SensorStreamViewer, HoloLensForCV : "Failed to initialized media capture: Access is denied." - augmented-reality

I tried to get sensor stream from HoloLens, so I used the HoloLensForCV.
First, I checked that SensorStreamViewer project works, but few days later, I updated HoloLens and then it doesn't work. The error I receive is Access is Denied
HoloLens Camera view capture
HoloLens Privacy Camera capture
The Webcam capability in VS capture
And, I guess the error occurs in this part(SensorStreamViewer.xaml.cpp).
// Initialize MediaCapture with the specified group.
// This must occur on the UI thread because some device families
// (such as Xbox) will prompt the user to grant consent for the
// app to access cameras.
// This can raise an exception if the source no longer exists,
// or if the source could not be initialized.
return create_task(m_mediaCapture->InitializeAsync(settings))
.then([this](task<void> initializeMediaCaptureTask)
// Get the result of the initialization. This call will throw if initialization failed
// This pattern is docuemnted at
m_logger->Log("MediaCapture is successfully initialized in shared mode.");
return true;
catch (Exception^ exception)
m_logger->Log("Failed to initialize media capture: " + exception->Message);
return false;
When I start others project like 'ComputeOnDevice', I can see an alert message window asking me allow to access camera. However, when I start 'SensorStreamViewer', I didn't see any alert message asking about camera access.
I started debugging, and confronted this error message.
Exception thrown at 0x772C3332 in SensorStreamViewer.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: Platform::AccessDeniedException ^ at memory location 0x0180E680. HRESULT:0x80070005 Access is denied.
WinRT information: The required device capability has not been declared in the manifest.
How can I solve this problem?

In your Package.appxmanifest file, you need to add the following capability.
<rescap:Capability Name="perceptionSensorsExperimental" />


Apple iOS ARKit: "A sensor failed to deliver the required input" error and stops working

I am developing an application that uses both ARKit and hardware video decoder. As soon as the decoder start to decode, the following error message appears in console and prevent tracking from working properly.
Occasionally, this error do not show up and the app works normally. After some debugging, I found out this error only happens at the "beginning" (shortly after launching the app). Once it passes that point, it works fine for the rest of the time.
Does anyone know what the problem is or how to go around it?
2017-08-11 20:48:02.550228-0700 PortalMetal[4037:893878] [] <<<<
AVCaptureSession >>>> -[AVCaptureSession
_handleServerConnectionDiedNotification]: (0x1c0007eb0)(pthread:0x170387000) ServerConnectionDied 2017-08-11
20:48:02.564053-0700 PortalMetal[4037:893747] [Session] Session did
fail with error: Error Code=102 "Required
sensor failed." UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=A sensor failed to
deliver the required input., NSUnderlyingError=0x1c4c51280 {Error
Domain=AVFoundationErrorDomain Code=-11819 "Cannot Complete Action"
UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Cannot Complete Action,
NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=Try again later.}},
NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=Make sure that the application has the
required privacy settings., NSLocalizedDescription=Required sensor
The solution is to do with compass calibration being set in the phone settings. Credit to this answer.
Go to Settings > Privacy > Location Services > System Services, and set Compass Calibration to ON.
How to prevent Crashing
Declare your config at the top of your class e.g:
var configuration = ARWorldTrackingConfiguration() and make sure you setup and add your config in the viewWillAppear method.
Then add this method to handle the error.
func session(_ session: ARSession, didFailWithError error: Error) {
// Present an error message to the user
print("Session failed. Changing worldAlignment property.")
if let arError = error as? ARError {
switch arError.errorCode {
case 102:
configuration.worldAlignment = .gravity
It just handles the error that you've noticed.
Next, add this function to reset the session with a new config worldAlignment:
func restartSessionWithoutDelete() {
// Restart session with a different worldAlignment - prevents bug from crashing app
self.sceneView.session.pause(), options: [
Hope it helps, and I also hope to find an actual fix to this apparent bug.
Setting worldAlignment to gravityAndHeading needs the location service to be enabled:
check if your device has location service turned on.
Check if Info.plist has set Privacy - Photo Library Additions Usage Description
If the compass orientation is crucial for your app, you should consider to guide the user to do turn the location service on and implement a fallback.

How can I save the fatalError message to the iOS crash log?

