Apache BEAM pipeline IllegalArgumentException - Timestamp skew? - google-cloud-dataflow

I have an existing BEAM pipeline that is handling the data ingested (from Google Pubsub topic) by 2 routes. The 'hot' path does some basic transformation and stores them in Datastore, while the 'cold' path performs fixed hourly windowing for deeper analysis before storage.
So far the pipeline has been running fine until I started to do some local buffering on the data before publishing to Pubsub (so data arrives at Pubsub may be a few hours 'late'). The error that gets thrown is as below:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot output with timestamp 2018-06-19T14:00:56.862Z. Output timestamps must be no earlier than the timestamp of the current input (2018-06-19T14:01:01.862Z) minus the allowed skew (0 milliseconds). See the DoFn#getAllowedTimestampSkew() Javadoc for details on changing the allowed skew.
at org.apache.beam.runners.core.SimpleDoFnRunner$DoFnProcessContext.checkTimestamp(SimpleDoFnRunner.java:463)
at org.apache.beam.runners.core.SimpleDoFnRunner$DoFnProcessContext.outputWithTimestamp(SimpleDoFnRunner.java:429)
at org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.WithTimestamps$AddTimestampsDoFn.processElement(WithTimestamps.java:138)
It seems to be referencing the section of my code (withTimestamps method) that performs the hourly windowing as below:
Window<KV<String, Data>> window = Window.<KV<String, Data>>into
PCollection<KV<String, List<Data>>> keyToDataList = eData.apply("Add Event Timestamp", WithTimestamps.of(new EventTimestampFunction()))
.apply("Windowing", window)
.apply("Group by Key", GroupByKey.create())
.apply("Sort by date", ParDo.of(new SortDataFn()));
I'm not sure if I understand exactly what I've done wrong here. Is it because the data is arriving late that is throwing the error? As I understand, if the data arrives late past the allowed lateness, it should be discarded and not throw an error like the one I'm seeing.
Wondering if setting an unlimited timestampSkew will resolve this? The data that's late can be exempt from analysis, I just need to ensure that errors don't get thrown that will choke the pipeline. There's also nowhere else where I'm adding/ changing the timestamps for the data so I'm not sure why the errors are thrown.

It looks like your DoFn is using “outputWithTimestamp” and you are trying to set a timestamp which is older than the input element’s timestamp. Typically timestamps of output elements are derived from inputs, this is important to ensure the correctness of the watermark computation.
You may be able to workaround this by increasing both the timestamp skew and the windwing allowed lateness, however, some data may be lost, it is for you to determine if such loss is acceptable in your scenario.
Another alternative is not to use output with timestamp and instead use the PubSub message timestamp to process each message. Then, output each element as a KV, where the RealTimestamp is computed in the same way you are currently processing the timestamp (just don’t use it in “WithTimestamps”), GroupByKey and write the KV to Datastore.
Other questions you can ask yourself are:
Why are the input elements associated to a most recent timestamp than the output elements?
Do you really need to Buffer that much data before publishing to PubSub?


