Run tests in parallel using VStest not working - devops

I am trying to implement parallel testing using VSTest Task as mentioned in the below article.
Brief description of what I am doing:
I have two self-hosted agents installed in the same server.
When I run the tests with a single Agent option (either one of them), it is running without any issue.
But when I apply multi-agent option either with
a) Simple slicing based on the number of tests and agents
b) Slicing based on test assemblies
I am getting the below error.
##[error]The slice of type 'Discovery' is 'Aborted' because of the error: System.Exception: No tests were discovered from the specified test sources.
Error message
Thanks in Advance,
Udaya Bhaskar.

Based on the YAML in the comments, this looks like a paths on disk issue, from the task help reference.
The PublishBuildArtifacts task has a default path of $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory); you have overridden this to $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)\Packages. If this is set correctly when you look at artefacts for the build you should be able to download your test assemblies and their dependencies which were uploaded from this location.
The DownloadBuildArtifacts task has a default downloadPath of $(System.ArtifactsDirectory) which the YAML view indicates you haven't overridden.
The VSTest task has a default searchPath of $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory); the YAML view indicates you have set this to $(Agent.BuildDirectory)\Bin.
The exact behaviour here may depend on how your agents have been set up for their disk paths. $(Agent.BuildDirectory) will usually be one of the numbered subdirectories from the agent's base working path. Interestingly, while DownloadBuildArtifacts' documentation says $(System.ArtifactsDirectory) is its default, this does not appear in the current predefined variables list; if it in fact refers to $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory), this defaults to the "numbered_build_subdirectory\a".
As your test search path will expand to "numbered_build_subdirectory\Bin", I expect that (assuming the files are being correctly published) they are being downloaded to a location that sits outside the search path the test task is targeting, which would explain why no tests are being found.
I would suggest modifying the download and search paths for DownloadBuildArtifacts and VSTest to be the same and relative to the base directory, eg: $(Agent.BuildDirectory)\Tests (or whatever is appropriate for your pipeline).


TFS Online - Dont Zip empty folder

We're using TFS-Online to One-Click-Deploy our Software.
From time to time it happens, that we need to use some special scripts, we store in a folder. This basically means, most of the time said folder stays empty.
If i now go and trigger a build, i have there followings tasks
Now the question:
Is there any way to suppress these two tasks if the folder to be zipped/deleted is empty?
The tasks are the built in ones.
Note: This is NO on-premise TFS
You could specify conditions for running a task in VSTS. Express the condition as a nested set of functions. The agent evaluates the innermost function and works its way out. The final result is a boolean value that determines if the task is run or not.
In your case, a solution should be:
Add a powershell task prior to the Archive Files task.
Use the powershell task to judge the folder is empty or not.
If the folder is empty then fail the powershell task.(Remember to check Continue on error or always run option)
Add a condition for both Archive File and Delete File task such as Only when all previous tasks have succeeded
After this, those two task will not run when the special folder is empty during the build pipeline.
More details please refer this thread Specify conditions for running a task.

Call Build vNext task directly

Build vNext tasks are an awesome improvement over the previous build process. One downside though is that I can't make some tasks conditional. I can create an additional build for every combination, but this clearly scales badly and causes lots of additional work if we have to change some other part of the build.
Instead I'd prefer being able to write my own PowerShell tasks that can call existing build tasks. There is at least one downside to this (if no build asks specifically for the vso-task the build agent won't download it), but considering we are using on-premise TFS and build agents I can live with this.
I tried to do something like the following:
$path = get-item "$env:AGENT_HOMEDIRECTORY\Tasks\NuGetPackager\0.1.56\NuGetPackager.ps1"
& "$path" -searchPattern $searchPattern -outputDir "$packageFolder" -configurationToPackage $configurationToPackage -nugetAdditionalArgs "$nugetAdditionalArgs -version $nugetVersion"
Sadly this causes the following error:
2016-04-12T09:50:22.3652811Z ##[error]import-module : Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.TeamFoundation.DistributedTask.Agent.Interfaces,
2016-04-12T09:50:22.3652811Z ##[error]Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find
2016-04-12T09:50:22.3652811Z ##[error]the file specified.
2016-04-12T09:50:22.3652811Z ##[error]At C:\Agent1\Tasks\NuGetPackager\0.1.56\NuGetPackager.ps1:19 char:1
Now one solution I found on the web indicates that I could add the looked for dlls to the GAC, but I really, really don't want to. Also clearly the tasks work just fine when called from TFS directly, so what configuration am I missing?
I tried adding the folder containing the dlls to the path and even call SetDllDirectory explicitly in the PowerShell, but neither of those help.
Environment: Windows Server 2012 R2 on both build agent and TFS server. TFS 2015 Update 1.
The Powershell task Host that's used by the build agent for 2015 RTM up to Update 2 is a custom host which does creative things to resolve assemblies and handle input/output. These tasks can't be called from outside the agent.
Plus, quite a few build tasks are implemented using Node, so you'll have to detect which one is which and invoke them accordingly.
The build tasks are being migrated to a new vsts-task-lib, which will support out-of-agent invocation. These would allow exactly what you want.
In the mean time you could take the existing tasks (they're a simple manifest plus script in most cases) and add one string parameter to the task in which you stick a variable which you can then treat as the condition. You'd need to replace all the standard tasks. Then push them again. if you keep the ExtensionID and the Task GUID the same, they'll act as in-place replacements. This is probably the easiest way to do what you want without having to perform all kinds of hacks that take away the Task's UI. Just set the version number to something ridiculously higher, like that way you'll always end up using your version.
Note: the new builds are meant to be repeatable, in that calling the same build multiple times they always yield the same results. conditional actions can be captured in custom powershell scripts that are stored in source control. These can be executed as part of the workflow.

