Quick method to determine ClientDataSet has changes - delphi

Using Delphi Berlin.
I have a nested Clientdataset in a datamodule ("dmCore").
There are about 5000 records in the detail table for any given master item (testing with 2 master records).
I have a "Post" button connected to an action in ActionManager.
Its OnUpdate is simple:
actPost.Enabled:=dmCore.HasChanges;// checks master for changes
"HasChanges" is simple:
function TdmCore.HasChanges: boolean;
result := False;
if cdsPSet.Active then
Unfortunately, having CDS.ChangeCount run in the action's onUpdate is taking up huge CPU time (>50%).
I haven't noticed this happen on non-nested CDS...
Is there a simpler (faster) mechanism I can use to see if the CDS has changed? I don't need the count, just the fact that there's a change somewhere.

Try the UpdatesPending property. I can't say it will be faster, but it's the way to detect if there were any changes in the dataset. So in your case you could actually write just:
function TdmCore.HasChanges: boolean;
Result := cdsPSet.UpdatesPending;

The action's OnUpdate event is not the best place to toggle its enabled/disabled status. It is fired all the time.
You might want to move it to the TDataSource.OnDataChanged event. There you can insert the same code as in TAction.OnUpdate and it is triggered only when your data really changed. You can also use the TField parameter to separate between different fields.
Example (sorry I only got C++ Builder, but in Delphi it looks the same):
void __fastcall TForm1::DataSource1DataChange(TObject *Sender, TField *Field)
Action1->Enabled = ClientDataSet1->ChangeCount > 0;

Implement your own invalidation mechanism. This is as simple as a single Boolean variable which, when it's True, it means something has changed, and when it's False, it means nothing has changed. You would then be responsible for updating this for every change and action you make on this dataset.
If it were me, I'd create an inherited class, override everything, and implement an invalidation mechanism. It would be much lighter than the existing methods. Of course it wouldn't be as easy to use in design-time, but it would get the job done in run-time.


how to use a private datamodule vs the global instance

I have a datamodule for my frame, which uses a global instance.(dmData)
The data components are linked to the datasources on the dmData instance
now I want to use a datamodule instance that is private to a frame, because I want to have multiple instances of the form which contains the frame showing at the same time.
I can't figure out how to make that happen, either in code or in designing.
in the frame, I am creating the datamodule as dmLocalData := tdmData.Create(self), but in design I don't have the option to link dmLocalData, only the option to link to dmData(so all my data controls are blank (except for that ONE that has a local datasource that gets set in code)
I mean, in code, I could manually go through each component one by one and change the datasource, but thinking there really has to be a better way, the maintenance on that would be pretty much horrendous.
Any ideas about a better way?
Actually there is a way to avoid hand-wiring the controls for a dynamically created datamodule. In short - override the datamodules CreateNew constructor like this:
constructor TMainDM.CreateNew(AOwner: TComponent; Dummy: Integer);
Dummy := -1;
This avoids that multiple instances of the datamodule get different names and thus the references are resolved as expected. As the datamodules are private to the frame anyway, there is no need for them to have globally unique names.
A much longer and more detailed explanation can be found in these two articles, which use a quite similar task as an example:
Tweaking DFM Loading (update)
Tweaking DFM Loading

Can ShortCut-Key, that has been processed by Delphi TAction, be allowed to propagate further to other components?

