Rails get Model :id via Post - ruby-on-rails

I am looking for a way to access a model via its :id.
My project looks like this:
First someone can register himself in a form. Then he gets forwarded to a page where he can edit the things he entered. Now I do not want that you can see something in the URL.
I was maybe a little unclear:
There is a form, where you can enter some things. After you submitted those things, you will be forwarded to another page with an URL like 'www.example.com/entry'. There I want to show what the person entered. And I do not want an URL like 'www.example.com/entry?id=12'
I hope that clarified some things

Your answer is a bit lacking in details, so I'll do my best here. Essentially, if you do not want to display the url parameters, then you will have to use the post HTTP method to submit your forms (which you should be doing anyway).
In your routes.rb file, you'll need to define your route to look something like this:
post 'route', to: 'controller#action'
Data submitted via the post method is typically submitted via a form. I would recommend using rails conventions like:
the rails form_for helper --> more details
resources since they typically give you the routes you want. To modify your routes beyond the defaults, I'd advise looking at the rails routing guide.


How does Airbnb route each article?

I am making a website with Ruby on Rails, referencing Airbnb, and I found it difficult to make the following URL structure.
In this URL, it seems that there is an article resource under help, so 767 is the ID of the article. In addition, after the ID, there is the name of the page in the URL.
scope '/help' do
resources :articles
By doing this, I was able to route until this part.
But I have no idea what to do from here.
I generated article model(title:string, content:text), and I am guessing that each article(title and content) is displayed according to the id.
Here's my questions.
How does Airbnb route page_name after the article ID?
In the case that the title and content in the article table are displayed, how do you put hyperlinks or internationalize the contents with I18n?
Also, please tell me if my guess is wrong in the first place, and tell me how Airbnb routes each article.
Thank you.
To tell Rails to accept request under URL like /help/article/767/what-is-the-resolution-center is actually very easy when you do use get instead of nested resources:
get '/help/article/:id/:slug', to: 'help_atricles#show', as: 'help_article'
Given the above URL, Rails would extract the id and slug from the URL and route the request to the show method of a HelpArticlesController.
That controller method could be as simple as:
def show
#article = HelpArticle.find(params[:id])
And to build such URLs you can use the help_article_path helper method defined by the as: 'help_article' part:
<%= link_to(
id: #article.id,
slug: #article.title.parameterize
) %>
Read more about this routing method in the Rails Guides
Btw. I didn't use the slug part of the URL because it feels to me like it makes the URL look nicer and might be SEO relevant, but it feels useless from the application's point of view. You might want to use the slug part to identify the locale in which the article should be shown if you do not want to use the browser's locale setting.

Routing without the model name

Using this question and railscast 63 I've got my articles routed to articles/article_permalink.
I'd like them to be accessible without the model name in the url so my-domain.com/article_permalink routes directly to the article. I'd only want this to happen on the show action. Is this possible?
I think you need something like ...
(in routes.rb)
match '/:id' => 'articles#show', :via => 'get'
(needs to be last, or towards the end of the routes as it can match requests intended for other routes)
To change the article_path(...) helpers, "as" might help: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/routing.html#overriding-the-named-helpers
Or you can add a helper for that specific path.
If I understand your question, you want the model tied to the route "articles/article_permalink" to be dynamic based upon which is article is selected from a list?
Would you be open to appending a model ID to the end of the URL as a query string? A more complicated approach would be to have your links POST, with the model ID as a hidden input field. Your controller could determine if it was accessed via get/post, and handle it accordingly, but that doesn't feel right.
Regardless, when the controller action is fired up based upon a request to "articles/article_permalink", it has to know which model to fetch. With HTTP being stateless, something has to be passed in. You could get fancy and write JavaScript to fire one AJAX call, set a session var, and then fire the GET, but that's messy.
I hope I understood the question...

