Pass variables to jenkins from workspace - jenkins

I am trying to set up builds on Jenkins. When the build is successful, I push a tag of the build using the Post build Action Git Publisher.
Until Now, these have been done manually, with the tag being given the version number, A.B.C.D (which comes from a text file). Now we are using Jenkins, D comes from the $BUILD_NUMBER Jenkins variable, but A.B.C are stored in a text file within the workspace. Is there a way I can pass A.B.C to the git publisher? or will have to do all of the git commands in a script?
Using Jenkins v1.624. Updating not currently possible (before people suggest this)

Not entirely sure if this will work the Post build Action Git Publisher (as I don't use it), and I can only test this on:
Jenkins ver. 2.32.3
EnvInject+Plugin 1.93.1
Groovy+plugin 1.30
Based on suggestion by 'Joerg S' in this post:
Creating a Jenkins environment variable using Groovy
Add a 'Execute Groovy Script' build step to read in the workspace file (tmpFile) containing A.B.C and convert it to a java based properties file - name:value) :
def custom_tag = new File('tmpfile').text.trim()
File propFile = new File('properties.text')
propFile.write "CUSTOM_TAG:"+custom_tag
Then add a 'Inject Environment Variables' build step to read in the new file, so Properties File Path is properties.text
You should then be able to use the ${CUSTOM_TAG} in your post build git publish as the TAG, as now it's an environment variable.
If this doesn't work check out the groovy code in the link above, it might offer something else.


Previous Build Number in Jenkins

I have a batch Job (not the pipeline Job) in Jenkins where I am using a plugin called "Naginator" which will check if the current build is failed/unstable - If the current build is failed/unstable it will run immediately the next build to confirm the error is genuine. If the error is not genuine then the run is successful and it will periodically set the next build to run. Along with this, I use some CMD commands to move my data into another folder with the Build number as my folder name.
Now here is the issue, if the previous build was unstable and Naginator runs the next build and that build is stable then what I need to do is delete the previous unstable build data from the folder manually. Is it possible to fetch the previous build number in Jenkins so that I can delete the file in an automated way - lets say in CMD Commands .BAT file.
Jenkins has it's own global variables. You can check whem in your pipeline job -> Pipeline Syntax -> Global Variables Reference.
Additionally check http://jenkins_url:port/env-vars.html/
For your purpose BUILD_NUMBER exist.
Just create new env var like this:
Excuse me if this piece of code will not work, I'm not good about scripting) Just for example.
also you can find in mentioned reference a list of variables:

Extract user information from the build

Jenkins ver. 2.73.3
I have a sample build task that is triggered by a commit to a Github repository. This is how the build information looks:
We need to write this username to a separate file and store it in a particular location. How can I achieve it?
Added a build step that executes a shell command to write the variable GIT_COMMITTER_NAME to a file. This fails(empty file) but if I write, say JENKINS_URL, it is written to the file:
I guess the github plugin doesn't set, by default, the variables like GIT_AUTHOR_NAME, GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL etc.
Taking a cue from this answer, I proceeded with using the placeholders of the 'pretty option' of git show command. I added the following command in the 'Execute Shell' build step of Jenkins job:
The output:
GIT_AUTHOR_NAME=LastName FirstName
Instead of echo $variable name execute env in shell, it will give you all environment variables at the time of execution and then you can pick the correct variable. (From Gitlab to Jenkins its $gitlabUserName)

How to re-use groovy script in Jenkins Groovy Post Build plugin?

