Changing kAuthority to consumers doesn't work - ios

I'm using the MSAL Preview for iOS and this swift sample.
Based on the documentation here, I should be using consumers not common to force it to Personal accounts only.
In the ViewDidLoad function
self.applicationContext = try MSALPublicClientApplication.init(clientId: kClientID, authority: kAuthority)
Changing kAuthority to
Should lock it to consumer accounts only.
But this seems to throw an error of "This doesn't look like a work or school email. You can't sign in here iwth a personal account. User your work or school account instead." It does work for that kAuthority if i put in org account.
If i change to
It allows allows org in but not consumer account.
Both work if I set back to code sample default of
I have noticed that if I hit this in a browser
this works fine in a browser. So I don't think its an application configuration issue. unless its to do with native vs web calling this?
I noticed in the latest sample , kAuthority has been shortened.
let kAuthority = ""
Tried this and doesn't make a difference.

Worked with the engineering team in GitHub and they fixed a back end problem. This is now resolved.


Auth0 React JS Quickstart Not Requesting all scopes

I am currently using the react JS quick start available at the following link.
About a year ago, I was able to repurpose it. That old app is still working fine, able to authenticate, authorize and also make calls to a custom API.
On the old app, I am getting all the scopes.
“scope”: “openid profile email read:profiledetails read:seeallquotes read:sitestats read:testperm1 read:testperm2”
Now, I have made a fresh copy of the react app using the quick start option, from the same auth dashboard as the old app. Updating the config file to match the old app config files. I get the following scopes
“scope”: “openid profile email”
Why am I not getting all the scopes as per the user login? Same user, on the old app, gets all the scopes. I believe, the new react app is not asking for all the scopes when it asks for token. But, I have updated all the scopes I need in the auth config.
Both apps - old and new - have the exact same auth file, and are linked to the same auth0 server, same custom api, same everything. I am also using the same user account for testing on both the apps.
“domain”: “”,
“clientId”: “removedonpurpose”,
“audience”: “removedonpurpose”,
“scope”: “read:current_user update:current_user_metadata read:capquotes read:penquotes read:profiledetails read:seeallquotes read:sitestats read:testperm1 read:testperm2”
Why is this happening?
What else should be included in the react app to make it ask for all the scopes?
This question is related to the original question I posted on the Auth0 forums. Linking it here.
Right after I posted this I discovered that the latest version of the react quick start makes some changes.
especially the following.
// Please see
// for a full list of the available properties on the provider
// const config = getConfig();
// const providerConfig = {
// domain: config.domain,
// clientId: config.clientId,
// ...(config.audience ? { audience: config.audience } : null),
// redirectUri: window.location.origin,
// onRedirectCallback,
// };
I missed this part. in the old app, the configuration was done differently. It looked something like this.
<App />
with the settings read directly from JSON.
Anyway, I went back to the old way for now. The quick start tutorial still shows the old options which threw me off as I was using the tutorial as reference and did not discover that they made changes.
Not blaming the tutorial. I should have investigated in the beginning.

Setting up Google Calendar API

I'm trying to use the Google Calendar API in one of my projects. To do so, I need to set up OAuth access in the Google API console.
But when creating the consent-form (which is required to use OAuth), I get a meaningless error message:
The translation is as follows:
A problem occured. Please check your data and try again . If you have
not given any details, the problem may solve itself . In this case, we
recommend that you wait and try again later.
I have set the E-Mail address and project name. The optional fields were left blank.
So far I have not been able to solve the problem. I tried to wait for hours/days. I tried three different browsers. I also tried to contact Google support. All without success.
After days of trying, this is the solution:
Create another Google account
Using your old account, add the new account as an owner to your Google API project in the console
Log in with your new user account and accept the invitation
Create the OAuth consent form with the new user account
I have no idea WHY this worked, but it did.

YouTube API broken by Google. 'Authentication with Google failed. Reason: NoLinkedYouTubeAccount'

