How does Airbnb route each article? - ruby-on-rails

I am making a website with Ruby on Rails, referencing Airbnb, and I found it difficult to make the following URL structure.
In this URL, it seems that there is an article resource under help, so 767 is the ID of the article. In addition, after the ID, there is the name of the page in the URL.
scope '/help' do
resources :articles
By doing this, I was able to route until this part.
But I have no idea what to do from here.
I generated article model(title:string, content:text), and I am guessing that each article(title and content) is displayed according to the id.
Here's my questions.
How does Airbnb route page_name after the article ID?
In the case that the title and content in the article table are displayed, how do you put hyperlinks or internationalize the contents with I18n?
Also, please tell me if my guess is wrong in the first place, and tell me how Airbnb routes each article.
Thank you.

To tell Rails to accept request under URL like /help/article/767/what-is-the-resolution-center is actually very easy when you do use get instead of nested resources:
get '/help/article/:id/:slug', to: 'help_atricles#show', as: 'help_article'
Given the above URL, Rails would extract the id and slug from the URL and route the request to the show method of a HelpArticlesController.
That controller method could be as simple as:
def show
#article = HelpArticle.find(params[:id])
And to build such URLs you can use the help_article_path helper method defined by the as: 'help_article' part:
<%= link_to(
slug: #article.title.parameterize
) %>
Read more about this routing method in the Rails Guides
Btw. I didn't use the slug part of the URL because it feels to me like it makes the URL look nicer and might be SEO relevant, but it feels useless from the application's point of view. You might want to use the slug part to identify the locale in which the article should be shown if you do not want to use the browser's locale setting.


Ruby on Rails page control

I'm sorry, my English is bad. Question: I have model Pages with columns title, description etc. I can create, change, destroy these pages. I can see the contents of the link mydomain/pages/1. I need for each page has been template and route, so I can see the content on the link, for example maydomain/contacts. How to do it? Help me please.
One way to implement your own solution is to add this to your routes file:
get '/mydomain/:slug, to: 'pages#show'
This is a pretty general matcher, so add it to the bottom of your routes so it doesn't override others.
Then your controller show action will look something like:
def show
#page = Page.find_by_slug(params[:slug])
This of course assumes you have a slug column on your Pages table.
I'm assuming by "mydomain" you mean the root url of your site (e.g.
I'd suggest that you separate the problem into two parts:
Use an attribute other than id to identify an item in the url
Reduce the route so that the controller does not need to be specified.
For 1, have a look at this: Rails routes with :name instead of :id url parameters Note, that as #spickermann suggests friendly_id could be a good solution for you.
For 2, you will need to create a route without the controller name, and then specify the controller in the route definition. (See the Rails Routing Guide):
get ':param', to: :show, controller: 'pages'
For that to work, you will need to put it after (lower in routes.rb) so that it doesn't intefer with other routes. I'd also recommend adding a constraint to the route - to limit the wrong urls that could be routed to that rout.

Rails get Model :id via Post

I am looking for a way to access a model via its :id.
My project looks like this:
First someone can register himself in a form. Then he gets forwarded to a page where he can edit the things he entered. Now I do not want that you can see something in the URL.
I was maybe a little unclear:
There is a form, where you can enter some things. After you submitted those things, you will be forwarded to another page with an URL like ''. There I want to show what the person entered. And I do not want an URL like ''
I hope that clarified some things
Your answer is a bit lacking in details, so I'll do my best here. Essentially, if you do not want to display the url parameters, then you will have to use the post HTTP method to submit your forms (which you should be doing anyway).
In your routes.rb file, you'll need to define your route to look something like this:
post 'route', to: 'controller#action'
Data submitted via the post method is typically submitted via a form. I would recommend using rails conventions like:
the rails form_for helper --> more details
resources since they typically give you the routes you want. To modify your routes beyond the defaults, I'd advise looking at the rails routing guide.

