Xamarin Android use “Bundle assemblies into native code” and "obfuscation" - xamarin.android

I am trying to combine obfuscating my xamarin android project and then bundle the assemblies into native code with the Visuals Studio 2017 Pro option.
I was able to obfuscate my assemblies with this tutorial https://blog.noser.com/xamarin-android-code-obfuscation/
Unfortunately the obfuscated assemblies does not find its way into the native bundle.
Likely i intercepted the build proccess at the wrong place.
<Target Name="Obfuscate" AfterTargets="_CopyIntermediateAssemblies" Condition="'$(Configuration)' == 'Release'">
Does anyone know how to merge the obfuscated assemblies into the native bundle? Thx for help in advance.

I help develop another .NET obfuscation/protection tool, Dotfuscator.
We've written a Xamarin build integration that automatically handles protection as part of the normal build process, so you don't have to manually write your own MSBuild targets or copy files around.
The official Xamarin docs recommend using Dotfuscator to protect Android builds, but this integration also works for iOS and UWP.
As Dotfuscator's Community Edition is included in Visual Studio, you can try this integration out for free.
I wrote a guest post for the Xamarin Blog that explains how to do this.
Edit regarding the setting in the question: I did some limited testing and Dotfuscator works fine with the "Bundle assemblies into native code" setting. I installed the latest version of Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise, version 15.7.2, but found out that version has a bug related to this setting. To work around it, I used the unofficial VSIX install mentioned at that link. Then I opened a Dotfuscator-Xamarin sample app and enabled the native code setting. I also added code to the sample to show the name of a class used by the application. Then I deployed the app to an emulator. The app ran normally and the logging statement showed an obfuscated name for the class, indicating that Dotfuscator correctly protected the app before it was bundled into native code.


OPTICON API - unable to load example visual studio project

Im trying to make use of the Opticon API to write an app that will read the barcode data from the device. Opticon have a website for the API download.
but when i open the example project in visual studio i get a reference missing,
the project folder has "csp2.dll" files in it. but i so far have not worked out how to add that reference to the project. I have tried to "Add Reference" and browse to the .dll file but this just causes Visual Studio to crash, is there something more I'm missing?
The Opticon OPN SDK does talk about "C-Library Kit", but from what i can read this seems to be for C++, rather than C#.
The documentation for the SDK seems to be rather old and for much older versions of Visual Studio.

WinObjC: How to know what cocoa frameworks are supported / handled?

Trying to bridge my iOS application to W10 app using WinObjC which looks nice (but still a preview)
My iOS app is using CommonCryptor for encryption purpose. When I try to build my freshly imported app in Visual Studio I got an error related to kCCKeySizeAES128 which is missing (coming from CommonCrypto).
How can I assume that this native framework is supported by WinObjC, and if it is supported how can I tell that everything is working (link is done right in visual studio) / where do I look?
I work on the iOS bridge project at Microsoft. While we've implemented many of the iOS frameworks commonly used by apps, we haven't done them all; many frameworks have only been stubbed out so that projects will compile and run. We're adding support for missing pieces with every release, however, so you should update frequently.
Generally, you can see what's supported and not supported by the bridge in the Visual Studio debug console. When missing or stubbed APIs are called, you'll get a message with details. We're also working on tools that will make browsing the API surface area easier.
If you find missing APIs, you should definitely file an issue on Github, as it's the best way to get in touch with our team and directly affects our development roadmap.
Thanks for checking out the project!

Xamarin.Android SDK and Xamarin.iOS SDK missing during Xamarin Studio Installation - Windows 8

As well as Visual Studio 2013 extention Xamarin is missing.
Do need to track these down and install manually? I've been trying but I'm a bit lost!
UPDATE: I found Xamarin Studio in the Program Files. A search did not bring it up. It seems to be working fine.
I am glad you found it, also you may want to take a look at the Add/Remove Programs and there you will see both Xamarin.Android and Xamarin Studio. Xamarin.iOS can install but will not run without a Mac machine in the network it can connect to to build.
Good luck with Xamarin - it is the most exciting thing currently in cross platform mobile technology.

XCode working with TFS 2013 via Eclipse

I develop iOS app my company decide to use TFS server, BUT we face many problems to make it works with xcode the best solution "As my research finalize" is use it via eclipse as the other BB, android and windows phone works.
Instruction found in this link.
BUT my own problem is eclipse alway ignore .pch -IDK if other file got ignored to- file that result in build failed where my teammate pull the project.
Any help will be appreciated

Setting up TideSDK in Titanium Studio

i am trying to setup the tidesdk in titanium studio but it won't work for some reason... Here is what i've done so far:
Downloaded Titanium Studio v2.1.2.201208301612 from appcelerator
Downloaded TideSDK v1.2.0.RC4 from tidesdk.org
Added the sdk in Titanium Studio like this: "Help > install specific
titanium sdk"
Basically i just followed the instructions from this: https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/titanium-desktop-transition/wv6fiRD6Sbo
But the option to start a new desktop project won't come up. Is there something i am doing wrong or something?
I am using lion 10.7.4, according to this google group that shouldn't be a problem. Anyone's got any ideas?
Here are a couple of things to help you on your way:
Lion and Mountain Lion with Xcode 4.x are supported in the upcoming 1.3.0 but not 1.2.0.RC4. 1.2.0.RC4 will work fine with Snow Leopard 10.6.x on Xcode 3.x. Another possibility in the short term is to consider developing on either a Windows 7, or Ubuntu 11.04 virtual machine until the 1.3.0-beta has released. This release is expected very soon and provides updates to core libraries and offers support for current operating system versions of OSX, Windows and Linux.
Code you write in 1.2.0.RC4 will work fine in 1.3.0 since there are no API changes. The only change will be in the JavaScript namespace. In 1.3.0, the JavaScript namespace for the future will use 'Ti' as opposed to 'Titanium'. By setting a global variable in your code, you can start using 'Ti' to begin with.
var Ti = Titanium;
As far as Titanium Studio, unfortunately Appcelerator dropped the desktop support but have revived it. They have come out with an update that is reported to work:
If your run into any issue, an alternative is to download TiDev Community:
TiDev Community is really reaching the end of its life cycle but it will work for creating in running your apps in the short term.
The TideSDK team has a new app under development called TideSDK Builder. TideSDK Builder will provide the basics of creating, running and packaging your apps. It will also feature scaffolds for kickstarting your app projects. A new tidebuilder CLI will also be available with comparable functionality. We are hoping to bundle these for the official release of 1.3.0 that is targeted for the end of September.
Appcelerator has provided a Titanium Studio SDK. The TideSDK team is exploring this to see that Titanium Studio IDE can continue for the future.
One last thing to keep in mind is that Titanium Studio and TiDev Community no longer support the network packaging service that Appcelerator once offered. This means local packaging in the interim while TideSDK team continues to examine options.
Please follow TideSDK on twitter for updates and announcements at http://twitter.com/TideSDK