Apache Beam: read from UnboundedSource with fixed windows

I have an UnboundedSource that generates N items (it's not in batch mode, it's a stream -- one that only generates a certain amount of items and then stops emitting new items but a stream nonetheless). Then I apply a certain PTransform to the collection I'm getting from that source. I also apply the Window.into(FixedWindows.of(...)) transform and then group the results by window using Combine. So it's kind of like this:
pipeline.apply(Read.from(new SomeUnboundedSource(...)) // extends UnboundedSource
.apply(new SomeTransform())
.apply(Combine.globally(new SomeCombineFn()).withoutDefaults())
And I assumed that would mean new events are generated for 5 seconds, then SomeTransform is applied to the data in the 5 seconds window, then a new set of data is polled and therefore generated. Instead all N events are generated first, and only after that is SomeTransform applied to the data (but the windowing works as expected). Is it supposed to work like this? Does Beam and/or the runner (I'm using the Flink runner but the Direct runner seems to exhibit the same behavior) have some sort of queue where it stores items before passing it on to the next operator? Does that depend on what kind of UnboundedSource is used? In my case it's a generator of sorts. Is there a way to achieve the behavior that I expected or is it unreasonable? I am very new to working with streaming pipelines in general, let alone Beam. I assume, however, it would be somewhat illogical to try to read everything from the source first, seeing as it's, you know, unbounded.
An important thing to note is that windows in Beam operate on event time, not processing time. Adding 5 second windows to your data is not a way to prescribe how the data should be processed, only the end result of aggregations for that processing. Further, windows only affect the data once an aggregation is reached, like your Combine.globally. Until that point in your pipeline the windowing you applied has no effect.
As to whether it is supposed to work that way, the beam model doesn't specify any specific processing behavior so other runners may process elements slightly differently. However, this is still a correct implementation. It isn't trying to read everything from the source; generally streaming sources in Beam will attempt to read all elements available before moving on and coming back to the source later. If you were to adjust your stream to stream in elements slowly over a long period of time you will likely see more processing in between reading from the source.

Slowness / Lag in beam streaming pipeline in group by key stage

Hi all, I have been using Apache Beam pipelines to generate columnar DB to store in GCS, I have a datastream coming in from Kafka and have a window of 1m.
I want to transform all data of that 1m window into a columnar DB file (ORC in my case, can be Parquet or anything else), I have written a pipeline for this transformation.
I am experiencing general slowness. I suspect it could be due to the group by key transformation as I have only key. Is there really a need to do that? If not, what should be done instead? I read that combine isn't very useful for this as my pipeline isn't really aggregating the data but creating a merged file. What I exactly need is an iterable list of objects per window which will be transformed to ORC files.
Pipeline Representation
input -> window -> group by key (only 1 key) -> pardo (to create DB) -> IO (to write to GCS)
What I have tried
I have tried using the profiler, scaling horizontally/vertically. Using the profiler I saw more than 50% of the time going into group by key operation. I do believe the problem is of hot keys but I am unable to find a solution on what should be done. When I removed the group by key operation, my pipeline keeps up with the Kafka lag (ie, it doesn't seem to be an issue at Kafka end).
Code Snippet
p.apply("ReadLines", KafkaIO.<Long, byte[]>read().withBootstrapServers("myserver.com:9092")
.withConsumerConfigUpdates(Map.of("group.id", "mygroup-id")).commitOffsetsInFinalize()
.apply("UncompressSnappy", ParDo.of(new UncompressSnappy()))
.apply("DecodeProto", ParDo.of(new DecodePromProto()))
.apply("MapTSSample", ParDo.of(new MapTSSample()))
.apply(WithKeys.<Integer, TSSample>of(1))
.apply(GroupByKey.<Integer, TSSample>create())
.apply("CreateTSORC", ParDo.of(new CreateTSORC()))
.apply(new WriteOneFilePerWindow(options.getOutput(), 1));
Wall Time Profile
The problem indeed seems to be a hot keys issue, I had to change my pipeline to create a custom IO for ORC files and bump up the number of shards to 50 for my case. I removed the GroupByKey totally. Since beam doesn't yet have auto determination of number of shards for FileIO.write(), you'll have to manually choose a number that suits your workload.
Also, enabling streaming engine API in Google Dataflow sped up the ingestion even more.

Windowing appears to work when running on the DirectRunner, but not when running on Cloud Dataflow

