Unable to localize Face Id popup for non-matching face - ios

It seems like Face Id is ignoring localizedFallbackTitle and localizedReason. However localizedCancelTitle is working fine. Does anyone know how to get it work?
My code:
LAContext *context = [[LAContext alloc] init];
if ([context respondsToSelector:#selector(setLocalizedCancelTitle:)]) {
context.localizedCancelTitle = [Language get:CANCEL alter:nil];
if ([context respondsToSelector:#selector(setLocalizedFallbackTitle:)])
context.localizedFallbackTitle = [Language get:TRY_AGAIN alter:nil];
NSError *error = nil;
if ([context canEvaluatePolicy:LAPolicyDeviceOwnerAuthentication error:&error]) {
[context evaluatePolicy:LAPolicyDeviceOwnerAuthentication
localizedReason:[Language get:AUTHRNTICATE_USING_YOUR_FACE alter:nil] reply:^(BOOL success, NSError *error) {
I want to localize everything on this popup if possible.
Note: Attached screenshot is taken on simulator. I have also checked
it on real device but the result is same. Also, for Touch id it is working properly.

According to this Post, there is no API for changing the Reason in between the auth process.
The app-provided reason for requesting authentication, which displays in > the authentication dialog presented to the user.
You can use BiometricAuthentication to show your message.
BioMetricAuthenticator.authenticateWithBioMetrics(reason: "", success: {
// authentication successful
}, failure: { [weak self] (error) in
// do nothing on canceled
if error == .canceledByUser || error == .canceledBySystem {
// device does not support biometric (face id or touch id) authentication
else if error == .biometryNotAvailable {
self?.showErrorAlert(message: error.message())
// show alternatives on fallback button clicked
else if error == .fallback {
// here we're entering username and password
// No biometry enrolled in this device, ask user to register fingerprint or face
else if error == .biometryNotEnrolled {
self?.showGotoSettingsAlert(message: error.message())
// Biometry is locked out now, because there were too many failed attempts.
// Need to enter device passcode to unlock.
else if error == .biometryLockedout {
// show passcode authentication
// show error on authentication failed
else {
self?.showErrorAlert(message: error.message())


iOS Biometric authentication: Try Password work only after the second biometric fail attempt

I'm trying out the biometric authentication on iOS for the first time.
My touch id authentication code is working perfectly. But if touch id fails, I want to authenticate using Device PIN. But this is working only after the second touch id attempt fail. First time, when it fails, an alert shows with 'Try Password' button. But when touching it, instead of going to the screen to enter device pin, it shows the enter touch id alert again.
Now if the touch id fails again and if I touch the Enter password button. It's going to the screen to enter Device PIN.
But why is it not working the first time? From Apple docs:
The fallback button is initially hidden. For Face ID, after the first
unsuccessful authentication attempt, the user will be prompted to try
Face ID again or cancel. The fallback button is displayed after the
second unsuccessful Face ID attempt. For Touch ID, the fallback button
is displayed after the first unsuccessful Touch ID attempt.
I see it working with apps like google pay. What am I doing wrong here.
Here's my code.
public partial class AuthenticationViewController : UIViewController
private LAContext context;
public AuthenticationViewController(IntPtr handle) : base(handle)
public override void ViewDidLoad()
if (UserDefaultsManager.RememberMe)
private void TryAuthenticate()
context = new LAContext();
NSError error = null;
if (UIDevice.CurrentDevice.CheckSystemVersion(11, 0) &&
context.CanEvaluatePolicy(LAPolicy.DeviceOwnerAuthenticationWithBiometrics, out error)) {
// Biometry is available on the device
"Unlock SmartFHR", HandleLAContextReplyHandler);
} else {
// Biometry is not available on the device
if (error != null) {
HandleLAContextReplyHandler(false, error);
} else {
private void TryDevicePinAuthentication(NSError error)
if (context.CanEvaluatePolicy(LAPolicy.DeviceOwnerAuthentication, out error)) {
"Unlock SmartFHR", HandleLAContextReplyHandler);
private void HandleLAContextReplyHandler(bool success, NSError error)
DispatchQueue.MainQueue.DispatchAsync(() => {
if (success) {
switch (error.Code) {
case (long)LAStatus.UserCancel:
case (long)LAStatus.UserFallback:
case (long)LAStatus.BiometryNotEnrolled:
case (long)LAStatus.BiometryNotAvailable:
private void ContinueAfterAuthSuccess()
if (Storyboard.InstantiateViewController("SplashController") is SplashController vc)
AppDelegate.Instance.Window.RootViewController = vc;
When first touch id attempt fails and I touch the Try Password button, I see that it calls the HandleLAContextReplyHandler with error code LAStatus.UserFallback.
The documentation for LAPolicyDeviceOwnerAuthentication says:
If Touch ID or Face ID is available, enrolled, and not disabled, the
user is asked for that first.
So when you used TryDevicePinAuthentication to display an authentication window, it will still show a biometric window first.
If you want the user to enter the passcode to go through the authentication, I think DeviceOwnerAuthentication is enough.
private void TryAuthenticate()
context = new LAContext();
// if Biometry is available on the device, it will show it first
context.EvaluatePolicy(LAPolicy.DeviceOwnerAuthentication, "Unlock SmartFHR", HandleLAContextReplyHandler);
In this way, you only need to handle the situation that the user cancels this authentication. Because it will automatically popup a passcode entering window when the user clicks the fallback button:
private void HandleLAContextReplyHandler(bool success, NSError error)
DispatchQueue.MainQueue.DispatchAsync(() => {
if (success)
switch (error.Code)
case (long)LAStatus.UserCancel:

