Equivalent of -v in the Dockerfile? - docker

So I want to mount my Docker container on my Windows PC using a Dockerfile. So far I have been able to do this using the following command:
docker run -v %userprofile%\mounted-docker\:/tmp/ container-name
This would mount /tmp/ from my Docker container into my C:\Users\USERNAME\mounted-docker\ folder. However, I can't seem to find the equivalent instruction in the Dockerfile documentation.
The only documentation is probably VOLUME in the Dockerfile documentation, which specifies:
Volumes on Windows-based containers: When using Windows-based containers, the destination of a volume inside the container must be one of:
a non-existing or empty directory
a drive other than C:
That's fine and all... but how exactly do I specify that? Let's say I want to mount either / or /tmp/ in a specified folder or drive, how do I do that?

The Dockerfile is used to build the image. To define how you'd like to run that image, you'll want to use a docker-compose.yml file.
In a Dockerfile, you cannot specify where a volume will be mounted from in the host. Doing so would open up docker to malicious image exploits where images from the Docker hub could mount the root filesystem and send private content to remote locations, or even perform a ransomware exploit. Specifying what elevated access a container can have is left up to the user running the image, from docker run or with the docker-compose.yml file.


Is there a way to override the host's folder with the container's folder using volumes in Docker?

I'm fairly new to using Docker and Docker Compose (using Docker Compose for this particular problem). Here is what I know so far about the problem I am facing: When using volumes when there are contents available in the host folder as well as the container's folder, the files inside the container's folder are hidden and the host's files are then made available to the container.
I want to use it the other way round. I would like to make available the container's files (that were copied into the image in the Dockerfile) to the host folder.
Is there a way to do that?
Here are a bunch of screenshots of my Dockerfile and Docker Compose to show my setup.
Dockerfile Screenshot
DockerCompose Screenshot
Thanks in advance! :)
I've come across the same thing many times and the way I go about it is as follows.
As the host volume will always take priority over the container filesystem, you have to copy the files out of the container to the host first, then volume mount them back - this way you get what was there originally, and also what might change in the future (by the container).
The following is all pseudo code, but should hopefully simulate the concept:
First run the main container:
docker run --rm -d --name my-container registry/image-name
Then copy the files you want from it to the local filesystem
docker cp my-container:/files/i/want ./files
Then stop the original container
docker stop my-container
Then mount them back into the container on the next run
docker run --rm -d --name my-container -v ./files:/files/i/want registry/image-name
Obviously you've mentioned compose there also, so just reflect the volume mapping into the compose format - the copy stuff will need to be done via standard docker however in line with the above.
Note: I wrote the above commands blind, but will check them over at lunch and correct any mistypes - but the concept is correct

Combing VOLUME + docker run -v

I was looking for an explanation on the VOLUME entry when writing a Dockerfile and came across this statement
A volume is a persistent data stored in /var/lib/docker/volumes/...
You can either declare it in a Dockerfile, which means each time a container is started from the image, the volume is created (empty), even if you don't have any -v option.
You can declare it on runtime docker run -v [host-dir:]container-dir.
combining the two (VOLUME + docker run -v) means that you can mount the content of a host folder into your volume persisted by the container in /var/lib/docker/volumes/...
docker volume create creates a volume without having to define a Dockerfile and build an image and run a container. It is used to quickly allow other containers to mount said volume.
But I'm having a hard time understanding this line:
...combining the two (VOLUME + docker run -v) means that you can mount the content of a host folder into your volume persisted by the container in /var/lib/docker/volumes/...
For example, let's say I have a config file on my host machine and I run the container based off the image I made with the Dockerfile I wrote. Will it copy the config file into where the volume that I stated in my the volume entry?
Would it be something like (pseudocode)
From Ubuntu
Run apt-get update
Run apt-get install mysql
Volume . /etc/mysql/conf.d
Cmd systemcl start MySQL
And when I run it
docker run -it -v /path/to/config/file: ubuntu_based_image
Is this what they mean?
You probably don't want VOLUME in your Dockerfile. It's not necessary to mount files or directories at runtime, and it has confusing side effects like making subsequent RUN commands silently lose state.
If an image does have a VOLUME, and you don't mount anything else there when you start the container, Docker will create an anonymous volume and mount it for you. This can result in space leaks if you don't clean these volumes up.
You can use a docker run -v option on any container directory regardless of whether or not it's declared as a VOLUME.
If you docker run -v /host/path:/container/path, the two directories are actually the same; nothing is copied, and writes to one are (supposed to be) immediately visible on the other.
docker run -v /host/path:/container/path bind mounts aren't visible in /var/lib/docker at all.
You shouldn't usually be looking at content in /var/lib/docker (and can't if you're not on a native-Linux host). If you need to access the volume file content directly, use a bind mount rather than a named or anonymous volume.
Bind mounts like you've shown are appropriate for injecting config files into containers, and for reading log files back out. Named volumes are appropriate for stateful applications' storage, like the data for a MySQL database. Neither type of volume is appropriate for code or libraries; build these directly into Docker images instead.