Jenkins Ant and dynamic files

I have a single code based being used to build an application for multiple platforms.
Locally I have setup a main file, and a series of additional *.properties files that I use to switch settings for the different platforms I am publishing to.
Doing my build on the command line I simply use the command:
ant build -propertyfile
How can I do this in Jenkins?
I currently use the "Invoke Ant" Build Step with the target set to build, but am at a loss for how to specify the secondary propertyfile?
Although not exactly the same, you can take the contents of those properties and put them into the Jenkins Invoke Ant build step, utilizing the properties advanced field.
The most basic way:
You will need to create a new task for each different set of sub properties you wish to utilize.
In your "Invoke Ant" build step, if you press Advanced..., this reveals a "Properties" field, you can copy the properties from one of your *.properties files into that field.
Repeat for each different properties file you wish to utilize.
Parametrized build plugin might help you. This is assuming the number of properties you are changing is one or two. So when you run a job, you get a drop-down to select you OS and go.
Though, as I have mentioned here , what goes against this plugin is that it makes the process manual
On this thread Hudson / Jenkins: share parameters between several jobs you can read the 2nd option in Anders's answer as an alternate approach.
A better approach for this is using a parameterised job with file parameter(refer to doc for creating the builds). Mentioning the file location as "propertyfile" would help. This would be better than reconfiguring the job again and again to run a build (To copy the properties file to the input location).

How to configure Jenkins in order to build project using ant and custom args

There's too much routine with building next project version using ant. The routine is in several properties files that must be edited before running ant task. I took a look at Jenkins as a system to make builds (including night ones) but I have a problem with changing properties.
Is it possible (if yes, how can I do it) to type parameters in Jenkins configuration before build in order they will be passed to ant?
What I really mean is the following schema (I used in manual builds):
there're 2 properties files that contain data about build version, src destination, emails to notify about new build and so on.
corresponding properties' keys are used in Ant tasks and these properties are changed manually before build.
some properties are read by Java util and used for their own part during build.
there're also 3 or 4 ant XMLs that a imported in build.xml, and these xmls also read properties from mentioned files.
What I want to do is:
change key properties in Jenkins
press build project
my data will overwrite data in properties files OR will be passed as ant vars values straight to the ant's task(s).
as a result I receive new build with corresponding notifications (they're made through ant)
Are there mechanisms that allow one to make such schema work via Jenkins?
Thank you in advance.
In Jenkins, you can use the parameterised build feature to specify those parameters you need to substitute into your build.
For example, if specify a parameter called server and, when clicking "Build Now", you enter test, the build will be executed with an environment variable you can access called ${server}.
Then, in your "Invoke Ant" build step, if you press Advanced..., this reveals a "Properties" field. Here you can enter${server}.
That's equivalent to calling ant${server}, and will be expanded to ant
Another option : Set environment variables for the scope of the build using this Env plugin. So if the properties you are using are environment variables or can be set as them then you want to use this one. Though it might involve some effort in changing the build scripts, but it can be a good option :
Q : Why would I use this one as I already have parametrized build plugin
A : Because the parametrized build plugin requires human interaction if there is more than 1 choice. For example building for Release 1 or Release 2 or Test branch.
While in the Env plugin, you can set the property once for each choice and then create a respective job for each. Then just schedule the job(s) thereby eliminating the human factor.

Retrieving path to solution(s)?

We are currently setting up Team Build 2010 for our company, and I am trying to use workflow activities to retrieve the exact local path to the current solution being built. I haven't found a way to get this value, does anybody know how (without writing a custom activity)?
Either one of server or local path would suffice (i.e $/TeamProject/Branch/OurProject or C:\TeamBuild\src\path\to\branch\OurProject) since we can use the conversion activities on the server item.
The reason we need this path is for updating version info files, and that needs to be done for only the current solution being built, and the files have the same names (AssemblyInfo.cs, for example).
In this similar question, the solution is to define a parameter, but since this information is particular to the solution being built and not some external path, we were hoping that this info would retrievable.
You can retrieve this particular info without adding anything. If you navigate within your Build Process Template to the position where MSBuild breaks out, you will see that the solution that shall be build is set as a string named localProject. This will contain the local path where TFS has downloaded your SLN, something like C:\TeamBuild\src\path\to\branch\OurProject\OurProject.sln.Open the XAML and navigate to:
Run On Agent
Try Compile, Test, and Associate Changesets and Work Items
Compile, Test, and Associate Changesets and Work Items
Try Compile and Test
Compile and Test
For Each Configuration in BuildSettings.PlatformConfigurations
Compile and Test for Configuration
If BuildSettings.HasProjectsToBuild
For Each Project in BuildSettings.ProjectsToBuild
Try to Compile the Project
Compile the Project
Run MSBuild for Project
if you select Run MSBuild for Project & hit F4 you see it.
In order to retrieve what you are after you can define another string-variable solutionPath in your Build Process Template & insert under the Run MSBuild for Project a new Assign activity withTo : solutionPath andValue : Path.GetDirectoryName(localProject)
Have you looked at the TFS Community Build Extensions, they give you a assembly versioning out of the box?
You can use the variable called SourcesDirectory to get the current Source Directory on the Build Server. You can also use an ConvertWorkspaceItem activity to convert between server and local paths.
There's also a blog post that cover's all of this here.
