yarn workspaces and docker - docker

I am trying to use yarn workspaces and then put my application into a Docker
The folder structure looks like this:
libA --> ../libA
Unfortunately Docker doesn't support symbolic links - therefore it is not possible to copy the node_modules-folder in the root directory into a Docker image, even if the Dockerfile is in the root as in my case.
One thing I could do would be to exclude the symlinks with .dockerignore and then copy the real directory to the image.
Another idea - which I would prefer - would be to have a tool that replaces the symlinks with the actual contents of the symlink. Do you know if there is such a tool (preferably a Javascript package)?

Yarn is used for dependency management, and should be configured to run within the Docker container to install the necessary dependencies, rather than copying them from your local machine.
The major benefit of Docker is that it allows you to recreate your development environment without worrying about the machine that it is running on - the same thing applies to Yarn, by running yarn install it installs the right versions for the relevant architecture of the machine your Docker image is built upon.
In your Dockerfile include the following after configuring your work directory:
RUN yarn install
Then you should be all sorted!
Another thing you should do is include the node_modules directory in your .gitignore and .dockerignore files so it is never include when distributing your code.
TL;DR: Don't copy node_modules directory from local machine, include RUN yarn install in Dockerfile


Upgrade a package in containerised application

I I would like to update a Yarn package inside package.json (Next.js project) within a docker container. I saw that inside the docker file we run yarn install --frozen-lockfile
For this project there is also a docker compose with other containers.
How would you do that? My first try was to run the docker compose up then yarn upgrade 'package' but I got errors not related to the package like I am running a new yarn install on my environment.
When you are upgrading anything it is always recommended NOT to do it on the live/running container. Instead, it is recommended you update what you want to update in your source code and Dockerfile and then create a NEW version of the image and deploy the new image over the old one with docker-compose in your case.
That's what best practice is striving towards. If this is possible it is recommended you go this route.

Bundle install and yarn install inside entry script - Docker

I see that bundle install and yarn install are usually done in Dockerfile as:
RUN bundle install && yarn install
Which means that if I modify Gemfile or yarn.lock, I need to re-build the image again. I know that there is layer caching and the docker build will not rebuild other layers except bundle install && yarn install layer. But it means I have to do docker-compose up -d --build
But I was wondering if it is ok to put these commands inside an entry script of docker-compose or in command as:
command: bundle install && yarn install && rails s
In this way, I believe, whenever I do docker-compose up -d, bundle install and yarn install will be executed without having to build the image.
Not sure if it has any advantages over conventional bundle install in Dockerfile except not having to append --build in docker-compose up. Correct that if I do this, bundle install and yarn install will get executed even when there are no changes to Gemfile or Yarn files. I guess this is one of the bad sides.
Please correct me if it is not the ideal way to go.
New to docker world.
It wastes several minutes of time and uses up network bandwidth every time you start your application. When you're doing local development, it'd be the equivalent of doing this, every time you run the application:
rm -rf vendor node_modules
bundle install # from scratch
yarn install # from scratch
bundle exec rails s
A core part of Docker is rebuilding images (in the same way that languages like Go, Java, Typescript, etc. have a "build" phase). Trying to avoid image rebuilds isn't usually advisable. With a well-written Dockerfile, and particularly for an interpreted language, running docker build should be fairly efficient.
The one important trick is to separately copy the files that specify dependencies, and the rest of your application. As soon as a Dockerfile COPY instruction encounters a file that's changed it will disable layer caching for the rest of the application. Since dependencies change relatively infrequently, a sequence that first copies the dependency file, then installs the dependencies, then copies the application can jump straight to the last step if the dependency file hasn't changed.
COPY Gemfile Gemfile.lock ./
RUN bundle install
COPY package.json yarn.lock ./
RUN yarn install
COPY . ./
(Make sure to include the Bundler vendor directory and the node_modules directory in a .dockerignore file so the last COPY step doesn't overwrite what previously got installed.)
This question is opinion based. As you already found out yourself, it is a common practice to install dependencies (bundle, yarn, others) during the image build process, and not image run process.
The rationale is that you run more times than you build, and you want the run operation to start quickly.
In the same way that you do apt install... or yum install... in the build stage, you should normally do bundle install in the build stage as well.
That said, if it makes sense to you to bundle install as a part of the entrypoint, that is your choice. I suspect that after you do it, you will see that it is less common for a reason.
Another note about docker layers: If the Gemfile change, not only the layer that refers to it will change, but all subsequent layers as well. For that reason, it is often common to separate the copy of the dependencies manifest (Gemfile.*) from the copying of the app, like this:
# Pre-install gems
COPY Gemfile* ./
RUN gem install bundler && \
bundle install --jobs=3 --retry=3
# Copy the rest of the app
COPY . .
So this way, if your app files change, but not the dependencies, the build will be faster.

How is Go executable created in Docker?

