Setting up Google Calendar API - oauth

I'm trying to use the Google Calendar API in one of my projects. To do so, I need to set up OAuth access in the Google API console.
But when creating the consent-form (which is required to use OAuth), I get a meaningless error message:
The translation is as follows:
A problem occured. Please check your data and try again . If you have
not given any details, the problem may solve itself . In this case, we
recommend that you wait and try again later.
I have set the E-Mail address and project name. The optional fields were left blank.
So far I have not been able to solve the problem. I tried to wait for hours/days. I tried three different browsers. I also tried to contact Google support. All without success.

After days of trying, this is the solution:
Create another Google account
Using your old account, add the new account as an owner to your Google API project in the console
Log in with your new user account and accept the invitation
Create the OAuth consent form with the new user account
I have no idea WHY this worked, but it did.


'gcloud alpha iap oauth-brands create' getting INVALID PARAMETER

For some reason I deleted so called brand entity at my gcloud console. Now I want to create new one using the command in the console:
gcloud alpha iap oauth-brands create --application_title='EmojiRave' --support_email=''
But the console returns me back : INVALID_ARGUMENT: Request contains an invalid argument.
I've used different formats (using brackets and without them)
I've checked whether I have enough permissions to do it (I use owner account, so it's enough permissions)
I'm desperate.
There are two potential reasons for the failure:
1. Incorrect email address. According to the docs: "This [support] email address can either be a user's address or a Google Groups alias. [...] Note: The user issuing the request must be an owner of the specified support email address."
2. Project is not in an organisation. According to this source (see under limitations): If you're [..] outside a Cloud Orginization most likely you'll get an error on step "Creating oauth brand".
Overall, my suggestion is to update the OAuth Consent Screen via GCP Console.
Go to the Google Cloud Platform Console.
From the projects list, select a project or create a new one.
If the APIs & services page isn't already open, click on the Navigation Menu on the upper left and select APIs & services.
On the left, click OAuth Consent Screen.
Click Edit App.
First, it's not possible to delete the OAuth Consent Screen (Brand) once created. This can be seen from #DaImTo's answer, and the lack of delete option in both gcloud command and in the console.
I also tested your command on my Cloud Shell and it works fine as well. I've checked the documentation with regards gcloud alpha iap oauth-brands and it is currently in ALPHA state. It may change without prior notice and it may not be stable or work to all users. If you still want to use the CLI and request to be allow-listed regarding this command, my suggestion is to contact sales, as instructed on the issue tracker you've made.

Can I retrieve an Outlook room calendar view with the MS Graph API?

Using the Graph API we are already successfully retrieving calendar views for a user's calendar (on behalf of the user). Now users would also like to be able to retrieve room calendars. So I tried the following:
Unfortunately all of them return a ErrorServiceUnavailable error.
App permissions and OAuth2 scopes are set to: openid email profile offline_access, so that should not be an issue.
Am I doing something wrong or is this simply not supported? is the approach I've used successfully. I had an issue with permissions and gave my app every permission in Azure, and it worked for me. I can't help with which specific permissions it is, but for testing this is how I resolved an issue I had.
Am I doing something wrong or is this simply not supported?
For your current question: Obviously you did wrong or the Service - side temporary exception. The api is supported.
You should provide the code you have used, and based on the code, we can check what is wrong on your side.

Instagram api not returning any followers although response code is 200

I am using instagram to recieve the list of people i follow and although api returns the status code 200 I recieve absolutely no data.I tried using postman client instead of my code and even from there no data is being returned I am hitting the following service.
one thing to be noted is my application is in sandbox mode and this same access token is working and fetching other information about the user including media shared by the user and its basic information etc and user follows and is followed by several users.
Please suggest the solution thanks in advance.
I may have answer to this question since I was facing the same issue on my WinRT project yesterday.
You may need the relationship scope instead of 'follower_list' scope.
I am assuming that you have provided the scope as 'follower_list' in the authorization URL and logged in as yourself or through your own Instagram account(the same account with which you have created your Instagram app). And now if you are hitting the above service it will return nothing in data since you are requesting if the user is following you or not(so obviously you are not following yourself)!! So if you try logging in with someone else's Instagram account and hit the above service with follower_list scope it will return your Instagram account in data if the logged in person is following you.
The above service will return all the users that are following you AND present in your sandbox users list. (Or at least that is my conclusion on this)
For further clarification try for hitting this service there they are using the relationship scope.

