POIs retrieving from JSON doesn't appear (Wikitude + Phonegap) - ios

I have been working on a WIKITUDE-Phonegap app. The application is a location based AR app that shows the markers on the camera view when tilting the phone arounnd (Displaying POI label) The license I have is Educational license so that the app I am developing doesn't have unlicensed watermark on it.
The problem I am having now is that I want to use my own latitudes & longitudes and description of places instead of the random ones that app generates. I did everything following the Documentation about retrieving the data from JSON file (also commented out the code). However, when I built it to the device, the markers won't appear.
I am developing it on iOS 8.3 - Object-C based and test on iPhone 5.
Anyone has the same problem? How to solve this?
Any answers will be appreciated.
PS. excuse my English if you don't quite get what I tried to explain.
Thank you,

I have found the solution.
It appears that the locations I had added were too far from where my phone was located when I tested it. Now I am at the location, they all show up.
Thank you :)


Some images now showing in iOS despite showing in Android

I have a React Native app that pulls image urls from Amazon. I store the urls in a database, and reference them later as the source of my images.
After building up a good amount of entries in the database from several users, and releasing my app on Android, I decided to set my focus on iPhone. I'm now noticing that some images are not showing. So I go in and make sure that the urls are correct, and they are. Plus they're still working on the Android app just fine.
I then open Safari on my mac and plug the url into my browser. Same thing, it doesn't show up (Must be an Apple thing). An image such as this one...
Will not show up... but an image such as this... with a similar url will...
I'm essentially getting a view like this on my app...
I just know this has something to do with my lack of understanding on how images now work in iOS, I've found that much through Google. I just don't know what. Can someone please explain? Thanks in advance!

Present a DataMatrix in iOS

I want to present a DataMatrix from a given String in an iOS App (NOT a barcode), but can not found any working SDK, guide or even hint to a solution. The only thing I found was a way to READ it, but it looks like the AVFoundation can't be used to SHOW it.
Would be very thankful for every hint to this topic.
More infos about DataMatrices:

Unable to calculate the ETA and directions using iOS mapkit for chinese poi's

Currently, my application has a feature of displaying the ETA and directions(mapkit framework provided by apple) between two locations/poi's. but when we test this feature by passing some Chinese POI's, i always get the error saying directions not available for this location. I had even verified the map features support page from apple and china is listed under directions features.
So how can i identify as what causes this issue?
Actually, i had figured out the issue.
The problem, was with the accessibility of the chinese data outside china. The mapkit api's worked pretty well when tested inside china with Chinese Network.

How to determine the exact iOS version using Google Analytics

While reading a tutorial on Google Analytics for iOS I wanted to know which version of iOS I was running.
I've googled for phrases like "ios version google analytics" but couldn't find anything useful.
Basically I want to know the number of users running my app on any iOS version, e.g. iOS 6, iOS 7 etc.
I've also checked the Google Analytics documentation, but couldn't find a proper method. The device info on Google Analytics dashboard just shows "iPhone" but does not mention the iOS version.
Is there a way to get the exact iOS version via Google Analytics?
I created you a custom report so you can see how the information is saved. Os Custom Report
I think what you are after is Operating system and Operating system version.
There is a method, go to
Audience > Technology > Browser & OS > The browser version matches the firmware*.
Might not match exactly, but in my experience its more than accurate enough and I am 95% it does match always.
Hope that helps Tushar
So I was looking for a solution here as well. I came across this article by Phillip Studiniski that shows you how to measure the iPhone screens by screen resolution.
I attempted to go this route. The problem I ran into was that I was just getting a raw output of the screen resolution in GTM, it would look something like this.
No problem I thought. I moved this into a RegEx table. Click here to see a sample RegEx for this Once I did this, I was able to properly identify the iPhone version with a variable and then send it to Google Analytics through Google Tag Manager variable.
I then had to update the iPhone models a bit since it has been a while since the article was written. (https://iosref.com/res) This includes the models from 11 to 13.
BOOM! iPhone version now being sent to GA. Hope this helps everyone.

iOS 5 Twitter API behaves differently in the Simulator vs real iOS device

I encountered this behavior when running an app on the simulator and on the iPad:
Sending tweet with picture attachment using TWTweetComposeViewController, on the Simulator I can send a very large picture file (>5MB). But when I run the same app on the iPad, the same picture file did not go through only the text message did. A smaller picture files, 200k for example, have no problem. I know 5MB is large for a tweet. But I just want to find out is this some type of bug?
The problem might be due to discrepancy between device and simulator . Please re-check it with the below links. I would suggest you to go through the following tutorial which I found best on web once:
Plus, this one is also awesome with a lot of detail and simplified explanation from Ray. I follow his blog for same. http://www.raywenderlich.com/5519/beginning-twitter-in-ios-5