I'm trying to break fusion with a GroupByKey. This creates one huge window and since my job is big I'd rather start emitting.
With the direct runner using something like what I found here it seems to work. However, when run on Cloud Dataflow it seems to batch the GBK together and not emit output until the source nodes have "succeeded".
I'm doing a bounded/batch job. I'm extracting the contents of archive files and then writing them to gcs.
Everything works except it takes longer than I expected and cpu utilization is low. I suspect that this is due to fusion -- my hypothesis is that the extraction is fused to the write operation and so there's a pattern of extraction / higher CPU followed by less CPU because we're doing network calls and back again.
The code looks like:
Window.<MyType>into(new GlobalWindows())
.apply("Add key", MapElements...)
Locally I verify using debug logs so that I can see work is being done after the GBK. The timestamp between the first extraction finishing and the first post-GBK op usually reflects the 5s duration (or other values I change it to (1,5,10,20,30)).
On GCP I verify by looking at the pipeline structure and I can see that everything after the GBK is "not started" and the output collection of the GBK is empty ("-") while the input collection has millions of elements.
this is on beam v2.10.0.
the extraction is being done by a SplittableDoFn (not sure this is relevant)
Looks like the answer you referred to was for a streaming pipeline (unbounded input). For batch pipeline processing a bounded input, GroupByKey will not emit till all data for a given key has been processed. Please see here for more details.

Calculating periodic checkpoints for an unbounded stream in Apache Beam/DataFlow

I am using a global unbounded stream in combination with Stateful processing and timers in order to totally order a stream per key by event timestamp. The solution is described with the answer to this question:
Processing Total Ordering of Events By Key using Apache Beam
In order to restart the pipeline after a failure or stopping for some other reason, I need to determine the lowest event timestamp at which we are guaranteed that all other events have been processed downstream. This timestamp can be calculated periodically and persisted to a datastore and used as the input to the source IO (Kinesis) so that the stream can be re-read without having to go back to the beginning. (It is ok for us to have events replayed)
I considered having the stateful transformation emit the lowest processed timestamp as the output when the timer triggers and then combine all the outputs globally to find the minimum value. However, it is not possible to use a Global combine operation because a either a Window or a Trigger must be applied first.
Assuming that my stateful transform emits a Long when the timer fires which represents the smallest timestamp, I am defining the pipeline like this:
.apply("StatefulTransform", ParDo.of(new StatefulTransform()))
.apply(Combine.globally(new MinLongFn()))
.apply("WriteCheckpoint", ParDo.of(new WriteCheckpoint()));
Will this ensure that the checkpoints will only be written when all of the parallel workers have emitted at least one of their panes? I am concerned that a the combine operation may operate on panes from only some of the workers, e.g. there may be a worker that has either failed or is still waiting for another event to trigger it's timer.
I'm a newbie of the Beam, but according to this blog https://beam.apache.org/blog/2017/08/16/splittable-do-fn.html, Splittable DoFn might be the thing you are looking for!
You could create an SDF to fetch the stream and accept the input element as the start point.

Real-time pipeline feedback loop

I have a dataset with potentially corrupted/malicious data. The data is timestamped. I'm rating the data with a heuristic function. After a period of time I know that all new data items coming with some IDs needs to be discarded and they represent a significant portion of data (up to 40%).
Right now I have two batch pipelines:
First one just runs the rating over the data.
The second one first filters out the corrupted data and runs the analysis.
I would like to switch from batch mode (say, running every day) into an online processing mode (hope to get a delay < 10 minutes).
The second pipeline uses a global window which makes processing easy. When the corrupted data key is detected, all other records are simply discarded (also using the discarded keys from previous days as a pre-filter is easy). Additionally it makes it easier to make decisions about the output data as during the processing all historic data for a given key is available.
The main question is: can I create a loop in a Dataflow DAG? Let's say I would like to accumulate quality-rates given to each session window I process and if the rate sum is over X, some a filter function in earlier stage of pipeline should filter out malicious keys.
I know about side input, I don't know if it can change during runtime.
I'm aware that DAG by definition cannot have cycle, but how achieve same result without it?
Idea that comes to my mind is to use side output to mark ID as malicious and make fake unbounded output/input. The output would dump the data to some storage and the input would load it every hour and stream so it can be joined.
Side inputs in the Beam programming model are windowed.
So you were on the right path: it seems reasonable to have a pipeline structured as two parts: 1) computing a detection model for the malicious data, and 2) taking the model as a side input and the data as a main input, and filtering the data according to the model. This second part of the pipeline will get the model for the matching window, which seems to be exactly what you want.
In fact, this is one of the main examples in the Millwheel paper (page 2), upon which Dataflow's streaming runner is based.
