TFS on Automation Tests Suits - How to Run - tfs

I have 2 executables, an app and an automation test app who will perform actions on the app. My automation tests are basically NUNIT tests who calls Chrome Web Driver.
Everything is hosted at TFS. In my build definition, i run sanity checks for every PR. I wanted to expand that. The automation tests are divided into many different categories (being Sanity a category). I've been seeing some stuff related to TFS Test Suits, and my idea was to make in a way whenever when someone makes a PR, he could choose some test category to run on that PR using that build. So in a easyer way of sayng, if my PR changes how 'blue buttons work' ill run the 'blue buttons test suit' on my pr.
Would using Test Suits be the best solution for this ? Has any1 done this or have any nice information on how to achieve this ?
Thanks for any responses !! Best regards !

You could be able to use the Visual Studio Test Agent Deploy and Run Functional tests steps in your build definition to run auto tests on build agents.
Associated test methods with test cases in Visual Studio.
Create a build definition to build your project and add the 2 steps I mentioned above. In the Run Functional Test step, select the test suites which contains those test cases in step1.
More details please refer this blog: Executing Automated tests in Build vNext using Test Plan, Test Suites


TFS Test Suite automation execution order

Currently I am using TFS vNext Run Functional Tests (RFT) using ​Test Plan.  I would like to be able to run specific tests first in a specified order before running other tests.  I thought that I could maybe do this by using a parent-suite that had tests that I wanted to run first, and then have a child-suite under that parent that would run all other tests.  I am not sure if TFS executes suites in any particular order.  I haven't found much documentation stating if parent-suites execute before their child-suites execute.  Is this a safe assumption on my part or is there some other way to execute tests in a specific order using RFT?
For VSTS and TFS 2017 and later versions, you can order the test suites as per your needs. Prior to this capability, the suites were only ordered alphabetically. Now, using the drag-and-drop capability in Test hub, suites can be reordered among the peer suites or moved to another suite in the hierarchy.

Published test results do not show up in build summary

Using the default build template on TFS 2013, we use the Post-test script to collect trx files from protractor tests, in order to include those in the build report summary.
We use vs2015 MsTest:
Waiting to publish...
Publishing results of test run (test name) to
https://.../tfs/defaultcollection ...
Publish completed successfully.
However, the published test result wont show up in the build report (only the default from unit test).
This can't be achieved by a simple test script. You need to create a custom activity to handle this.
Inside this activity you can handle everything that is necessary to run the protractor tests and publish the test results. With the custom activity you are also able to integrate the automated protractor tests very easy into different build templates. This improves the reusability in a great way.
Then you need to create the custom build template and integration into a TFS Build. More details please refer the tutorial from this blog: Automated UI testing of AngularJS applications using TFS

TFS Build Definition Ignore Coded UI Tests

We recently added Coded UI Tests to our solution. The tests complete successfully when ran through Test Explorer but when the code is checked in and a build is triggered, all the CUIT's fail (error message is below).
I have gone to each of the links in the error message. The first one details how to set up a test agent to run the tests. We don't really need tests on all our environments as we are setting up a lab environment to run them and adding the test agent would require me submitting a ticket which would probably take months to get a response back, not to mention walking the person through what needs to be done.
The second link is dead and I'm pretty sure I don't want to change the build to be interactive.
I am hoping there is an easy way to change the build definition (which I have access to) so that it can ignore all Coded UI Tests but still run the Unit Tests. Is this possible? Is there an easier way of going about this? Each set of tests have their own project file, all Coded UI Tests in one project and all Unit Tests in another project.
Thanks in advance.
Here is the error that is on all of the coded UI tests:
Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITest.Extension.UITestException: Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITest.Extension.UITestException: To run tests that interact with the desktop, you must set up the test agent to run as an interactive process. For more information, see "How to: Set Up Your Test Agent to Run Tests That Interact with the Desktop" (
If you are running the tests as part of your team build, you must also set up the build agent to run as an interactive process. For more information, see "How to: Configure and Run Scheduled Tests After Building Your Application" (
One thing you can do is to group all the coded UI tests into a particular test category and exclude running those in the build. We do this with our "integration" tests and only choose to run our true unit tests for speed reasons.
See below link for how to use test categories:
Also see the below for how to edit your build definition to only run the tests you want:
Excluding tests from tfs build
You can use use some naming patterns and combine that with the Test case Filter option in the execute test step:
Something like:
FullyQualifiedName ~ .Ui.
This would require the Ui tests to have .Ui in the namespace

Specify Order in which Coded UI Tests are executed for TFS Test Agent

I'm trying to setup TFS 2010 Lab Management based Automated Testing system and I have a "Test suite" (Created in TFS Test Manager) with following tests:
1) Start and Login
2) Create group
3) Create user and add to the group
These have order specified properly in Testing Center->Plan->(Test suite)->Order column
However, when they are executed (on TFS Lab Management Build) by Test Agent they run out of order: 2nd then 1st and then 3rd.
Is there a way to make Test Agent run these tests in order?
Create an Ordered Test, it's a simple list of which test methods should run and in what order.
I also had the same issue. I solved it by installing VS2010 Service Pack and TFS 2010 Service Pack in both the Test controller machine and Test agent machines. Please go through the following link for more details
Unfortunately, There's a blog regarding ordering test cases which says:
Please note this only applies to the manual tests but not automated
tests. For automated tests, the order you set here will not be
respected during test execution.
I don't know if it's a new feature but you can create Ordered tests. Just right click on your project in Solution Explorer and choose Add -> Ordered Test. Select you tests in order.
In Test Explorer, run you ordered test.
Details are in the link below but all I had to do is what I'd said above. I am using VS 2015 Enterprise.

automated tests and continuous integration in tfs 2010

Some background: I am not a tfs guy and I dont know much about build scripts etc.
1 - Is there a way to run tests for every check-in TFS? What I'm dreaming is, if any of the tests is failing then build server rejects the changeset. Is it possible with TFS or should it be some other tool like Hudson, Cruise Control etc? What are the other powerful tools?
2 - Does using such a tool make it possible to run only portion of tests, not all of them (ie only unit tests, not integration tests)?
I am not interested in technical details like how it can be done technically, as it is our tfs team's job. Rather I am after some high level info about the possibilities?
In TFS you have what's called check-in policies. With those in place you could forbid checking-in something without all of the unit tests passing. You could even enforce FxCop rules, etc... but that would be cruel to your developers.
If you already have the Continuous Integration build set up, then change the trigger to Gated Check In, this will do exactly what you want. When a developer tries to commit, TFS will start the build, if the build fails then the check in will be aborted and instead TFS will create a shelveset of the changes.
As for running a portion of the tests, you would probably need to create a test list in your VSMDI that defines the tests you want to run and then configure the build to use that list.
