XCode working with TFS 2013 via Eclipse - ios

I develop iOS app my company decide to use TFS server, BUT we face many problems to make it works with xcode the best solution "As my research finalize" is use it via eclipse as the other BB, android and windows phone works.
Instruction found in this link.
BUT my own problem is eclipse alway ignore .pch -IDK if other file got ignored to- file that result in build failed where my teammate pull the project.
Any help will be appreciated


Xamarin Android use “Bundle assemblies into native code” and "obfuscation"

I am trying to combine obfuscating my xamarin android project and then bundle the assemblies into native code with the Visuals Studio 2017 Pro option.
I was able to obfuscate my assemblies with this tutorial https://blog.noser.com/xamarin-android-code-obfuscation/
Unfortunately the obfuscated assemblies does not find its way into the native bundle.
Likely i intercepted the build proccess at the wrong place.
<Target Name="Obfuscate" AfterTargets="_CopyIntermediateAssemblies" Condition="'$(Configuration)' == 'Release'">
Does anyone know how to merge the obfuscated assemblies into the native bundle? Thx for help in advance.
I help develop another .NET obfuscation/protection tool, Dotfuscator.
We've written a Xamarin build integration that automatically handles protection as part of the normal build process, so you don't have to manually write your own MSBuild targets or copy files around.
The official Xamarin docs recommend using Dotfuscator to protect Android builds, but this integration also works for iOS and UWP.
As Dotfuscator's Community Edition is included in Visual Studio, you can try this integration out for free.
I wrote a guest post for the Xamarin Blog that explains how to do this.
Edit regarding the setting in the question: I did some limited testing and Dotfuscator works fine with the "Bundle assemblies into native code" setting. I installed the latest version of Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise, version 15.7.2, but found out that version has a bug related to this setting. To work around it, I used the unofficial VSIX install mentioned at that link. Then I opened a Dotfuscator-Xamarin sample app and enabled the native code setting. I also added code to the sample to show the name of a class used by the application. Then I deployed the app to an emulator. The app ran normally and the logging statement showed an obfuscated name for the class, indicating that Dotfuscator correctly protected the app before it was bundled into native code.

Visual Studio for Mac- Error CS1902

I just recently swapped my MS PC for an Mac, I'm trying to continue working on an MVC project, but I'm getting an error (Error CS1902: Invalid option 'portable' for /debug; must be full or pdbonly (CS1902)).
Are there any good documents that explain how to make it work? I have seen people porting MVC to .NET Core, but I can't get the analyser to work on my Mac (not sure it's supported yet).
I did two things.
I update the Microsoft.Net.Compliers via nuget.
Change one value in the properties of project.
I wish you can solve the problem
I had this same problem when trying to use Visual Studio for Mac to build a solution that works fine in Windows. Turns out the /debug:portable flag was being passed to the build command, even though the 'Debug Information' was correctly set to 'Full' in my project settings. Search the build output for 'portable' and you will indeed find the flag there regardless of your settings.
The fix is to upgrade the Microsoft.Net.Compilers nuget package. In my case, it upgraded from 1.0 to 2.7, and then the project built successfully.
Right click on the project in the solution explorer and go to
Options, Build, Compiler and change Debug information to Full

how to run SmartStore.NET in visual studio 2015?

how start smartstore.net in visual studio localhost without any error
i download github code and open project file from
The download link https://github.com/smartstoreag/SmartStoreNET
I use visual studio 2015 enterprise edition and windows 10.
First, you must be change the "Solution Configuration" to Debug mode, and second change the "Solution Plataform" to Any CPU.
This work for me.
I recently went through this integration/configuration procedure trying to get a local instance of SmartStore.NET up and running with demo data. I was able to get there eventually, but the development environment setup was by far the most tricky.
I would suggest starting with these two links:
I have a hunch you're issue may be your development environment configuration is not fully correct. Check out this page for more details about requirements:
Technology and Prerequisites
*NOTE: they reference ASP.NET 4.5.1 but I had to use 4.61 to take advantage of some newer features in C# 7.0 - Tuples, and several others)
Probably the most significant discovery I found was their were dependency issues when trying to restore the NuGet packages referenced in the solution. I had to go through this process maybe 4 or 5 times to finally get the app running locally.
Once all of this was complete, getting it working in 2015 required little effort.
I would also suggest narrowing your question to more specific problems. (that's just me)

TFS Build - iSeries Reference

I am working through setting up our first build definition through TFS 2013. I have worked through all of the errors (mostly missing reference files) except one:
Type 'iDB2Command' is not defined.
The type is part of IBM.Data.DB2.iSeries.dll, which I have placed on the build server in the appropriate location. I am really at a loss as to what to do in this situation.
Obviously building through Visual Studio works just fine. The file is not registerable. The iSeries client/SDK installs are not necessary (I do not have them on my machine, and I can build).
My best guess is that it wants the .NET 2.0 SDK (TFS is running on Windows Server 2013 and I already had to install several versions of the Windows and .NET SDKs).
How do I get my build to see this file and complete?
Ultimately this appears to have been a permissions issue. By following advice similar to the answer to this question (which I had to do for the Excel reference), I needed to put the IBM DLL into a Libs folder within the Team Project.
Once I did this, and updated the references in the solution, the build worked just fine.

How can i create the setup file for blackberry phones using eclipse?

setup file creation for blackberry phones using eclipse environment
I'm going to take a big guess here and assume you mean automated building and deployment?
If so I use BB-ANT-tools, which can integrate with eclipse or can be ran via the command line. We also have it integrated with our Version Control System (TFS using Team Explorer Everywhere 2010) so that it created a build on every check-in.
You can read about BB-ANT-tools here: http://bb-ant-tools.sourceforge.net/docs
