Update cordova app without app store - ios

i need to update an cordova app via my own api. Is there any solution available?
I am thinking about a process like some games have - like "Clash of Clans" on start.
I've just thought about using file-api, but it seems like the directory is absolutely write-only and there is no way to execute my app from another place.
Sadly i can't use an simple app store update, as there is no internet connection on the devices. They just connect to an terminal provided with my software, in a closed environment.
So every third-party services are out :(
My thoughts is that i ship an app-update within my terminal software and the devices get that information an update themselves.
Any ideas?


Trying to create an app to act as a SQL Server in macOS

been looking to create an app that would act as a SQL Server for another app.
Currently this installation runs on a WAMP Server with an android app that is basically just php and jquery packed into the app.
I want to switch to macOS and iOS.
The app just sends data to the database and does a small report in real time in another page.
For installation purposes I would like to distribute the server and the client app on the Apple store in order to manage the licenses.
Could I make a "master" app for macOS that could act as a SQL Server?
If so, what would be the method to do so?
I know the fixed addresses would have to be in place but I wonder if by dynamic DNS resolution as a simple setting on the master/client app what would be solved.
Could anyone point me to the correct resources?
Thank you

Running iOS app in the background without user interaction

Hey all I’m new to the world of Xcode and building apps.
I am wondering if it were possible to have an app run in the background and have it listen to the photos library and if it finds a new photo has been added it would automatically upload that to some type of rest api call without the user having to interact/do it manually?
This will only be used in my household so I’m not looking to get it into the App Store or go through any approval process that apple does if it were going to be in the App Store.
So before I spend too much time looking around - is this possible with iOS 14+? Only thing I have come across that remotely sounds like something that would work would be this PHPhotoLibraryChangeObserver but I’m not sure if the user has to interact with it in order for it to be used or not? I’m open to any suggestions you more experienced Xcode programmers have about the above.

How to demo your react-native app continuously during development

As the title suggest I need to be able to showcase a react native app continuously during development every other day with a client which is not technical orientated. The alternativs I see is,
* Sharing a git/github repo for them to download and run through Xcode
which is not a possibility.
*Screen record while i run the simulation on my computer and share it
with the client
Both of these options seems subpar and not optimal.
How do I do this in a better way?
I am sorry if this seems like an open ended question and if you have suggestions on how to better formulate this question please provide it.
You can upload the binary to TestFlight, which allows your client to download and use the app instantly.
You can also consider over-the-air update systems like Expo or CodePush which allows you to deliver Javascript-only updates automatically to your clients when they open the app (just like a web app).

Run any app in iOS 10+ from command line without jailbreaking

Is there a way to run any app in iOS 10+ from command line/Mac without jailbreaking?
Re-signing and none of the existing tools seem to work (ios-deploy, Instruments) nor have I been able to find a way via iTunes or other programs.
Yes it is possible for any App you have the source code for.
No it is not possible for any App you acquired from the App store or direct download.
Not quite sure I fully understand your emphasis on any app, but here is what I understand:
1) If you mean you want to run any app from the app store that can currently be downloaded, and you have a .ipa file, you can definitely install it manually to another device using this method (iTunes drag and drop)
2) If, however, you're trying to run an .ipa on a Simulator, that's not possible, as described by this answer.
3) Lastly, if you have source, which I'm confused about since you mention re-signing, then you can easily build that source into an executable for either Simulator or device using either Xcode, or since you asked about command line, you could also use xcodebuild, info found here
I hope one of these 3 options is what you're looking for, as it's hard to tell from the wording of the question. If it's not, expanding on exactly what use case you're trying to resolve would be very helpful.
From the comments in #BHendricks answer, it seems you want to use the command line on your computer to start apps that are installed on an iOS 10+ device.
This is not possible without jailbreaking the phone!
On a jailbroken phone it might be possible to write something that connects over ssh and starts apps, but on vanilla iOS this is disabled for security. You could search for an app that you can send commands, but I highly doubt iOS apps have access to system features like starting other apps, as this is also a large security risk.
If you have the ipa, you can install the app via iTunes. This is what we used to ask QAs to test apps on devices and it works fine. Please refer to this [SO] for detail Install IPA with iTunes 12.
Use Cydia Impactor (cydiaimpactor.com) to sign the app. 99% chance it will work

Control iOS app version with webservices

I want to know if there's any trouble in creating a version control on my iOS app, because I'm going to make some huge upgrades in my webservices code and don't want that any user try to access the old version and the app crashes or don't work properly.
My idea is to create a service that capture the app version and than, if its an old version, the user can't access the app until the new version is installed.
I know that some android apps do this, but I didn't find any iOS app with this control.
Your app has a version, and you're writing the web service, so I don't see why you couldn't have your web service check the version and respond with a message that tells the app to show a message asking the user to upgrade.
That said, it would be much, much nicer for your users if you design the web service so that it detects the app version and then provides appropriate functionality for whichever version the user has. You might not want to continue support for the older version forever, but your users would probably appreciate having some time to upgrade when they choose to rather than when your app forces them to.