I have an iOS application written in Swift 2 in Xcode 8.2.1, that's built for iOS 10.2.
I've had a number of crash reports from TestFlight and despite symbolication, none of the crash logs show any program state besides the stack-traces (no argument values, no locals, no heap objects, etc).
...but inside those functions I can see code which is likely to fail (e.g. a forced unwrap) but the crash log isn't telling me where or why it's failing.
When debugging in Xcode, I can use fatalError(message: String) where I can put my own message like "functionFoo returned nil" or "variable bar == \"" + bar + "\"", except when deployed using TestFlight or the App Store the fatalError will be hit and the program terminates, but the message value is not saved to the crash log, making it pointless.
In other environments, like C#/.NET and Java I can simply throw new SomeExceptionType("my message") and all information is available in whatever global catch(Exception) handler I have.
How can I achieve the same goal in iOS / Swift?
Swift does support error handling. You can create your own error type by confirming to Error protocol or use existing error types and then throw an error by invoking throw error.
But Swift forces you add error handling to any code that can throw an error. There are multiple way you can handle error in swift.
Apply throws keyword to your function, this indicates that the function can throw an error when invoked and the error should be handled by the caller.
func canThrowErrors() throws -> String
When invoking methods with throws keyword you have to add try keyword at the beginning of the invocation. All these try invocations should be handled either by applying throws to method to just propagate the errors or wrapping inside a do-catch block:
do {
try canThrowErrors()
try canThrowOtherErrors()
} catch is SpecificError {
// handling only specific error type
} catch let error as SpecificError {
// catches only specific error for type
} catch {
// catches all errors
Additionally you can use try? and try! for throwing function invocation to disable error propagation and retrieve optional result that returns nil in case of error and runtime assertions respectively.
By forcing you to handle all the errors at compile time swift avoids any undefined runtime behavior and debugging nightmare.
I would suggest to use fatalError or any other runtime assertion only if scenarios when there is no way to recover from a state without crashing the app. Unfortunately, there is no way to handle errors from fatalError as its use is only reserved for such scenarios only. Also, in your crashlog you will only get the line number that caused the crash to get additional info for the cause of crash I would suggest to use custom logging or analytics.

Why does Social.localUser.Authenticate lead to crash when there is no internet connection in Unity app?

