Does kubernetes supports log retention? - docker

How can one define log retention for kubernetes pods?
For now it seems like the log file size is not limited, and it is uses the host machine complete resources.

According to Logging Architecture from there are some options
First option
Kubernetes currently is not responsible for rotating logs, but rather
a deployment tool should set up a solution to address that. For
example, in Kubernetes clusters, deployed by the script,
there is a logrotate tool configured to run each hour. You can also
set up a container runtime to rotate application’s logs automatically,
e.g. by using Docker’s log-opt. In the script, the latter
approach is used for COS image on GCP, and the former approach is used
in any other environment. In both cases, by default rotation is
configured to take place when log file exceeds 10MB.
Second option
Sidecar containers can also be used to rotate log files that cannot be rotated by the application itself. An example of this approach is a small container running logrotate periodically. However, it’s recommended to use stdout and stderr directly and leave rotation and retention policies to the kubelet.

You can always set the logging retention policy on your docker nodes
I've just got this working by changing the ExecStart line in /etc/default/docker and adding the line --log-opt max-size=10m
Please note, that this will affect all containers running on a node, which makes it ideal for a Kubernetes setup (because my real-time logs are uploaded to an external ELK stack)


Automate docker swarm config rotation

I'd like to deploy a service to docker swarm that uses a config.
I understand that to update configs they need to be rotated. This means some manual docker commands are run to:
Add a new version of the config file (different name from the original) to the swarm manager.
Update the existing services that may be consuming the old config, and give them the new config file instead of the old.
This is quite a bit of manual work to juggle and so I'm looking to automate it.
My idea is to have some service that will be independent deployed to the swarm to perform monitoring of services (and their labels) and use custom labels to work out which services are interested in which configs. This service will also monitor a physical directory containing the config files, and when it detects a config file change in the physical directory, it will compute a new name for the config in swarm- and using the service labels it can auto rotate the config for all those services that are "subscribed".
This means teams would no longer need to rotate configs by running commands on the swarm manually, or check in commits to docker compose files with new secret names - only an admin would need to update the physical config file in the monitored config directory and this service would take care of the rest in terms of updating subscribed services.
My question is, had this problem already been solved, is there something I can already use to achieve this? Please don't answer with "kubernetes" - I'm focusing on swarm only. Also I am aware of a docker swarm monitor service to notify me of new services and plan to use that.

Minikube log rotation

I've read kubernetes and minikube docs and it's not explicit if minikube implementation supports automatically log rotation (deleting the pod logs periodically) in order to prevent the memory to be overloaded by the logs.
I'm not talking about the various centralized logging stacks used to collect, persist and analyze logs, but the standard pod log management of minikube.
In kubernetes official documentation is specified:
An important consideration in node-level logging is implementing log rotation, so that logs don’t consume all available storage on the node. Kubernetes currently is not responsible for rotating logs, but rather a deployment tool should set up a solution to address that. For example, in Kubernetes clusters, deployed by the script, there is a logrotate tool configured to run each hour. You can also set up a container runtime to rotate application’s logs automatically, for example by using Docker’s log-opt. In the script, the latter approach is used for COS image on GCP, and the former approach is used in any other environment. In both cases, by default rotation is configured to take place when log file exceeds 10MB.
Of course if we're not in GCP and we don't use to start the cluster (or we don't use Docker as container tool) but we spin up our Cluster with Minikube what happens?
As per the implementation
Minikube now uses systemd which has built in log rotation
Refer this issue