Sinch Callout Verification : not verifying on input "1"

I am trying to use Sinch Callout Verification for my iOS App. I have implemented the code according to documentation. And I do receive call on iPhone. Recorded voice tells me to "Please press 1 for verification or hang up if you didn't requested this call"
When I enter "1" from my iPhone keyboard, nothing happens. Computer just keep repeating above message.
But when I hang up I do get a call back in my code with failure.
Below is my code :
NSString* defaultRegion = info.countryAbbr.uppercaseString; //this is my country in upper case and its correct
NSError *parseError = nil;
id<SINPhoneNumber> phoneNumber = [SINPhoneNumberUtil() parse:[info getFullPhoneNo]
if (!phoneNumber){
// Handle invalid user input
NSString *phoneNumberInE164 = [SINPhoneNumberUtil() formatNumber:phoneNumber
id<SINVerification> verification = [SINVerification calloutVerificationWithApplicationKey:#"4ecb3c90-6d92-40c5-9a96-649f84fcc93e"
[verification initiateWithCompletionHandler:^(id<SINInitiationResult> result, NSError *error) {
[SPProgressHud hideAllHUDsForView:self.view animated:YES];
if (result.success) {
// when I enter/press "1" call should hang up and code here should run
} else {
if ([error.domain isEqualToString:SINVerificationErrorDomain] &&
error.code == SINVerificationErrorCancelled) {
// Handle cancellation error code separately
NSLog(#"Verification cancelled: %#", error);
} else {
// Inform user of error, e.g. that input was invalid.
iOS Version : 11.2.6
Xcode Version : 9.2
Sinch Verification Version : 2.0.6 installed using cocoapods
Language : Objective - C
Country : Pakistan (PK)
Service Provider : Zong (CMPak)

QuickBlox video chat: QBRequest.logInWithUserEmail vs QBChat.instance().connectWithUser

