Web Service connect IOS to oracle Swift - ios

I am working on an IOS application that uses oracle database. I have already done most of the work in swift. The only thing remaining is the login function and the data that needs to be stored in database. Database is already built, I just have to develop the web service for this. I don't know where to start and what is the best way to develop the web service?


Use SQL for iOS app and Webpage at once

I 've been thinking about a project for a Website and an iOS app. I have some domains (Webserver) with SQl. It should become sth. like a News-Blog about a special topic.
So I want to ask, if it would be possible to upload an article into SQl and load it to my app and website.
The problem is, that i've never worked with Sql before and have absolutely no knowledge about Sql. The app would be made in Swift and the Blog(Website) with Wordpress.
So, how should I proceed and where do I have to pay attention?
(Sry for my english, but i hope you understood what I want to do)
SQl = MySQL version 5.5.49
you can load data in ios app using REST API.
when you are done with you SQL integration with Wordpress you can use wordpress Web Services plugin for iOS app.
plugin http://v2.wp-api.org/
In iOS app you can use Alamofire Web API Framework to handle Web API request. https://github.com/Alamofire/Alamofire
I don't know if I clearly understood your question but I think that your main concern is to know whether it is possible or not to use a single database to store the data from BOTH your mobile app AND your website.
The answer is yes. The database will be the same, the data is simply displayed in two different views (website or mobile app).
Note that SQL will only be used to get or to add some data in the database.
Wordpress uses SQL to store data, and you can use SQL while you develop your mobile app to store or to get data from the database created by Wordpress.
SQL is the language and MySQL is the DBMS (DataBase Management System), these are two different things, as I think that you are confused about this.

Fetch data from Siebel CRM

I'm planning to develop an adapter to access Siebel CRM data for my iOS app. I'm a new bee into this Siebel technology. I 've the Siebel CRM up an running in my workstation with sample db data. Could any one help me in getting this done? please excuse me if i've hosted this ques in a wrong stack.
There seems to be only 2 valid ways to do that:
SOAP webservices
REST api (but for this you need to have jboss or weblogic server: Sebel Bookshelf)
all other ways (Java Siebel Data Bean, COM interfaces, direct db access) got lots of issues: like issues with java on iOS ( I think it is not possible to run on iPhone), issues with legacy COM interfaces on iOS and numerous issues with direct db connection (complexity, stability, reusability...)
SOAP is out of the box on Siebel but requires more coding on iOS side, REST is easier on iOS or any webpage but requires some middlware:
JBoss/WebLogic + and RESTfull Siebel client form Siebel (available somewhere on their page)
java data bean app that produces REST
soap client that produces REST
I have worked on 2 projects involving iOS and Siebel: first one using JBoss and second project that used SOAP client which translated requests to/from REST. SOAP client approach was more stable (in comparison to RESTfull client from vendor - as the RESTfull client connects to Siebel internally using Java Data Bean) on Siebel 7.8.
In both cases we picked REST to talk to iOS as it allows easier deveopment on iOS side and also possiblity to easly utilize it in projects creating webpages to simplify/tune siebel GUI for different purpose..
If you're current system is sample db, then you have installed developer instance of Siebel. It uses a Sybase database. The server installation will use Oracle/MSSQL server. If you are ok with database connection, you can check that.
For Webservices, by default , Siebel does not support JSON/REST api. Only the older SOAP structure is supported. You will have to go through oracle bookshelves to setup an inbound webservice in Siebel.
But just to add, the latest version of Siebel's UI uses javascript/CSS, and runs on any browser, including IOs .

integrate quick books data into asp.net application using web connector

• I am using asp.net . I have to integrate quick books data into my asp.net application.
• In silverlight application using com objects am able to connect to QB and getting the data from that By selecting Company name from .
• But I have to do all this stuff from the iis. So using com objects it is not possible to get the data com object.
So I have chosen Web connector.
My requirement is :
I will select the company database from User interface
After that I have to get the data like : customers ,vendors.
That data I have to import into my database.
But using Web Connector : that has different scenario…
I have to select first .qwc file using this we are calling web services. From there we will get the data.
Is it possible to call the web connector through the coding…..calling web service from there…
Or is there any other solutions without selecting .qwc file
Is it possible to call the webconnector through the coding
No, the Web Connector calls your web service, not the other way around.
It can be scheduled to poll your web service every X minutes.
Or is there any other solutions without selecting .qwc file
To use the Web Connector, you go through a one-time setup process of installing the .QWC file. You only have to do that once. After you've done that, there's nothing else necessary on the end-user side of things.

Connecting to SQL database inside iPhone App

I wanted to know the procedure to connect to SQL Database from an iPhone app. The read and write procedure to the SQL database and syncing it with iPhone's local database which is in sqlite, so that any changes in SQL database/sqlite database should be reflected on both.
The above answers are lacking. If you want to connect directly to a SQL sever from an iOS device you can use freeTDS. There are several compiled version that run on iOS. It is not as difficult as drag and drop developers would lead you to believe.
Cross compiling FreeTDS to iPhone
Firstly ios dosent support sql database.
If you have sql database on webserver, then you have to create webservices to perform CRUD operations.
Here is simple tutorial for webservices in ios
High level summary:
Construct your local storage database (available sqlite libraries: TankDB (made by me), FMDB)
Create your remote database with frontend webservices for interacting with the database (REST services using PHP might be a good idea for beginners: PHP to MySQL)
Create a way for your iPhone application to communicate with the hosted frontend webservices (available library: ASIHTTP)
You would use the ASIHTTP library from the iPhone to make a REST call to your hosted php files. The "sync" logic would be in your hosted php files and on the iPhone callbacks that are receiving the data.
Keep in mind this is a very simplified overview, but I think its enough to get the ball rolling.

the reason not to access directly from xcode to mssql?

I am planning to build an iOS app with using DB(Ms-Sql).
However, people recommends not to access DB from Xcode.
They recommend me to use php or asp for accessing db through a webpage.
I want to know the reason.
Also I am going to use DB only for (view) select line (not insert, update nor delete).
so is it possible to access directly to db for viewing purpose only?
thank you
It's generally bad for an application (mobile, web, any client) to directly have access to any database for security issues. Clients really should not be accessing the database, which is often holding very private/secure data. It opens up vulnerabilities (i.e., sql injection attack).
A set of web services written in php or java or some back-end technology is a more secure, scalable system. These web services can connect to the database and retrieve data. Your iOS application can call the web services and receive the data..for example in the form of XML or JSON.