Rails period inside of url

I am having trouble getting rid of a period inside of my url. I've look up others solution to this problem but either of them were for the index action.
Here is what a url looks like
/shared_songs.32 #current url structure
/shared_songs/32 #would like this format
Here is what is inside of my routes.rb
get 'shared_songs/:note_id' => "shared_songs#show" #works fine
get 'shared_songs', to: "shared_songs#index", as: "shared_songs" #/shared_songs.32
Inside of my index.html.erb file I currently have
link_to, shared_songs_path(song)
Any idea how to resolve this problem?
The reason this is happening is because you are taking a url helper that doesn't have any dynamic segments (:id, :user_id etc.) in the path, but you're giving it a value anyway (song). Not knowing what else to do with it, rails uses that value as the format, which is why you end up with /shared_songs/32
shared_song_path(song) doesn't work because you don't current have a route called shared_song. As several of the comments say, by far the easiest way is to do
resources :shared_songs
This will give you a functioning shared_songs_path (for the index, doesn't expect any arguments_ and shared_song_path (requires a parameter). You'll have to change your controller slightly because the the id of the song will be in params[:id] instead of params[:note_id]
Instead of:
link_to, shared_songs_path(song)
link_to, shared_song_path(song)
song, not songs
It might help if you define your routes in a RESTful manner: something like resources :shared_songs. As explained much more clearly in the Rails docs, using the resources helper will automatically set up appropriate routes to the corresponding controller actions.

How to use Rails named route helpers with parameters?

given this route
match 'posts/hello/:name/:title' => 'post#show', :as => :hello
what are the ways that I can call hello_path ?
if i call hello_path(#post), what does it try to do?
I was hoping that the :name and :title files will bind to the path automatically but it seems that rails only know how to get the :id out of the model object.
instead, it only works if I call it like
<%= link_to "link2", hello_url(:name=>, :title=>#post.title) %>
(lack of proper documentation is really killing me)
To answer your two questions:
At the command line, runrake routes to see what routes there are in
your app. It will show you all the ways you can use the named routes,
just add "_path" or "_url" to the name of the route which is shown on
the left.
Calling hello_path(#post) will generate a URL to the
show page for that hello instance.
The way you are calling it is the norm:
<%= link_to "link2", hello_url(:name=>, :title=>#post.title) %>
However, this may work too:
<%= link_to "link2", hello_url(, #post.title) %>
Here is some documentation (other than the Rails API) which should help.
To answer your question of "what does hello_path try to do?"
hello_path knows how many parameters it's supposed to get. This is from counting the named parameters in config/routes. It will accept either a hash or a list of arguments. If you give it a hash, the keys must match the names of the URL parameters. If you give it a list of arguments, it'll just match them up by position - the first argument with the first named parameter.
Then, it will call to_param on each parameter individually before joining them all together (see code here, 4.0 branch).
If you pass in an object when it's expecting 2 or more params, it won't even get around to calling to_param on the object. That's when you get errors with no stack trace that say something like
No route matches {:controller=>"posts", :action=>"show", :id=>#<Post ...>}
Working with 1 named parameter
If you've only got one named parameter, things are pretty straightforward. If you need to look up your posts by name instead of id, you can just redefine to_param
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
def to_param
Working with multiple named parameters
But if the URL has more than one named parameter in it, then redefining to_param isn't enough. Let's say you tried this:
# app/models/post.rb
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
def to_param
{name: name, title: title}
# app/views/posts/index.html.erb
<%= post_path(post) %>
In this case, you'll get a routing error because you're not passing in enough arguments to post_path (see above). To get around this, I just call to_param explicitly:
# app/views/posts/index.html.erb
<%= post_path(post.to_param) %>
This is a little less slick than most Rails routing magic, but works perfectly well. If you later change the way you're looking up Posts, all you have to do is redefine to_param. No need to worry about all the places you've called post_path
Under the hood
The relevant code to look at is actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/routing
The other answers (at the time of this writing) are fine, but your reply to GregT's answer shows a lack of understand about Rails, which is fine -- we've all been there.
Specifically, three of the key principles behind Rails: convention over configuration, the model-view-controller architecture (MVC), and REST. It's stuff at the beginning of every beginning Rails book. Beginners often think they can just jump to the first chapter with code, but Rails differs from many other topics in that the first chapters explain important concepts and aren't just intro chapter filler. Because Rails isn't "code", it's a "framework of code".
"Convention over configuration" means if you follow certain conventions then you benefit from behaviors baked into Rails. Routing is one of those areas, if not the biggest, where convention benefits the developer although it is entirely configurable.
Paths following a specific routing format, are parsed into the controller, action and possibly an id, format, and additional parameters. By default and at minimum, a Rails (and also a Sinatra) path takes the following format and order:
It's a little more complicated than that, with more options, and it looks more like this in actuality:
...but it's more detail than is necessary for this answer.
The controller is the C in MVC, or the class that handles the request. The action is one of the seven RESTful actions (index, show, new, create, edit, update, and destroy) within that controller. Not all actions require an id (index, new and create) and not all of them are get requests (requests that generate a view, for instance destroy, create and update don't have views).
Putting it all together we see this example:
...will route the request to the 'edit' action in the ArticlesController controller passing along id 1. It's expected that the controller will do some housekeeping, like authentication and authorization, then retrieve Article model (MCV) with ID 1 and pass it along to the "edit" view (MCV).
It's best, especially for new Rails developers, to stick to these conventions and perhaps add a few additional actions beyond those provided by REST.
You can step outside this convention by configuring in your routes.rb file an alternative routing scheme, not following REST, etc., but you'll be like a salmon swimming upstream -- it's a lot harder than going with the flow. If you go down that path (pun) you'll make a lot of additional work for yourself, probably reinvent the wheel somewhat, and lose advantages provided by the Rails framework. If you find yourself in that situation for whatever reason, perhaps Rails isn't the right tool for your job.
You can also call it like this
hello_path(, #post.title)
Hope it helps.

