Can I avoid this casting in F#? - f#

The context of this question is a raytracer I am writing.
I have a Surface type which ideally I want it an abstract base class which NoSurface and Lambertian inherit from.
However when I have this hierarchy I have the following problem:
let closestIntersection : bool*LineParameter*Surface =
match allIntersectionsWithRealSolutions with
| [] -> (false,0.0f, NoSurface(0UL,NotHitable(),Material(Vector3.Zero)))
| x::xs -> List.reduce (fun smallest current -> smallestIntersection smallest current) allIntersectionsWithRealSolutions
This throws a compiler error since the type it binds the return type to is NoSurface, even when specifying the type as Surface.
This fixed the issue:
let closestIntersection : bool*LineParameter*Surface =
match allIntersectionsWithRealSolutions with
| [] -> (false,0.0f, NoSurface(0UL,NotHitable(),Material(Vector3.Zero)) :> Surface)
| x::xs -> List.reduce (fun smallest current -> smallestIntersection smallest current) allIntersectionsWithRealSolutions
But the cast :> costs me 25ms according to BenchmarkDotNet compared to the Solution of defining Surface as a (non abstract) class and simply returning it instead!
Can I somehow avoid explicit casting and have the desired hierarchy of Surface being and abstract class?

You could try to solve the same problem using discriminating unions, which would be the more 'functional' way, since you're using F#?. Although i'm somewhat sure this approach might be a bit slower. But then, if you're after maximum performance a managed language is not the best pick to start with.
Find a good unions explanation at
so something like this.
type Intersectable =
| Sphere of center:Point3 * radius:float
| Triangle of v0:Point3 * v1:Point3 * v2:Point3
| MeshTriangle of faceIndex:int * mesh:Mesh
| Instance of Intersectable * Matrix.Matrix4x4
| Plane of normal:Vec3 * pointOnPlane: Point3
shared/common functionality can be tackled by using common data parts which your functions act on, you might have:
type Shape = {
geometry: Intersectable
material: Material }


What are the alternatives to returning a discriminated union from a function?

