Sample data - Streaming Analytics - iot

I want to do small POC or project on HANA Streaming Analytics.
Can anyone please suggest me where I can get sample data to proceed or begin with?
Regards ,

If any kind of data is fine, you can generate your own Sales Orders with transaction SEPM_DG.
On the Basic Settings tab:
Mark Recreate
Set Sales Orders to 20 million (or whatever you need)
On the Sales Orders tab:
Mark Selected Date Interval
Set the dates, otherwise everything wil have today's date
Execute in the background.


Google Sheets: Keeping static data aligned with data returned from a query as new data is added on top

first time poster but I've been able to solve a lot of problems with through the brilliant answers this community provides to users. So, firstly, thanks!
I'm making a Job Request tracking spreadsheet as well as using a Google Form to get the input data.
Jobs fall under categories of Building, IT, Keys, Maintenance and OHS as asked in the first question of the Google Form.
Depending on which category is selected, the user will go to a different section of a form with different questions.
That's all working great.
The data for all responses is saved in the same form response sheet and then using the Query function I have 5 sheets set up, one for each category, and I'm reading the relevant data into each sheet. The data is sorted based on date and time so that the most recent entry is at the top of the sheet.
To the right of each data set on each individual sheet I want to track whether the job is Completed, Pending, Not Approved. I want to track who gave it approval, and so on.
The problem is that when new data comes into the sheet it moves to the top as it is the most recent data. But the Completed, Pending, Not Approved, and other notes will not move down the sheet with the older data.
Help would be greatly appreciated.

How to check firebase realtime database pricing/usage

I'm looking to use firebase's realtime database for a few different projects and if I select the 3rd and final subscription option it changes price per month based on usage ( if I'm not mistaken ). I want to make sure that if I choose this 3rd option of payment that it's something my app can provide sufficent funds for each individual user. Is there a way I can check how much the third option would cost based on recent usage or can I find out how much data it's currently using them I can manually compare them?

Preventing Users from Seeing Old Data MySQL/iOS

I'm using an app that allows users to upload and download pics. Similar to snapchat they can view the pics of those they follow. After 24 hrs these pics will be moved to an archive table so users will no longer be able to see them. I'm accomplishing this aspect with mysql partitions.
However, on the client side I need to continuously update the mysql query with the date of the last gotten row from the photos table. I store this date on the iOS app. This becomes problematic if the users logs out and allows someone else to log in. I have to clear this data and have not reference point for either user now.
I have a solution to get around this and I want to know how feasible it is. I would create a trigger that would run each time a user retrieved photos. It would update a column on the users table that would hold the last date they viewed. That way when any user logs back in I will have a reference to that last date they viewed. Is this a good idea? I'm open to any suggestions on how to better this approach seeing as how I need to save the pictures instead of just deleting them.
*note the partitions would work but because I need to ensure photos last a minimum of 24 hrs some photos end up lasting more than 24hrs providing the possibility that a users can still see the photos
Photos Table
*id: binary 16
*users_id: foreign: binary 16
*filename: varchar
*created_at: datetime
The photos are stored on Amazon s3
Add a column
visible int not null
Set visible to 1 on upload.
Also put now() into created_at datetime.
Create an event see below:
Have event run daily or every 6 hours, whatever. Can be cron task instead.
When that thing runs it sets visible to 0 for anything over 1 day old.
When users see someone elses profile pictures they see only visible=1 pictures.
The guy that posted the picture sees all his pictures.
So it is automated and you can be asleep at the switch.

Omniture Site Catalyst Extract/Export/Download Report Data

I have a drilled down report as shown in the below image:
When I try to download the report normally, I get only the 5 items shown in a category. I want to be able to download all the subcategories within all the categories, along with the category names and not just the 5 subcategories in a category.
How can I achieve this? Any ideas/suggestions?
If you have access to data warehouse, you can obtain this information easily. Most contracts include it by default; if you have access to the request interface, you have it.
Click on Adobe Marketing Cloud in the upper left | Reports & Analytics | Data Warehouse
Select the date range you'd like to request data from
In the breakdowns section, select series name following by video name
In the metrics section, select the appropriate metric you'd like to include
Ensure the other settings in the request are as desired, and click 'request report'.
If you don't have access to data warehouse, you could try your luck at a data extract report:
Open the report you'd like to download, and under more options there should be 'extract data'
In the data extract wizard, click each 'top 1-50' and set them to 'all' or 'top 1-50000'
Ensure the other settings in the request are as desired, and click 'request report'.
Data extracts are subject to processing limitations, meaning if there's too much data to process, the request will fail. Data warehouse on the other hand is not subject to this limitation, it just takes a really long time for the report to arrive.
Yet another option would be to write your own script to pull the data using Adobe's Analytics Reporting API
Also a note about Data Warehouse.. it's "free" for anybody on a newer Adobe Digital Marketing contract. I say "free" because it's now included in the "package" with most all of the other adobe digital marking tools, instead of being charged separately.
If you have an older contract that hasn't been renewed yet, you may not actually have it, since part of it now being included also involves them jacking up the prices! Contact your rep to find out. But if you do have access to Data Warehouse, that's certainly the easier route.

Amazon Product API - How to get items for sale by price?

I have a strage requirement from a client, he needs to display a ramdom selection (100 - 200 items from mixed categories) of products for sale on & shipped by Amazon but ordered by price. The idea is to allow people find gift ideas based a user input price point.
I have been looking through the API docs but cannot see an obvious way to find search by price, I am thinking of writing a script to "copy" large parts of the amazon product catalogue into a local database & have it update every few weeks, then use this for user searches, but this does not feel right / their must be a better way.
Has anyone any experience with this type of problem? Thanks!
You would want to use the Amazon Product Advertising API. Using this API you would want to perform a SearchIndex-ItemSearch query. Possible parameters to ItemSearch are available on the API Docs here
You can see in the docs that you cannot query by MinimumPrice and MaximumPrice on SearchIndex: All. However, if you search specific indexes, it allows you to do a price related search.
I would guess that you can agree with your client which categories should the items be from. Then you can just query them one by one.
Amazon's database changes very often. Hence, caching data for a week without updating may not be desirable.
