Is this method of opening an endpoint secure? (rails) - ruby-on-rails

I'm thinking through how to open an endpoint to my customer so he/she can trigger changes in their model from an external website (aka an API i think?)
I plan on creating an action in my controller where I skip authentication and authenticity token check. I would create a long random string to give to my customer so when they submit a POST request, they would include the random string in the params to confirm identity.
Is this a secure way of doing what I'm trying to do? Is there another/better way of doing this?
I just want my customer to be able to pass me values and my app take actions based on these values.

what you are talking about is usually called client token authentication.
i use it for my app as well:
my implementation uses a header-field to exchange the token.
if you want to have a more sophisticated variant you should look at oauth.
in terms of security, you might take additional measures by whitelisting ip ranges etc.
of course, use SSL connections only!


OAuth 2.0 State Parameter

I am working with the eBay API using OAuth on my current Meteor project app.
There is a section of the app where I can create an eBay account profile, and assign custom values to the account (such as nick-naming it, etc.). This is where I initiate the OAuth sign-in redirect process.
My question is about the 'state' parameter in the token requests. I understand that it is for helping prevent CSRF, but do I HAVE to use it that way? 'state' does seem to be optional after all.
Let's say I wanted to pass another value into the request call such as the string 'eBay Seller', and expect that the same exact string be returned in the response. I want to use that value to help my app determine which account to assign the returned tokens to (based on which account profile initiated the redirect link).
Is 'state' a valid place to pass in a variable that I expect to be returned exactly as sent? I considered using Session variables to handle this scenario, but quickly realized that this would not work, since the OAuth process takes me outside of my project's domain.
Does OAuth support passing variables that are expected to be returned as sent? Is sending my variable as 'state' allowed or even recommended (or absolutely not recommended?) Is there a better way to achieve what I want to do that does not involve updating database values?
Thank you!
You can send what you want as state. You should try to make sure it's not guessable though, to mitigate against CSRF attacks.
If you want to return useful information like 'ebay seller' then include something for CSRF (e.g. hash of the session key id) and the text 'ebay seller' and delimit them e.g.
2CF24DBA5FB0A30E26E83B2AC5B9E29E1B161E5C1FA7425E73043362938B9824|ebay seller
Now you have the best of both worlds: useful state info + CSRF protection.
Your redirect endpoint logic can check the hash of the session id matches and also confirm the account type from the initial request.

OpenID Connect, oAuth2 - Where to start?

I am not sure which approach I should be taking in our implementation and need some guidance.
I have a REST API ( built in the Yii2 Framework (PHP) that accesses data from (database). On our users will be able to create Connected Apps that will provision a client id + secret - granting access to their account (full scope?).
Based on my research, the next step seems to be setting up something to actually provide the bearer tokens to be passed to the api - I have been leaning towards oAuth2, but then I read that oAuth2 does not provide authentication. Based on this I think I need OpenID Connect in order to also provide user tokens because my API needs to restrict data based on the user context.
In this approach, it is my understanding that I need to have an Authentication Server - so a few questions:
Is there software I can install to act as an OpenID Connect/oAuth2 authentication server?
Are there specific Amazon Web Services that will act as an OpenID Connect/oAuth2 Authentication Server?
I am assuming the flow will be: App makes a request to the auth server with client id + secret and receives an access token. Access token can be used to make API calls. Where are these tokens stored (I am assuming a database specific to the service/software I am using?)
When making API calls would I pass a bearer token AND a user token?
Any insight is greatly appreciated.
your understanding is not very far from reality.
Imagine you have two servers one for Authentication, this one is responsible for generating the tokens based on a Authorization Basic and base64 encoded CLientID / ClientSecret combo. This is application authentication basically. If you want to add user data as well, simply pass username / password in the post body, authenticate on the server side and then add some more data to the tokens, like the usernames, claims, roles, etc
You can control what you put in these tokens, if you use something like JWT ( Json Web Tokens ) then they are simply json bits of data.
then you have a Resource server, you hit it with a Authorization Bearer and the token you obtained from the Authorization one.
Initially the tokens are not stored anywhere, they are issued for a period of time you control. You can however do something else and store them in a db if you really want to. The expiration is much safer though, even if someone gets their hands on them they won't be available for long! In my case I used 30 minutes for token validity.
Now, you haven't specified what languages/frameworks you are looking into. If you use something like dot net then look into IdentityServer, version 4 is for Dot net core, 3 for anything below.
I also have a pretty long article on this subject if you are interested:
Hopefully all this clarifies some of the questions you have.
-- Added to answer a question in comments.
The tokens contain all the information they need to be authenticated by the resource server correctly, you don't need to store them in a database for that. As I already said, you can store them but in my mind this makes them less secure. Don't forget you control what goes into a token so you can add usernames if that's what you need.
Imagine this scenario, you want to authenticate the application and the user in the same call to the Authorization Server. Do the OAuth2 in the standard way, which means authenticate the application first based on the client id / client secret. If that passes then next do the user authentication. Add the username or userid to the token you generate and any other bits of information you need. What this means that the resource server can safely assume that the username passed to it in the token has already been validated by the authentication server otherwise no token would have been generated in the the first place.
I prefer to keep these two separate myself, meaning let the AS ( Authorization Server) to deal with the application level security. Then on the RS (Resource Server) side you have an endpoint point like ValidateUser for example, which takes care of the user validation, after which you can do whatever you need. Pick whichever feels more appropriate for your project I'd say.
One final point, ALWAYS make sure all your api calls ( both AS and RS are just apis really ) are made over HTTPS and never ever have any important information transmitted via a GET call which means the URL can be intercepted. Both Headers and POST body are encrypted and secure over HTTPS.
This should address both your questions, I believe.