Dockerfile - How to define mounting of host file system to the container

I want to mount a folder of the host system to the container and it need to be defined in the Dockerfile so that user doesn't need to do it manually by passing the argument in the command line to run the container. How to achieve this ?
This simply cannot be done. Docker images are designed to be portable. Host mounts are host specific. Thus if you are able to specify a host mount at build time, it will make the image non-portable across machine that don't have this mount folder. Thus this is why this option is not available.
You can use docker compose to help the user not choose the mount folder. Take a look at How do I mount a host directory as a volume in docker compose
Dockerfile is for create images not containers.
You can not define a volume on a image. The volume must be defined on execution time when the container is created.
docker run -v /host-folder:/root/containerfolder -i -t imagename

Can I mount a Docker image as a volume in Docker?

I would like to distribute some larger static files/assets as a Docker image so that it is easy for user to pull those optional files down the same way they would be pulling the app itself. But I cannot really find a good way to expose files from one Docker image to the other? Is there a way to mount a Docker image itself (or a directory in it) as a volume to other Docker container?
I know that there are volume plugins I could use, but I could not find any where I could to this or something similar?
Is possible create any directory of an image to a docker volume, but not full image. At least not in a pretty or simple way.
If you want to create a directory from your image as a docker volume you can create a named volume:
docker volume create your_volume
docker run -d \
-it \
--name=yourcontainer \
-v your_volume:/dir_with_data_you_need \
From this point, you'll have accessible your_volume with data from image your_docker_image
Reason why you cannot mount the whole image in a volume is because docker doesn't let specify / as source of named volume. You'll get Cannot create container for service your-srv: invalid volume spec "/": invalid volume specification: '/' even if you try with docker-compose.
Don't know any direct way.
You can use a folder in your host as a bridge to share things, this is a indirect way to acheive this.
docker run -d -v /any_of_your_host_folder:/your_assets_folder_in_your_image_container your_image
docker run -d -v /any_of_your_host_folder:/your_folder_of_your_new_container your_container_want_to_use_assets
For your_image, you need add CMD in dockerfile to copy the assets to your_assets_folder_in_your_image_container(the one you use as volume as CMD executes after volume)
This may waste time, but just at the first time the assets container starts. And after the container starts, the files in assets container in fact copy to the host folder, and has none business with assets image any more. So you can just delete the image of the assets image. Then no space waste.
You aim just want other people easy to use the assets, so why not afford script to them, automatically fetch the image -> start the container(CMD auto copy files to volume) -> delete the image/container -> the assets already on host, so people just use this host assets as a volume to do next things.
Of course, if container can directly use other image's resource, it is better than this solution. Anyway, this can be a solution although not perfect.
You can add the docker sock as a volume which will allow you to start one of your docker images from within your docker container.
To do this, add the two following volumes:
- "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock"
- "/usr/bin/docker:/usr/bin/docker"
If you need to share files between the containers map the volume /tmp:/tmp when starting both containers.

Mount a local directory as volume in container, from the Dockerfile

I know how local directories can be mounted as volumes with the -v option in docker run, i.e.
docker run -v /local/some_folder:/container/some_folder image_name
However, I want to be able to specify the above instruction (to mount the local /local/some_folder as /container/some_folder in the container within the Dockerfile.
I've tried using VOLUME /local/some_folder /container/some_folder in the Dockerfile, but that didn't seem to work: I am then able to access /container/some_folder from within the container using docker exec -t container sh, but the write changes of container to /container/some_folder are not reflected in /local/some_folder during container runtime AND after docker stop container.
You do not have access to control things like host volume mounts inside the Dockerfile or image build process. Allowing this would allow malicious image creators to make an image that mounts directories on the host without the permission of the admin of that host. A security breach that allowed a popular base image to mount the filesystem could be used to send private data off-site and inject login credentials on countless machines. The only way to mount a volume is at run time at the explicit request of the admin running the container, and to the directory they provide.