** UPDATE **
It truly seems that Google has just screwed every single person on the planet by absolutely requiring user interaction to upload a video. Of course I know, they are free. Exactly what I warned the client years ago about, so I don't need to be reminded. Thank You.
So I would like to try to take this in a different direction and just find a loophole and a workaround to still keep doing what we are doing in spite of Google's complete lack of support or caring in any way about the developers and what they have to deal with.
It would be different if you can actually call a phone number and talk to a human being about YouTube Partner access, but you can more quickly get access to the Illuminati.
OAuth 2.0 is now the only supported authentication method period. It does require user interaction.
But what about that token? Does anybody know how long the token lasts?
If I can obtain a token just once using user interaction and place it in the database, I can automate possibly hundreds or thousands of interactions afterwards.
In other words, I'm trying to turn the user interaction into a speed bump instead of a concrete wall.
If anybody has any examples of obtaining that token, caching it, and using it afterwards, that would be a godsend to me right now.
Thanks for the comments and the help. I'm not surprised that the YouTube Developers Forum just folded and said to come here instead :)
It seems that Google has completely pulled the plug on the existing dashboard.
That link is now 404'd. Tried from several different browsers on different systems.
Registered under the new Google APIs Console already, but still get the problem.
// Set the authentication URL for this connection object
$authenticationURL= '';
// Try to connect to YouTube with the channel credentials passed
try {
$httpClient =
$username = $channelfields['EMAIL_ADDRESS'],
$password = $channelfields['PASSCODE'],
$service = 'youtube',
$client = null,
$source = 'Redacted Data',
$loginToken = $channelfields['CACHED_TOKEN'],
$loginCaptcha = '',
} catch (Zend_Gdata_App_HttpException $httpException) {
$update_error['response_body'] = $httpException->getRawResponseBody();
$update_error['error'] = 1;
} catch (Zend_Gdata_App_Exception $e) {
$update_error['message'] = $e->getMessage();
$update_error['error'] = 1;
This code has worked perfectly fine before, but does not work with the older API key, or the newer one generated inside the Google APIs console.
I'm attempting a simple upload and this concerns me greatly:
"The service account flow supports server-to-server interactions that do not access user information. However, the YouTube Data API does not support this flow. Since there is no way to link a Service Account to a YouTube account, attempts to authorize requests with this flow will generate a NoLinkedYouTubeAccount error."
From all reports it seems that Google has forced YouTube uploads to become interactive in all cases precluding all possibility of platforms that automatically upload generated content from working at all.
Any help or insights into the process is appreciated.
P.S - Ohhh, it's been awhile since I looked at that system and Google shut down the YouTube Developer Forums and said "YOU" were responsible for their support now :)
OAuth2 does support the ability to avoid user interaction through the offline access type parameter (ie, using access_type=offline). Check out Google documentation for details.
The solution is really rather simple. Your app needs to use oauth to request offline access. It will be given an access cide which you convert to a refresh token, which is the thing you store in your database. This doesn't expire. Well actually it sometimes does, but that's another story. Whenever you need to access the api, use the stored refresh token to request an access token which you include in each api call.
See for details.
I don't know what you did but works perfectly fine for me. Maybe it was a temporary issue. If you want no user interaction you HAVE to use YouTube API v2 OR you have to use v3 with methods that don't require authentification OR you have to provide your own youtube account credentials which is not recommended and probably not appropriate for you situation.
Several issues to respond here, I think.
1) The older API console has not been removed, but I've noticed intermittent outages to it and to the newer API console while Google is rolling out their new "cloud console."
2) ClientLogin was officially deprecated in April of 2012, not just 48 hours ago. Jeff Posnick has detailed all the changes over the months (and related ones, such as AuthSub, Youtube Direct, etc.) at his blog (
3) You're right that, with v3 of the APIs, you cannot do automatic uploads across the board, as the oAuth2 flow requires user interaction. However, given the limited description of your use case, using refresh tokens is probably your best bet. If the content is user generated, somewhere they must be logging into your app, correct? (so that your app knows which credentials to leverage to do the uploads). At the point they're logging into your app, and you're starting the oAuth2 flow, you just have to hit the first oAuth endpoint and pass it the parameter access_type=offline (along with any other parameters). This will ensure that, when they grant that initial permission, you're returned a refresh token instead of an access token. With that refresh token, you can exchange it for multiple access tokens as needed (an access token lives for about an hour. I don't know how long a refresh token lives, but I've never had one expire before my own login cookies did, and then I just get a new one when my users re-login to my app).
Here's some more info on how to use the refresh token; note, too, that the various google api client libraries make it pretty smooth.
Also, this video tutorial from a Google Developers Live broadcast a couple of months ago might help illustrate the point: -- it's using the oAuth playground rather than a client library, but the concept is the same.
The answer is to use google-api-php-client, create an interactive auth page, and set up YouTube API v3 correctly with the new API console.
You can create a very simple page that will authenticate for the supplied channel and then store the correct token in your database. Is already working and uploading hundreds of videos on one channel. You do need to remember to fully activate yourself under the new API console and add the services required. Just keep authenticating and adding the services it says it needs. After that, the regular v3 upload process works just fine. On failure send a group an email and they can get a new token in 10 seconds.
Not the most elegant solution, but the documentation from Google is far from elegant anyways that Stack Overflow is now their front line support.
Just hang in there, a solution is always found. Don't give up!
I didn't get here by myself either, the other answers on this page helped me get all the way to this point. Thanks guys.
P.S - Don't forget the scopes