Can you recommend a way to generate access token?

My team are coding a web app, which include a server and a client, I think it's obviously not advisable to send user's uid and password to server every request from client.
I am looking for a good choice to deal with this, maybe something like Oauth, is there any efficient approach?
For example, a user with username lyj and password 123456 request login from my client app, the server should check if it is permissible, after login success, the client can send more request to get other resource from server.
My problem is that, except userid and password, is there a way between server and client to make sure who is this guy, is there any suggest to transmit a access token between server and client?
Without much information on your platform and technologies I can only attempt a generic answer. There are several ways in which you can generate a token depending on how you want to use it. MD5 is a well established algorithm and you can use it to generate a oth token using something like username and email etc. Remember that you cannot decrypt MD5 string. So to do any kind of verification you will have to recreate the string using original parameters and then perform a check. If you want a hash that you can reverse you can look at something like base-64.
Both MD6 and base-64 are easily available as libraries in any back end you may be using.
Looking at your comments that you are working with a stateless client, here is a possible approach to using tokens.
Client performs login for first time. (preferably HTTPS)
Server performs validation and generates a token using MD5(or any other of your choice) using (username+email+ip_address+time_stamp) and sends it back to client
Server creates a new session for this client in the table in the database using userID , ip_address and, time_stamp
Client passes this token back for any future requests.
When client passes the token , server retrieves the session from the database and generates the MD5 hash and compares it with the token client sent. If its the same you are good.
You can also use the time-stamp value a validity window for your tokens so they are not valid forever. Also its impossible to recreate this token unless someone can create the same MD5 hash at the same time down to milliseconds
Modern web application containers have embedded the session tracking functionality. Of course there is always the choice of cookies. Its up to you what to implement...

ASP.NET MVC 3 Web API - Securing with token

I'm trying to find the simplest way of implementing token based authentication for a number of ASP.NET MVC actions.
The Api controllers sit alongside a web app, so I need to be able to specify which actions/controllers are subject to Api authentication.
I already have a membership provider that is used for forms authentication so I'd like to reuse this to validate the user and build the returned token.
I've read several articles on implementing OAuth, but most seem really complex. I've seen several examples of using an API key, but I want to request a token and then pass it back as a parameter not necessarily as a value in the HTTP header.
Essentially process needs to be:
User requests token from auth action passing in username and
Service returns enc token
User passes enc token to future calls as a parameter to auth
What's the typical way this is done, does the client (say ajax call) need to compute a hash of the user name/pass in 1)? or plain text ok over TLS/SSL?
Any advice appreciated.
What are you concerned about with what you described?
The process you described seems viable. Typically systems will have an expiration on how long the token will be valid for, after which they need to get a new token. There are many variations for expiration though (fixed time, sliding time, etc..).
To your question regarding the username / password, the client shouldn't hash them. Just make sure they are transmitted via a secure method (SSL).

Building RESTful API with MVC for an iPhone app - How to secure it?

I'm going to be writing the services for an iPhone app being built by a third party vendor.
I'll be using ASP.NET MVC to accept posts and also return JSON formatted data.
My question is, how do you secure it?
Just using an API key perhaps? Would that be enough to ensure that only data from the iPhone apps are allowed to hit the specified services?
I'm sort of struggling with the same concepts myself. I think the first thing is to do HTTPS only, so that it's starting out more secure than not.
Next, it depends on how you're going to do authentication. If all you need is an API key, (to track which entity is accessing the data) that should be fine. If you also want to track user information, you'll need some way to associate that specific API keys can access specific types of records, based on a join somewhere.
I'm looking at doing forms auth on my app, and using an auth cookie. Fortunately ASP.NET on IIS can do a lot of that heavy lifting for you.
Example time: (I'm sure I'll need to add more to this, but while I'm at work it gives something to gnaw on)
Forms auth:
Send a pair (or more) of fields in a form body. This is POST through and through. There's no amount of non-reversible hashing that can make this secure. To secure it you must either always be behind a firewall from all intruding eyes (yeah right) or you must be over HTTPS. Simple enough.
Basic auth:
Send a base64 encoded string of "username:password" over the wire as part of the header. Note that base64 is to secure as a screen door is to a submarine. You do not want it to be unsecured. HTTPS is required.
API key:
This says that an app is supposedly XYZ. This should be private. This has nothing to do with users. Preferably is that at the time that the API key is requested, a public key is shared with the API grantor, allowing the API key to be encoded on transit, thus ensuring that it stays private but still proves the source as who they are. This can get complicated, but because there is an application process and because it won't change from the vendor, this can be done over HTTP. This does not mean per-user, this means per-developing-company-that-uses-your-api.
So what you want to have happen is that for the app accessing your data, that you want to make sure it's an authorized app, you can do negotiation using private keys for signing at runtime. This ensures that you're talking to the app you want to talk to. But remember, this does not mean that the user is who they say they are.
What you can do is you can use the API key and the associated public/private keys to encode the username and password information for sending them over the wire using HTTP. This is very similar to how HTTPS works but you're only encrypting the sensitive part of the message.
But to let a user track their information, you're going to have to assign a token based on login based on a user. So let them login, send the data over the wire using the appropriate system, then return some unique identifier that represents the user back to the app. Let the app then send that information every time that you are doing user specific tasks. (generally all the time).
The way you send it over the wire is you tell the client to set a cookie, and all the httpClient implementations I've ever seen know that when they make a request to the server, they send back all cookies the server has ever set that are still valid. It just happens for you. So you set a cookie on your response on the server that contains whatever information you need to communicate with the client by.
HTH, ask me more questions so we can refine this further.
One option would be to use forms authentication and use the authentication cookie. Also, make sure all the service calls are being sent over SSL.
