Youtube Analytics API | averageViewPercentage - youtube-api

I have a question about the YouTube Analytics API.
I would like to know how "averageViewPercentage" is calculated.
Although it is described as "The average percentage of a video watched during a video playback.", I don't what items is.


YouTube Kids versus MadeForKids status

I'm trying to understand, if it is actually possible, how I can determine whether YouTube content is available on the YouTube Kids platform using the properties of each video. I can't even tell if channels or specific videos are made available for the Kids platform.
I would have thought that videos available on the YouTube Kids platform would all have a MadeForKids designation. However, using the videos.list endpoint, the status.madeForKids is often false despite the video being on the YouTube Kids platform (and the Safesearch is not strict.)
I have tried filtering on MFK videos and safesearch output. I've searched YouTube Kids for creators who are explicitly not MTK and found videos that are not designated MFK and are not strict for Safesearch.

Is it possible to collect YouTube video impressions with the YouTube API

I have some visualizations I'm currently using to display YouTube video analytics, however, I'm having to manually pull YouTube video impression data through YouTube Studio to keep it updated. I would like to do this through the API but I don't see video impression data in any of the documentation here
Am I missing something? Or is it just not currently possible to pull that metric through
the API?
To get around this if it is not possible, is it okay to scrape YouTube studio for the
metric myself?
To be clear, I specifically want this metric from YouTube Studio:
Click here to see

How can I get estimatedRevenue per video using youtube-api?

What I want to do:
I want to get the estimated revenue per video.
What I tried:
The "estimatedRevenue" can be obtained for each channel.
I don't know how to get it for each video.
YouTube Analytics API
Reports: Query | YouTube Analytics and Reporting APIs

Youtube API - Difference between number of videos from channel statistics and number of videos uploaded

I am trying youtube API to get the number of videos using the call[id]&key=[key]
However, there is a mismatch in the number of uploaded videos. There are 178 videos uploaded in the channel and the channel statistics API is showing 177.
Why is the difference of 1 count?
After 3 days, I got the correct count from channel statistics API.
Still, the question is "Is there a chance to get the difference?"
If that is the case, I would prefer to use the number of videos uploaded instead of the channel statistics.
Watch time report shows the following data collected from, the video watch page, mobile Youtube apps (some data is only available from
Note: Analytics views data is based in Pacific Standard Time, updated once a day, and has a delay of up to 72 hours. The numbers you
see in Analytics reports might be different from the numbers you see
on the video page, channel page, Video Manager, or other sources.
Then I suggest that you use the number of videos uploaded.

YouTube API V3 Get Overall Ratings for Video

In YouTube's V2 API one could obtain a video's rating from the following tag
<gd:rating average="4.254023" numRaters="20509">
I am not finding this information contained within the new V3 api however.
I am using the videos api. I reviewed all of the available properties that can be returned at this location but while I am finding information about "ratings", that information pertains to movie and tv ratings, not how the video was rated.
Does anyone have experience with this that may know?
From the link you posted, see the statistics object, specifically statistics.likeCount and statistics.dislikeCount.
