OAuth 2.0 State Parameter - oauth-2.0

I am working with the eBay API using OAuth on my current Meteor project app.
There is a section of the app where I can create an eBay account profile, and assign custom values to the account (such as nick-naming it, etc.). This is where I initiate the OAuth sign-in redirect process.
My question is about the 'state' parameter in the token requests. I understand that it is for helping prevent CSRF, but do I HAVE to use it that way? 'state' does seem to be optional after all.
Let's say I wanted to pass another value into the request call such as the string 'eBay Seller', and expect that the same exact string be returned in the response. I want to use that value to help my app determine which account to assign the returned tokens to (based on which account profile initiated the redirect link).
Is 'state' a valid place to pass in a variable that I expect to be returned exactly as sent? I considered using Session variables to handle this scenario, but quickly realized that this would not work, since the OAuth process takes me outside of my project's domain.
Does OAuth support passing variables that are expected to be returned as sent? Is sending my variable as 'state' allowed or even recommended (or absolutely not recommended?) Is there a better way to achieve what I want to do that does not involve updating database values?
Thank you!

You can send what you want as state. You should try to make sure it's not guessable though, to mitigate against CSRF attacks.
If you want to return useful information like 'ebay seller' then include something for CSRF (e.g. hash of the session key id) and the text 'ebay seller' and delimit them e.g.
2CF24DBA5FB0A30E26E83B2AC5B9E29E1B161E5C1FA7425E73043362938B9824|ebay seller
Now you have the best of both worlds: useful state info + CSRF protection.
Your redirect endpoint logic can check the hash of the session id matches and also confirm the account type from the initial request.


Returning a refresh token with the resource owner flow

I have created an authentication server that implements OAuth 2 for authorization and it also provides local password authentication using the resource owner flow.
At the moment I always return a refresh token along with the access token which was an acceptable thing to do when I first implemented the feature. However now I need to implement a remember me feature in the client that uses the server. I could always just save the refresh token in the client when the user ticks the remember me checkbox but the token would still exist on the server and be usable even though the user didn't want it to.
What I want to do is simply pass a parameter along with the request that tells me whether I should create a refresh token or not.
So my question is. Is there some standard or recommended way of doing this using the fields provided in the spec or is it acceptable to simply add a parameter to the request to handle this use case?
AFAIK, there is no standardized way to choose whether to issue a refresh token or not.

Is this method of opening an endpoint secure? (rails)

I'm thinking through how to open an endpoint to my customer so he/she can trigger changes in their model from an external website (aka an API i think?)
I plan on creating an action in my controller where I skip authentication and authenticity token check. I would create a long random string to give to my customer so when they submit a POST request, they would include the random string in the params to confirm identity.
Is this a secure way of doing what I'm trying to do? Is there another/better way of doing this?
I just want my customer to be able to pass me values and my app take actions based on these values.
what you are talking about is usually called client token authentication.
i use it for my app as well: https://github.com/phoet/on_ruby/blob/master/app/controllers/api_controller.rb#L23-L29
my implementation uses a header-field to exchange the token.
if you want to have a more sophisticated variant you should look at oauth.
in terms of security, you might take additional measures by whitelisting ip ranges etc.
of course, use SSL connections only!

ASP.NET MVC 3 Web API - Securing with token

I'm trying to find the simplest way of implementing token based authentication for a number of ASP.NET MVC actions.
The Api controllers sit alongside a web app, so I need to be able to specify which actions/controllers are subject to Api authentication.
I already have a membership provider that is used for forms authentication so I'd like to reuse this to validate the user and build the returned token.
I've read several articles on implementing OAuth, but most seem really complex. I've seen several examples of using an API key, but I want to request a token and then pass it back as a parameter not necessarily as a value in the HTTP header.
Essentially process needs to be:
User requests token from auth action passing in username and
Service returns enc token
User passes enc token to future calls as a parameter to auth
What's the typical way this is done, does the client (say ajax call) need to compute a hash of the user name/pass in 1)? or plain text ok over TLS/SSL?
Any advice appreciated.
What are you concerned about with what you described?
The process you described seems viable. Typically systems will have an expiration on how long the token will be valid for, after which they need to get a new token. There are many variations for expiration though (fixed time, sliding time, etc..).
To your question regarding the username / password, the client shouldn't hash them. Just make sure they are transmitted via a secure method (SSL).

OAuth callback URL parameters with Doorkeeper

I'm Using OAuth2 with Doorkeeper to protect my API.
The problem is that one client had several different flows in which he redirects users to my OAuth flow.
He would like to dynamically add some parameters when redirecting the user to my OAuth flow and get these parameters back when I'm calling his callback URL. This way he will be able to tell from which flow this callback originated.
Is this possible with OAuth 2? with Doorkeeper? How?
Thanks Zólyomi István for your hint.
I set the state parameter before calling the auth endpoint and got it back in the callback. However, I found that I get back a state parameter with some apparently random string even if I don't set anything. Any idea what it is? I'd like to be sure I'm not messing up anything...
Well, using the state parameter was indeed the solution. Just adding state to the request and then getting it back when the control is returned to my code.
According to the specification:
The state parameter is used to link requests and callbacks to prevent
CSRF attacks where an attacker authorizes access to his own resources
and then tricks a users into following a edirect with the attacker's
Apparently ominauth oauth 2 assigns random value to this parameter unless it's used in order to detect CSRF attacks.

How to manually set an authResponse from an access token generated during server-side authentication

I am writing a web application using server-side authentication, and I've been trying to figure out a way to leverage Facebook's Javascript SDK in my application.
The documentation for FB.init defines the optional authResponse parameter as something used to "Manually set the object retrievable from getAuthResponse". It also states that once obtained, an application may store the entire authResponse object for future access. This may work if an application uses FB.login, the Javascript SDK's authentication, but what about an app using server-side authentication?
Server-side authentication enables my app to obtain a user's access token, the most crucial piece of information needed for graph API calls. I would hope that this access_token alone would be enough to construct a valid authResponse object to use to authenticate to use with the Javascript SDK.
Merely calling FB.init (with valid appID, channelUrl, and other parameters) with an authResponse containing a valid "accessToken" field is not sufficient. Including the userId is also insufficient. Ideally, these parameters alone would work. The only others defined for the authResponse are 'expiresIn' and 'signedRequest'. Which, if either, of these parameters would be sufficient to generate a valid authResponse object? To what values must they be assigned?
I managed to dig up this description of a 'signedRequest':
This document raises a number of questions. I assume that the signature is produced by a symmetric algorithm. If not, then generating it would not be possible. Assuming it is possible, the description of the payload is in no way specific. There is a list of 9 parameters, none of which are labeled as required.
Like CBroe says, you shouldn't be passing anything manually. You start with a call to FB.getLoginStatus and pass your javascript handler as an argument to this method. You will have the authResponse returned back from the getLoginStatus call.
You can, of course, in theory pass the access_token param around to any FB.api call e.g. /me?access_token=blah_blah, where blah_blah is the string you have but again, this is not required and you are better off delegating this to the response handlers.
Be very careful when using the javascript sdk and server side authentication for access token generation/extension/verification. You end up maintaining two separate code paths and end up making the same call to Facebook over and over again. Even if you are storing the access token on your side, would be always better to pick one approach that works best for you, rather than having a server side call to get access token and a client side call to FB.api to use the access token.
There is a solution for that. I didn't think that it's so easy.
FB.api('/me?access_token={{ access_token }}', function (me) {
console.log(me); //do anything with me
So you didn't need to set an Objekt Variable in FB before -
simply add the access_token as parameter with your request.