Rails way of constructing & redirecting to an url with post parameters of a form

I would like to do that's the best way of actually accomplishing the
following on Rails.
I have a "Booking Form" with 5 fields (Property, Amount of Children,
Amount of Adults and 2 Dates - Departure and Arrival) based on these
fields, I need to construct an URL and redirect the user to this url.
Now, I have 2 questions.
1) How i catch the POST parameters in the controller, because I'm
mapping the form to an action like this:
<% form_tag(:action => "booking") do %>
and routing it to a controller action like this: (Pages Controller,
Booking Action)
match 'pages/booking' => 'pages#booking'
2) Is this the Rails way of actually accomplishing such thing?
I did it this way in PHP in the past, but now I have the need of
actually doing it in Rails, could you Rails Gurus inspire me ?
To access parameters in the controller, even ones submitted in a POST body, use the params hash. Eg: params[:form_field]
To redirect to another URL using a controller, use redirect_to. You can certainly use the values in params to construct a URL and pass it to redirect_to.
If you're using resourceful routes, which is the best way to go about such things, you would route things through the traditional approach:
resources :bookings
Then you'd post the form to bookings_path and it would all work out, as that's BookingsController#create. It's always better to have a strong correlation between model and controller where possible.
The resources definition in routes.rb helps you by creating all the default RESTful actions which you can build off of. If you really need a custom route, you can always rename it using the :as option, or route it independently.
If you go about creating your own arbitrary routes, such as /pages/booking you're going to create quite a mess that someone else will have to maintain. Quite often that someone else is you in the future.

URL rewriting in ROR

I am Amit. i am new to Rails. Please forgive me if ask any stupid
I have gone through this article. I am also suffering with the same
my website URL like this: locahost:3000/users/edit/30
I don't want to show the controller:users and action: edit.
I want to Re-Write (rewrite) the URL or i want to maintain the URL as only.(30 is a user id)
I am not interested to show the controller(user) and action (edit)
I total intention is to Hiding (HIDING) and rewriting (REWRING) the URL
and mainly i want to hide the URL Extensions with controller and actions
It's an odd requirement to want to use a route this way as it will make it difficult for you to expand this scheme to support other actions in your application. One of the advantages of Rails conventions done as they are is that you usually don't have to worry about (often trivial) application details or have to have strong opinions about them.
But it you really, really want to, you can add this to your config/routes.rb
ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map|
map.connect "/:id", :controller => "users", :action => "edit"
Remember that this limited scheme will mean you can only route to the edit action. Not terribly useful I would suggest.
The rails routes.rb file is your answer:
Lots of information here on how to do exactly what you need:
For most application I have been using the standard:
Now obviously /user/edit/eric looks much better for a URL that involves
editing the "Eric" user. But how does this work out when you have
multiple items. For example if I want to delete a group of users. I
might have something like this in the old way:
or for a more readable format we could have:
This of course assumes that usernames are unique. :) So it seems that I
would want something like:
This makes it obvious what is happening from the url. But how do I
generate this? And if a action receives this request how does this get
parsed so I have something like:
#delete_usernames ===>>> [ 'eric', 'john', 'paul' ]
This way I can then load up those users and delete them. I know that
ActionController provides some methods for dealing with URL rewriting
but I am unsure how to best use them. Any help or pointers are greatly

Polymorphic Routes in Rails - in views

I have Comment as a polymorphic model.
It is attached to Post, Review, etc.
I also have an action in CommentsController, called test.
I have my routes setup, so test_post_comment_path works (to call the test action in the CommentsController).
The problem is, in my partial view, I want that route to be able to change, based on the current action, ie. it is test_post_comment_path when on a Post and test_review_comment_path when on a Review.
The correct way to do this is with polymorphic_url...
Just use two different paths?
What I mean is: you don't want to put so much logic inside routes.
If routes try to do something more than routing, the first time somethings goes wrong you'll be in serious trouble.
In your partial view, the logic to create specific links or other html comment stuff should go in a helper.
Something like this:
(in your partial view)
#commentable.each |commentable|
if it is 'post' then it will generate 'test_post_comment_path', if it is review, it will generate test_review_comment_path
I decided to just use an if statement in the view, based on if the current action was present, such as if #post or if #review
