=new(Nullable(ListNode{T}(v))); node=start; start)
But it seems like this is pretty ugly and inconvenient to work with.
My second approach would be to introduce a boolean variable (inside List{T}) which stores if a list is empty or not. Checking this boolean would me allow to simply handle push! and pop! to empty lists.
I tried to google a good solution but I didn't found one.
Can anyone give me a "julia style" solution for the double linked list?
There is now a library containing various data structures, DataStructures.jl Some initial notes regarding the question. As of this writing, type is decrepitated. Instead, mutable struct should be used, for Julia 1.0 and beyond. Nullable is also decrepitated, and a Union of Nothing and the type in question can be used instead.
There exist a package called DataStructures.jl that provides what you need.
You can find a DoubleLinked list containing the functionality you need here:
Code snippets from the link above, defining a DoubleLinked list in Julia >= v 1.1:
mutable struct ListNode{T}
function ListNode{T}() where T
node = new{T}() = node
node.prev = node
return node
function ListNode{T}(data) where T
node = new{T}(data)
return node
mutable struct MutableLinkedList{T}
function MutableLinkedList{T}() where T
l = new{T}()
l.len = 0
l.node = ListNode{T}() = l.node
l.node.prev = l.node
return l
In addition to the DataStructures package, Chris Rackauckas' LinkedLists.jl is a good resource.
The source code is quite readable and you can always ask questions.

Testing collections with FSUnit.Xunit

I'm trying to test equality of two collections in F# using FSUnit (specifically its Xunit branch) but failing horribly so far.
I have a function that returns an array of certain structs and would like to test whether the returned array is correct. The code I'm testing is in C# so it so the function can't return native F# lists.
The most promising approach I've tried is following:
let SimpleTest() =
let parser = new ExpressionParser()
parser.ParseExpression "2" |> should equal [new ParsedItem("2", ParsedItemType.Value)]
...but it results in the the test failing because of:
"Message> FSUnit.Xunit+MatchException: Exception of type 'FsUnit.Xunit+MatchException' was thrown.
Expected value: Equals [(2)]
Actual: was [2]
I can see that it's because the type of native F# list doesn't match a native array but have honestly no idea (nor have I found anything in documentation) how to do it differently (other then creating native array beforehand and populating it one by one...).
I've also tried some other approaches but they usually wouldn't even compile.
PS: I'm completely new to both F# and Xunit so I might be missing something absolutely obvious.
EDIT: A workaround that actually works better was suggested in comments (comparing string representations instead of the objects themselves) and while I will use that in my actual code I'd still appreciate a true solution to my problem above.
Although you can't easily return F# lists from your C# code, one option is to return arrays. These have structural equality, so you can simply compare them to determine if they are equal to each other:
open System.Linq
let csharpArray = Enumerable.Range(0, 10).ToArray()
let fsharpArray = [| 0..9 |]
These two arrays are equal:
> csharpArray = fsharpArray;;
val it : bool = true
If you don't want to return arrays, you can also return IEnumerable<T>, and convert to either lists or arrays in F#:
> let csharpEnumerable = Enumerable.Range(0, 10);;
val csharpEnumerable : System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<int>
> csharpEnumerable |> Seq.toList = [0..9];;
val it : bool = true
For a more comprehensive to introduction to unit testing with F#, you may want to view my Pluralsight course on the topic.
Ok, I've found the answer and it's simpler than I thought it'd be. First off the assentation works well the problem was in syntax and me not bothering to read the documentation on how to create an array in F# and just guessing it.
There were two things wrong. First [new ParsedItem("2", ParsedItemType.Value)] doesn't create an array it creates a list. That in itself wouldn't be a problem for FSUnit's should equal but it's enough to make simple structural equality test using = fail.
The second thing that was wrong was that I didn't really compare with [new ParsedItem("2", ParsedItemType.Value)] I compared with [new ParsedItem("2", ParsedItemType.Value), new ParsedItem("+", ParsedItemType.Operator), new ParsedItem("3", ParsedItemType.Value)] and that actually creates a list containing one touple. And that - unsurprisingly - didn't assert well :).
Simply reading the documentation and learning that an array is supposed to be created [|new ParsedItem("2", ParsedItemType.Value); new ParsedItem("+", ParsedItemType.Operator); new ParsedItem("3", ParsedItemType.Value)|] fixed the issue.
Anyway, thanks for the comments and the other answer. Though they didn't answer my question they increased my knowledge about F# and gave me a new idea how to test :).

All combinations of a list in Dart

I need the classic N choose K algorithm to generate all the possible combinations of a list or iterable in Dart. Is there any implementation out there?
The package trotter seems to do what you are looking for.
There is now an unreleased null safety version of trotter. Add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml:
trotter: ^2.0.0-dev.1
Then you can do something like this:
var c = Combinations(3, characters('abcd'));
print('There are ${c.length} 3-combinations of the objects');
print('in ${c.items}.');
print('The first combination is ${c[0]}.');
You can make a Combinations object for a custom type as well:
var c = Combinations<MyType>(3, [obj1, obj2]);