Core problem: I don't like the way how TcxGrid delete (that is initiated by the default Ctrl+Del shortcut key for the TcxGrid or by the Delete button of the cx-navigator) is working: it is simple and direct call to the delete of the underlying dataset, there is no TcxGrid(/DataController).OnDelete(Sender: TObject, var AHandled: Boolean) event for the cxGrid or cxGridDataView. And from https://www.devexpress.com/Support/Center/Question/Details/Q308755/tcxgrid-deleting-record I understand that I can only configure the confirmation message, but I have no control over the Delete itself, i.e., I can not implement custom Delete and therefore I don't even try to ask for the straight solution of this problem. My question is about workaround.
That is why I am refusing to use cx-navigator and I opt to introduce TAction that handles Ctrl+Del shortcut key for the entire form. I have multiple grids on the form each with its own problematic Delete procedure that should be handled in non-standard way by the custom procedure.
That is why my DeleteAction determines the ActiveControl (TcxGridSite, TcxGrid) initially and then calls relevant Delete procedure afterwards. All that is fine. But some other components (e. g. TcxDBTextEdit) have default Ctrl+Del handling as well and that handling is very, very good. But if shortcut key Ctrl+Del is handled by action (and it is marked as handled even in the case when no active grid can not be found and therefor even in the case when ActionExecute has not done anything useful) then further propagation is stopped. That can be observed empirically and that can be seen theoretically from http://edn.embarcadero.com/article/38447 .
But maybe still there is some workaround how the shortcut key that has been processed by the ActionExecute can still be propagated further to the default components if they are Active controls.
I know that TAction is for (form-wide global) menu functionality but TcxGrid is not extensible enough and that is why should try to stretch the Delphi TAction design as well.
Probably there would be various ways to achieve the processing you require, there are quite a few places you can intervene during key processing, as you've already read from Peter Below's article linked in your question.
A place to intervene that I can think of which would contain all the pieces together is the form's IsShortCut method. One probable disadvantage of such a method could be that you'd have to implement it on all the forms that you want their key handling behavior changed.
Normally key processing continues only if it's not handled by shortcuts. Below solution reports the shortcut to be not processed for that reason, but then has to cause the execution of the action manually. I tested the code with a regular edit as can be seen, but I guess it shouldn't make any difference.
function TForm1.IsShortCut(var Message: TWMKey): Boolean;
if (ActiveControl is TEdit) and (Message.CharCode = VK_DELETE) and
(KeyDataToShiftState(Message.KeyData) = [ssCtrl]) then begin
Result := False; // if you don't require the action to be executed, just exist here
ActionList1.IsShortCut(Message); // executes the action, ignore result
// returning false will result in main form's shortcut handler to be called
// below is only required if this is the main form
if Application.MainForm = Self then
Message.CharCode := 0;
end else
Result := inherited IsShortCut(Message);

Possible to change property write methods programmatically using RTTI for creating object-aware controls?

I have a business object that I would like to "connect" to my UI better. I've seen some partial solutions for making objects data-aware, but they all involved significant changes to my business object, including an extra layer of abstraction.
I've been looking into the improved RTTI in new versions of Delphi, and it looks very interesting and useful. I'm wondering if I could use it to programmatically inject new write methods for all properties.
The way this would work is that my TEdit descendant would by given a reference to an object property when the form is built. The TEdit would then insert a reference to itself in an attribute for that property (and of course remove itself on destructor or being given another reference). The TEdit would also ensure that the write method for the property is replaced by one that notifies the TEdit of changes after calling the original write method.
Is this feasible? The big show stopper would be that injecting a new write method isn't possible, hence the title for this question.
There are also potential problems with derived properties, but it should be possible to find a solution for that.
Your question already puts you ahead of me with programming skill so I'll just add how I might approach this:
If I were to try to write something like that I'd probably start with a TList for each field in your TBusinessObject. That list would be used to indicate what needed to be updated when you needed to push out a change.
So when the TEdit is created it would add itself to a list which was associated with a piece of data in your TBusinessObject. When the TBusinessObject updated that piece of data it would then run through the list of attached objects. It would see the TEdit and, knowing it was a TEdit, would run code to update the .Text. If I attached a TCaption then the code would update the .Caption.
The TEdit, as you indicated, would need to tell the TBusinessObject when it's value was updated. I guess this is the tricky spot - you could create a new TEdit and add in a TList to maintain who it should inform when it changes. If you used the .Tag to indicate a field number in the TBusinessObject then the OnChange (or whatever event) could then call something like TBusinessObject.FieldUpdate[TEdit.Tag, NewValue] which then triggers your business logic. That, in turn, might make the TBusinessObject update other fields, which may have their own TLists to fields to update.
Preventing circular updates would require that you have a way of updating a control without triggering events. For one program I wrote I had two methods to update the control: SetValue and ChangeValue. SetValue disabled any events (OnChange, OnValidate), updated the control's value and then reenabled the events. ChangeValue simply changed the value and allowed any of the control's events to fire as required.
There are probably slicker ways to do this but hopefully this gives you food for thought.
Possible to change property write methods programmatically using RTTI for creating object-aware controls?
No, it's not possible. RTTI gives you information, it doesn't give the ability to alter types at runtime.
The big show stopper would be that injecting a new write method isn't possible, hence the title for this question
In order for you to change this at runtime there should be something similar to an event handler that you can set. It's an easy concept, but it has some runtime overhead, both in call time (it would be an indirection where a direct call would normally suffice) and in terms of required memory (each property would require an extra TEvent style field). This is easy for you to implement if you need it, but it would be harmful if the compiler automatically generated such code for all classes "just in case".
If you're thinking of somehow patching the code in memory at runtime, that's not going to work and it would be, at best, unreliable.
In this post entitled Inducing The Great Divide, Cobus Kruger talked about business objects.
The solution he cooked is essentially compliant to your requirements:
Make use of advanced RTTI features introduced in recent Delphi version.
Separation of the business logic from presentation logic.
Any PODO (Plain Old Delphi Object) will do as business object !
The magic lays in the TObjectBinding class which ties any TWinControl with any business object.
TObjectBinding = class
fCtx: TRttiContext;
fControlType: TRttiType;
fObjType: TRttiType;
fPropFieldMapping: TDictionary<TRttiProperty, TRttiField>; // Dictionary of object Properties & corresponding Fields
fControl: TWinControl; // The control (normally form)
fObj: TObject; // Object it represents.
procedure CreateMappings;
function FindField(Prop: TRttiProperty; out Field: TRttiField): Boolean;
function FieldClass(Field: TRttiField): TClass;
// Modify these to change the rules about what should be matched.
function IsValidField(Field: TRttiField): Boolean;
function IsValidProp(Prop: TRttiProperty): Boolean;
// Modify these to change the mappings of property type to VCL control class.
procedure AssignField(Prop: TRttiProperty; Field: TRttiField);
procedure AssignProp(Prop: TRttiProperty; Field: TRttiField);
// Used from AssignField/AssignProp. Extend these to support a wider range of properties.
function GetPropText(Prop: TRttiProperty): string;
procedure SetPropText(Prop: TRttiProperty; const Text: string);
constructor Create(Control: TWinControl; Obj: TObject);
destructor Destroy; override;
procedure Load;
procedure Save;
I hope that this will be a good starting point for you.