I'm experimenting with rewriting a complicated piece of code using F#.
For this particular code base, discriminated unions help me a lot, so I'm focusing on using them as much as possible. Specifically, exhaustiveness checks on DUs is helping me avoid lots and lots of bugs.
However, I'm facing a repeating pattern of having to use match ... with to the extent that the clutter in the code is offsetting the benefit I'm getting from exhaustiveness check.
I simplified the pattern I'm dealing with as much as I can and tried to come up with an example that demonstrates the structure of the code I'm writing. The real code base is a lot more complicated and it is in a completely different domain but at the language level, this example represents the issue.
Let's say we want to get some about shoppers based on a classification of shoppers: they're either cat people or dog people. The key thing here is classifying some types (tuples) via DUs.
Here are the domain types:
type PetPerson =
type CatFood =
type DogFood =
//some cat food, shopper's age and address
type CatFoodShopper = CatFoodShopper of (CatFood list * int * string)
//some dog food, shopper's age and number of children
type DogFoodShopper = DogFoodShopper of (DogFood list * int * int)
Leaving aside the horrible way we're feeding the poor animals, this domain model needs a function to map PetPerson to CatFoodShopper or DogFoodShopper
At this point, my initial thought is to define a Shopper type, since I cannot return two different types from the following function, based on the results of pattern matching:
type Shopper =
|CatFShopper of CatFoodShopper
|DogFShopper of DogFoodShopper
let ShopperViaPersonality = function
|CatPerson -> CatFShopper (CatFoodShopper ([Chicken;Fish], 32, "Hope St"))
|DogPerson -> DogFShopper (DogFoodShopper ([Burger;Steak], 45, 1))
This solves the problem but then I have lots of places in the code (really a lot) where I end up with a PetPerson and need to get a CatFoodShopper or a DogFoodShopper based on what the PetPerson value is. This leads to unnecessary pattern matching for cases I know I don't have at hand. Here is an example:
let UsePersonality (x:int) (y:PetPerson) =
//x is used in some way etc. etc.
match y with
|CatPerson as c -> //how can I void the following match?
match (ShopperViaPersonality c) with
|CatFShopper (CatFoodShopper (lst,_,_))-> "use lst and return some string "
| _ -> failwith "should not have anything but CatFShopper"
|DogPerson as d -> //same as before. I know I'll get back DogFShopper
match (ShopperViaPersonality d) with
|DogFShopper (DogFoodShopper (lst, _,_)) -> "use lst and return other string"
|_ -> failwith "should not have anything but DogFShopper"
As you can see, I have to write pattern matching code even when I know I'll be getting back a particular value. I have no way of concisely associating the CatPerson value to CatFoodShopper value.
In order to improve things at the call site, I considered using F#'s way of mimicking type classes via interfaces, based on lots of example available here:
type IShopperViaPersonality<'T> =
abstract member ShopperOf: PetPerson -> 'T
let mappingInstanceOf<'T> (inst:IShopperViaPersonality<'T>) p = inst.ShopperOf p
let CatPersonShopper =
{new IShopperViaPersonality<_> with
member this.ShopperOf x =
match x with
|CatPerson -> CatFoodShopper ([Chicken;Fish], 32, "Hope St")
| _ -> failwith "This implementation is only for CatPerson"}
let CatPersonToShopper = mappingInstanceOf CatPersonShopper
let DogPersonShopper =
{new IShopperViaPersonality<_> with
member this.ShopperOf x =
match x with
|DogPerson -> DogFoodShopper ([Burger;Steak], 45, 1)
| _ -> failwith "This implementation is only for DogPerson"}
let DogPersonToShopper = mappingInstanceOf DogPersonShopper
So I no longer have a Shopper type to represent both cat food shoppers and dog food shoppers, but instead an interface defines the mapping from PetPerson values to specific shopper types. I also have individual partially applied functions to make things even easier at the call site.
let UsePersonality1 (x:int) (y:PetPerson) =
match y with
|CatPerson as c ->
let (CatFoodShopper (lst,_,_)) = CatPersonToShopper c
"use lst and return string"
|DogPerson as d ->
let (DogFoodShopper (lst,_,_)) = DogPersonToShopper d
"use lst and return string"
This approach works better when using PetPerson values, but I'm now left with the task of defining these individual functions to keep things clean at the call site.
Note that this example is meant to demonstrate the trade off between using a DU and using an interface to return different types based on the classifying DU parameter, if I may call it that. So don't hang up on my meaningless use of return values etc.
My question is: are there any other ways I can accomplish the semantics of classifying a bunch of tuple (or record) types? If you're thinking active patterns, they're not an option because in the real code base the DUs have more than seven cases, which is the limit for active patterns, in case they would be of help. So do I have any other options to improve on the above approaches?
One obvious way to go about this is to call ShopperViaPersonality before matching PetPerson, not after:
let UsePersonality (x:int) (y:PetPerson) =
//x is used in some way etc. etc.
match ShopperViaPersonality y with
| CatFShopper (CatFoodShopper (lst,_,_))-> "use lst and return some string "
| DogFShopper (DogFoodShopper (lst, _,_)) -> "use lst and return other string"
Also note that if the sole purpose of ShooperViaPersonality is to support pattern matches, you may be better off making it an active pattern:
let (|CatFShopper|DogFShopper|) = function
| CatPerson -> CatFShopper ([Chicken;Fish], 32, "Hope St")
| DogPerson -> DogFShopper ([Burger;Steak], 45, 1)
Then you can use it like this:
let UsePersonality (x:int) (y:PetPerson) =
//x is used in some way etc. etc.
match y with
| CatFShopper (lst,_,_) -> "use lst and return some string "
| DogFShopper (lst, _,_) -> "use lst and return other string"
Logically, an active pattern is pretty much the same as a DU + a function, but on syntactic level, notice how much less nesting there is now.

Is there a name for this pattern "type 'a foldedSequence = Empty | Value of 'a * (unit->'a foldedSequence )"

I have been working with some f# parsers and some streaming software and I find myself using this pattern more and more. I find it to be a natural alternative to sequences and it has some natural advantages.
here are some example functions using the type.
type foldedSequence<'a> =
| Empty
| Value of ' a * (unit -> 'a foldedSequence)
let rec createFoldedSequence fn state =
match fn state with
| None -> Empty
| Some(value, nextState) ->
Value(value, (fun () -> unfold fn nextState))
let rec filter predicate =
| Empty -> Empty
| Value(value, nextValue) ->
let next() = filter predicate(nextValue())
if predicate value then Value(value, next)
else next()
let toSeq<'t> =
Seq.unfold<'t foldedSequence, 't>(function
| Empty -> None
| Value(value, nextValue) -> Some(value, nextValue()))
It has been very helpful I would like to know if it has a name so I can research some tips and tricks for it
To add to the existing answers, I think Haskellers might call a generalised version of this this a list monad transformer. The idea is that your type definition looks almost like ordinary F# list except that there is some additional aspect to it. You can imagine writing this as:
type ListTransformer<'T> =
| Empty
| Value of 'T * M<ListTransformer<'T>>
By supplying specific M, you can define a number of things:
M<'T> = 'T gives you the ordinary F# list type
M<'T> = unit -> 'T gives you your sequence that can be evaluated lazily
M<'T> = Lazy<'T> gives you LazyList (which caches already evaluated elements)
M<'T> = Async<'T> gives you asynchronous sequences
It is also worth noting that in this definition LazyTransformer<'T> is not itself a delayed/lazy/async value. This can cause problems in some cases - e.g. when you need to perform some async operation to decide whether the stream is empty - and so a better definition is:
type ListTransformer<'T> = M<ListTransformerInner<'T>>
and ListTransformerInner<'T> =
| Empty
| Value of 'T * ListTransformer<'T>
This sounds like LazyList which used to be in the "powerpack" and I think now lives here:
Your type is close to how an iteratee would be defined, and since you already mention streaming, this might be the concept you're looking for.
Iteratee IO is an approach to lazy IO outlined by Oleg Kiselyov. Apart from Haskell, implementations exist for major functional languages, including F# (as part of FSharpx.Extras).
This is how FSharpx defines an Iteratee:
type Iteratee<'Chunk,'T> =
| Done of 'T * Stream<'Chunk>
| Error of exn
| Continue of (Stream<'Chunk> -> Iteratee<'Chunk,'T>)
See also this blog post: Iteratee in F# - part 1. Note that there doesn't seem to be a part 2.

