Present a DataMatrix in iOS - ios

I want to present a DataMatrix from a given String in an iOS App (NOT a barcode), but can not found any working SDK, guide or even hint to a solution. The only thing I found was a way to READ it, but it looks like the AVFoundation can't be used to SHOW it.
Would be very thankful for every hint to this topic.
More infos about DataMatrices:


Launch Sketchfab iOS app from QR-Code to show AR model

I'm trying to use the recently updated sketchfab app as an AR app for presentations
In order to make this happen, my idea is to create an qr-code that launches the iOS app and passes the model-id as parameter.
Since the AR-Kit implementation in the sketchfab is pretty new, I cannot find any documentation for this.
Does anybody know how to do this?
okay, I found the solution. It's pretty straightforward:
If you generate a URL-QR-Code like:
It automatically opens sketchfab and the app automatically opens the model

Printing QR Codes with Cordova on iOS

I am looking to add functionality to an existing Cordova-based tablet app that runs on iOS (intention is to allow Android later hence Cordova).
We would like to add the ability for users to print a QR code from the app, we know how to generate it.
I am aware of the various libraries out there such as:
Does anyone have any experience with this and can shed some light on how best to achieve this?
As I understand it we could simply send the appropriate commands to the printer, however it seems to me that this might not be possible due to AirPlay restrictions?

Socketscan softscan sample using Swift

Seemingly unavailable to SocketMobile's developer portal, does anyone have a minimal example of how to implement the softscan function (use the iPhone Camera) using Swift?
I've an iOS app that works great with the physical scanner, but I'd like to extend it to use the camera as a backup for a broken scanner etc.
[first ever post at StackOverflow, if I've got something wrong, please let me know and I'll attempt to correct it in future. Many thanks.]
Thanks Enrico.
SocketMobile have updated their git repo and it now contains a Swift version of their 'Single Entry' app that supports SoftScan. Using this I was able to work out how to call their ObjC library to implement to function correctly.

POIs retrieving from JSON doesn't appear (Wikitude + Phonegap)

I have been working on a WIKITUDE-Phonegap app. The application is a location based AR app that shows the markers on the camera view when tilting the phone arounnd (Displaying POI label) The license I have is Educational license so that the app I am developing doesn't have unlicensed watermark on it.
The problem I am having now is that I want to use my own latitudes & longitudes and description of places instead of the random ones that app generates. I did everything following the Documentation about retrieving the data from JSON file (also commented out the code). However, when I built it to the device, the markers won't appear.
I am developing it on iOS 8.3 - Object-C based and test on iPhone 5.
Anyone has the same problem? How to solve this?
Any answers will be appreciated.
PS. excuse my English if you don't quite get what I tried to explain.
Thank you,
I have found the solution.
It appears that the locations I had added were too far from where my phone was located when I tested it. Now I am at the location, they all show up.
Thank you :)

Default volume/sound of the device

I am going to use code to get the default volume/sound of the device which is set using the volume up or down buttons form the device, Below is the code which I am going to access the sound,
To resolve this error I have done research and found that to access this code we need to use CoreAudio Framework which allows to use the above code,
#import <CoreAudio/CoreAudio.h>
As suggested in a link Here But while goint to try with "<CoreAudio/CoreAudio.h>" it is giving below error for ios 7.0 +.
I have a need to get default system sound and this code is not giving me right to get desired result, is there any alternate way to find the current volume/sound of the device?
Any help is highly appreciated in advance.
You would want to include AudioToolbox/AudioToolbox.h.
You also need to link the framework in your build settings.
Also - The sample link you provided is for OSX while your question states that you are using iOS7. The OSX and iOS coreaudio api is not exactly the same. Some of your code above is for OSX.