Not able to connect to a container(Created via Rest API) in Kubernetes

I am creating a docker container ( using docker run) in a kubernetes Environment by invoking a rest API.
I have mounted the docker.sock of the host machine and i am building an image and running that image from RESTAPI..
Now i need to connect to this container from some other container which is actually started by Kubectl from deployment.yml file.
But when used kubeclt describe pod (Pod name), my container created using Rest API is not there.. So where is this container running and how can i connect to it from some other container ?
Are you running the container in the same namespace as namespace with deployment.yml? One of the option to check that would be to run -
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
If you are not able to find the docker container there than I would suggest performing below steps -
docker ps -a {verify running docker status}
Ensuring that while mounting docker.sock there are no permission errors
If there are permission errors, escalate privileges to the appropriate level
To answer the second question, connection between two containers should be possible by referencing cluster DNS in below format -
I would also request you to detail steps, codes and errors(if there are any) for me to better answer the question.
You probably shouldn't be directly accessing the Docker API from anywhere in Kubernetes. Kubernetes will be totally unaware of anything you manually docker run (or equivalent) and as you note normal administrative calls like kubectl get pods won't see it; the CPU and memory used by the pod won't be known about by the node interface and this could cause a node to become over utilized. The Kubernetes network environment is also pretty complicated, and unless you know the details of your specific CNI provider it'll be hard to make your container accessible at all, much less from a pod running on a different node.
A process running in a pod can access the Kubernetes API directly, though. That page notes that all of the official client libraries are aware of the conventions this uses. This means that you should be able to directly create a Job that launches your target pod, and a Service that connects to it, and get the normal Kubernetes features around this. (For example, servicename.namespacename.svc.cluster.local is a valid DNS name that reaches any Pod connected to the Service.)
You should also consider whether you actually need this sort of interface. For many applications, it will work just as well to deploy some sort of message-queue system (e.g., RabbitMQ) and then launch a pool of workers that connects to it. You can control the size of the worker queue using a Deployment. This is easier to develop since it avoids a hard dependency on Kubernetes, and easier to manage since it prevents a flood of dynamic jobs from overwhelming your cluster.

Does it make sense to run Kubernetes on a single server?

I'm using Docker I have implemented a system to deploy environments (on a single server) based on Git branches using Traefik (* and Docker Compose templates.
I like Kubernetes and I've never switched to it since I'm limited to one single server for my infrastructure. I've only used it using local installations (Docker for Windows).
So, my question is: does it make sense to run a Kubernetes "cluster" (master and nodes) on a single server to orchestrate and route containers (in place of Traefik/Rancher/Docker Compose)?
This use is for development and staging only for the moment, so high availability is not a prerequisite.
If it is not a production environment, it doesn't matter how many nodes you are using. So yes, it should be just fine in this case. But make sure all the k8s features you will need in production are available in test/dev, to keep things similar and portable.
I do not see a requirement for kubernetes unless we are doing below at least for single host using native docker run or docker-compose or docker engine swarm mode -
Make sure there are enough(>=2) replicas of your app in a single server and you are balancing the load across those apps docker containers.
If you want to go bit advanced, we should be able to scale up & down dynamically (docker swarm mode supports this out of the box else use jwilder nginx proxy).
Your deployment should not cause a downtime. Make sure a single container is always healthy at any instant of time while deploying.
Container should auto heal(restart automatically) in case your HTTP or TCP health check fails.
Doing all of the above will certainly put you in a better place but single host is still a single source of failure which you got to deal with at regular intervals.
Preferred : if possible try to start with docker engine swarm mode or kubernetes single master or minikube. This will automatically take care of all the above scenarios out of the box and will also allow you to further scale up anytime by adding more nodes without changing much in your YML files for docker swarm or kubernetes.
Ref -
I would use single host k8s only if I managed clusters with the same project that I would like to deploy to the said host. This enables you to reuse manifests and all the automation you've created for your clusters.
Have I had single host environments only, I would probably stick to docker-compose.
If you're looking to try it out your easiest options are probably minikube (easy to run single-node cluster locally but without some features) or using one of the free trial accounts for a managed Kubernetes service from one of the big cloud providers (fully-featured and multi-node but limited use before you have to pay).

Docker Container Usage

I am running docker with kubernetes.
I need to find out when the last time docker container is used by a user.
I am creating one container per user.I have to kill that container if the user has not interacted with the container for a specific amount of time.
Currently, I am running a daemon inside docker container which checks last modified files and sends the info.
Is there any docker/kubernetes API for the same?
I thinks there's no API for that as "usage" is something which is hard to measure. One way would be to check whether systems stopped logging at some point back in time.
The other option would be to use the metrics which are exposed by Kubernetes and bring up monitoring and alerting systems like Prometheus to tell you once a Deployment/Pod is not used anymore. "Usage" could then be determined through the exposed network metrics e.g. like this:
If that's below a certain threshold you could trigger and alert and perform further actions.
