Where should I define properties in sonar-groovy? - jenkins

I went through the https://github.com/pmayweg/sonar-groovy
In README.md it specified few properties need to mention, but I am not able to identify where and in which file I have to mention them.
Actual information defined in pmayweg/sonar-groovy/README.md:
CodeNarc It is possible to reuse a previously generated report from CodeNarc by setting the sonar.groovy.codenarc.reportPaths property.
Groovy File Suffixes It is possible to define multiple groovy file suffixes to be recognized by setting the sonar.groovy.file.suffixes property. Note that by default, only files having .groovythe as extension will be analyzed.
Unit Tests Execution Reports Import unit tests execution reports (JUnit XML format) by setting the sonar.junit.reportsPath property. Default location is target/surefire-reports.
JaCoCo and Binaries The groovy plugin requires access to source binaries when analyzing JaCoCo reports. Consequently, property sonar.groovy.binaries has to be configured for the analysis (comma-separated paths to binary folders). For Maven and gradle projects, the property is automatically set.

Finally, I find out
sonar-scanner.properties in sonar-scanner/conf or
sonar-project.properties in your project.


Run tests in parallel using VStest not working

I am trying to implement parallel testing using VSTest Task as mentioned in the below article.
Brief description of what I am doing:
I have two self-hosted agents installed in the same server.
When I run the tests with a single Agent option (either one of them), it is running without any issue.
But when I apply multi-agent option either with
a) Simple slicing based on the number of tests and agents
b) Slicing based on test assemblies
I am getting the below error.
##[error]The slice of type 'Discovery' is 'Aborted' because of the error: System.Exception: No tests were discovered from the specified test sources.
Error message
Thanks in Advance,
Udaya Bhaskar.
Based on the YAML in the comments, this looks like a paths on disk issue, from the task help reference.
The PublishBuildArtifacts task has a default path of $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory); you have overridden this to $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)\Packages. If this is set correctly when you look at artefacts for the build you should be able to download your test assemblies and their dependencies which were uploaded from this location.
The DownloadBuildArtifacts task has a default downloadPath of $(System.ArtifactsDirectory) which the YAML view indicates you haven't overridden.
The VSTest task has a default searchPath of $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory); the YAML view indicates you have set this to $(Agent.BuildDirectory)\Bin.
The exact behaviour here may depend on how your agents have been set up for their disk paths. $(Agent.BuildDirectory) will usually be one of the numbered subdirectories from the agent's base working path. Interestingly, while DownloadBuildArtifacts' documentation says $(System.ArtifactsDirectory) is its default, this does not appear in the current predefined variables list; if it in fact refers to $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory), this defaults to the "numbered_build_subdirectory\a".
As your test search path will expand to "numbered_build_subdirectory\Bin", I expect that (assuming the files are being correctly published) they are being downloaded to a location that sits outside the search path the test task is targeting, which would explain why no tests are being found.
I would suggest modifying the download and search paths for DownloadBuildArtifacts and VSTest to be the same and relative to the base directory, eg: $(Agent.BuildDirectory)\Tests (or whatever is appropriate for your pipeline).

Is it possible to display Jacoco Coverage report on Jenkins dashboard?

I have jenkins file which has publishHTML method to generate report with .html file of jacoco result. Is it possible to display that report on dashboard like 'Test Trend Result' ?
So I went through a bit then found a solution adding to the pipeline directly
publishCoverage adapters: [jacocoAdapter('target/site/jacoco/jacoco.xml')]
Reference: https://github.com/jenkinsci/code-coverage-api-plugin
You need to use the JaCoCo plugin
Get coverage data as part of your build First you need to get coverage
calculated as part of your build/tests, see the JaCoCo documentation
for details. You need at least one or more *.exec file available after
tests are executed. Usually this means adjusting your Maven pom.xml or
Ant build.xml file..
Set up coverage retrieval and publishing In order to get the coverage
data published to Jenkins, you need to add a JaCoCo publisher and
configure it so it will find all the necessary information. Use the
help provided via the question-mark links for more information.
Basically you specify where the *.exec files are, where compiled code
can be found and where the corresponding source code is located after
the build is finished to let the plugin gather all necessary pieces of