Using another forms event procedure

Is there any way to allow one form to use the event procedures from another form?
E.g. I have a form called PongForm and another called ObstPongForm. There is a ticker on PongForm and another one on ObstPongForm. Is it possible to get ObstPongForm to use the code from PongForm's 'tick' event in it's own 'tick' event? Maybe by letting ObstPongForm inherit from PongForm?
You can simply assign it by code (as long as you have access to both instances):
ObstPongForm.Ticker.OnTick := PongForm.TickerTick;
Yes, forms are just classes like any other, and Delphi supports visual inheritance, so you can call inherited methods normally.
If ObstPongForm is a specialized version of PongForm then inheritance makes sense, but be careful as ObstPongForm will inherit all visual controls from the PongForm, including whatever you may add in the future.
Also since I assume you already have both forms, making one inherit from another is doable but requires some manual DFM editing, mainly changing the
Object ObstPongForm: TObstPongForm
Inherited ObstPongForm: TObstPongForm
If the code you want to reuse may be needed in several unrelated forms, then moving the code to a common unit used by these forms may be the best solution
It would be better style to have both of the forms call another class that implements the logic used by both. If you're writing all your program logic in your OnTimer event handler, you're heading down a bad road that many delphi programmers take years to realize was a bad idea
So one form needs to call your method, it does it like this:
procedure TForm1.DoSomething;
Elsewhere there is a timer...
procedure TForm2.Timer1Timer(Sender:TObject);
And then the method itself:
procedure TDataModule1.LogicMethod;
// Everything that you used to have in Timer1Timer goes here, except the setting of
// UI properties in Form1 which is kept in Form1:
Inc(FCounter);// stupid example.
if Assigned(FOnResults) then
FOnResults(Self, FCounter, FDataObject1);
// Form2 is connected to FOnResults event, and stores the
// result in the UI somewhere.
Event handlers are just normal procedures. If your ObstPongForm tick handler has additional code that it needs to run in addition to the PongForm's code, then you can call the PongForm's tick handler manually when needed, eg:
..., PongForm;
procedure ObstPongForm.TickHandler(Sender: TObject);

Where should I put code to execute once after my Delphi app has finished initialising?

