ARKit 2 freezes: a bug or my misfortune? - ios

Is it just me who experiences the whole scene freezing in ARKit on iOS 12? It usually happens when you use the app for too long in a space that generates too dense point cloud. After certain amount of time, the whole picture starts to lag and then would stop moving at all, until you cover the camera, or turn it away from your objects, or reset AR session.
Since I have updated to iOS 12, I started to experience this issue, but I searched a few forums to see if someone else got this problem and couldn’t find anyone. I wonder if it’s just me, or is it a common bug?
UPD: iOS 12 beta 2 - the issue still persists

Are you still having the problem? I faced a much worse problem today after upgrading to Xcode10 and iOS 12. I was so crushed when all my ARKit 1.5 projects faced freezing after the first frame was captured from the start.
I managed to solve it by changing project setting, the Deployment Target under General to 12.0. I restarted Xcode just to be sure. All my ARKit projects work now.
I hope this helps, if I find more issues with image recognition freezing on iOS 12 I will mark them here.


iOS simulator issue with SceneKit displays only black shapes

I have developed a small dice rolling app using SceneKit. While everything works correctly on device my dice nodes are shown as black shapes in the simulator. This used to work fine before but I stopped working on the app for a year and Xcode updated since. You can find screenshots of the issue below.
I tried using an other version of Xcode (11 beta). I tried deleting everything Xcode and Simulator related and reinstalling. I tried disabling every fancy effect on my dice nodes but nothing seems to have an impact, the issue really seems to come from the simulator rendering.
As anyone ever encountered a similar issue? Any help on how to fix it would be appreciated as I use Fastlane Snapshot to generate new screenshots when I release.
Simulator Screenshot:
Device Screenshot:
I made it work by trying random stuff: the culprit seems to be my SCNLight node that lights the scene. My light type was set to .spot but if I set it to something else my dice appear correctly in the simulator.

ARKit randomly limits frame rate to 30FPS

Every once in a while when I run my ARKit project the frame rate locks to 30FPS. This seems to happen completely by random.
This happens even when the scene is empty and there are no rendering and background processes happening.
After closing Xcode and running the app again a couple times, it goes back to the default 60FPS.
Any idea what this could be?
I'm running on XCode 10.1 and iOS 12.1
It is known bug for iPhone 7/8 in iOS 11/12. Most people from forums say that sometimes iPhone seems to get stuck at 30 fps and only restart cures its weird issue.
Also, this bug happens when you use Unity's building blocks for ARKit. Currently there is no explanation why this is happening. Let's wait for new updates of Xcode, ARKit and iOS.
Hope this helps.

How to debug multiple scenes loading at the same time in unity?

We have a really weird bug in out game where when we upload it into Beta and send it out through test flight, so phones play the game as intended and other phones have a weird issue pictured below:
From the image you can see the problem. One it does a ghosting type of thing with the characters as they move. Two, it acts like no scene is actually closing, but keeps stacking them on top of each other.
This problem does not occur on iPhone 6s or iPad Pro. It also doesn't occur on Android. We have only seen it on 5S and iPads.
We have looked at versions and that doesn't seem to be an issue either. We are using Unity 5.3 for this build (we reverted to this build as we felt it was the most stable, just to make sure that wasn;t an issue)
Anyone have an idea of what could be causing this problem?
Keep in mind that the things that are being seen are in different scenes.
in your camera settings you probably set clear flags to Dont clear set it to Depth only

Cocos2d-x game doesn't respond to touch on iOS9

I've developed a game in Cocos2d-X for iPads. I've tested it on several iPads and it worked great but after I published it to the App Store a few users complained that the game is completely unresponsive, meaning, all the animations are running but the game doesn't respond to touch events.
I have tried reproducing the problem but even if I use the exact same device with the exact same iOS version I still can't reproduce it. All the users who complained are running various versions of iOS9.
I have quite a few installs so it appears the problem only affects a small percentage of my users, but it still affects them. And for these users the game is always unresponsive, no matter how many times they run it or install\uninstall it.
I'm working with cocos2d-x 3.6.
Did anyone encounter such a problem or have any idea what might cause it?
Strangely enough, the problem was the MFMailComposeViewController. I mistakenly attempted to allocate it at startup without checking its canSendMail method. Apparently in iOS 9 it causes some kind of problem that blocks touches to my app.

Apparently random purple 'tearing' on iPhone 5 camera under iOS 7

I'm using AVFoundation to set up and display a custom camera interface. I've used a lot of code from Apple's AVCam sample code project. It works mostly but every now and then the camera display 'tears', with parts of the screen displaying a bright purple.
I have no idea why this could be happening. It seems to be completely random (usually happens when I move the camera around though). Has anyone else experienced this?
This is a common issue for iPhone 5 and iOS 7. I have experienced it quite a few times (on multiple iPhone 5 models) even with native
When asking questions that might relate to HW issues you'd better state your device and OS version because it can help us help you.
Try running your code on another device and if that helps I'd suggest you visit nearest Apple Store to claim this problem.
