I have an web react app which has this kind of deep link:
The main url of the app is http://test.com/app/#/ and i am using the path after that to route withing the app. The apt and apid params are deep link params which are used to open particular view/content in my react app.
I am trying to configure it with branch deep links.
I have the following branch link with the $fallback_url=:
And i tried passing params to it like that:
Also i tried passing params into data, but still no success.
It redirects to to
Can you let me know how can i create dynamically branch link so that it can handle the # + adding http GET params like mines. This is for desktop.
For mobile i think that adding the $deeplink_path or params in data will work.
So I know I can change the open api path with quarkus.smallrye-openapi.path=/openapi
However I am using an api gateway and at the beginning of my services I identify them with something like https://gateurl/notification/swagger-ui/
How do I change the url for open api so I don't have to manually put /notification/openapi in swagger each time I open the url
You can use quarkus.swagger-ui.urls to set one or more urls. See https://quarkus.io/guides/openapi-swaggerui#quarkus-swaggerui_quarkus.swagger-ui.urls-urls
This will change the url as you want it.
You can also add both (one that goes through the gateway and one direct for example):
This will give you a dropdown with the gateway one selected by default.
See https://github.com/phillip-kruger/openapi-example for a example.
I setup a dynamic link to invite users to download my app or be sent to my website (I own the domain but haven't built it yet format: www.my-domain.com) with Firebase Dynamic Links. Firebase recommends whitelisting URL patterns in the Firebase console, however I am unfamiliar with the RE2 syntax they require.
There are examples on Firebase and so I tried two:
(where Becky Thomas is a users name & changes for each user)
I'm testing this on my iPhone and would expect this to work & be able to share the link however nothing happens and I receive the following error in the Xcode terminal:
"Error Domain=com.firebase.durabledeeplink Code=0 "We could not match param 'https://www.my-domain.com/share?shareProfileName=James%20Thomas' with whitelisted URL patterns in your Google project. [https://support.google.com/firebase/answer/9021429] [https://support.google.com/firebase/answer/9021429]"
Any advice would be much appreciated
The example didn't work for me either, I got it working by removing some of the slashes. This is the pattern I'm using...
If you want to match sub domains too you can use this...
Use this expression:
It's more restrictive because only accept the exact url with different values for shareProfileName.
Test the expressions on https://regex101.com/
I'm trying the Branch.io API and I think I'm getting a weird problem because I'm not able to create my links properly: I can use the link for starting the app without parameter: this link http://4t3i.app.link/KDSYTMnSZs.
It works perfectly but as soon as I try to put some parameter following the doc for appending query parameters, it returns a File Not Found Webpage.
I tried:
https://4t3i.app.link/a?%24deeplink_path=article%2Fjan%2F123&%24fallback_url=https%3A%2F%2Fgoogle.com&channel=facebook&feature=affiliate&user_id=4562&name=Alex (that's the example they give)
I have the feeling I'm really missing something but no idea what. Is that so easy to add parameters: just a/ and then appending parameters??
Alex from Branch.io here:
We recently made a major back-end change to accommodate some new technical limitations that Apple imposed with iOS 9.3.1, and unfortunately it looks like we didn't fully update all our docs yet!
Your links are correct, but the /a is no longer necessary. So they would be:
When you open these, you'll be able to see the link clicks coming through on this dashboard page
Thanks for noticing this. I'll make sure we get the documentation changedto reflect the new system.
Edit: also note that those examples above create new links with the specified parameters. If you simply want to append an additional parameter to an existing link, you'd do this: http://4t3i.app.link/KDSYTMnSZs?jobId=saucisse
I am trying to integrate Gitlab EE with JIRA as documented at http://doc.gitlab.com/ce/project_services/jira.html.
I created a JIRA-ticket ABC-1234, and when I commit with the message ABC-1234: Blabla I get the ABC-1234 part underlined and a link offered in gitlab. But when I click on this link, I get directed to ...[jira]/browse/ABC instead of ...[jira]/browse/ABC-1234.
My settings are:
Project url: hxttp://[jira]/issues/?jql=project=ABC
Issues url: htxtp://[jira]/browse/:id
(The x is there because I cannot post links yet) When I try the links in my browser, they all work fine. Also the issue overview works. Does anybody have an idea what I am doing wrong?
It is as easy as changing the service template!
I'd like to modify the page where the user ends up if he isn't recognized.
I'm using a token login system so they're redirected to /c/portal/login by a different system.
I'm having some issues with response.sendRedirect (posted another question for that), so I was hoping I could programmatically modify the url startpage, but so far I haven't found something that has the same function as last_path but then for the startpage in webkeys.
Any input would be appreciated.
Create a hook with a custom "Login Post Action". You'll find some outdated information here (it speaks about the ext-environment, but you should do it in a hook). Liferay IDE or Liferay Developer Studio will help with the generation of such a hook. The code you find in the Wiki should be ok. Otherwise google for more samples (Login Post Action is the keyword: This is code that will be executed just after a successful login)