how do I make the URL's in Ruby on Rails SEO friendly knowing a

My application is in RoR
I have an action/view called showsummary where the ID has been passed into the URL, and the controller has used that to instantiate #vendor where is the name of a company.
I would like the URL to be, rather than showsummary/1/ to have /vendor-name in the URL instead.
How do I do that?
All of these solutions use find_by_name, which would definitely require having an index on that column and require they are unique. A better solution that we have used, sacrificing a small amount of beauty, is to use prefix the vendor name with its ID. This means that you dont have to have an index on your name column and/or require uniqueness.
def to_param
normalized_name = name.gsub(' ', '-').gsub(/[^a-zA-Z0-9\_\-\.]/, '')
So this would give you URLs like
Then in your show action you can still use
as that method will implicitly call .to_i on its argument, and calling to_i on such a string will always return the numerical prefix and drop the remaining text- its all fluff at that point.
The above assumes you are using the default route of /:controller/:action/:id, which would make your URLs look like
But if you want them to just look
Then have a route like
map.show_vendor '/:id', :controller => 'vendors', :action => 'show'
This would imply that that it would pretty much swallow alot of URLs that you probably wouldnt want it too. Take warning.
I thought I'd mention String#parameterize, as a supplement to the tagged answer.
def to_param
It'll filter out hyphenated characters, replace spaces with dashes etc.
Ryan Bates has a great screencast on this very subject.
Basically you overload the to_param method in the Vendor model.
def to_param
Then when you look up the resource in your controller you do something like this:
#vender = Vender.find_by_name(params[:id])
But the problem with this is that you'll have to make sure that the vendors' names are unique. If they can't be then do the other solution that Ryan suggests where he prepends the the id to the name and then parses the resulting uri to find the item id.
You do this by modifying the routes that are used to access those URL's and changing them to use :name, rather than :id. This will probably mean that you have to write the routes yourself rather than relying on resources.
For instance add this to the routes.rb file:
map.with_options :controller => "vendor" do |vendor|
vendor.connect "/vendor/:name", :action => "show"
# more routes here for update, delete, new, etc as required
The other change that will be required is that now you'll have to find the vendor object in the database by the name not the id, so:
#vendor = Vendor.find_by_name(params[:name])
Internally (at least to my knowledge/experimentation) whatever parameter name is not specified in the URL part of the route (i.e. not within the "/Controller/Action/:id" part of it) is tacked on to the end as a parameter.
Friendly ID
I'd have to experiment a bit to get it right, but there's two primary parts to the solution.
1) Add a route.
in config/routes, add a line that sends requests of the form baseurl/controller/:vendor-name to the action showsummary, (or maybe a new action, show_summary_by_vendor_name)
[also, if you planned on using baseurl/:vendorname, that's fine too]
For convenience, make sure the parameter is something like :vendor-name, not the default :id
2) Write the controller action.
In the controller file, either edit your showsummary action to differentiate based on whether it's called with an id or with a vendorname, or just write a show_summary_by_vendor_name. (depending on best practices, and what route you wrote in 1. I don't know off the top of my head which is preferable)
You can then do
#vendor = Vendors.find_by_name(params[:vendor_name])
or something like that, and then render it the way you would in regular showsummary.
3) Use that as the link.
Once you confirm that baseurl[/controller?]/vendor-name works, and shows the summary, make sure all the links in your application, and elsewhere, use that link. Off the top of my head, I can't remember how difficult it is to integrate a custom route into link_to, but I think it's doable. Most search engines [google] rely heavily on links, so good SEO will have you using those named links, not the numbered ones. I think. I don't know much about SEO.
Take a look also at this quck start to SEO for Rails