Creating Admin Accounts for Domains Created from Reseller API

I am trying to automate the entire process of creating a google apps account through my company's reseller account with google, without any human having to manually enable anything.
Here's a quick scenario of what I am doing.
Create Customer (Domain) with Reseller API
Create Subscription with Reseller API
Create Admin Account for the Sold Domain
I am having trouble automating step 3.
There are 2 different APIs that can accomplish this tast, Provisioning (depricated) and Directory.
I have already successfully created user accounts with the Directory API, but this step requires you to enable API access for that domain, and that can only be done manually by a human - So thats a break in automation flow, and wont work for what I am trying to accomplish.
I was instructed by google tech support to use the Provisioning API, wich is deprecated, because it supposedly allows you to create an admin user without the need to enable the API access manually per domain. When I attempt to do this, I face this error:
Uncaught exception 'Zend_Gdata_App_HttpException' with message 'Expected response code 200, got 403 <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>You are not authorized to perform operations on the domain</TITLE>
Here's the code im attempting to run:
// .....
$customerid = "";
$client = Zend_Gdata_ClientLogin::getHttpClient("", "mypassword",Zend_Gdata_Gapps::AUTH_SERVICE_NAME);
$gdata = new Zend_Gdata_Gapps($client, $customerid);
$gdata->createUser('Admin', 'Firstname', 'Lastname', 'somerandompassword', TRUE);
When I consulted google tech support, they told me I needed to enable the provisioning api following the same instruction I posted earlier (enable api access per domain). I have done this on both my reseller domain, and the customer domain Im trying to provision on (just to test, becasue the entire point is to be able to make an admin account WITHOUT enabling it on the customer domain.) - But it still returns this error.
Here's my settings -- as you can see, its enabled.
In google's docs, under "Enabling the Provisioning API", it has some instructions, but they appear to be out of date and dont really reflect sections available in the current google apps admin panel.
Im at a loss. Am I missing something obvious, or is it just not possible to do at this time?
Just for reference, I have found a few other people asking a similar question, but with less detail:
Google Reseller Customer Admin User Creation Admin SDK How
How to create the domain administrator of a Google Apps domain purchased via the reseller API
EDIT: Added image showing settings, and code sample.
try to delete "TRUE" parameter in createUser , it's works for me.
$customerid = "";
$client = Zend_Gdata_ClientLogin::getHttpClient($email, $password, Zend_Gdata_Gapps::AUTH_SERVICE_NAME);
$gdata = new Zend_Gdata_Gapps($client, $customerid);
var_dump($gdata->createUser('trial', 'Firstname', 'Lastname', 'somerandompassword'));
in Google app console
domain settings ->user settings
check the box "enable API access"
in Google app console --> advanced tools --> Manage third party OAuth Client access
Add the scope :

SalesForce API: OAuth authorization error 1800

I am brand new to SalesForce development, and want to explore the API and its capabilities. I have created a new Developer Edition account. I have not yet tried to access the API programmatically, but I am trying (unsuccessfully) to access it via both the Workbench ( ) and the Apigee Console ( ).
For some reason, in both cases I'm redirected to a URL with OAuth error code 1800 (e.g. in the Workbench case). At this URL, I am getting a screen with the text "Remote Access Authorization Error" - "There was a problem in setting up your remote access". What am I doing wrong?
Some additional details:
I can log into SalesForce just fine, the problem only occurs with API/OAuth access
I have not touched anything in my brand-new Developer Edition account, except for (1) populating it with some sample data (Leads, Accounts, Contacts), and (2) resetting the security token (through "My Personal Information" -> "Reset My Security Token")
On the WorkBenh login screen, it does not matter which API version I choose (tried 24, 25 and 26), and I am using "Production" for the Environment since my login doesn't seem to work at all for Pre-Release or Sandbox
(not a real answer, I expect to update it frequently as the situation develops)
Yes, Developer Edition is a "Production" as far as connecting apps are concerned. You might have to file a Case with Salesforce Support (Help&Training link in the upper right corner).
Workbench does use API (and probably so does this Apigee thingie) but if you're using your username & pass I don't see how it might go to OAuth...
Can you download any other SF-related tooling (Data Loader, IDE, Real Force Explorer, Excel Connector, some iPad/Android app... hell, Chatter for Desktop even) and try the connectivity?
Sometimes API products don't display special field for the security token (which you can bypass by entering longer string in the password field: "passwordSecurityToken") but Workbench never asked for a token when I was accessing my Dev. Edition.
There was an issue with OAuth on NA15, but should be resolved now. I tested with Workbench with a brand new NA15 org and its working as expected.
I've run into this when I try and "short circuit" the auth url by decoding the startUrl param and going straight to it in a tab that's already logged in. For example
login to some org on
click sfdx authorize an org in vs code with default url
get sent to a url like<long_base64_encoded_string>
use a url decoder (i.e. to translate that to<long_base64_encoded_string>
change the url to match the domain i'm logged in as, i.e.<long_base64_encoded_string>
go through the standard oauth grant
For the most part that works fine, but in some cases I get that wonderful oauth error 1800. In those cases I've been able to work around the issue by specifying the specific domain my instance is on when starting the oauth authorization. Using the above example for step 2 I would chose for the the url (other oauth flows typically provide a similar custom url input, but ymmv). Voila, step 7 is successful.
Can't say for sure if that's exactly what will happen for others.
