Run convert from ImageMagick script file - imagemagick

I am trying to stitch (thousands) of images together via coordinate system using ImageMagick. Because the command is so long, I can't pass it via CLI, but have to save it to a script to load later.
The script looks like this:
( foo.png -repage +0+0 )
( bar.png -repage +0+37 )
-layers merge
I then run magick.exe -script script.txt
But get the following error:
magick.exe: unable to open image 'convert': No such file or directory # error/blob.c/OpenBlob/3457.
magick.exe: no decode delegate for this image format `' # error/constitute.c/ReadImage/512.

The -script command is for ImageMagick 7. You must explicitly -write the output in the script command. See
For example, here is a simple script file that I call testscript
#!/path/to/magick -script
rose: -scale 200% -write big_rose.png
To run it you simple use:
magick -script testscript
So for your command, try the script as
#!/path/to/magick -script
( foo.png -repage +0+0 ) ( bar.png -repage +0+37 ) -layers merge -write out.png
(Note I have written it as one line. If you want to use multiple lines, then you must use Windows line ending character, ^, at the end of each line to show continuation to the next line)
Then call it as
magick -script yourscript


Combine multiple command line commands into one single command (pipeline)

How do I combine the following ImageMagick command line commands into a single instruction:
convert -trim "C:\test\test.webp" -quality 95 "C:\test\testMaxNew.webp"
convert "C:\test\testMaxNew.webp" -resize 750x750 "C:\test\testMediumNew.webp"
convert "C:\test\testMediumNew.webp" -thumbnail 100x100^ "C:\test\testSmallNew.webp"
After some trial and error I came up with this:
convert -trim C:\test\test.webp -quality 95 -write mpr:XY +delete \( mpr:XY +write C:\test\testLargeNew.webp +delete \) \( mpr:XY -resize 750x750 +write C:\test\testMediumNew.webp +delete \) \( mpr:XY -resize 100x100^ -gravity center -extent 100x100 +write C:\test\testSmallNew.webp +delete \)
This does the trick but the following errors are reported in the command line prompt:
> convert: unable to open image '\(': No such file or directory #
> error/blob.c/OpenBlob/2695. convert: no decode delegate for this image
> format `' # error/constitute.c/ReadImage/508. convert: unable to open
> image '\)': No such file or directory # error/blob.c/OpenBlob/2695.
> convert: no decode delegate for this image format `' #
> error/constitute.c/ReadImage/508. convert: unable to open image '\(':
> No such file or directory # error/blob.c/OpenBlob/2695. convert: no
> decode delegate for this image format `' #
> error/constitute.c/ReadImage/508. convert: unable to open image '\)':
> No such file or directory # error/blob.c/OpenBlob/2695. convert: no
> decode delegate for this image format `' #
> error/constitute.c/ReadImage/508. convert: unable to open image '\(':
> No such file or directory # error/blob.c/OpenBlob/2695. convert: no
> decode delegate for this image format `' #
> error/constitute.c/ReadImage/508. convert: no images defined `\)' #
> error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3235.
Can someone explain why I am getting these errors and if my code is correct?
The reason I am trying to combine multiple commands is to minimize processing time.
Version: ImageMagick 7.0.2-0 Q16 x64 on Windows 10
These should do what you want.
Best to read the input right after convert.
I am not sure why you need to resize and thumbnail.
So in Imagemagick try one of the following:
convert "C:\test\test.webp" -trim +repage -quality 95 -resize 750x750 -thumbnail 100x100^ "C:\test\testSmallNew.webp"
or just
convert "C:\test\test.webp" -trim +repage -quality 95 -thumbnail 100x100^ "C:\test\testSmallNew.webp"
Just adding an answer to clarify a couple of things that are not a good fit for comments.
You already have some excellent advice from Fred (#fmw42) as regards reading your input image immediately after convert because that way your command will continue to work when you upgrade to ImageMagick v7 which has already been available a couple of years.
You have added a command that works to your question, but that is a bit clumsy inasmuch as it creates an MPR which you don't need and also creates and destroys images unnecessarily - adding to system load which is undesirable if you have many images to process. I think you can see the following is simpler to understand and maintain, makes fewer copies and deletes and demands on memory, and should achieve the same effect as your command:
convert INPUT.webp -trim +repage -gravity center -quality 95 ^
+write LARGE.webp ^
-resize 350x350 +write MEDIUM.webp ^
-resize 100x100^ -extent 100x100 SMALL.webp

How to composite two unique series of transparent PNGs?

I have the following two unique series of transparent PNGs:
folder1/*-0.png, folder1/*-1.png, folder1/*-2.png, etc.
folder2/*-0.png, folder2/*-1.png, folder2/*-2.png, etc.
And I want the output to be the combined images in the parent directory as:
*-0.png, *-1.png, *-2.png, etc.
Meaning *-0.png would be folder1/*-0.png overlaid on top of folder2/*-0.png.
Here's the script I successfully used to do it with a single pair, but couldn't with a batch:
convert folder1/*-0.png folder2/*-0.png -gravity center -composite -format png -quality 100 output.png
I still don't understand, but think you want a bash script like this:
cd folder1
# Iterate over all PNGs
for f in *.png; do
echo Combining $this with $that to produce $result
echo convert "$this" "$that" -gravity center -composite "$result"
You would save that as merge in your HOME directory, then start Terminal and run this command to make it executable (only necessary once):
chmod +x merge
Then you can use cd to go to the parent directory, e.g.:
cd where/the/images/are
and run the command with:

