Run tensorflow on ios with Xcode - ios

I have searched some related questions here, but I can't find the way to solve my problem.
I would like to ask how to run my python script(which includes tensorflow modules) on ios app. Are there any websites that I can follow the steps and install sucessfully? or some useful documents?
Thanks for the help!!

I think this will be hard to do:
Although there are several apps in the app store available, in which you can run python scripts, I think you cannot add external modules there (but I not that sure about that). You could check Pythonista 3, for example.
If you want to do it on your own, e.g. write your own python interpreter - but then please be sure to read point 2.5.2 in the app store review guidelines.


As a beginner using Kivy 2.0 what steps do i take to compile my project(app) into play store

Hello so I have been learning python and kivy for a year now and have finished coding my first app. It is a language learning app coded using the kivy framework.
I have been reading alot and watching tutorials but I haven't gotten the best response on what I need to do or what steps I post my app on playstore. Apparently buildozer doesn't work on windows.
As of now I have been using Kivy Launcher to test my apps.
For clarity my question is. Where do I start if I want to take my app (coded in Kivy) to playstore?
I am using Kivy 2.0 and python 3.9.1
First of all, you have to use buildozer to create your .apk file. Apparently buildozer doesn't work on windows so you have to use a virtual machine to do so. After running a virtual machine (ubuntu) you have to install buildozer and all other requirements. You can check the details on this page.
It's a long process and you will get a lot of errors while doing so. You can check some youtube tutorials like this (you won't need any server just use your virtual machine) or this. You have to carefully provide requirements in buildozer.spec file. Your app will crash a lot of times. After a lot of efforts, you will finally be able to pack your first apk. Then you can do the things to publish your app on play store.

Running R within an iOS application

I'm trying to figure out if this is doable
I know there's a way to run Python or Lua scripts within iOS. Also, I know there are already projects that make this easy to do with libraries and bridging components.
The question is - has this also been done for the R language? I've been looking around online but have only seen posts by people that have done this on a jailbroken environment. Also according to my understanding this does not go against the iOS developer license agreement as section 3.3.2 has been altered to allow running any code that's bundled along with the application binary.
Any suggestions? Directions to try?
Also you can run windows applications on iOS:
However, I have not tried these personally.

BB10 - Cascades Application - Console/Terminal Application

I am attempting to create a simple terminal application that runs on a BB10 device/simulator. I have gone through all of the available demo/example applications:
I can't seem to find a way to have an application run as a console/terminal/tty-interface on the BB10 device I'm developing for. I was hoping to port some simple console games (ie: maybe a simple thing like "Hunt the Wumpus",, and then maybe take a crack at a Rogue or Nethack port as well (hopefully without having to depend on the ncurses library (, but it's OK if I have to rely on ncurses. It just saves me from having to write additional interfacing code).
Can someone please provide a short, simple example of what I would need to write in a basic BB10 application that opens a black-and-white terminal with color support? It can be short, and just something I have to paste into an empty project.
Thank you in advance!
Here you go:
It's listed near the bottom.

Command line access to iOS app directory (sandbox) from Mac

I need to access the sandbox directory for an application installed on an iOS device, using the command line (non-gui) from a Mac or Linux. This is to help with development and testing automation. Dropping a json file into the sandbox lets me set parameters like extra debug messages and smaller refresh intervals.
A tool like iFunBox works perfectly but is graphical only, requiring numerous clicks to do this. Emails to the developers were unanswered. It also does not support AppleScript. I did find another app that provided a Fuse module, but it turned out buggy especially if the app was uninstalled and then reinstalled (in order to reset back to first time user experience). I reported the problems to the developer but there is no fix on the horizon.
The things I need to do are:
Test if an app with a specific bundle id is installed
Create Library/Caches/MYLIBNAME directory if it doesn't exist
Copy a ~100 byte json file from the Mac to that directory
Get a copy of that file
A solution that only works from Linux is acceptable too
Devices are not jailbroken and I would prefer not to need that as a requirement
In some cases I do not have the source code to the app since it is a third party using my library, so compiling different versions of the app isn't practical.
Answer is below in many comments thanks to lxt. Summary is:
Various libraries and programs associated with libimobiledevice can solve the problems
Use patched iFuse to mount an application sandbox
Use idevicesyslog to see the console log
Use ideviceinstaller to install/uninstall apps
The various libraries and programs associated with libimobiledevice are incredibly difficult if not impossible to compile as is on Linux or Mac, and there is no unified distribution of the source or binaries
For Ubuntu try libimobiledevice (may have 3 suffix), ideviceinstaller and libimobiledevice-utils packages
For Mac a search for libimobiledevice-macosx may get you some of the way there
This is going to be a little tricky, because as I think you've found out the application name is randomly generated on every install. I don't think there is a way past that, certainly that I know of. This explains the problems you're running into when simulating a new install (...the app directory name changes to a new, random hash, and then you're stuck).
Although my preference would be to access this config file in some other way (perhaps over a network, and have some code that only executes on debug/test builds check for it), if you did want to do this then I'd suggest trying something like writing a script that when you want to simulate a new install chooses the app directory that's most recently modified. But this is very hacky.
If you're not able to insert conditional code that only executes on debug/ test builds then I think the random app naming schema that iOS uses at a file system level is going to be problematic for you whatever approach you take.
Update: Regarding iFuse and libimobiledevice - out of the box it limits you to the documents directory. This is because the authors of iFuse don't entry-level users to be confused, and also because the structure is a little different depending on iOS version. You can comment out the lines in the iFuse source - fuse_opt_add_arg(&args, "-osubdir=Documents"); - to get access to the library directory through the mount. You will obviously need to re-compile iFuse yourself if doing this.
You can make use of MobileDevice Library
I know this is an old question and I doubt anyone is looking here anymore, but I thought I'd mention that you can use 'brew install libimobiledevice' to compile on the mac. There are a lot of dependencies and Homebrew really helps make it an easy process by installing them for you.

How do I package a rails as a standalone executable

I've been developing a web application and a lot of customers are asking if they can host the application in their network (for security reasons). I have been looking for a way to package up a rails app into a single executable (with server and all), but haven't been able to find anything. My other requirement is that we distribute it without the source. Because of that I was looking at JRuby and Warbler. The end product should run on linux or windows. Has anyone done anything like this before, or can anyone point me in the right direction.
My best guess would be to use JRuby and the JRubyCompiler, although I have no idea if you could compile a whole rails project (including all the required gems). I got it to compile a small ruby script though. Anyway, if you succeed, you could package those in a jar or war and deploy that as a contained application.
It doesn't sound like you necessarily need to package it as an executable, as long as the code is obfuscated. I personally haven't needed to protect any of my code, but a quick google search returned this product I'm sure there are others out there, but the basic idea is that your code is unreadable and cannot be reverse engineered. This would allow you to run a standard rails environment without giving access to your source code.
If you have the budget and really want to outsource this, the Github guys partnered with BitRock to build their cross-platform installable product (Github Firewall Install). BitRock has this case study on their website.