I have a simple QuickBlox chat app built by following the iOS tutorial:
I've successfully created a user and logged them in. However, I run into an error when I try to initiate a session: "You have to be logged in in order to use Chat API".
let newSession: QBRTCSession = QBRTCClient.instance().createNewSessionWithOpponents(["12498970"], withConferenceType: QBRTCConferenceType.Video)
I'm able to resolve this by adding QBChat.instance().connectWithUser each time I open it:
QBChat.instance().connectWithUser(user!) { (error) in
if error != nil {
print("error: \(error)")
else {
print("login to chat succeeded")
But somehow this seems weird because I have to either cache the password or prompt the user to enter their password each time the app opens. It seems strange that the QBSession.currentSession().currentUser is still valid, but the QBChat user has been invalidated. What is the best practice for accomplishing this? In all the samples, the passwords are hardcoded. This doesn't seem like a great solution.
I ended up following examples in Q-municate, which is an app the Quickblox folks built to basically demonstrate their whole package, as well as provide an actual solution for whatever your chat needs are. I have some other custom stuff and don't need a lot of the functionality so I'm still trying to dig through the details of how they implement it. The link to Q-municate:
In their login flow, they use the QMApi module written for Q-municate:
[[QMApi instance] loginWithEmail:email
completion:^(BOOL success)
[SVProgressHUD dismiss];
if (success) {
[[QMApi instance] setAutoLogin:weakSelf.rememberMeSwitch.on
[weakSelf performSegueWithIdentifier:kTabBarSegueIdnetifier
In loginWithEmail, their settingsManager caches this login:
[weakSelf.settingsManager setLogin:email andPassword:password];
which is actually just a way to cache the password in SSKeyChain.
[SSKeychain setPassword:password forService:kQMAuthServiceKey account:login];
Later, when you return to the app, they call autologin:
if (!self.isAuthorized) {
if (self.settingsManager.accountType == QMAccountTypeEmail && self.settingsManager.password && self.settingsManager.login) {
NSString *email = self.settingsManager.login;
NSString *password = self.settingsManager.password;
[self loginWithEmail:email password:password rememberMe:YES completion:completion];
else if (self.settingsManager.accountType == QMAccountTypeFacebook) {
[self loginWithFacebook:completion];
else {
if (completion) completion(NO);
else {
if (completion) completion(YES);
where self.settingsManager.password pulls the password from SSKeychain:
NSString *password = [SSKeychain passwordForService:kQMAuthServiceKey account:self.login];
autoLogin is called when the main chat tab is loaded. That makes our classic call to connectToChat:
[[QMApi instance] autoLogin:^(BOOL success) {
if (!success) {
[[QMApi instance] logoutWithCompletion:^(BOOL succeed) {
[weakSelf performSegueWithIdentifier:#"SplashSegue" sender:nil];
} else {
// subscribe to push notifications
[[QMApi instance] subscribeToPushNotificationsForceSettings:NO complete:^(BOOL subscribeToPushNotificationsSuccess) {
if (!subscribeToPushNotificationsSuccess) {
[QMApi instance].settingsManager.pushNotificationsEnabled = NO;
[weakSelf connectToChat];
So technically the docs are doing the right thing by logging in to chat every time the app opens and chat is no longer connected. There's just a much more complex but secure way to store that password so the user doesn't have to reenter it.
TLDR: The way it works in my code (and in swift) is:
On login:
QBRequest.logInWithUserEmail(email, password: password, successBlock: { (response, user) in
SSKeychain.setPassword(password, forService: "kMyAppLoginServiceKey", account: email)
}) { (errorResponse) in
print("Error: \(errorResponse)")
self.simpleAlert("Could not log in", defaultMessage: nil, error: nil)
Whenever the chat view loads:
if !QBChat.instance().isConnected() {
let user = QBSession.currentSession().currentUser
let password = SSKeychain.passwordForService("kMyAppLoginServiceKey", account: user?.email!)
user!.password = password
QBChat.instance().connectWithUser(user!) { (error) in
if error != nil {
print("error: \(error)")
else {
print("login to chat succeeded")

cloudKit: CKSubscription error "This request requires an authenticated account""