Resize indexed PNG image with ImageMagick while preserving color map

I am using custom batch script to make resized copies (33% and 66%) of all PNG images in folder. Here is my code:
for f in $(find /myFolder -name '*.png');
sudo cp -a $f "${f/%.png/-3x.png}";
sudo convert $f -resize 66.67% "${f/%.png/-2x.png}";
sudo convert $f -resize 33.33% $f;
It works fine, except when the original image is indexed. In this case the smaller version of the image is RGB (so even larger file size then original image).
I have try several versions but not worked. One that I guess supposed to sort this out was fallowing:
for f in $(find /myFolder -name '*.png');
sudo cp -a $f "${f/%.png/-3x.png}";
sudo convert $f -define png:preserve-colormap -resize 66.67% "${f/%.png/-2x.png}";
sudo convert $f -define png:preserve-colormap -resize 33.33% $f;
But it doesn't work.
This is updated co, but it still doesn't work as it supposed to (see the attached image-left is original, right is resized):
for f in $(find /myFolder -name '*.png');
sudo cp -a $f "${f/%.png/-3x.png}";
numberOfColors=`identify -format "%k" $f`
convert "$f" \
\( +clone -resize 66.67% -colors $numberOfColors -write "${f/%.png/-2x.png}" +delete \) \
-resize 33.33% -colors $numberOfColors "$f"
Original image:
Scaled version:
Use "-sample" instead of "-resize" to preserve the color set. This causes the resizing to be done by nearest-neighbor color selection rather than any kind of interpolation.
Otherwise, the colormap ends up with more than 256 colors and the png encoder can't preserve it, due to the 256-color limit on the size of a PNG PLTE chunk. I cannot guarantee that you'll like the appearance of the result, though.
Also, be sure you are using a recent version of ImageMagick.
I'm not observing this problem with the current release (6.9.3-7). Your script works fine and produces clean -2x and -3x images.
There are several things to address here...
find vs glob
You say you want to process all files in a folder, then you use find which will search down into sub-directories as well. If you just want to process files in the current directory, you can let bash do the globbing directly for you. So, instead of
for f in $(find . -name "*.png"); do
you can just do:
shopt -s nullglob
for f in *.png; do
You run convert twice and load the original image twice, and that is not very efficient. You can run a single process that loads a single image and resizes to two different sizes and writes both to disk. So, instead of
for ...; do
convert ...
convert ...
you can write the following to start one convert, read the image once, clone it in memory and write it out, delete the spare copy in memory and then resize the original image and re-save that.
for ...; do
convert "$f" \
\( +clone -resize 66.67% -write "${f/%.png/-2x.png}" +delete \) \
-resize 33.33% "$f"
It seems you actually only want to output palettised (indexed) images with "any" colormap rather than with a "specific" colormap. Glenn's answer is perfect if you want to retain a specific colormap. However, if any colormap is ok, you can use -colors to reduce the colours in the resulting image to a level where the PNG library can make the decision to create a palettised image. Glenn knows a lot more than me about that as he wrote it! However, I think if you reduce the colours to 250 (or so) you will probably get a 256 entry colormap and if you reduce the colours to around 60 or so, you will get a 64 entry colourmap. So, you would do:
shopt -s nullglob
for f in *.png; do
sudo cp ... ...
convert "$f" \
\( +clone -resize 66.67% -colors 250 -write "${f/%.png/-2x.png}" +delete \) \
-resize 33.33% -colors 250 "$f"
You can try experimenting with other numbers of colours and see how that affects filesize - the number you need will depend on your images.

ImageMagick: Watermark image and keep file name

I have this code but I would like to edit it so the exported file name is the same as the file name used to make it
mogrify -composite -gravity center ~/Desktop/civmap-client-master/data/watermark.png ~/Desktop/civmap-client-master/data/nowm/*.png ~/Desktop/civmap-client-master/data/wm/*.png
It just throws an error when I used *.png as my exported file name. Please note I have multiple files in the /nowm/ directory. I am using a Mac.
Thanks alot :)
The mogrify command does not accept -composite as an operation as it takes just 2 images. You will have to use a loop:
cd ~/Desktop/where/the/input/images/are
for f in *.png; do
echo $f
convert -gravity center "$f" "~/Desktop/path/to/watermark.png" -composite "~/Desktop/path/to/output/$f"

ImageMagick Mogrify: batch with watermark

I have a strange probleam with running ImageMagick mogrify on several files. I use conversion string to make several transformation on images, which results in thumbnails. The command with the conversion string runs fine on single file, however when ran on a batch of files, it sometimes fails. Here is the command (windows command line):
"C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-6.3.5-Q16\mogrify" \
-format jpg \
-thumbnail 400x400">" \
-background white \
-gravity center \
-extent 400x400 \
-draw "image src-over 0,0 0,0 '//dell1/Oracle/files/watermark.png'" \
-path \\dell1\Oracle\files\pictures\cj4uoveomiggda97kmqttn0400 \
\\dell1\Oracle\files\pictures\59\59p5huflk2cnv9drf3r1d65ef9_wc \
\\dell1\Oracle\files\pictures\7v\7vi3q26cdidk8bproslhhmlkab_wc \
and it fails with message "mogrify: Non-conforming drawing primitive definition `image'."
But I've found out, that this happens only when inserting a wattermark. I've also found out that when I change order of the 3 files which are to be processed, the mogrify runs fine, which is pretty strange. I have no idea why this happens and how to get rid of it.
PS: I execute this command from a java application, so using a batch file with repeated calling of convert command is not acceptable solution for me.
Any clues appreciated, many thanks.
Solved this by installing newer version of ImageMagick :/