Accessing specific case from F# DU

Suppose I have the following DU:
type Something =
| A of int
| B of string * int
Now I use it in a function like this:
let UseSomething = function
| A(i) -> DoSomethingWithA i
| B(s, i) -> DoSomethingWithB s i
That works, but I've had to deconstruct the DU in order to pass it to the DoSomethingWith* functions. It feels natural to me to try to define DoSomethingWithA as:
let DoSomethingWithA (a: Something.A) = ....
but the compiler complains that the type A is not defined.
It seems entirely in keeping with the philosophy of F# to want to restrict the argument to being a Something.A, not just any old int, so am I just going about it the wrong way?
The important thing to note is that A and B are constructors of the same type Something. So you will get inexhaustive pattern matching warning if you try to use A and B cases separately.
IMO, deconstructing all cases of DUs is a good idea since it is type-safe and forces you to think of handling those cases even you don't want to. The problem may arise if you have to deconstruct DUs repetitively in the same way. In that case, defining map and fold functions on DUs might be a good idea:
let mapSomething fa fb = function
| A(i) -> fa i
| B(s, i) -> fb s i
Please refer to excellent Catamorphism series by #Brian to learn about fold on DUs.
That also said that your example is fine. What you really process are string and int values after deconstruction.
You can use Active Patterns to consume two cases separately:
let (|ACase|) = function A i -> i | B _ -> failwith "Unexpected pattern B _"
let (|BCase|) = function B(s, i) -> (s, i) | A _ -> failwith "Unexpected pattern A _"
let doSomethingWithA (ACase i) = ....
but inferred type of doSomethingWithA is still the same and you get an exception when passing B _ to the function. So it's a wrong thing to do IMO.
The other answers are accurate: in F# A and B are constructors, not types, and this is the traditional approach taken by strongly typed functional languages like Haskell or the other languages in the ML family. However, there are other approaches - I believe that in Scala, for example, A and B would actually be subclasses of Something, so you could use those more specific types where it makes sense to do so. I'm not completely sure what tradeoffs are involved in the design decision, but generally speaking inheritance makes type inference harder/impossible (and true to the stereotype type inference in Scala is much worse than in Haskell or the ML languages).
A is not a type, it is just a constructor for Something. There's no way you can avoid pattern matching, which is not necessarily a bad thing.
That said, F# does offer a thing called active patterns, for instance
let (|AA|) = function
| A i -> i
| B _ -> invalidArg "B" "B's not allowed!"
which you can then use like this:
let DoSomethingWithA (AA i) = i + 1
But there's no real reason why you would want to do that! You still do the same old pattern matching under the hood, plus you risk the chance of a runtime error.
In any case, your implementation of UseSomething is perfectly natural for F#.

F#/OCaml: How to avoid duplicate pattern match?