I'm testing my app with no authenticated iCloud accounts but I'm getting this error when to subscribe the device for notifications:
subscription error<CKError 0x1700581e0: "Not Authenticated" (9/1002); "This request requires an authenticated account"; Retry after 3.0 seconds>
This is Ok but my question is how can check if the device is login to iCloud before try to run the CKSubscription code?
I'll really appreciate your help.
I ended up here searching for "cloudkit This request requires an authenticated account" on google. The problem for me was that I wasn't signed in to iCloud inside the simulator. I had kind of assumed I would be running under my development Apple ID automatically...
You can use the accountStatusWithCompletionHandler method on the container. If you want to use subscriptions, then it should return a status with a .hashValue of 1
container = CKContainer.defaultContainer()
container.accountStatusWithCompletionHandler({status, error in
if (error != nil) { NSLog("Error = \(error.description)")}
NSLog("Account status = \(status.hashValue) (0=CouldNotDetermine/1=Available/2=Restricted/3=NoAccount)")
This is the Objective-C version:
CKContainer *container = [CKContainer defaultContainer];
[container accountStatusWithCompletionHandler:^(CKAccountStatus accountStatus, NSError *error)
if (((accountStatus == 3) || (accountStatus == 2)) && (!error))
NSLog(#" no error but status %ld",accountStatus);
// typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, CKAccountStatus) {
// /* An error occurred when getting the account status, consult the corresponding NSError */
// CKAccountStatusCouldNotDetermine = 0,
// /* The iCloud account credentials are available for this application */
// CKAccountStatusAvailable = 1,
// /* Parental Controls / Device Management has denied access to iCloud account credentials */
// CKAccountStatusRestricted = 2,
// /* No iCloud account is logged in on this device */
// CKAccountStatusNoAccount = 3,
// }
if (error)
NSLog(#" accountStatus error %#",error);
} ];
in swift 2 you compare status to
case CouldNotDetermine
case Available
case Restricted
case NoAccount

How to get user email address via Twitter API in iOS?