I have functions I want to perform after my app has finished initialising and the main form has been created. I did have the code (call it ProcedureX) in the forms OnShow event, but I have just noticed that it is being called twice, because OnShow is firing twice. It fires when the main program DPR calls:
Application.CreateForm(TMainForm, MainForm) ;
as I would expect. But after that, when I read stuff from an INI file that includes the forms on-screen position, I have a call:
MainForm.position := poScreenCenter ;
This, it would appear fires the OnShow event again.
Where can I put my call to ProcedureX, which must only be called once, and which needs the main form to be created before it can execute?
If your code only needs to run once per form creation (or per application and the form is only created once per application run), put the code in the form's OnCreate handler. It is the natural place for it to go.
Nowadays (since D3 I think) the OnCreate fires at the end of the construction process in the AfterConstruction method. Only if you were to set OldCreateOrder to True (and it is False by default), might you get in trouble as that makes the OnCreate fire at the end of the Create constructor.
The normal order of execution for a Form is :
AfterConstruction: when the form and it components are fully created with all their properties.
OnShow: whenever the Form is ready to show (and, yes, any change causing a CM_SHOWINGCHANGED can trigger an OnShow)
Activate: whenever the Form takes the Focus
So, depending on what you need in ProcedureX, AfterConstruction might be enough, and is executed only once; just override it and add ProcedureX after inherited. It'll be after OnCreate.
If it is not the case, you can post a custom message to your Form from AfterConstruction, it will be queued and will reach your custom handler after the other messages have been handled.
In both cases, you would not need a extra boolean Field.
There's really no need for the FRUNOnce field; simply do OnShow=NIL as the first line of your FormShow method.
FYI, The "run once" idiom -- setting the event handler field to NIL in the first line of the event handler -- is also terribly useful for getting some code up-and-running once a form has been completely initialized. Put your code in a FormActivate method and, as the first line of the method, set OnActivate=NIL.
You can test and set a flag once you call the procedure for the first time. Like so:
TForm1 = class(TForm)
procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);
FRunOnce: Boolean;
procedure TForm1.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
if not FRunOnce then begin
FRunOnce := True;
You can add a procedure in your DPR file, after Application.CreateForm.
Put all code you need to initialize in that procedure.
Works best when you have multiple forms in your app.
Also if the initialization takes a lot, it let's the program to display the forms on the screen so the user will know that the app is loading.
PROGRAM MyProgram;
Application.CreateForm(TMyForm, MyForm);
LateInitialize; <----------- here
I'm going to propose a bit different approach to this answer by Server Overflow. We will achieve almost exactly same effect, but without any edit inside the DPR file (main project source file). We will get there by using a class helper in the unit of our main form:
{ TAppHelper }
= Class helper for TApplication
Public Procedure Run;
Procedure TAppHelper.Run;
inherited Run;
Notice, the Unit1.MainForm.PreRun is some method in your main form, with only one caveat: if your main form is called "MainForm", then you need to prefix it with your unit's name inside the helper's method, because the TApplication class already has a member called MainForm. Incidentally, if you do leave out the prefix, this might still work, given that your Unit1.MainForm is indeed application's main form as well.
The reason why this works, is because the Unit1 is on the uses list of the DPR project, and as long as the TAppHelper is defined in the interface section (not in the implementation section), it will get loaded and by the time the Application.Run method is called in the DPR file, this will already be the helper version of it.
The beauty of this is, that it will run exactly one time, and exactly after all the forms are already created, after all their constructors have already been executed. And the fact that we're effectively customizing the Application.Run call in the DPR file, without editting the DPR file, is kind of ingenious. Again, class helpers in delphi/lazarus !
I will share one more neat trick, first take a look:
Procedure TAppHelper.Run;
TThread.Synchronize(nil, procedure begin Unit1.MainForm.PreRun; end);
inherited Run;
This is a trick I use whenever I want the code to execute with a small delay. Why? Because if your code runs before the inherited Run method, it might (depending what happens inside of that code) hang the UI momentarily, but just long enough for the form to flicker and appear not responsive during its startup. Also, we can't simply put the code behind the inherited Run method, because that won't get executed until the application gets terminated. So instead I use TTask from the System.Threading unit. The sleep(10) is probably an overkill, sleep(1) would most likely do the job, possibly even no sleep at all would work, but I do some complex initialization there, so I keep the delay generous. Bonus: if you don't update UI from your PreRun custom method, then you don't even need TThread.Synchronize wrapper, and it becomes even simpler. In case of FPC/Lazarus you can achieve the same by using TApplication.QueueAsyncCall() instead of TTask class.
I really think it's a neat trick, because I can code it entirely outside of the DPR file, in the unit of the form which defines the PreRun method, and it's guaranteed after ALL Forms are already created, not just the one where I implement my PreRun method. Also, if the class helper is in the unit of the form, instead elsewhere, then the PreRun doesn't even need to be public, it will work with protected or even private method as well! This is great for keeping this little logic away from any other part of the code.
Your code won't work either if you want it to run for every unhide event (you haven't put in any code to reset the frunonce field).
So your method would need to reset frunonce field, and mine would need to set OnShow=FormShow. Same difference, except that you need an additional field.