Have a look at this F#/OCaml code:
type AllPossible =
| A of int
| B of int*int
| ...
| Z of ...
let foo x =
match x with
| A(value) | B(value,_) -> (* LINE 1 *)
(* do something with the first (or only, in the case of A) value *)
(* now do something that is different in the case of B *)
let possibleData =
match x with
| A(a) -> bar1(a)
| B(a,b) -> bar2(a+b)
| _ -> raise Exception (* the problem - read below *)
(* work with possibleData *)
| Z -> ...
So what is the problem?
In function foo, we pattern match against a big list of types.
Some of the types share functionality - e.g. they have common
work to do, so we use "|A | B ->" in LINE 1, above.
We read the only integer (in the case of A), or the first integer
(in the case of B) and do something with it.
Next, we want to do something that is completely different, depending
on whether we work on A or B (i.e. call bar1 or bar2).
We now have to pattern match again, and here's the problem: In this
nested pattern match, unless we add a 'catchAll' rule (i.e. '_'),
the compiler complains that we are missing cases - i.e. it doesn't
take into account that only A and B can happen here.
But if we add the catchAll rule, then we have a far worse problem:
if at some point we add more types in the list of LINE1
(i.e. in the line '|A | B ->' ... then the compiler will NOT help
us in the nested match - the '_' will catch them, and a bug will
be detected at RUNTIME. One of the most important powers of
pattern matching - i.e. detecting such errors at compile-time - is lost.
Is there a better way to write this kind of code, without having
to repeat whatever work is shared amongst A and B in two separate
rules for A and B? (or putting the A-and-B common work in a function
solely created for the purpose of "local code sharing" between A and B?)
EDIT: Note that one could argue that the F# compiler's behaviour is buggy in this case -
it should be able to detect that there's no need for matching beyond A and B
in the nested match.
If the datatype is set in stone - I would also prefer local function.
Otherwise, in OCaml you could also enjoy open (aka polymorphic) variants :
type t = [`A | `B | `C]
let f = function
| (`A | `B as x) ->
let s = match x with `A -> "a" | `B -> "b" in
print_endline s
| `C -> print_endline "ugh"
I would just put the common logic in a local function, should be both faster and more readable. Matches nested that way is pretty hard to follow, and putting the common logic in a local function allows you to ditch the extra matching in favour of something that'll get inlined anyway.
Hmm looks like you need to design the data type a bit differently such as:
type AorB =
| A of int
| B of int * int
type AllPossible =
| AB of AorB
| C of int
.... other values
let foo x =
match x with
| AB(v) ->
match v with
| A(i) -> () //Do whatever need for A
| B(i,v) -> () // Do whatever need for B
| _ -> ()
Perhaps the better solution is that rather than
type All =
|A of int
|B of int*int
you have
type All =
|AorB of int * (int Option)
If you bind the data in different ways later on you might be better off using an active pattern rather than a type, but the result would be basically the same
I don't really agree that this should be seen as a bug - although it would definitely be convenient if the case was handled by the compiler.
The C# compiler doesn't complain to the following and you wouldn't expect it to:
var b = true;
if (b)
if (!b)
Console.WriteLine("Can never be reached");

Pattern Matching of Units of Measure in F#

This function:
let convert (v: float<_>) =
match v with
| :? float<m> -> v / 0.1<m>
| :? float<m/s> -> v / 0.2<m/s>
| _ -> failwith "unknown"
produces an error
The type 'float<'u>' does not have any proper subtypes and cannot be used as the source of a type test or runtime coercion.
Is there any way how to pattern match units of measure?
As #kvb explains in detail, the problem is that units of measure are a part of the type. This means that float<m> is different type than float<m/s> (and unfortunately, this information isn't stored as part of the value at runtime).
So, you're actually trying to write a function that would work with two different types of input. The clean functional solution is to declare a discriminated union that can hold values of either the first type or the second type:
type SomeValue =
| M of float<m>
| MPS of float<m/s>
Then you can write the function using ordinary pattern matching:
let convert v =
match v with
| M v -> v / 0.1<m>
| MPS v -> v / 0.2<m/s>
You'll need to explicitly wrap the values into the discriminated union value, but it's probably the only way to do this directly (without making some larger changes in the program structure).
For normal types like int and float, you could also use overloaded members (declared in some F# type), but that doesn't work for units of measure, because the signature will be the same after the F# compiler erases the unit information.
There are two problems with your approach. First of all, when you use an underscore in the definition of your function, that's the same as using a fresh type variable, so your definition is equivalent to the following:
let convert (v: float<'u>) = //'
match v with
| :? float<m> -> v / 0.1<m>
| :? float<m/s> -> v / 0.2<m/s>
| _ -> failwith "unknown"
What the error message is telling you is that the compiler know that v is of type float<'u>, and float<'u> has no proper subtypes, so there's no point in doing a type test to determine if it's a float<m> or any other type.
You might try to get around this by first boxing v into an object and then doing a type test. This would work, for instance, if you had a list<'a> and wanted to see if it were a list<int>, because full type information about generic objects is tracked at runtime including generic type parameters (notably, this is different from how some other runtimes like Java's work). Unfortunately, F# units of measure are erased at runtime, so this won't work here - there is no way for the system to infer the correct measure type given a boxed representation, since at runtime the value is just a plain float - F#'s system for units of measure is actually quite similar in this respect to how Java handles generic types.
As an aside, what you're trying to do seems quite suspect - functions which are generic in the unit of measure shouldn't do different things depending on what the measure type is; they should be properly parametric. What exactly are you trying to achieve? It certainly doesn't look like an operation which corresponds to physical reality, which is the basis for F#'s measure types.
See the Units at Runtime Section at
I agree with #kvb, I think the best way around this is to pass an object.
What I would like to do, using your code structure:
let convert (v: float<_>) =
match v with
| :? float<m> -> v<m>
| :? float<inches> -> v * 2.54 / 100.0<m>