I have tried multiple SDK's but was unable to get an email ID from any of the resources. I have tried FHSTwitterEngine for this purpose but I didn't get the solution.
FHSTwitterEngine *twitterEngine = [FHSTwitterEngine sharedEngine];
NSString *username = [twitterEngine loggedInUsername]; //self.engine.loggedInUsername;
NSString *key = [twitterEngine accessToken].key;
NSString *secrete = [twitterEngine accessToken].secret;
if (username.length > 0)
NSDictionary *userProfile = [[FHSTwitterEngine sharedEngine] getProfileUsername:username];
NSLog(#"userProfile: %#", userProfile);
After Twitter has updated APIs, Now user can get Email using TWTRShareEmailViewController class.
// Objective-C
if ([[Twitter sharedInstance] session]) {
TWTRShareEmailViewController* shareEmailViewController = [[TWTRShareEmailViewController alloc] initWithCompletion:^(NSString* email, NSError* error) {
NSLog(#"Email %#, Error: %#", email, error);
[self presentViewController:shareEmailViewController animated:YES completion:nil];
} else {
// TODO: Handle user not signed in (e.g. attempt to log in or show an alert)
// Swift
if Twitter.sharedInstance().session {
let shareEmailViewController = TWTRShareEmailViewController() { email, error in
println("Email \(email), Error: \(error)")
self.presentViewController(shareEmailViewController, animated: true, completion: nil)
} else {
// TODO: Handle user not signed in (e.g. attempt to log in or show an alert)
Even if the user grants access to her email address, it is not guaranteed you will get an email address. For example, if someone signed up for Twitter with a phone number instead of an email address, the email field may be empty. When this happens, the completion block will pass an error because there is no email address available.
Twitter Dev Ref
There is NO way you can get email address of a twitter user.
The Twitter API does not provide the user's email address as part of the OAuth token negotiation process nor does it offer other means to obtain it.
Twitter Doc.
You will have to use Twitter framework. Twitter has provided a beautiful framework for that, you just have to integrate it in your app.
To get user email address, your application should be whitelisted. Here is the link. Go to use this form. You can either send mail to sdk-feedback#twitter.com with some details about your App like Consumer key, App Store link of an App, Link to privacy policy, Metadata, Instructions on how to log into our App etc..They will respond within 2-3 working days.
Here is the story how I got whitelisted by conversation with Twitter support team:
Send mail to sdk-feedback#twitter.com with some details about your App like Consumer key, App Store link of an App, Link to privacy policy, Metadata, Instructions on how to log into our App. Mention in mail that you want to access user email adress inside your App.
They will review your App and reply to you withing 2-3 business days.
Once they say that your App is whitelisted, update your App's settings in Twitter Developer portal. Sign in to apps.twitter.com and:
On the 'Settings' tab, add a terms of service and privacy policy URL
On the 'Permissions' tab, change your token's scope to request email. This option will only been seen, once your App gets whitelisted.
Put your hands on code
Use of Twitter framework:
Get user email address
if ([[Twitter sharedInstance] session]) {
TWTRShareEmailViewController *shareEmailViewController =
[[TWTRShareEmailViewController alloc]
initWithCompletion:^(NSString *email, NSError *error) {
NSLog(#"Email %# | Error: %#", email, error);
[self presentViewController:shareEmailViewController
} else {
// Handle user not signed in (e.g. attempt to log in or show an alert)
Get user profile
-(void)usersShow:(NSString *)userID
NSString *statusesShowEndpoint = #"https://api.twitter.com/1.1/users/show.json";
NSDictionary *params = #{#"user_id": userID};
NSError *clientError;
NSURLRequest *request = [[[Twitter sharedInstance] APIClient]
if (request) {
[[[Twitter sharedInstance] APIClient]
completion:^(NSURLResponse *response,
NSData *data,
NSError *connectionError) {
if (data) {
// handle the response data e.g.
NSError *jsonError;
NSDictionary *json = [NSJSONSerialization
NSLog(#"%#",[json description]);
else {
NSLog(#"Error code: %ld | Error description: %#", (long)[connectionError code], [connectionError localizedDescription]);
else {
NSLog(#"Error: %#", clientError);
Hope it helps !!!
If you'd like a user's email address, you'll need to ask a user for it within the confines of your own application and service. The Twitter API does not provide the user's email address as part of the OAuth token negotiation process nor does it offer other means to obtain it.
In Swift 4.2 and Xcode 10.1
It's getting email also.
import TwitterKit
#IBAction func onClickTwitterSignin(_ sender: UIButton) {
TWTRTwitter.sharedInstance().logIn { (session, error) in
if (session != nil) {
let name = session?.userName ?? ""
print(session?.userID ?? "")
print(session?.authToken ?? "")
print(session?.authTokenSecret ?? "")
let client = TWTRAPIClient.withCurrentUser()
client.requestEmail { email, error in
if (email != nil) {
let recivedEmailID = email ?? ""
}else {
print("error--: \(String(describing: error?.localizedDescription))");
let storyboard = self.storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "SVC") as! SecondViewController
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(storyboard, animated: true)
}else {
print("error: \(String(describing: error?.localizedDescription))");
Swift 3-4
#IBAction func btnTwitterAction(_ sender: Any) {
TWTRTwitter.sharedInstance().logIn(completion: { (session, error) in
if (session != nil) {
print("signed in as \(String(describing: session?.userName))");
if let mySession = session{
let client = TWTRAPIClient.withCurrentUser()
//To get User name and email
client.requestEmail { email, error in
if (email != nil) {
print("signed in as \(String(describing: session?.userName))");
let firstName = session?.userName ?? "" // received first name
let lastName = session?.userName ?? "" // received last name
let recivedEmailID = email ?? "" // received email
}else {
print("error: \(String(describing: error?.localizedDescription))");
//To get user profile picture
client.loadUser(withID: session?.userID, completion: { (userData, error) in
if (userData != nil) {
let fullName = userData.name //Full Name
let userProfileImage = userData.profileImageLargeURL //User Profile Image
let userTwitterProfileUrl = userData?.profileURL // User TwitterProfileUrl
} else {
print("error: \(error?.localizedDescription)");
