Run commands on host from container command prompt - docker

I use portainer to manage containers and it works great.
But when I connect to console, I get the command prompt of container. Is there any way to run simple commands like ls /home/ that will list the files on host?
In other words is there any image that will mount the file system of host server "as-is"?

Here's an example using docker command line:
$ docker run --rm -it -v ~/Desktop:/Desktop alpine:latest /bin/sh
/ # ls /Desktop/
You can extend the approach to as far as you need to. Experiment with it. Learn about the different mount options.
I know the Docker app on MacOS provides a way for default volume mounts. Portainer also claims to provide a volume management screen, am yet to use it.
Hope this helps.

If you're dealing with services, or an existing, running container, you can in most cases access the shell directly. Let's say you have a container called "meow". You can run:
docker exec -it meow bash
and it will drop you into the bash shell. You'll actually need to know if bash is installed, or try calling sh instead.
The "i" option indicates it should be interactive, and the "t" option indicates it should emulate a TTY terminal. When you're done, you can hit Ctrl+D to exit out of the container.

First of all: You never ever want to do so.
Volumes mounted to containers are used to persist the container's data as containers are designed to be volatile -(the container itself shouldn't persist it s state so restarting the container n number of times should result in the same container state each time it starts)- so think of the volume as a the database where all the data (state of the container) should be stored.
Seeing volumes this way makes it easier to decide against sharing the host's entire file system, as this container would have read write permissions over the host OS files itself which is a huge security threat .
Sharing volumes across containers is considered a bad container architecture let alone sharing the entirety of the host file system.
I would propose simple ssh (or remote desktop) to your host if you require access to it to run commands or tasks on your host.
OR if your container requires access to a specific folder for some reason then you should consider mounting or binding that folder to the container
docker run -d --name devtest --mount source=myvol2,target=/app nginx:latest
I would recommend copying the content of that folder into a docker managed volume (a folder under the docker/volumes tree) and binding the container to this volume instead of the original folder to minimize the impact of your container on your host's OS.


How to work with the files from a docker container

I need to work with all the files from a docker container, my approach is to copy all the list of files from the container to my host.
I'm using the next docker commands, for example with the postgres image:
docker create -ti --name dummy_1 postgres bash
docker cp dummy_1:/. Documents/docker/dockerOne
With this I have all the container folders and files in my host.
And then the idea is to transverse all the files with the java API, and work with them and finally delete the files and folders from local, but I would like to know if is it a better approach, maybe with Java and access directly to the container files, instead of create a local copy of the container files in my host.
Any ideas?
You can build a small server app inside your docker container which feeds you the information you need at an exposed port. Thats how i would have done it.
Maybe I don't understand the question, but you can mount a volume when you run, not create the container
docker run -v /host/path:/container/path your_container
Any code in the container (e.g. Java) that modifies files at /container/path will be reflected on the host, and not need to be copied back in/out. Similarly, any modifications on the host filesystem will be seen in the container.
I don't think I can implement an API in the docker container
Yes you can. You bind a TCP port using -p flag

Docker volume bind empty volume or convert files to folders

I'm running a container by sending to docker daemon so it can run a sibling container and in that container I try to run another container and mount a volume to access some data, however in the sibling container, the volume is either empty or the file is converted to a folder...
Running the first container:
$ docker run -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -it example /bin/bash
root#3aa35965846a:/home/node/example# ls some_volume/
root#3aa35965846a:/home/node/example# cat some_volume/test.txt
// Running the second container
root#3aa35965846a:/home/node/example# docker run -v /home/node/example/some_volume/:/some_volume/ -it node:10 /bin/bash
root#6a84739fbb92:/# ls /some_volume/
* test.txt
root#6a84739fbb92:/# cat /some_volume/test.txt/
cat: /some_volume/test.txt/: Is a directory
The first time I run the second container the volume is empty, if I try to mount a file directly it is converted to a folder, and after that if I try to mount the folder like the example above, there is only the file I tried to mount earlier and it is a folder.
How is this possible ? If i try to mount a volume outside the first container I don't have any problem, how can I fix this ?
The first path in the docker run -v option is always on the host system. For example, if you
docker run -v /etc:/x busybox cat /x/shadow
it will dump out the host's encrypted password file, regardless of whether you ran this command directly from the host or from a container.
There isn't a way to share an arbitrary directory from one container to another. If the launching container knows something about its own directory structure (in particular that some directory was mounted from a specific host path or named volume) then it can replicate that to the other container, but that's not a generic answer. The other behaviors you're seeing are just a consequence of those directories not existing on the host system.
In general I would advise not using Docker for short-lived processes that principally interact with the outside world through the filesystem. Take whatever program you'd run in the other container, install it in your image's Dockerfile, and run it directly without going through Docker.
If you really can't avoid this workflow, the only thing I've found to work reliably is to docker create the container, docker cp files in, docker start it, and docker wait for it to finish. When it's done, docker cp the result out before docker rm it. That's a kind of painstaking workflow but it gets around the problem of the two containers not sharing any filesystem space.

When mounting /var/run/docker.sock into a container, which file system is used for volume mounting?

