Fatal: File system overrun error with mkxfs - qnx

I am trying to format image file with mkxfs command on Windows. I am always getting File System overrun error.
Command executed:
mkxfs.exe -t qnx6fsimg buildfile fs build.img
What does this error mean?

The error means that the specified size of the image is not large enough to store the contents it is supposed to have.
This usually happens because the total physical size of the contents / entities specified in your "buildfile" is more than the size of the "build.img" specified in your disk configuration file.


Can't find the supervisor file in Hue folder

I can't find the file 'supervisor' in Hue folder. According to official documentation it should be in the folder $HUE_HOME/build/env/bin. I am doing my operation in Ubuntu server 22.04. My objective to send queries to Impala through Hue.
I run following command as it was written in http://cloudera.github.io/hue/latest/administrator/installation/starting/
then I got "No such file or directory" warning.
I also tried
build/env/bin/hue runserver
and I got the same "No such file or directory" warning because there are no such files there.
Those instructions are written relative to Hue's installation folder, or the parent folder of the build-process output. Your error is simply saying that the relative path you're trying to use doesn't exist... Without more context, the error isn't incorrect
For a more simpler installation, you can try running the HUE docker container.

How to change the system variable in Geoserver

I'm on Linux.I'm using postgresql - geoserver - openlayers.
I want to display a shapefile with GeoServer. I store it in Postgresql and import the table on Geoserver. The size of the shapefile is 2.2GB.
When I want to display my shapefile with the Openlayers viewer (on Geoserver), I have a white screen and this error is the logs:
ERROR [geoserver.ows] org.geoserver.platform.ServiceException: Rendering process failed ....
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: could not write to tuplestore temporary file: No space left on device where: SQL function "st_force_2d" statement 2
I saw here: https://docs.geoserver.org/stable/en/user/services/wfs/outputformats.html, that's the limit size is 2GB for shapefile but we can modify this limit changing the system variables GS_SHP_MAX_SIZE.
How can I do that ? I checked on Internet but impossible to find a solution.
In the link you mentioned it said:
it’s possible to modify those limits by setting the GS_SHP_MAX_SIZE and GS_DBF_MAX_SIZE system variables to a different value.
So I think it's similar to GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR config.
For binaries installation: You should change OS system variables. I'm not sure but, the command is something like this:
$ export GS_SHP_MAX_SIZE=Limit of .shp size in bytes
$ export GS_SHP_MAX_SIZE=3000000000
If it didn't work search for changing system var in your Linux dist.
For web archive installation: You should change the webserver or GeoServer configuration. There are 2 ways of doing it:
Context parameter: Find and edit web.xml in WEB-INF folder. then add this context parameter at root element(<web-app> tag)
<param-value>Limit of .shp size in bytes</param-value>
Java system property: It's very similar to binaries installation except you should add system variable for the webserver. If you are using tomcat add this to your system variables.
$ export CATALINA_OPTS="-GS_SHP_MAX_SIZE=Limit of .shp size in bytes"
$ export CATALINA_OPTS="-GS_SHP_MAX_SIZE=3000000000"
Be careful about changing java system property! it will effect whole Apache tomcat and might cause problem in other web apps installed.

Unable to locate Ubuntu packages during docker build

... with various errors such as
Error writing to output file - write (28: No space left on device) Error writing to file - write (28: No space left on device) [IP: 80]`
It's failing well before reaching the point it needs to copy local files, so you can run it and hopefully reproduce.
Dockerfile: https://pastebin.com/BAsJ2BzF
As suggested elsewhere I first attempted to docker system prune.
Also, out of 500gb I still have more than 126gb free. Can this really be a local file system space issue?
You need to increase the disk size in the docker settings.

azcopy error specifying multiple file patterns is not supported

I am getting this error on azcopy ;the command syntax in incorrect
azcopy error specifying multiple file patterns is not supported
my command azcopy myfile.csv kobosh.blob.core/mycontainer/destkey:key axkey.txt
any one have idea or encountered this error ?
Are you going to upload myfile.csv or axkey.txt?
The tools stopped to support multiple file pattern since 2.5 due to performance considerationg: http://ppe.blogs.msdn.com/b/windowsazurestorage/archive/2014/08/08/azcopy-2-5-release.aspx
Additionally, per the help (run 'AzCopy /?') its input format is:
AzCopy source destination [filepattern] [options]
source and dest are both "containers", in your case it should be local folder. and you need to put the option after the the pattern, as well as your URL should be correct, so it might be :
azcopy <the folder of your file> https://kobosh.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer <your file name> /destkey:key

Xcode server bot failing test action because "Too many open files in system."

The error I'm seeing is as follows:
Test target PrototypeTests encountered an error (The operation couldn’t be completed. Too many open files in system. Too many open files in system)
Test target Prototype Integration Tests encountered an error (The operation couldn’t be completed. Too many open files in system. Too many open files in system)
I am able to run the analyze and archive actions with no problems but enabling the test action causes the above errors. I've even tried this with empty tests and the problem still persists.
The output of sudo launchctl limit maxfiles on my server is:
maxfiles 256 unlimited
Please let me know if I can provide any more information.
You need to increase your ulimit. You should add the line:
ulimit -n 4096
in your ~/.profile or similar.
The reason you have to add this line to your bash launch file is because just running sudo ulimit -n 4096 will only change the limit in current bash session.
I received this same message while trying to compile while low RAM, low disk space, and many open apps & files on my desktop. Closing most of them and emptying the trash resolved the issue.