I have some groovy code which I am planning to re-use in Jenkins Groovy Post Build plugin of multiple jobs. How can I achieve this? Is there a place I can store the script in a global variable and call that in the jobs where ever I need?
You can load any groovy file living on the Jenkins master within the groovy postbuild and execute it. For example, you could have a special directory on the c drive where all the common scripts live. I'll update my answer later with some code that shows you how to load the script in.
Assuming you have a test.groovy file on your C: drive, it should be as simple as the following in Groovy Postbuild:
evaluate(new File("C:\\test.groovy"))
Please view the comment section of the Groovy Postbuild for more examples and possibly other ways.
Here is the solution that worked for me:
Installed Scriptler plugin for Jenkins and saved the Groovy script in that. Now the script is available in JENKINS_HOME/scriptler/scripts directory. This way we can avoid manual step of copying files to Jenkins master.
Used the groovy file in Post build:
def env = evaluate(new File(env['JENKINS_HOME'] + "\\scriptler\\scripts\\GroovyForPostBuild.groovy"))
This is a copy of my answer to this similar question on StackOverflow:
If you wish to have the Groovy script in your Code Repository, and loaded onto the Build / Test Slave in the workspace, then you need to be aware that Groovy Postbuild runs on the Master.
For us, the master is a Unix Server, while the Build/Test Slaves are Windows PCs on the local network. As a result, prior to using the script, we must open a channel from the master to the Slave, and use a FilePath to the file.
The following worked for us:
// Get an Instance of the Build object, and from there
// the channel from the Master to the Workspace
build = Thread.currentThread().executable
channel =;
// Open a FilePath to the script
fp = new FilePath(channel, build.workspace.toString() + "<relative path to the script in Unix notation>")
// Some have suggested that the "Not NULL" check is redundant
// I've kept it for completeness
if(fp != null)
// 'Evaluate' requires a string, so read the file contents to a String
script = fp.readToString();
// Execute the script

Updating jenkins job variable

Parameterized variable are not getting updated in jenkins
I m using the conditional build-step plugin to update the jenkins job parameter by executing shell script its showing me the new value of variable as well but its not get reflected.
You can try the EnvInject Plugin. One of the features is a build step that allows you to "inject" parameters into the build job from a settings file.
Create a property for the email list in the file:
echo "variable=`value`">
It will create the properties file in the job workspace directory.
In shell script:
If I understand correctly, you are trying to change the value of a pre-defined parameter
from within a script that is run by the job.
This will not work, because of "scope" (or "call-stack"),
as a process (your script) cannot change the environment of a parent process (your Jenkins job).

Changing Jenkins build number

Is there a way to change the build number that is sent via email after a job completes? The problem is that are product builds are NOT being done by Jenkins, so we want to be able to get the build number(ie. from a text file) and update the build number in Jenkins to match it. I have tried to set the build number:
But the email is still showing the build number that Jenkins originally set.
If you have access to the script console (Manage Jenkins -> Script Console), then you can do this following:
can be done with the plugin:
more info:
if you don't like the plugin:
If you want to change build number via nextBuildNumber file you should
"Reload Configuration from Disk" from "Manage Jenkins" page.
Under the job workspace folder, like:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\jobs\job_name
there is a file named nextBuildNumber.
Setting the build number in the file and reloading the configuration from disk (Manage Jenkins menu) will force the next build you start to have the value from the file as BUILD_NUMBER.
If you have branch name including Forward Slash (using git flow for example), you will need to replace the Forward Slash with its Unicode character %2F within the branch name.
Here is an example for the pipeline My-Pipeline-Name and the branch release/my-release-branch-name
I was able to find out about this by running the following command which will list the different jobs (branches) for your pipeline
Hope it helps.
Perhaps a combination of these plugins may come in handy:
Parametrized build plugin - define some variable which holds your build number
Version number plugin - use the variable to change the build number
Build name setter plugin - use the variable to change the build number
You can change build number by updating file ${JENKINS_HOME}/jobs/job_name/nextBuildNumber on Jenkins server.
You can also install plugin Next Build Number plugin to change build number using CLI or UI
For multibranch pipeline projects, do this in the script console:
def project = Jenkins.instance.getItemByFullName("YourMultibranchPipelineProjectName")
project.getAllJobs().each{ item ->
if( == 'jobName'){ // master, develop, feature/......
println('new build: ' + item.getNextBuildNumber())
Follow the steps: Jenkins Console > Manage Jenkins > Script Console, then write the script as:
By using environmental variables:
