How to demo your react-native app continuously during development - ios

As the title suggest I need to be able to showcase a react native app continuously during development every other day with a client which is not technical orientated. The alternativs I see is,
* Sharing a git/github repo for them to download and run through Xcode
which is not a possibility.
*Screen record while i run the simulation on my computer and share it
with the client
Both of these options seems subpar and not optimal.
How do I do this in a better way?
I am sorry if this seems like an open ended question and if you have suggestions on how to better formulate this question please provide it.

You can upload the binary to TestFlight, which allows your client to download and use the app instantly.
You can also consider over-the-air update systems like Expo or CodePush which allows you to deliver Javascript-only updates automatically to your clients when they open the app (just like a web app).


What's the most straightforward way to share an iOS app development build?

I'm developing a mobile app (using React Native for that matter), and I'd like to have one of the members of my team try it out.
With Android, I can just share the apk with them. Is there something similiar in iOS?
There is a bunch of tools to do this. Test Flight is not the easiest way to share a build because you need to submit it to the app store, it needs to be processed, pass through all the checks before someone can download it.
Whilst you should definitely use Test Flight to deploy official test versions, an internally used tool for alpha and beta versions is quicker and easier.
I would suggest a tool like Fabric Beta (currently owned by Google), which is a free app deployment + analytics tool. you will need to add some code to allow it to work but it is a simple process. It comes with a program to help deploy and you can plug it into most CI software.
You will need to ensure you have the device UUID's of people in your internal team to sign the application for their devices.
Test Flight is what you're looking for.
First though you need to add the UDID of your team member's device to the provisioning profile used to create the .ipa (iOS equivalent of an APK). But after that, just follow the information and tutorial(s) at the provided link.

Apple Policy - about loading Java script from Server - Cordova App

We have developed Cordova Hybrid App using Ionic framework and will deliver this app through Apple and google's store.
I have read Apple Policy document that insist "We Should not dynamically update App without through Apple store".
I would like to load two JS files from my server. It will never change App purpose and look and feel.
I am bit more confused about Apple policy document . Any assistance in this topics are much more appreciated.
Nagarajan S
Just give it a try. The worst thing that could happen is that you wait for a week, get rejected and have to adapt your app and resubmit it...
I never had a problem with external JS files from CDNs, but that doesn't have to mean anything for your case.
That said, why not simply include the files in your app? Why should Apple trust you not changing the app?

Is it possible to build a torrent client app for iPhone?

Someone assigned me a project in iOS to develop a torrent client app but the problem is that according to my knowledge there are no torrent clients available right now.
So the question is that is it possible to build such an app? I am not asking about publishing my app on app store I just want to build it (it's a university project)
It is possible, see popcorn time or open source implementations on github
But, as you probably know, Apple is likely not to publish such apps in the App Store due to questionable legal aspect.

Update cordova app without app store

i need to update an cordova app via my own api. Is there any solution available?
I am thinking about a process like some games have - like "Clash of Clans" on start.
I've just thought about using file-api, but it seems like the directory is absolutely write-only and there is no way to execute my app from another place.
Sadly i can't use an simple app store update, as there is no internet connection on the devices. They just connect to an terminal provided with my software, in a closed environment.
So every third-party services are out :(
My thoughts is that i ship an app-update within my terminal software and the devices get that information an update themselves.
Any ideas?

How to share the current status of an application in development

I am going to develop an iOS application for a customer of mine and I would like to make him constantly up-to-date during the development phase. In order to do so, I am looking for a tool which should allow me to share the current status of the application with my customer. The goal is to allow my customer to personally run the latest prototype of the application on a kind of simulator/emulator or on his own device (either iPhone or iPad).
Is that possible? Is there a tool (or a set of tools) which I can use to do so?
In case it is not possible, as far as I know the only alternative is to take screenshots or record videos, right? Just let me know if I am mistaken.
Thanks a lot!
The best way, I know of, is TestFlight.
This allows you to upload an AdHoc build of your app to there server and allow you customer to download it.
They even supply an SDK which can alert the user that a new version of the app is available also you add some debug functionality to the build (reading crash reports).
If you want to do, one elegant solution would be to use a continuous integration server to pull the code from your repository, make an adhoc build and place it somewhere publicly accessible.
The whole solution can take some time to set up and depends quite a lot on how is your development environment. In my company we are actually doing it with Jenkins and some shell scripting. If you Google a little bit about continuous integration of iOS projects with Jenkins you'll find some information.
Might not be the best way to do it, but I can't trust online repositories like TestFlight.
Not the easiest but rather secure workaround for this;
Get your customers device into your developer account
Create your new development provisioning profiles (consisting that device)
Distribute your application via Archive, and save it
Send your IPA to your customer