I'm pretty new to development Golang & Docker. I'm following the instructions in the official Golang DockerHub image. Here's the part I'm a bit confused:
The part I really don't get is the last line of the Dockerfile:
CMD ["app"]
My question is, how is the "app" executable created in the first place? I created a standard hello-world.go file and added this Docker file to a directory. I don't get how building the Docker image would generate an executable called "app". Can someone explain?
Excerpt of the go command https://golang.org/cmd/go/#hdr-Compile_and_install_packages_and_dependencies
Compile and install packages and dependencies
go install [-i] [build flags] [packages]
Install compiles and installs the packages named by the import paths.
Executables are installed in the directory named by the GOBIN
environment variable, which defaults to $GOPATH/bin or $HOME/go/bin if
the GOPATH environment variable is not set. Executables in $GOROOT are
installed in $GOROOT/bin or $GOTOOLDIR instead of $GOBIN.
When module-aware mode is disabled, other packages are installed in
the directory $GOPATH/pkg/$GOOS_$GOARCH. When module-aware mode is
enabled, other packages are built and cached but not installed.
The -i flag installs the dependencies of the named packages as well.
For more about the build flags, see 'go help build'. For more about
specifying packages, see 'go help packages'.
See also: go build, go get, go clean.
This makes an executable out of your go code.

Including an external library in a Docker/CMake Project

I am working on a cxx project using docker and cmake to build and I'm now tasked to integrate a third party library that I have locally.
To get started I added a project containing only a src folder and a single cpp file with a main function as well as includes that I will need from the library mentioned above. At this point, I'm already stuck as my included files are not found when I build in the docker environment. When I call cmake without docker on the project then I do not get the include error.
My directory tree:
In the CMakeLists.txt I've the following content:
project(my_new_project CXX)
file(GLOB SRC_FILES src/*.cpp)
add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} ${SRC_FILES})
What is needed to make this build in the Docker environment? Would I need to convert the third party library into another project and add it as dependency (similar to what I do with projects from GitHub)?
I would be glad for any pointers into the right direction!
I've copied the entire third party project root and can now get add include directories with include_directories(/work/third_party_lib/include), but would that be the way to go?
When you are building a new dockerized app, you need to COPY/ADD all your src, build and cmake files and define RUN instructions in your Dockerfile. This will be used to build your docker image that captures all the necessary binaries, resources, dependencies, etc.. Once the image is built, you can run the container from that image on docker, which can expose ports, bind volumes, devices, etc for your application.
So essentially, create your Dockerfile:
# Get the GCC preinstalled image from Docker Hub
FROM gcc:4.9
# Copy the source files under /usr/src
COPY ./src/my_new_project /usr/src/my_new_project
# Copy any other extra libraries or dependencies from your machine into the image
COPY /home/me/third_party_lib/include /src/third_party_lib/include
# Specify the working directory in the image
WORKDIR /usr/src/
# Run your cmake instruction you would run
RUN cmake -DKRISLIBRARY_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/src/third_party_lib/include -DKRISLIBRARY_LIBRARY=/usr/src/third_party_lib/include ./ && \
make && \
make install
# OR Use GCC to compile the my_new_project source file
# RUN g++ -o my_new_project my_new_project.cpp
# Run the program output from the previous step
CMD ["./my_new_project"]
You can then do a docker build . -t my_new_project and then docker run my_new_project to try it out.
Also there are few great examples on building C** apps as docker containers:
VS Code tutorials: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/vcblog/2018/08/14/c-development-with-docker-containers-in-visual-studio-code/
GCC image and sample: https://hub.docker.com/_/gcc/
For more info on the this, please refer to the docker docs:

Docker-compose for local development, installing dependencies

I am trying to setup docker-compose architecture for local development and production and I can't figure when in the containers life it's the best time to install library dependencies. In the same time I am not sure if these should be placed in the container or in external volume.
All my code is mounted in external volumes, so that changes are immidiately taken into without rebuilding the containers, but I am not sure about libraries that need to be installed by pip (I am running python backend) and npm/yarn (for webpack front-end).
Placing requirments.txt and package.json into the containers and running pip install and yarn install in the container build process means that I have to rebuild the container any time dependecies change - that is too much overhead.
Putting them in an external volume and running pip install and yarn install as part of the command of each container when it is started seems to solve the issue.
The build process of each container then contains only platform dependencies (eg. installing python, webpack or other platform tools), but libraries are installed after started (with CMD directive).
Is this the correct approach? I have seen lot of examples doing exactly the oposite and running npm install in the build process of the container - but I don't see any advantage for that, am I missing something?
Installing dependecies is usually part of the build process. Mounting code is a good trick when developing in order to get changes directly reflected.
Concerning adding requirements.txt or package.json. Installing dependecies takes time, and for that you need to take advantage of docker layer caching. In particular, you want to avoid cache invalidation.
For pip I suggest the following in development phase: For dependencies that you are unlikely to change, install these in separate RUN instuction. Your Docker file will look something like.
RUN pip install package1 package2 package3 ...
ADD requirements.txt requirements.txt
RUN RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
Keep only dependencies that might be changed in requirements.txt. Once you are done developing, add the packages back to the requirements.txt and build using the requirements file.
A similar approach would be adding two requirements files, and at the end combining them.
