Dockerfile - How to define mounting of host file system to the container - docker

I want to mount a folder of the host system to the container and it need to be defined in the Dockerfile so that user doesn't need to do it manually by passing the argument in the command line to run the container. How to achieve this ?

This simply cannot be done. Docker images are designed to be portable. Host mounts are host specific. Thus if you are able to specify a host mount at build time, it will make the image non-portable across machine that don't have this mount folder. Thus this is why this option is not available.
You can use docker compose to help the user not choose the mount folder. Take a look at How do I mount a host directory as a volume in docker compose

Dockerfile is for create images not containers.
You can not define a volume on a image. The volume must be defined on execution time when the container is created.
docker run -v /host-folder:/root/containerfolder -i -t imagename


Is it possible to mount the host path or docker volume to the path in the image from dockerfile?

I want to mount my host path (or docker volume) to the path in the image from dockerfile.
Dockerfile can copy the host data or directory to the data or directory in the image.
But I want to bind or mount not copy!
It is similar to "docker run -v" option but I wonder that it is done by creating the image from dockerfile.
Is any solution for this issue?
No, as far as I am aware, a host path cannot be mounted via the Dockerfile due to the portability of docker images and the different host architectures/directory layouts etc. See dockerfile volumes note 4.
Using VOLUME within the dockerfile will create a docker volume on the host at run-time of the container, but it cannot be specified to be a host directory. This answer explains the use of dockerfile VOLUME quite well. To use a host directory, you will need to do it at run time.

Equivalent of -v in the Dockerfile?

So I want to mount my Docker container on my Windows PC using a Dockerfile. So far I have been able to do this using the following command:
docker run -v %userprofile%\mounted-docker\:/tmp/ container-name
This would mount /tmp/ from my Docker container into my C:\Users\USERNAME\mounted-docker\ folder. However, I can't seem to find the equivalent instruction in the Dockerfile documentation.
The only documentation is probably VOLUME in the Dockerfile documentation, which specifies:
Volumes on Windows-based containers: When using Windows-based containers, the destination of a volume inside the container must be one of:
a non-existing or empty directory
a drive other than C:
That's fine and all... but how exactly do I specify that? Let's say I want to mount either / or /tmp/ in a specified folder or drive, how do I do that?
The Dockerfile is used to build the image. To define how you'd like to run that image, you'll want to use a docker-compose.yml file.
In a Dockerfile, you cannot specify where a volume will be mounted from in the host. Doing so would open up docker to malicious image exploits where images from the Docker hub could mount the root filesystem and send private content to remote locations, or even perform a ransomware exploit. Specifying what elevated access a container can have is left up to the user running the image, from docker run or with the docker-compose.yml file.

Creating a host directory as a data volume in Dockerfile

So when running the command for the container, I can create the host volume mount that I want with the command
docker run -d -P --name web -v /home/ec2-user:/home/ec2-user testing123
How can I turn that /src/webapp:/opt/webapp host directory into an argument inside of the Dockerfile? Can I use VOLUME to create this type of storage?
The reason I am asking is that when I tried to add it in with the arguments
VOLUME ["/home/ec2-user/:/home/ec2-user/" ]
It creates the directory inside of the container with no files except a :. How would I structure this argument to work with it?
You can't do what you want to do because host directory is dependent to your host and your Dockerfile hence your image must not be dependent to your host. Just 'expose' a volume and use docker run to map your host directory to that volume.
Note from Docker docs:
The host directory is, by its nature, host-dependent. For this reason,
you can’t mount a host directory from Dockerfile because built images
should be portable. A host directory wouldn’t be available on all
potential hosts.
Keep in mind that newer versions of Docker, won't create the directory in your host with -v /host/path:/container/path anymore. This was considered an anti-pattern and it was deprecated. You should manage your host file system with a different tool that gives you better guarantees.

What is the purpose of defining VOLUME mount points within DockerFile rather than adhoc cmd-line -v?

I understand that using the VOLUME command within a Dockerfile, defines a mount point within container.
FROM centos:6
VOLUME /html
However I noticed that without that VOLUME definition, it's still possible to mount on that VOLUME point regardless of defining it
docker run -ti -v /path/to/my/html:/html centos:6
What is the purpose of defining VOLUME mount points in the dockerfile? I suspect it's for readability so people can read the Dockerfile and instantly know what is meant to be mounted?
VOLUME instruction used within a Dockerfile does not allow us to do host mount, that is where we mount a directory from the host OS into a container.
However other containers can still mount into the volumes of a container using the --from-container=<container name>, created with the VOLUMES instruction in the Dockerfile
I understand that using the VOLUME command within a Dockerfile,
defines a mount point within container.
That's not right. In that case the volume is defined for an image, not for a container.
When a volume is defined in the Dockerfile, it's set for an image, so every container run from that image gets that volume defined.
If you define the volume in the command line (docker run -v ...) the volume is defined just for that specific container.

Can I specify host directory to mount from Dockerfile

Docker run command has option to mount host directory into container
-v=[]: Create a bind mount with: [host-dir]:[container-dir]:[rw|ro].
If "host-dir" is missing, then docker creates a new volume.
And Dockerfile has VOLUME instruction
VOLUME ["/data"] - The VOLUME instruction will add one or more new volumes
to any container created from the image.
From what I see, there is no way to specify host-dir or rw/ro status when using Dockerfile.
Is there any other use of VOLUME in docker file other than wanting to share it with some other container?
Dockerfiles are meant to be portable and shared. The host-dir volume is something 100% host dependent and will break on any other machine, which is a little bit off the Docker idea.
Because of this, it is only possible to use portable instructions within a Dockerfile. If you need a host-dir volume, you need to specify it at run-time.
A common usage of VOLUME from Dockerfile is to store configuration or website sources so that it can be updated later by another container.
