Why is my RSpec + Capybara test failing to render view? - ruby-on-rails

I use wicked (1.3.1) (not sure if relevant) for an onboarding flow on my rails 5 app. On the last step of my onboarding process, there is an <a> link that navigates to a user#dashboard page.
This works totally fine in all browsers. For some reason that transition does not work in Capybara (rspec 3.7, rspec-rails 3.7.2, Capybara 2.14). The url changes in the automated browser to the desired route, but the page does not render any content, it retains the old view. Visually its as if someone typed in a url but did not press return, however, the controller method and view are getting touched when i debug them. They appear to return a rendering, but the value is not rendered in the browser
If i throw a sleep in my test after the <a> click, I can manually click on the url bar, press return (to navigate to the correct url) and the page will render then. But not on its own. Anyone experience this before?
I have tried changing the href to a different path to see if it is a problem with the target view/controller - it is not, happens to all of the paths I try. I have also tried different capybara drivers: :selenium, :chrome, :poltergeist. All same result!
Would love to provide more detail but i'm not sure what to show. Its a simple href and i'm not sure what could go wrong.
turns out there was an error in the logs. Will update with a solution.
Could not log "render_template.action_view" event. NoMethodError: undefined method `render_views?' for RSpec::ExampleGroups::LayoutsSplash::View:Class ["/Users/mitchellmeyer/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.1/gems/rspec-core-3.6.0/lib/rspec/core/example_group.rb:732:in `method_missing'",

The error shown in the logs is a know rspec/rspec-rails 3.6 issue - upgrading will fix that. Beyond that, the fact it works when a URL is submitted manually to the browser but not when clicking on the link indicates the link is probably being interfered with by JS. Most likely that's Turbolinks which you can disable for a given link by adding a data-turbolinks=“false” attribute to the link. If that fixes the behavior (which you state it did) then it's probable you have a JS error in one of your files. Check the developer console in the browser for any errors shown and fix them.
Since you mention Poltergeist, as a driver you tried, in your question it's possible for there to be silent errors that cause JS to fail when using it since it doesn't support anything beyond ES 5.1 so it's not really that suitable for testing modern webapps any more and I would recommend sticking to headless chrome if you need headless testing.


Unknown Format in feature testing rails capybara

I am writing capybara tests. There is a link I have in the view. When I click over the link that links open a pop-up js warning. I have configured Js. in capybara by using phantomjs and petergiest gem.
Without the requested information it's impossible to give an exact answer, but the error you are seeing means the app is requesting a non-JS response (probably HTML). This could be occurring for a couple of reasons
You're not actually running the test with a JS supporting driver. I don't see any js metadata on your scenarios so depending on how you've configured Capybara/RSpec this could by your issue. To confirm, swap from Poltergeist to using Selenium with Chrome or Firefox (non-headless while trying to debug) so you can see if the browser actually starts
You have a JS error preventing JS from running so a normal request is being made instead of XHR. This could be because you actually have a bug in your JS or because you're using Poltergeist/PhantomJS which is massively out of date in JS/CSS support. To test this, swap to using Selenium with Chrome or Firefox and look in the developer console.
Your link isn't correctly configured to make an ajax request - This is impossible to tell without the HTML of the link
Additionally, neither of the tests shown in your image are actually asserting/expecting anything so it's very unclear what exactly you're trying to test.

Capybara: cannot find CSS and page.body is blank

I've just started writing integration tests with Capybara and I am running into the following symptoms after successfully accessing a page.
#response.body shows the correct HTML as expected.
page.body shows nothing.
save_and_open_page saves the file but the file is empty.
click_on("#item") fails (note I can see it in #response.body). Many other types of CSS access also fail here.
I surmise that Capybara failing to access known CSS is related to its rendering a blank page. Is there an underlying reason for all this behavior?
You need to use #visit to have Capybara go to a page. Capybara is designed to emulate a user using a browser - it has no support for direct get/post/put... since a user doesn't have that. It also has no direct access to the response from the app, since the browser handles that. What it does let you do is move around the app, in a browser, like the user would and then assert against elements of the page appearing, disappearing, and displaying expected information