I have a container that contains logic for coordinating the deployment of the microservices on the host - let's call this service the deployer. To achieve that, I have mounted the /var/run/docker.sock file from the host into that deployer container.
So, when performing docker run hello-world from within the deployer container, the host runs it.
This system works as expected, except for one thing I have become unsure about now, since I have seen some unexpected behaviour.
When performing docker run -v "/path/to/src:/path/to/dest" hello-world, what folder will Docker be looking at?
I'm seeing two valid reasonings:
A) It will mount /path/to/src from within the deployer to the
hello-world container, since that is the shell that performs the
B) It will mount /path/to/src from the source to the
hello-world container, since the docker.sock determines the context
and the command is being ran on the host.
Which of those is correct?
Moreover, when using relative paths (e.g. in docker-compose), what will be the path that is being used?
It will always use the host filesystem. There isn’t a way to directly mount one container’s filesystem into another.
For example:
host$ sudo docker run --rm -it -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock docker sh
0123456789ab# docker run -v /:/host --rm -it busybox sh
13579bdf0246# cat /host/etc/shadow
The last command will print out the host’s encrypted password file, not anything in the intermediate container.
If it isn’t obvious from the example, mounting the Docker socket to programmatically run Docker commands has massive security implications, and you should carefully consider whether it’s actually a good approach for you.
I’m pretty sure relative paths in docker-compose.yml won’t actually work with this setup (because you can’t bind-mount things out of the intermediate container). You’d have to mount the same content into both containers for one to be able to send files to the other. Using named volumes can be helpful here (because the volume names aren’t actually dependent on host paths); depending on what exactly you’re doing, a roundabout path of docker create and then docker cp could work.
At an implementation level there is only one Docker daemon and it runs on the host. You can publish its socket to various places, but ultimately that daemon receives requests like “create a container that mounts host directory /x/y” and the daemon interprets those requests in the context of the host. It doesn’t know that a request came from a different container (or, potentially, a different host; but see above about security concerns).

Auto-restart Docker container when contents of host folder change

I am running a Docker container in CoreOS (host) and mounted a host folder with a container's folder.
docker run -v /home/core/folder_name:/folder_name <container_name>
Now, each time I am changing (insert/delete) some file in that host folder (folder_name), I have to restart the container (container_name) to see the effects.
docker restart <container_name>
Is there any way from the host side or docker side to restart it automatically when there is a change (insert/delete) in the folder?
Restarting the docker container on a folder change is rather antithetical to the whole notion of the -v command in the first place. If you really really really need to restart the container in the manner you are suggesting then the only way to do it is from the docker host. There are a couple tools (I can name off the top of my head, there are definitely more) you could use to monitor the host folder and when a file is inserted or deleted you could trigger the docker restart <container_name> command. Those tools are incron and inotify-tools. Here is another question someone asked similar to yours and the answer recommended using one of the tools I suggested.
Now, there is no way that the files in the host folder are not being changed in the docker container as well. It must be that the program you are using in the docker container isn't updating it's view of the /folder_name folder after it starts up. Is it possible for you to force the program you are running in the docker container to refresh or update? The -v command works via bind mounting and has been a stable feature in docker for quite a while. With bind mounting, the home/core/folder_name folder IS (for all practical purposes) the same folder as /folder_name in the container.
run the command
docker run -t -i -v /home/core/folder_name:/folder_name <container_name> /bin/sh
This command gives you an interactive shell within the container. In this shell issue the command:
cd /folder_name; touch a_file
Now go to /home/core/folder_name on the docker host in a shell or some file browser. The file a_file will be there. You can delete that file on the host and go back to the shell running in the docker container and run ls /folder_name. The file a_file will not be there.
So, you either need to use inotify or incron to go about restarting your container anytime a file changes on the host, or figure out how to work with the program you are running in the docker container to have it update its view of the /folder_name folder.

Docker exec command not using the mounted directory for /

I am new to docker containers and I and am trying to solve a problem I am facing right now.
These are my understanding based on limited knowledge.
When we create a docker container, Docker creates a local mount and use it as the root file system for the docker container.
Now, if I run any commands in the container from the host server using docker exec the docker is not using the mounted partition as the / file system for the container. I mean, it still pics up the binaries and env variables from the host server. Is there any option/alternate solution for making the docker use the original mounted directory for docker exec too ?
If I access/start the container with docker attach or docker run -i -t /bin/bash, I get the mounted directory as my / file system, which gives me an entirely independent environment from my host system. But this doesn't happen with the docker exec command.
Please help !!
You are operating under a misconception. The docker image only contains what was installed in it. This is usually a very cut down version of an operating system for efficiency reasons.
The docker container is started from an image - and that's a running version, which can change and store state - but may be discarded.
docker run starts a container from an image. You can run the same image multiple times to create completely different containers (which happen to have the same starting point for their content).
docker exec attaches to one of those containers to run a command. So you will only see the things inside it that ... were inside the image, or added post start (like log files). It has no vision of the host filesystem, and may not be the same OS - the only requirement is that it shares elements of the kernel ... although it usually has a selection of the commonly used binaries.
And when you run an image to create a container, you can specify a mount. One of the options when you do this is passing through a host filesystem, with e.g. -v /path/on/host:/path_in/container. But you don't have to, you can use data containers or use a docker volume mount instead. e.g. docker run -v /mount creates a mount point within the container, using the docker filesystem, which isn't part of the parent host. This can be used to make a data container with: docker create -v /path/to/data --name data_for_acontainer some_basic_image
And then mount volumes from that data container on a new one:
docker run -d --volumes-from data_for_acontainer some_app_image
Which will attach that data container onto the /path/to/data mount. But in neither case is the 'host' filesystem touched directly - this is the whole point of dockerising things.