Creating Admin Accounts for Domains Created from Reseller API

I am trying to automate the entire process of creating a google apps account through my company's reseller account with google, without any human having to manually enable anything.
Here's a quick scenario of what I am doing.
Create Customer (Domain) with Reseller API
Create Subscription with Reseller API
Create Admin Account for the Sold Domain
I am having trouble automating step 3.
There are 2 different APIs that can accomplish this tast, Provisioning (depricated) and Directory.
I have already successfully created user accounts with the Directory API, but this step requires you to enable API access for that domain, and that can only be done manually by a human - So thats a break in automation flow, and wont work for what I am trying to accomplish.
I was instructed by google tech support to use the Provisioning API, wich is deprecated, because it supposedly allows you to create an admin user without the need to enable the API access manually per domain. When I attempt to do this, I face this error:
Uncaught exception 'Zend_Gdata_App_HttpException' with message 'Expected response code 200, got 403 <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>You are not authorized to perform operations on the domain</TITLE>
Here's the code im attempting to run:
// .....
$customerid = "";
$client = Zend_Gdata_ClientLogin::getHttpClient("", "mypassword",Zend_Gdata_Gapps::AUTH_SERVICE_NAME);
$gdata = new Zend_Gdata_Gapps($client, $customerid);
$gdata->createUser('Admin', 'Firstname', 'Lastname', 'somerandompassword', TRUE);
When I consulted google tech support, they told me I needed to enable the provisioning api following the same instruction I posted earlier (enable api access per domain). I have done this on both my reseller domain, and the customer domain Im trying to provision on (just to test, becasue the entire point is to be able to make an admin account WITHOUT enabling it on the customer domain.) - But it still returns this error.
Here's my settings -- as you can see, its enabled.
In google's docs, under "Enabling the Provisioning API", it has some instructions, but they appear to be out of date and dont really reflect sections available in the current google apps admin panel.
Im at a loss. Am I missing something obvious, or is it just not possible to do at this time?
Just for reference, I have found a few other people asking a similar question, but with less detail:
Google Reseller Customer Admin User Creation Admin SDK How
How to create the domain administrator of a Google Apps domain purchased via the reseller API
EDIT: Added image showing settings, and code sample.
try to delete "TRUE" parameter in createUser , it's works for me.
$customerid = "";
$client = Zend_Gdata_ClientLogin::getHttpClient($email, $password, Zend_Gdata_Gapps::AUTH_SERVICE_NAME);
$gdata = new Zend_Gdata_Gapps($client, $customerid);
var_dump($gdata->createUser('trial', 'Firstname', 'Lastname', 'somerandompassword'));
in Google app console
domain settings ->user settings
check the box "enable API access"
in Google app console --> advanced tools --> Manage third party OAuth Client access
Add the scope :

Retrieving user's Birthday from google api calls

Problem : I am facing difficulties in getting user's birthday from api calls and I am new to OAuth.
Steps followed : (Have followed all steps required for implementing login with google+)
1. Created an app.
2. Obtained app_id and secret_key.
3. Did not make use of SDK, implemented the process without SDK in php.
4. Obtained "CODE" by calling accounts[dot]google[dot]com/o/oauth2/auth?
5. Using the code from the URL parameters requested for access token by HTTPS POST method to, using CURL
6. When accessing the login page, user is asked for permissions to access the information such as email, profile, DOB etc., but I am not able to find a way to get that date of birth
7. I have tried access www[dot]googleapis[dot]com/plus/v1/people/User_ID?key={THE_API_KEY} . Still no luck
Please guide or suggest me on how to get the DOB. Also let me know if there is any other information I missed to share.
Thanks in advance.
Well Well Ofcourse.. It has to be a security thing from google.
I got to know after I did a part of unit testing with different scenarios and missed out on a simple thing that google only responds with the b'day information if the user has allowed to in his profile settings.
all if the birth year is hidden, it will throw 0000 as year in the response of the HTTPS Post method.
If I am wrong in any of the information provided, Please do correct me.