With an internet connection
Everything works flawlessly. There is no memory problem leading to crash.
With no internet connection
The app proceeds to the menu screen, where it eventually crashes because it is out of memory.
I have concluded that the problem lies in the following line of code
When I comment out the above line, the memory problem goes away when there is no internet connection.
Here is my relevant code
void Start ()
public void ProcessAuthentication(bool success)
Debug.Log ("Authenticated");
Debug.Log ("Failed to authenticate");
Leading up to the crash
2016-02-27 15:46:37.131 BrickBall[449:60670] Received memory warning.
WARNING -> applicationDidReceiveMemoryWarning()
2016-02-27 15:46:37.302 BrickBall[449:60670] Received memory warning.
WARNING -> applicationDidReceiveMemoryWarning()
2016-02-27 15:46:37.349 BrickBall[449:60670] Received memory warning.
WARNING -> applicationDidReceiveMemoryWarning()
2016-02-27 15:46:37.437 BrickBall[449:60670] Received memory warning.
WARNING -> applicationDidReceiveMemoryWarning()
Message from debugger: Terminated due to memory issue
Why would that line of code be causing the out of memory crash when there is no internet connect?
My guess is that you'll eventually need to talk to Unity. Game center will use cached credentials when there's no network connectivity to report that it successfully connected to the server and authenticated, even though it didn't. I have a bug open--and an ongoing discussion--with Apple on this. This behavior allows some game types to continue even when there's no network, then sync up later when connection is restored. However, I ran into problems where I assumed I could do things because GC said it was authenticated, but I really couldn't because it really wasn't. :/
This means apps have to handle three cases:
successful authentication with GC
failed authentication with GC
failed authentication, but reported as successful based on cached data
It's possible that Unity doesn't handle the third situation. To confirm or refute this, try the following:
Confirm that Unity does cleanly handle authentication failures
establish connectivity
log out of game center
Break connectivity (airplane mode, etc)
Retry your app
I would expect that success would be false at this point and run cleanly.
If that works as expected, I'd talk to Unity about how they handle Game Center reporting a (cached) success in a disconnected situation.
I had to go back and look at my code to see exactly how I hardened against it. The scenario was: while completely disconnected and/or in airplane mode, Game Center was presenting the "welcome back" message and localPlayer.authenticated was set to YES... BUT, the error code was set and complaining that it couldn't connect.
I opened bug 22232706, "[GKLocalPlayer localPlayer].authenticated always returns true after any authentication handler is set," and which still has an ongoing discussion. Apple confirmed the behavior, but says its intended.
Below is how I hardened my authentication handler to deal with this situation. It won't help you since Unity is handling this for you, but I thought other readers may find this helpful. (The TL;DR version is: always always always check the error code first, before you check .authenticated or before you check if viewController is set)
[localPlayer setAuthenticateHandler:^(UIViewController *loginViewController, NSError *error)
//Note: this handler fires once when you call setAuthenticated, and again when the user completes the login screen (if necessary)
//did we get an error? Could be the result of either the initial call, or the result of the login attempt
//Very important: ALWAYS check `error` before checking for a viewController or .authenticated.
if (error)
//Here's a fun fact... even if you're in airplane mode and can't communicate to the server,
//when this call back fires with an error code, localPlayer.authenticated is sometimes set to YES despite the total failure. ><
//combos seen so far:
//error.code == -1009 -> authenticated = YES
//error.code == 2 -> authenticated = NO
//error.code ==3 -> authenticated = YES
if ([GKLocalPlayer localPlayer].authenticated == YES)
NSLog(#"error.code = %ld but localPlayer.authenticated = %d", (long)error.code, [GKLocalPlayer localPlayer].authenticated);
//Do stuff here to disable network play, disable buttons, warn users, etc.
//if we received a loginViewContoller, then the user needs to log in.
if (loginViewController)
//the user isn't logged in, so show the login screen.
[rootVC2 presentViewController:loginViewController animated:NO completion:^
//was the login successful?
if ([GKLocalPlayer localPlayer].authenticated)
//enable network play, or refresh matches or whatever you need to do...
//if there was not loginViewController and no error, then the user is alreay logged in
//the user is already logged in
//refresh matches, leaderboards, whatever you need to do...

Location manager error KCLErrorDomain error 0

Sometimes I get this error on the device.
I've seen past question on this saying the error will occur if simulation location is enabled in the scheme. However I'm getting this on hardware not the simulator.
Other answer say to check there is Wifi/3G. Which there is.
Other answer say to reset the location services and the network services. However this would imply some terminal fault with the device, but after getting this error I might try again later and it would work.
From Apple Docs,
typedef enum {
kCLErrorLocationUnknown = 0,
} CLError;
kCLErrorDomain error comes unexpectedly, reason may be different. You are getting the error 0; i.e kCLErrorLocationUnknown the location manager was unable to obtain a location value right now.

Runtime Error MESSAGE_TYPE_X when using SAP on Ipad mini (IOS)

In my company we´ve installed the app GuiXT Liquid UI on Ipad mini to access to our SAP-Systems.
The login works fine and we can open transactions (those which were delivered by SAP and also self-written), but as soon as we want to change variant, display a list or anything else, an Runtime Error occurs.
While opening the same transactions with the “normal” gui on windows-pcs everything works.
Following informations I get from the error message:
Runtime Errors MESSAGE_TYPE_X
Error analysis
Short text of error message:
Control Frame Work : Error in data stream <DATAMANAGER><TABLES><DATACHAN
GES HANDLE="2"><IT I; current tag PROPERTY,
Long text of error message:
Technical information about the message:
Message class....... "CNDP"
Number.............. 008
Variable 2.......... "PROPERTY"
Variable 3.......... " "
Variable 4.......... " "
Information on where terminated
Termination occurred in the ABAP program "CL_GUI_DATAMANAGER============CP" -
The main program was "RAZUGA_ALV01 ".
In the source code you have the termination point in line 2136
of the (Include) program "CL_GUI_DATAMANAGER============CL".
This is a really old question and I hope you found a solution.
I stumbled upon it while searching for help on a similar (but not exactly the same) error.
I found this note which doesn't apply to my system/error, but might apply to yours, so I'll leave it here for reference:
2318244 - Shortdump occurs in /IDXGC/PDOCMON01 when click some Process Step No. to display step additional data