Google Analytics MIME type issue in Chrome using Rails 3

I'm adding GA to a Rails 3 app, which would normally be extremely simple, of course. I've added the GA JS snippet, which is rendering just fine. Everything works perfectly in Safari. In Chrome, however, it's giving me a console error: Resource interpreted as Script but transferred with MIME type text/html: "about:blank", pointing to the JS line that loads the ga.js file: s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s). Some things I've investigated:
I created a plan HTML page with the JS snippet, and it loads outside Rails in Chrome with no error.
The same HTML page, when put in /public, gives the error above.
The same HTML page, loaded in Safari from /public, doesn't give any error according to Firebug.
I tried the GA Debug extension in Chrome, but it remains silent, because ga.js isn't getting loaded.
Looking at the developer console in Chrome, I see a request for "http://www.google-analytics.com/ga.js" that seems to stay in "pending" state, and a redirect to "about:blank" seemingly initiated by http://www.google-analytics.com/ga.js, which makes very little sense.
So this seems to be related to Rails (since the snippet works in the HTML outside Rails), and doesn't affect Safari, but other than that I'm stumped. Hopefully I've just been staring at it wrong, and someone else will point out the obvious to me...? Anyone come across this before? Any ideas will be very much appreciated.
Came across this issue myself. "Disconnect" disabled share buttons on my site (g+, twitter and fb). Had to remove it to view the site properly.

Rails 3 Links are broken after activescaffold update

I just updated active scaffold on my rails app, and now all the links are broken on the site. If I hover over the link in firefox, I can see http://localhost:3000/correct_link; however, when I click the link, I end up at http://localhost:3000/current_link#__1_. When the link is loaded all styling/javascript is messed up. Furthermore, the number after the two underscores increases every time I click another link, but I can never navigate away from http://localhost:3000/current_link__NUM_.
Interestingly, if I type the url that I want into the browser, all is well. There don't seem to be any errors in my logs or in my server console.
I'm not sure how to go about debugging this
Aha! The error was caused by my removing active_scaffold, which introduced some weird behavior from custom javascript that had hooked into it. After active scaffold was removed, the javascript started hijacking the links. Shuffling the javascript around fixed the bug

Rails Partial rendering results in a blank page?

I'm stuck with a bug at the moment which is puzzling me. I have a
layout containing some HTML and a partial (for the navigation) - there
is nothing else there other than the yield.
If the nav is included as a partial I get nothing returned to the
browser at all (blank page) but everything else appears normal
If I remove the partial the page works fine
If I put the nav code directly in the template it works fine
if I replace the nav code in the partial with a simple string, I get
a blank page again.
Does anyone have any ideas as to what the problem could be, or know how
I might debug it?
Found the issue, the partial was in the layouts folder, instead of the
relevant controller views folder.
However, Rails was throwing a ActionView::MissingTemplate Exception
which was only visible via the debugger which is probably a bug.
First off, check the log file to see if you're getting an error message somewhere. If that doesn't help follow these steps:
Make a copy of your template & partial, linked as the original
Test that they exhibit the problem
Start removing things from them until you have the simplest possible case that still exhibits the problem (your string in the partial test is a step in this direction)
If you don't figure it out in that process, come back and edit your question to include the code for the simplified case
I have had this error on a number of occasions. The problem has always been solved by changing something in the offending template or one of it's partials (in my latest case, I added a blank line into the source between a </div> and a <div>, which was in a partial invoked by the template; changing the template itself had no effect). The really odd thing is that the problem rarely occurs when I actually change a template, but usually when I change something related (e.g. edit an image displayed in the page or the CSS relating to the page). While the problem is often related to a partial, the entire page is blank, not just the portion provided by the partial.
BTW, restarting the web server (in this case Unicorn) does not fix the problem. Running Ruby 1.9.3, Rails 3.1.3. Using SASS and Unicorn.
UPDATE: Just determined that Rails is returning a 304-not modified, based upon the "If-none-match" header sent by my browser (which in turn was based upon the ETAG of the previous page). However, in the meantime, the browser cleared the window. So, presumably, something in what Rails sent caused the browser to clear the window.