How to configure Jenkins in order to build project using ant and custom args

There's too much routine with building next project version using ant. The routine is in several properties files that must be edited before running ant task. I took a look at Jenkins as a system to make builds (including night ones) but I have a problem with changing properties.
Is it possible (if yes, how can I do it) to type parameters in Jenkins configuration before build in order they will be passed to ant?
What I really mean is the following schema (I used in manual builds):
there're 2 properties files that contain data about build version, src destination, emails to notify about new build and so on.
corresponding properties' keys are used in Ant tasks and these properties are changed manually before build.
some properties are read by Java util and used for their own part during build.
there're also 3 or 4 ant XMLs that a imported in build.xml, and these xmls also read properties from mentioned files.
What I want to do is:
change key properties in Jenkins
press build project
my data will overwrite data in properties files OR will be passed as ant vars values straight to the ant's task(s).
as a result I receive new build with corresponding notifications (they're made through ant)
Are there mechanisms that allow one to make such schema work via Jenkins?
Thank you in advance.
In Jenkins, you can use the parameterised build feature to specify those parameters you need to substitute into your build.
For example, if specify a parameter called server and, when clicking "Build Now", you enter test, the build will be executed with an environment variable you can access called ${server}.
Then, in your "Invoke Ant" build step, if you press Advanced..., this reveals a "Properties" field. Here you can enter my.ant.property=${server}.
That's equivalent to calling ant -Dmy.ant.property=${server}, and will be expanded to ant -Dmy.ant.property=test.
Another option : Set environment variables for the scope of the build using this Env plugin. So if the properties you are using are environment variables or can be set as them then you want to use this one. Though it might involve some effort in changing the build scripts, but it can be a good option :
Q : Why would I use this one as I already have parametrized build plugin
A : Because the parametrized build plugin requires human interaction if there is more than 1 choice. For example building for Release 1 or Release 2 or Test branch.
While in the Env plugin, you can set the property once for each choice and then create a respective job for each. Then just schedule the job(s) thereby eliminating the human factor.

Dump all defined properties in Ant script

I have an Ant script that imports several external scripts and property files which were not written by me. (It's a project that was automatically generated by the Android SDK, but that shouldn't matter.) I added a custom target to the script, but I'd like to do a better job of integrating it with the stuff that's already there. What I need is a comprehensive list of the global properties that are defined at a particular point in script execution. Is there any way to do that with Ant?
You can use the Echoproperties task.

Include ant build xml inline from jar file without unzip?

I would like to simplify my main build scripts, and I'd like to have the ability to reuse certain common ant tasks as a library, but I'd also like them to be easily available as a package.
For instance, I've got a task which sets up the Flex environment variables that I need to build a variety of projects. I can (And am currently) include those scripts by relative path from another location in source control. But what I want to do is make a single download-able package that I can grab via Ivy that contains all of these generic tasks.
A jar seems the most natural solution, since this is doable from java (Use the class loader to access the file inside the jar.), but I can't seem to find a "native" way in Ant to just get the xml file.
In short, I want to do:
<import file="some.jar!bootstrap.xml">
But that doesn't work.
Is there someway to do this? Any other suggestions for making a library of ant scripts would be much appreciated as well.
From what I understand you're trying to extract a file containing more ant tasks from your jar and then tell ant to execute the tasks in those extracted files. Since the files are static, you'd probably be better off creating actual java Task definitions in your jar and declaring them in your ant build file. However, if you don't want to do that, you can just use the Unzip ant task to extract the resource out of the jar and onto the file system and then use the Ant task to execute the extracted file.
IIRC there's ongoing work in Ant to support this but it's not supported in any published version.
